Howard Cain, Sue Neve, Charlie Neve, Linda Kellie, Trisha Poole, Paul Green, Dawn Glynn, Peter Glynn, Stephen Tebbit, Morag Tebbit.
Mike Thomas, Cathy Bradley, Sam Hughes, Stacey Hughes.
The November minutes were proposed by Charlie Neve and seconded by Paul green. The minutes were then signed off by the Vice Chairman, Howard Cain.
Steve Tebbit informed the CVRA that he had looked into another mirror for the entrance to the village. The mirror that is in situ is the largest one they do,
so would not be replaced.
The agenda was distributed this month via the WhatsApp group and on the Crooke village Facebook page. Next month it will also be displayed on the village
notice board, this will be done by Morag or Steve Tebbit who hold the key. The second notice board in the field has no key so Charlie will mention this at the
next parish council meeting.
Howard said that the Christmas party had been enjoyed by all and was a great success.
Linda said the £125 that Forever Manchester charity had given the CVRA towards the Christmas party, had been returned by the credit union. She was told the
credit union did not accept payments from charities. Linda is going to look at changing the bank used by the CVRA.
Charlie reported that there had been no Shevington Parish Council meetings since October. This is due to the sad, sudden passing of the parish Clerk, Krystyna
Pilkington. She was extremely hard working in the parish and will be sadly missed.
1. Grit Bin.
Morag reported that the green grit bin beside the pub is empty. People were unable to drive from the pub carpark, up the slope during the very icy weather.
This bin belongs to the Village and is not filled by the Council. Howard will look at sourcing and costing some grit to refill it. He will also speak to the
pub and see if they will contribute to the refilling. Charlie will mention the refilling of the bin at the next Shevington Parish Council meeting.
2. Gate near lawns wood.
The broken gate was first reported by Charlie in August 2024 and has been chased many times. Councillor Mike Crosby said he would chase it after Charlie sent
him all the details. The delay was partly due to the council arguing which department was responsible for the repairs. He will bring this up at the next
parish council meeting.
3. Potholes at village entrance..
The potholes were reported on the “report it” website on 5th January. Five areas were marked by the council and the largest of these was filled 14th Jan.
Charlie spoke to the council workers, and they told him only the large one met the criteria for immediate action.
4. Crooke village signs.
Howard had said the signs on the way into the village are all very dirty. Charlie said he would clean them 15th January, weather permitting. Complete.
5. Tree across path in park.
Morag reported the fallen tree across the path by the play park, Charlie said he would try and move the tree off the path.
6. Antisocial behaviour consultation, Wigan council.
Howard said he would share a link on the WhatsApp and Village FB Page group for an antisocial behaviour survey on the Wigan council next door app.
Paul Green proposed tidying up the hedgerow opposite the marina. Howard said this should be done as a team and not an individual. It was decided that we
should look at the site and discuss at the next meeting. In the meantime, Charlie will check if the council will do in as it is encroaching onto the narrow
Mike Thomas, Howard Cain, Morag Tebbit, Sue Neve, Charlie Neve, Stephen Tebbit, Kathy Bradley, John Whitely, Paul Green, Sam Hughes, Tricia Poole,
Hilda Snowden.
Linda Kellie, Pete Glynn, Dawn Glynn.
Due to a misunderstanding a copy of the October minutes was unavailable to everyone at the meeting, October 2024 minutes will now be ratified at the 10th
December 2024 CVRA meeting.
Mike reported that he had seen a local resident litter picking in the entrance to the village, he stopped to thank him for helping to keep our village clean.
Mike knows, and wanted to thank, the many people who independently conduct litter picks in and around the village, outside of the organised group litter
Howard reported that he had done a full ‘village letterbox drop’ with forms for the seniors Christmas party to be held Saturday 21st December, Crooke Hall
Inn, he has had 12 forms back.
Not present.
John reported that everything is covered in the Coopted Member’s written SPC report.
1. Project List.
Mike is concerned some of the trees in the entrance to the village are obstructing the lights and road signs. It is intended that he, with some assistance
from other residents, will trim the trees back.
Mike, with the help from Steve Tebbit, will investigate getting a second traffic mirror for the entrance to the village.
2. Seniors’ Christmas party 21st December 2024.
It is hoped that more seniors will get their forms back to Howard. Steve is going to speak to some older residents who have yet to respond. Mike has said that
we have in previous years taken a meal to some senior residents who are unable to attend in person. Consideration will be given to opening the lunch to
younger residents, at a cost.
3. Open Spaces Training.
Charlie had forwarded a document about the National Open Spaces Society to the members of the CVRA Committee. The document includes links to courses and
information about Protecting Commons, Greens and Open Spaces. It was thought this might be of interest to CVRA residents. A precis of the whole document with
dates of the courses and their links is attached to these minutes. Tricia Poole expressed her interest in this training and was passed the website details by
6. AOB
Morag Tebbit reported that the church sign at the entrance to the village had been taken down by the new owners of the garage. she wants to know if it can be
relocated somewhere else at the entrance to the village. Mike said he will liaise with the new owners on the church’s behalf.
Steve Tebbit asked about the broken fence at the end of the village, which was knocked down by a car being driven across the fields. This has not been
repaired. Mike intends to talk to the farmer and see if posts could be put in to stop this happening again.
Tricia Poole said that her camper van had been damaged, while parked at the far end of the village.
Kathy Bradley said that a local resident had complained to her about weeds growing outside the fronts of some houses and asked if anything could be done
about this?
Morag said there had been two residents enquiring about the resident’s community allotment. Some of the residents who had been using the different small plots are no longer using them. Mike said we would clear the different plots and start afresh.
Mike ended the meeting by reporting that in the last 3 – 4 years much fund raising had been done for a young Shevington parish resident called Lincoln.
Sadly, Mike informed the meeting that Lincoln had passed away on 11/11 at the age of 11.
Next Meeting is on Tuesday 10th December 2024 at 7.00pm. There will be the AGM first and then a normal meeting thereafter.
The Decembers sheduled meeting became a social event so the minutes for November will be ratified in January and posted then. As the website editor, I would
like to wish everyone a Very Merry Christmas and a look forward to a Happy and Prosperous New Year for 2025.
Howard Cain, Linda Kellie, Paul Green, Morag Tebbit, Charlie and Sue Neve, Tricia Poole, Stephen Tebbit, Kathy Bradley, John Whitely.
Mike Thomas, Dawn and Pete Glynn, Mandy McDonagh.
Mike welcomed everyone to the meeting. Because Charlie was attending Shevington Parish Council as CVRA representative it was agreed by the meeting that
Charlie be considered as a committee member, therefore there was a quorum.
It was noted that the minutes incorrectly stated that the suspension of the Crook Village Gardening Club was due to ill health when, in fact, no specific
reason had been given.
Subsequent to the meeting it was reported, via a committee member, that a resident had damaged their car trying to turn by the pub during the festival. The
turning space was restricted by a truck carrying scaffold poles which extended beyond the body of the truck and could not be seen when reversing.
Though no blame is apportioned to the truck, it exposed one of the difficulties faced by residents. The same resident also reported an argument and fight
outside their door during the festival but felt the pub was doing a great job in raising money for the Wigan Hospice, and the whole event was run sensibly.
The report was made late as the resident was away at the time of the September meeting.
The September minutes as amended above were proposed by Paul Green, seconded by Charlie Neve and agreed by all.
No change since the September meeting. The details of the budget will be given at the AGM next month.
John commented about the funding of the defibrillators. It was left for Wigan council to determine what to do about who services them, charge the batteries
1. Project List.
2. Sadeguarding Policy.
Linda Kellie shared a draft for the CVRA Safeguarding Policy for Children and Vulnerable Adults which has been prepared in line with the guidance for
community groups recommended by the Wigan Safeguarding Partnership.
It was agreed that the CVRA Constitution would be updated to reflect the new policy and both would be brought forward for sign off at the CVRA AGM in November
following agreement in principle by the CVRA Committee. Howard Cain to action.
Linda recommended that the CVRA should introduce a brief Social Media Safeguarding Policy for its Facebook and WhatsApp groups. Morag to speak with Stacey.
3. Flood Defences.
On 30th September the entrance to Crooke Village and the pub car park were flooded once again. A discussion took place highlighting a number of issues,
including Lawns Wood’s role in acting as a flood basin and the potential impact of the City of Trees initiative.
Charlie Neve reminded the meeting that agreement had been reached with Shevington Parish Council to stop any additional drainage water off run being sent
into Millbrook and on to Crooke village. It was also noted that, from time to time, there may be an impact from spring tides reducing the ability of the
River Douglas to cope with draining the higher volumes of water.
As the frequency of flooding has increased additional suggestions were shared including problems would increase. Steve said that the dwarf wall at the marina
is causing problems, as the water was going around the ends of it. If it had holes made in it there would be less pressure of water flowing into the marina
and it would reduce the flood risk to houses nearby.
It was noted that due to the old, combined sewage and drainage system there is a potential risk to homes and to health should the current pipework be unable
cope with the increased load.
It was unclear how any additional flood defences could protect the village whilst still allowing for access. Ideas were shared including building a new bridge
to provide greater capacity beneath. Paul and Steve suggested that a temporary bridge could be installed during construction. It was noted that nursery
traffic still entered and exited the village at great speed whatever the conditions.
4. Festival Parking.
A discussion was held on the impact of the annual Beer, Boat & Bands Festival on parking. It was noted that issues were reduced from 2023 but that more use
could be made of the increased security team.
This potential for the CVRA and Crooke Village residents to work together was raised but it was agreed that the matter would be deferred until next year.
5. Bins
On 27 September 2024 Charlie had reported the bin on the footpath beside 99a Crooke Road as overflowing. This was a second time of reporting but Wigan Council
closed the report as completed even though the matter was unresolved. On 7th October the matter was reported once again.
Following communication with Krystyna Pilkington at SPC it was advised that the bins had not been emptied as the usual contractor had been on leave and his
replacement did not know where the bins were. It was noted that the bins have now been emptied.
6. Christmas Lunch
The date was set for Saturday 21st December. Howard had liaised with Libby as to the menu. He proposed that the menu be formally accepted, Tricia seconded
the motion and we all agreed.
Howard will issue an invitation to Crooke Village residents as in previous years asking for details of attendees and menu choices.
Steve mentioned 4x4 vehicles coming down from Shevington, making a mess of the fields and destroying fences as they tried to come into the village.
The land to the rear of 60, 62 and 66 Crooke has been sold STC. As the sale is ongoing no plans for any development of the property have been submitted.
`Should that subsequently happen, plans would need to be submitted to Wigan Council and would be reviewed by SPC for any comments. CVRA can monitor this by
their coopted member.
Next Meeting is on Tuesday 8th November 2024 at 7.00pm. There will be the AGM first and then a normal meeting thereafter.
The Decembers sheduled meeting became a social event so the minutes for November will be ratified in January and posted then. As the website editor, I would
like to wish everyone a Very Merry Christmas and a look forward to a Happy and Prosperous New Year for 2025.
Mike Thomas, Paul Green, Morag Tebbit, Dawn and Peter Glyn, Charlie and Sue Neve, Sam Hughes, Stephen Tebbit, John Whitely.
Linda Kelly.
Mike welcomed everyone to the meeting. Because Charlie was attending Shevington Parish Council as CVRA representative it was agreed by the meeting that
Charlie be considered as a committee member, therefore there was a quorum.
In any other business it was pointed out that Wigan Council were aware of the falling trees in Lawn's Wood, and perhaps some may fall on the main road. During
the recent high winds one did fall on to the road. no damage was done. Wigan Council closed the road while it tidied up fallen branches. Charlie will mention
this to SPC. Also the bridge going from the bottom of Lawns Wood to the main road had a disintegrated gate post and broken fence rails and thus were a
potentional safety hazard for animals and people.
The July minutes were proposed by Dawn Glyn, seconded by Paul Green and agreed by all.
John brought up the problem of the defibrillators. Brighter Borough money paid for the defibrillators. The cost of servicing each defib's battery was £300
-£400. It was proposed that Wigan Council should consider funding maintenance. Ward councillors were going to be approached. Crooke Hall Inn provide the
electricity for it.
1. Project List. Tasks are ongoing.
2. Tippler. Dawn has tidied this area for the last 8 or 9 years but is not fit enough to continue. A litter pick and Tippler tidy would be put on social media
by Morag stating that a litter pick and Tipple tidy , volunteers wanted at 10 am on Saturday 14th September . Everyone would be welcome!
Sadly Dawn has to give up the Gardening club due to ill health. We thank Dawn for her great work over the last few years.
3. Fly Tipping. This topic has been addressed. It was pointed out that there were no litter bins between Wigan and Burscough. The only one was at the
Crooke Hall car park. Charlie will contact CRT on this issue. Everyone coming into the village by foot or car, and boaters are all contributing to the problem
of litter in the village.
4. Crooke Hall Music Festival. Libby and her team were applauded in the way the festival had been organised. Security men were employed to be a visible
deterrent for bad behaviour etc. Traffic in the village was not as bad as before as there were signs up discouraging traffic in the village and side road
opposite the pub, and the road going up towards Shevington had barricades on them. This measure was applauded by some of the residents.
Sunday's weather was very wet but the whole event was well attended and nearly £5000 was raised for Wigan Hospice. Well done Libby and her brilliant team.
The CCC were holding their Christmas Dinner in the pub on 14th December. CVRA will decide when to have theirs at the next meeting.
The litter pick and the Tippler tidy up will be on Saturday 14th September. Meeting at the Tippler at 10 am. Everyone welcome to come and help.
Thank you John for your continued support.
Next Meeting is on Tuesday 8th October 2024 at 7.00pm. There will be the AGM first and then a normal meeting thereafter.
Mike Thomas, Paul Green, Moirag Tebbit, Linda Kelly, Stephen Tebbit, Sam Hughes and John Whitely.
Howard Cain, Kathy Bradley, Charlie and Sue Neve, Dawn Cain, Mandy and Brandon McDonagh.
Poo bags had been procured by Mike and was in contact with the gentleman from Wigan Council who empties the bins. The fencing on the green area in front of the
church had been erected, and the compost bin had been completed. Thanks to M and Y for doing the work. Linda amended the balance in the bank as £1840. Sadly
Crooke stall at Shevington Fete didn't happen for unforeseen reasons. But the event went well.
The June minutes were proposed by Steve Tebbit, seconded by Paul Green and agreed by all.
Charlie was not present. John read thorough the minutes of the 2 SPC meetings which had taken place. The Annual Inspection walks are due to take place all over
Shevington and Crooke. Two of the inspection walks would take place on Monday 5th August and Friday 9th August. The walk around Crooke will take place on
Wednesday 7th August at 2pm. Mike Grimes, John Whitely and Mike Thomas will attend that inspection. Flooding in Shevington hadn't been as bad as usual, grass
cutting in Shevington had had its problems and double yellow lines had been painted on Vicarage Lane to stop cars parking there. There will be a judgement of
the best allotment in Shevington. There is an allotment in Shevington which nobody wanted to take on because of the shaded parts of the allotment making
growing veg etc would be a problem. It was suggested that the payment for that allotment might be smaller because of the difficulties.
Mike had told the meeting that the compost area had been completed, and the fencing opposite the church had been erected. Wood chips had been placed on the
land near number 99, to be put around the compost area. Mike shifted it with his machine. Thank you Mike.
Linda said that there had been no action with the money. She said that insurances had to paid within the next week, of £91.82, a £2.00 increase. There was
talk of needing a safeguarding policy. Linda said she would look into that.
1. Project List. Tasks are ongoing. The nettles, vegetation which was growing up round the mirror at the entrance to the village need to be cut down as they
were blocking signage and the mirror. Talk about getting a larger mirror and moving the smaller mirror across to John Maiden's land was discussed. Steve to
investigate costings. John Maiden was to be approached asking his permission to erect a mirror on his land.
The telephone wires which are hanging down at the top of the village were talked about. Telecom engineer had been on site and was investigating the problem and
hopefully he would cut down the vegetation which was endangering the wires. Lawns Wood was mentioned. Wigan Council were not doing anything about the walkway
which was impassable. Mike suggested that a work party be put together to tackle this problem. Mike would take photos and send them to the council. As it is
the fallen trees act as a dam to stop water from flowing too quickly under the bridge at the marina. The meeting acknowledged that trees in Lawns Wood were in
danger of falling on to the main road. The council have been made aware of the safety issues. The path from the field behind the church and nursery coming down
to Crooke Road just after the pub, had been widened by getting the grass cut. Sadly it had grown back. And where the path met the road, cars are parked over
the exit of the path, making walkers, Mums and prams unable to get off the path without going across the grass. Chevron road markings were suggested.
Next Meeting is on Tuesday 14th August 2024 at 7.00pm.
Mike Thomas, Paul Green, Moirag Tebbit, Linda Kelly, Stephen Tebbit, Sam Hughes and John Whitely.
Howard Cain, Kathy Bradley, Charlie and Sue Neve, Stacey Hughes.
Thank you Stacey for doing the April minutes. Morag has e-mailed CRT about the missing gates on the towpath. It is still being used by motorcycles, 4 by 4's,
scooters etc. at great speed.
The April minutes were proposed by Mike Thomas, seconded by Paul Green and agreed by all.
John went through Charlie's SPC report. It is attached.
Linda said that there had been no action with the money. The balance was £1700. She had given Morag £100 historical payment for paper and computer ink
1. Project List. Tasks are ongoing. The compost bin had been erected by M and Y Projects. Some pieces of wood had been left by the area to complete the
building of it. Sadly this wood has been stolen.
2. Application Form for grants. Charlie had wanted to apply for a grant for money for purchase of flowers. However after some discussion it was agreed that
as there was money in the CVRA account given to us by the Coop and other sources, it was deemed not right to ask for more money. But wait to apply for it
when money was needed. Mike will message Charlie to explain the decision to delay asking for a grant.
3. Dog poo bags. Mandy McDonagh had spoken to Morag about the mess of dog poo in the field behind the church and nursery. She asked Morag to ask the CVRA if she
could put poo bags in convenient places for people to use to pick up their dog poo. Linda has put some poo bags on a bag near her door and they have been well
used. Mike will ask Charlie to ask the man who does empty the bins, if there was a receptacle Wigan Council could provide to hold poo bags.
4. Shevington Fete. Mike told the meeting that the process of setting up the CCTV stall at the fete is very time consuming, and more help was needed. It will
be put on social media that help was needed. Sam said he would help. Paul said he would too. However more help is needed. Mike said that he could not get to
drive his wagon on to the field. He and everyone else had to carry on foot the stuff they needed to set up their stall. John explained that SPC was
responsible for the upkeep of the field, and that the wagons would make a mess of the field.
Linda asked the meeting about the state of the fallen trees in Lawn's wood. Mike said that it was good because the fallen trees were acting as a dam to
prevent water flooding further downstream. Further up where there was a walkway to the main road, this was rotten and dangerous to walk on. Mike said he had
a machine which would clear up some of the mess and he would look at the rotten walkway.
Paul mentioned Himalayan Balsam was everywhere. Sam said that you could never eradicate it. Steve mentioned Japanese Knotweed was in some pens in the village.
It was concluded that it was the owner's responsibility to get rid if it from their gardens.
John asked the meeting about Crooke Charity Festival in the village. It is another name for the beer festival. There was a charge of £2 to get in and that
went to Wigan and Leigh Hospice. John said it should be put on Shevington website. Mike told the meeting of an exciting new venture. Dan and the bees, an
organisation, was going to erect 7 bee hives at the top of the village where Woodcock Row was. He would market the honey as Crooke Honey. He might organise
open days to make people aware of the importance of bees.
Next Meeting is on Tuesday 9th July 2024 at 7.00pm.
There was no meeting in the 14th May as there were not enough committee members to form a quarum but there was a discusion about the village and ideas were
exchanged. The next meeting will be on the 11th June, 2024 at 7pm at The Crooke Hall Inn.
Mike Thomas, Howard Cain, Paul Green, Stacey Hughes, Hilda Snowden, Charlie and Sue Neve and Trisha Poole.
Morag and Steve, Linds, Dawn and Peter Glynn.
March meeting Proposed. Approved by Howard and seconded by Paul.
Trees - recently planted in field looking good.
Reinstatement of gates along the canal - Morag's item, Morag to provide update on return.
Charlie - Reported the bin outside the pub. Libby has asked for two extra bins.
Charlie mae a correction in previous minutes for the Shevington Parish council about bins.
Pothole outside 99a Crooke Road - has been inspected ( S Hughes) awaiting report/repair.
Mike - Footpath clearance on green at side of 99a. Mike will volunteer his time to supervise work.
Allotment request outside the Village - clarified that it is for residents only. Any queries to be passed to the parish council.
Running up to the election.
Parish news letter due.
Charlie explained procedure of dismantling the parish council.
Project list.
Missing bench - project list (this has not been completed as of early May 2024).
Footpath projects.
A few items were deleted.
Shevington Fete - Mike requested volunteers to help. Paul volunteered, Howard to book plot.
Cathy - not here to talk about CCTV.
Crooke Fest - No public liability assurance to open up field to parking. No marshals available unless private - who's paying?
Parking - ask residents what can be done? i.e. barriers? Traffic management.
Trisha - Land cleared adjacent to Wigan Lower Road. Mike, Charlie and Sue confirmed it's being relandscaped to keep horses and Paddock. (Improved drainage
on Wigan Lower Road as a result).
Paul updated the website.
Next Meeting is on Tuesday 14th May 2024 at 7.00pm.
Mike Thomas, Howard Cain, Paul Green, Morag Tebbit, Stephen Tebbit, Dawn Glynn, Hilda Snowden, Charlie Neve, Linda Kellie.
John Whitely, Kathy Bradley, Sue Neve, Peter Glynn.
Mike welcomed everyone to the meeting.
The January minutes were proposed by Dawn Glyn, seconded by Howard Cain and agreed by all.
Charlie went through his SPC report. Regarding the missing Wigan bin outside the pub, Libby had approached the council to replace it, and even add 2 more.
Mike told the meeting that another anonymous note had been put on a car windscreen stating clearly untruths. But as it was anonymous it was agreed that
nothing should be done about it. If you have a grievance get it out and and talk to the person. Wayne's cherry picking machine was mentioned , but Mike has
used this machine, and Wayne was going to tackle the wire problem, leaning on trees at the top of the village.
None given.
Howard told the meeting that he had done a mini litter pick.
A litter pick will take place on Sunday 18th, meeting at pub at 10am.
Howard will refresh, reprint and circulate the list.
Dawn showed the meeting a flier she had created. This flier is attached. Also attached is a leaflet about Shevington Community Allotments First Spring Show.
With respect to the planting of the donated 'orchard' trees Mike could dig deep holes to put nutrients in to help the trees to grow. Charlie was keeing an
eye on the City of Trees which was planted on the field a few years ago. He and Sue clear thistles, grass etc, growing round the trees regularly to help them
grow. Thank you Charlie and Sue. He told the meeting there were 7 areas where the trees had been planted , and there were 40 -50 trees still growing in each
area. So 350 trees still living, which is a high percentage.
Charlie said it was minuted before Covid that it was illegal to put up signs on private land. They used to be put up on a fence to the right of the road going
out of the village. But a house has been built on that stretch of road, so the signs couldn't be put there. After some discussion it it was felt that
legalities should be looked into, and the secretary will send an email to the estate agents relating our problem with the signs being an eyesore and
obstructing legitimate signs erected there, eg signage for Crooke Methodist Church.
As Kathy was not at the meeting this could not be discussed.
See the back of the agenda for the events for the year. Any events happening in Crooke, let Howard know.
Linda told the meeting about her terrifying encounter with young men on quad bikes roaring up and down on the path to Shevington. She and her dogs were
terrified. The quad bikes were racing across farmers fields. Mike said he would tell the farmer.
Discussion broadened out to motorbikes and quad bikes on the towpath driving at great speed, frightening dog walkers, cyclists and pedestrians. The gates had
never been reinstated after the making of the new widened towpath. The secretary would contact CRT.
Charlie told the meeting that there were no litter bins for putting rubbish in or dog waste between Wigan and Gathurst. There was one bin at the Crooke Hall
Inn car park but that was often overflowing. Hence the need for the Wigan Council owned litter bin outside the front of the pub be reinstated and two others
asked for by Libby at the pub.
The meeting closed at 8.30 pm.
Next Meeting is on Tuesday 9th April 2024 at 7.00pm.
Mike Thomas, Howard Cain, John Whitely, Paul Green, Morag Tebbit, Stephen Tebbit, Dawn Glynn, Pete Glynn. Hilda Snowden, Tricia Poole, Charlie Neve, Kathy
Linda Kellie, Kim Wain.
Mike welcomed everyone to the meeting. It was noted that the section actions arising was changed to the talking of the excellent Christmas lunch.
Nothing had happened re the offer of work to do in Crooke by Peter Collins, who was in charge of the development of the old primary school next to Shevington
Surgery to residential shelter housing. Charlie and John would follow this up. The Christmas tree, fencing and light source had been taken away but the land
was left in a mess with tyre marks on the grass, Charlie will take photographs of the mess and show it to Peter Collins, showing the need for fencing round
that grass area. Dawn mentioned the sticks marking the boundary round the trees in the field, had fallen over, rotten. Mike said that he would mention this
to the team who came on Saturdays to widen the path around the field to see if they could rectify this. Dawn said that a fox had defecated in the allotment
and not a dog as previously thought. It certainly hadn't been back in the last couple of weeks. The pothole at the entrance to the village had been fixed.
There was a large pothole round a man hole opposite 99. This had been reported to the relevant people. The minutes were proposed as an accurate recording by
Paul Green , seconded by Tricia, agreed by all.
The January minutes were proposed by Paul Green, seconded by Tricia and agreed by all.
Mike said that Stacey had told him about Balfour Beattie giving away free trees after the cancellation of the HS2 train service. Stacey will order some and
Mike will collect them. Mike told the meeting that a local lady had planted a few trees.
John told the meeting about the precept for Shevington and Standish Lower Ground going up by 5%. He told the meeting that the parish council had a little
income of £6000 making a balance of £16000. Annual expenditure was £116000 making £100000 to find. There will be £50000 kept in reserve. The clerk to the
council was looking after the money and Councillor Grimes to watch over the budget.
John reminded the meeting that nominations for commendations for people had to be in within the week. The award would be given at the Annual Parish meeting
on March 20th.
The Shevington Fair will be on 22nd June. This subject will be put on next month's agenda.
None given.
Howard told the meeting that it had been 5 years since the start of WhatsAPP Group.
Mike told the meeting that a woman from Gathurst did a litter pick on her own as she went on her walk. Mike would resource a litter picker up stick, and a
hoop, and ask her to leave the bag near a bin so Mike could pick it up.
A litter pick will take place on Sunday 18th, meeting at pub at 10am.
Howard will refresh, reprint and circulate the list.
Dawn showed the meeting a flier she was creating to explain the ethos of the gardening club. She proposed she completed a flier aboout the gardening club,
including meeting dates and circulate them to the village. Morag seconded the proposal and all agreed. The first two dates to meet are March 16th and April
20th. All will be welcome and Libby at the Crooke Hall Inn will provide barm cakes.
Mike told the meeting that the first time the group came there were 8 people who worked for 4 hours. The second time they came 4 came and did 2 hours. Bad
weather the next time stopped them coming. Tricia said they were doing a great job. Mike said that they were very respectful of walkers passing them. They
stopped work while they passed. Mike will tell them of our appreciation of the work they have done, and the respect they showed for passer’s by.
As Rachel was not at the meeting general talk of parking the village was discussed. No specific instances were mentioned. Steve proposed that a bigger mirror
was put in the place of the mirror at the entrance of the village and the smaller one placed on John Maiden's side so that drivers coming down from
Shevington could see cars coming out of the village. Howard said people should put their lights on as they left the village. Mike said he would trim the
trees so that lights could be actually seen as you were entering the village on foot.
Morag told the meeting of the weeds growing on the pavements on the south side of the road. In the past Joe Shovelton and Steve scraped the weeds away with
spades. Mike said he would investigate on Sunday at the litter pick.
See the back of the agenda for the events for the year. Any events happening in Crooke, let Howard know.
Tricia told the meeting about the tree opposite her could not be trimmed as the branches were leaning on a BT telephone wire. Charlie will investigate and
see what can be done.
Kathy asked if CCTV could be put back on the agenda as a lot of people were asking if it was going to be installed.
Kathy told the meeting that a fence was down as you go out of the village, as you walk (or jog) up to Shevington. A dog was seen chasing deer across the
fence. Mike said that a dog had chased a deer away which had obviously just given birth. She ran away. The calf still had its umbilical cord attached and
sadly died. Mike will redo that fence again, for the fourth or fifth time.
The meeting closed at 8.20 pm.
Next Meeting is on Tuesday 12th March 2024 at 7.00pm.
Mike Thomas, Howard Cain, John Whitely, Paul Green, Morag Tebbit, Stephen Tebbit, Mandy Mousdell, Kim Waine, Dawn Glynn, Pete Glynn. Sam Hughes, Tricia
Poole and Charlie Neve.
Stacey Hughes, Sue Neve and Kathy Bradly.
Mike welcomed everyone to the meeting and wished everyone a good New Year.
He told the meeting that a few weeks ago he met a lady walking her little dog on a lead, who was shocked by a German Shepherd coming full speed at her and
her little dog. The young man with the GS off the lead, laughed at her and verbally abused her. He told the meeting to be aware of such incidents and let him
know about it. Tricia said she had spoken to the woman on the same day.
The September minutes were proposed by Paul Green, seconded by Steve Tebbit and agreed by all.
Howard thanked everyone who had attended the Christmas lunch, thanked Steve and Morag for organising the lunch, and the pub for providing excellent food.
Steve thanked Howard for his silly games.
She told the meeting that there was £1870.40 in Unify and circa £180 in petty cash.
None given.
Nonme given.
None given.
Howard will refresh, reprint and circulate the list.
Charlie told the meeting that he had had a conversation with a Mr Peter Collins back in October 2023. Mr Collins is in charge of the Miles Road Primary School
development into residential care homes. He told Charlie that money from that project would be available for small projects around Shevington. Charlie told
him about four projects in Crooke,
1) the fence round the green needed to stop cars from parking on the grass, a space to be kept where the kerb is dropped so that Wigan Council grass cutting
machinery cold cut the grass,
4) 2 unadopted roads needed tarring. Charlie has not heard from him since October. He acknowledged that other sites in Shevington had been made better by Mr
Collins and his team, but nothing was happening in Crooke. He would try and get in touch with him to see what was happening.
The tale of the missing bench was mentioned. After discussion about who owned the bench, who owned the land it should be placed on, Vicky Galligan promised
to reinstate the bench, she said there was no Brighter Borough money for it.
This will be done on Saturday 13th January from 9 am until 2 pm by a group of 'community payback' people. They will supervised by Johnny from Wigan Council.
They will have access to the church toilets. Steve will open the church.
The work on the paths may be photographed, before and after, but NO photos of people. The width of the path should be at least a metre and the turves would
be placed at the side of the stream forming a barrier for water to not go over.
The tree roots that are lifting the tarmac need to be removed. This may require some tree felling.
Howard told the meeting that this was a great event. It will be on Friday 26th January from 7.45pm to 10.45 and a very good buffet was included in the £6 per
person price. Teams of up to 6 are invited to enter. See Shevington Newsletter.
Again see Shevington Newsletter for details of how you put nominations in.
See the back of the agenda for the events for the year. Any events happening in Crooke, let Howard know.
Mike told Linda that the rent of £30 to Wigan Council for the allotment had been paid by him. From October it will be £45. John said that
Shevington allotments were much cheaper. Pete told the meeting that dogs seemed to be using the allotment as their toilet area, sanctioned by their owners,
as a gate had to be opened for the dogs to go in. After a little discussion Pete said he would fit a combination lock to the gate.
The pot hole at the entrance to the village had been reported to the council by Charlie, and Stacey. There is a reference number. Charlie has it. He got a
reply to his telling the council about the pot hole that this urgent matter would take 15 days to rectify.
John Whitely told the meeting that he is trying to raise £10000 for an electric advertising board which anyone in Shevington, Standish lower Ground and
Crooke could use. It would be placed outside the library.
Mike told the meeting to watch out for scammers.
The meeting closed at 8.20 pm.
Next Meeting is on Tuesday 13th February 2024 at 7.00pm.
Dear all.
The CVRA met for its final meeting of 2023.
As there was no agenda, the meeting became a sharing of information.
Apologies from, Mike Thomas, Paul Green, John Whitely, Sue and Charlie Neve, Kath Bradley, Mandy Mousdell, Hilda Snowden, Morag and Steve Tebbit, Brendan and
Mandy McDonough and Kim Waine.
Howard welcomed everyone to the meeting. He went on to say that we should remember Joe Shovelton who had died a few weeks ago. He was a great servant of
Crooke. He had been born in the village and over the years, everyone knew him and will miss him and his quirky ways.
His funeral will be held on Monday, the 20th November, 12 noon at St. John's church Pemberton, Thereafter at Gathurst Golf Club.
Next item was Christmas lunch. Linda has applied for funding to communities for funding of £100.
Morag and Steve have had 16 names returned as attending. The lunch has been opened out to any villager and we are waiting replies. Libby has produced a
menu which will be delivered to attending villagers in due course.
Howard thanked Linda, Steve and Morag. Thank you Howard for your promise of silly games etc.
Charlie told us that Janet Brown's husband had suddenly sadly died. Funeral arrangemenrts were not known. He also said that Peter Collins was on board for
helping Crooke Village in a number of ways. See Charlie's SPC Report which will be sent seperately.
Miles Lane development will hopefully be finished by October 2024 and Crooke jobs would hopefully be done by then too? He also said that the SPC would pay for
future wreaths for putting on the Oak Tree on Rememberance day.
Charlie told us that Johnny Brown would work on the path around the field.
Hilda asked about the entrance to the village, driving wise? Further investigation will be done about right of way signage. Charlie will take the matter to
the SPC.
There nwill be a litter pick on Sunday 19th November. Meet at the pub at 10am. Pickers, bags and hoops provided.
Message from Morag.
Take care, Happy Christmas and a good new year to you all. See you on January.
There will be no meeting in December 2023 so the next meeting is on Tuesday 9th January 2024.
Dear all.
Mike welcomed Mandy and Brendan McDonough to the meeting. They live on a boat.
Mary Ellen wanted to talk about allotments.
Other attendees were, Morag Tebbit, Michael Thomas, Paul Green, Trisha Poole, Stacey Hughes, Charlie Neve, Linda Kellie, and Steve Tebbit.
Apologies from, John Whitely, Sue Neve, Dawn Glynn, Sam Hughes.
I will write the minutes of the AGM and send them out at a later date.
Mike conducted the AGM and the upshot was that the present members of the committee, the Chairman, the Treasurer and the Secretary were all willing stay in
their positions for another year.
The vice chairman will be approached to stay in his role at the next meeting. Mike thanked everyone on the committee for their hard work, also Paul for his
work for the village and the web site, and Charlie for his work for the village when attending the SPC.
Because there was no agenda we did not have an ordinary meeting , just a chat.
There was talk about the new tow path, the funding of it, and the extension into Lancashire where the funding was not as much as Greater Manchester, and the
use of motor cycles on the towpath.
There was talk about other projects to be done in the village, fencing, tarring the footpath and a few others. Charlie will investigate.
There was talk about the discharging of elsans from campervans. During the music festival the owners of the campervans could use the pub’s facilities.
There was talk about the Christmas lunch for seniors being opened up to other residents. There would be leaflets posted to offer residents at a later date.
Thank you to Tricia for offering to post them.
Thank you all for attending.
Next meeting is on Tuesday 14th November.
Mike Thomas, Howard Cain, John Whitely, Paul Green, Morag Tebbit, Stephen Tebbit, E H Snowden, Mandy Mousdell, Kim Waine. Kathy Bradley, Charlie Neve, Dawn
Glynn, Peter Glynn.
Sam and Stacey Hughes, Sue Neve, Linda Kellie.
The June minutes were proposed by Steve Tebbit, seconded by Mike Thomas and agreed by all.
Howard thanked everyone who had attended the village picnic, and thanked the church for the loan of tables. We should have more of such events to bring people
John went through the report written by Charlie. John told the meeting that there were 30 people had come to the meeting to protest about proposed development
of Broadacres to a special facility for children with specific needs and its position was not in keeping with a specialised institution. The walk around Crooke
by Vicky Galligan, ward councillor, Mike Thomas and Charlie on Wednesday 9th August to inspect the notice board, planters and benches owned by the SPC took
place. Mike to talk about this in his report. Charlie will arrange to buy a poppy wreath to be put at the base of the WW1 Oak tree on 11th November.
Mike said that when the three of them went on their inspection walk, it was noted to have the three new signs about Lawns Wood in such proximity was a bit
silly but it would cost too much to move them, as much as a bench. As it was Wigan's responsibility to replace the bench it was advised that ward councillors
should not fund its replacement from Brighter Borough money. Vicky took on board that councillors should come to Crooke more often, and she would investigate
the missing bench. The precept we all pay should be used to pay where the need was not per head count.
Howard asked about Tricia's idea had been taken forward, but Steve said that she had not got in touch about Geocasting and Tricia was not present at the
Mike said that some of the jobs he had planned to do hadn't happened as his equipment had broken down but he would tidy up the monster of a plant near Joe's
entrance to his pen, as it has very sharp, very large leaves which are a danger to pedestrians.
Tricia was not present at the meeting but it was noted that the festival was excellent, and made over £4000 for the hospice. Discussion about problems for
parking ended in the proposal by Howard, that an action group be formed to be put on the January meeting, forming a proposal /plan for festival parking. As a
lot of rules couldn't be met this year regarding the opening of the field, owned by Wigan Council, needing stewards and marshals. People who would be involved
to include the pub, the village, the council and the charity. This was seconded by Kathy and all agreed.
As Trisha was not at the meeting we didn't know quite what she meant. All festival goers had access to the pub's toilets obviously. There were not many
campervans in the car park for the weekend, so they should have been able to take their cassettes home to empty. Dawn mentioned that some weekends had
considerably more campervans in the car park, and that there must be regulations that the hosts should adhere to. There was discussion about frustrated
festival goers and villagers exchanging bad comments about lack of turning for cars outside the pub. But the parking issue will be addressed by the action
group created in January.
Morag told the meeting that maybe we should open up the invitation to more people, not just pensioners, to attend this now popular event. Morag will ask the
pub about numbers and dates and take back to the October meeting.
Talk about the Tree Preservation Order took place. Mike informed the meeting that a blanket TPO had been put in place to facilitate the proposed new road which
was never built. He and Steve were of the opinion that there were no trees in Lawns Wood worthy of a TPO. Vicky is investigating why the TPO is still in place.
Crooke Gardening Club, thank you Dawn for organising this, will meet again on Monday 18th September at 10 AM. £90.12 was spent on flowers planted round the
Tippler. Dawn requested another £100 be allocated to the CGC. All agreed and Mike would ask Linda.
Morag asked about the planting of 100's of trees by City of Trees in the field behind the nursery and the church. On walking round the area it looked like very
few trees had survived. Charlie said the people had come back earlier in the year to plant 250 more of these slow growing trees, like oaks. The City of Trees
expect a 30% success rate in this initiative. Mike pointed out that the area was once a slag heap placed there during mining in the area, resulting in poor
Thanks to the Crooke Hall Inn for having us. The meeting closed at 8.20pm.
Next Meeting is on Tuesday 10th October 2023. The AGM will take place at 7pm followed by an ordinary meeting.
Mike Thomas, Howard Cain, Linda Kellie, John Whitely, Paul Green, Morag Tebbit, Stephen Tebbit, Stacey Hughes, Joe Shovelton, E H Snowden, Mandy Mousdell,
Kim Waine, Trisha Poole.
Kathy Bradley, Charlie and Sue Neve.
The June minutes were proposed by Steve Tebbit, seconded by Mike Thomas and agreed by all.
Howard told the meeting he still had not heard back from Nellie at no.37 re CCTV. He had put dates on the back of the agenda regarding social events, and
gardening events.
John told the meeting that the SPC had not had a meeting. There was going to be a walk around Crooke by SPC members on Wednesday 9th August to inspect the
notice board, planters and benches owned by the SPC.
Mike said he would discuss the project list, item 1 in the agenda.
Howard thanked everyone who had helped in gardening around the village especially Dawn Glynn and Paul Green who did a lot of work on Saturday 5th August.
Mike said he will trim hedges above the CCC, and level the tree canopy. A query was raised about the tree which needs pruning as you go into the field at the
gateway opposite the marina. This will be addressed in September. Wigan Council put up signs about Lawn's Wood in the field which are very good. However the
people who live at no.27 have objected to the height of them. Everyone else thought they were good. Lawns Wood was discussed a little, Mike telling the meeting
that most trees were dead and has been for some time. Wigan Council should be doing something about them as if they fall into the main road a serious accident
could happen. Mike said he would tidy up the monster of a plant near Joe's entrance to his pen, as it has very sharp, very large leaves which are a danger to
pedestrians. He thanked Linda for giving funds to the Gardening club.
Charlie had written a message which Howard read out. Charlie said that the events of 23rd July were scary. Had he been there tonight he would have requested
the flood protection equipment which Charlie and Mike had talked about, and could be ordered with Brighter Borough money. Sandbags are good but if we deflect
the flow of water from Mill Brook into the marina before the narrow channel at the bridge, before it reaches the driveway the risk of flooding the houses would
be reduced. Discussion followed about that process but it was felt that metal plates could not be put on the road as it would affect cars travelling in and out
of the village. Steve stated that the wall on the road made flood water move round the wall and reach the houses more quickly than if it had channels made in
it. Mike and Howard were going to speak to Roy and Yvonne, to see if something could be done. Paul asked if the channel at the bridge could be made bigger.
Mike said that Wigan Council knew of potential flooding but if they were to put a bigger channel at the bridge it would effectively mean that the only road in
and out of the village would have to be closed for months for any work to be done. That was an impossible act. It was also mentioned that flooding from the
marina into the canal would then go into the River Douglas which is sadly full of fallen trees and rubbish.
Trisha told the meeting about her idea for a treasure hunt /geo caching to be put round the village for children and adults to access. There are 11 QRs around
the village already, thank you Paul. The nursery would be told of this happening. Steve as an engineer would liaise with Trisha about the siting of plaques.
Trish proposed that she be given £100 to finance this project. Mike seconded this and all agreed.
Morag told the meeting of this suggestion from Sam Turner. The boot sale would raise funds for the village. Discussion followed and the conclusion was that the
siting of the car boot sale was a problem, and technically the only place to have it was in the pub car park, and that would be raising money for the pub.
The container which has appeared on the land belonging to the couple from Skipton, was discussed. The container allegedly contains equipment for the couple to
do work on their land. But it is an eyesore. The council will have to be told.
Howard proposed a village picnic on the grass above the Tippler on Saturday 19th August starting at 1pm. Everyone is to bring their own food, tables, chairs
etc. There will be chairs and tables provided by the church. Linda seconded the proposal and all agreed.
Thanks to the Crooke Hall Inn for having us. The meeting closed at 8.25pm.
Next Meeting is on Tuesday 12th September 2023 at 7.00pm.
Mike Thomas, Howard Cain, Linda Kellie, John Whitely, Paul Green, Morag Tebbit, Stephen Tebbit, Kath Bradley, Joe Shovelton, E H Snowden, Mandy Mousdell,
Kim Waine and Nellie ?
Pete Glynn, Charlie and Sue Neve.
The June minutes were proposed by Steve Tebbit, seconded by Mike Thomas and agreed by all.
Howard told the meeting he had not heard back from Nellie, 37 re CCTV? He had put dates on the back of the agenda regarding social events, and gardening
As Charlie was not in attendance at the meeting, and John Whitely had not been in attendance either, and with his Zoom link not working, he advised the meeting
to look on the Parish Council website to look at the minutes. Amongst items such as new play equipment being put in the play area in Shevington, and a piece
about Stockley, and the development of the school next to the doctors' surgery. The major item of interest was the Parish councillors walk around Crooke on
Wednesday 9th August starting at 2pm.
£88.66 would be going out to pay the annual insurance. And there was £2500 in the CVRA account. See agenda item 3.
Mike said he would discuss the project list, item 1 in the agenda.
Howard said he would talk about item 4 on the agenda.
Dates for gardening club, Tuesday 25th July, 8th August, 22nd August, all at 10am and on Monday 18th September, 23rd October, 30th November, all at
Watch for more information on Crooke WhatsAPP Page.
Mandy and Kim raised the subject of the Crooke Hall Inn Charity Festival on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd of September. This makes traffic in the village a huge
problem. After a lot of discussion about many options put forward by all at the meeting, including Kim, Mandy, Nellie, and Joe, it was agreed that the little
road opposite the pub could be bollarded off for the duration of the festival to stop cars parking on the unadopted road, and the pub management would be
approached to marshal parking on the field, if that option was chosen, or the pub might contemplate the option of people coming on foot. Mike and Howard are
going to have talks with the management.
Thanks to the Crooke Hall Inn for having us. The meeting closed at 8.25pm.
Next Meeting is on Tuesday 8th August 2023 at 7.00pm.
Mike Thomas, Howard Cain, Linda Kellie, John Whitely, Paul Green, Morag Tebbit, Stephen Tebbit, Kath Bradley, Joe Shovelton, Peter Makin, Sam Hughes,
E H Snowden, John Maiden.
Stacey Hughes, Dawn and Pete Glynn, Charlie and Sue Neve.
Howard told the meeting the CCTV situation was still being talked about. One person was still thinking about it, but was happy about the positive effects CTV
would have.
Thank you Charlie for being so committed to Crooke.
John Whitely applauded Charlie's report and added that the drainage problem at the Memorial Ground was still a problem, but the excess water would go down to
the canal at Gathurst. There was another Wigan road drain which could be used for drainage of excess water. He also told the meeting that there a Community
Ownership Fund which could be used for helping the Memorial Park, and that Crooke could apply for some money to help improve Crooke Village. Howard and the
committee would investigate. All forms to be handed in by a week on Friday.
Linda said that there was no change to the account, but £88.66 would be going out to pay the annual insurance due to be paid on 6th July.
Mike said that Charlie said he wanted the parking at the September Beer, Boat and Music Festival at the pub be put on July's agenda. Technically the CVRA has
a licence to do what it wishes in the village and doesn't have to ask Wigan Council. But the parking is the Pub's responsibility.
Howard started a discussion about how CVRA could change. A series of social events could take place, and maybe fewer CVRA meetings. Debbie Jones from the Coop
has just opened the door to ask for applications for funding by groups such as CVRA, for sociable events, improving wellbeing, reaching out to young people,
maintaining and developing the nature/environment of Crooke. We have applied for this grant before and have successfully got money which was spent on meals,
flowers, tools etc, improving the village greatly.
1 Project List. This is an ongoing list which anyone could do something about. See attachment.
2 Howard put forward a proposal about changing the number of meetings we had in the year. Discussion followed and it was accepted that the number of meetings
would remain the same.
3 Howard showed a possible calendar of social events for the village to encourage people of the village to become more involved. Morag proposed that Kathy
Bradley and Pete Makin become co-opted social secretaries to make a calendar, Howard seconded the motion and all agreed.
4 Howard told the meeting of the dates Dawn had proposed. To meet at the Tippler on 23rd June, 11th and 25th July, all at 10am.
Howard thanked the people who helped at the Himalayan Balsam Bash. Mike thanked John Maiden for tidying the entrance to the village.
Steve mentioned the grit bin on the green area beside the pub which gets knocked into every time a Council Rubbish lorry turns the corner. Mike said he would
shift it back a bit. Morag mentioned that someone had asked her what was happening to the Japanese Knotweed which was very evident in the village. It will be
put on next month's agenda. Linda asked about that green area next to the pub. Mike said it had been bought by the couple from Skipton, but as yet nothing had
been done on the land.
Hilda mentioned the height of trees and bushes growing behind her house blocking her light. Mike said he would look into it. They were growing on Adactus land
and private land.
Thanks to the Crooke Hall Inn for having us. The meeting closed at 8.25pm.
Next Meeting is on Tuesday 11th July 2023 at 7.00pm.
Mike Thomas, Howard Cain, John Whitely, Morag Tebbit, Stephen Tebbit, Kath Bradley.
Stacey Hughes, Dawn and Pete Glynn, Paul Green, Linda Kellie.
There was no official meeting in April because there was no quorum. The March minutes were proposed by Steve Tebbit, seconded by Howard Cain and agreed by
Howard welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Howard told the meeting the missing bin is back in situ. After a little explanation about what was happening about the CCTV, Howard said that paperwork was now
in place and he had to talk with two people and ask them to sign a form, which he will give to Linda, who will put the paperwork to the councillors.
Howard read Charlie's detailed report. Thank you Charlie for being so committed to the needs of Crooke.
John Whitely said that elections had been held in May and Paul Collins, Mike Crosby and Vicky Gilligan had successfully been re-elected. Congratulations to
The Treasurer was not in attendance.
Morag told the meeting that it was with regret that she felt she had to give in her resignation. She said that she had been secretary for nearly thirteen years,
since 2009. She felt that people came to the meetings to raise certain issues, then faded away again. There was no commitment given to the village. The CCTV
issue hadn't helped. As Steve had spent well over 3 years researching the CCTV issue, being told he needed to submit certain pieces of paperwork, but he was
never told all of which had to be prepared. The CCTV issue which was voted for by the village never seemed to be in a position to be put into operation. Morag
said she felt let down. Discussion took place and Mike persuaded Morag to carry on until October. Kathy offered Morag her help and suggested a job share could
Mike thanked Morag for all her work she done as secretary. The role of secretary would be put on next month's agenda Howard said he would prepare the agenda
and actually put it through villager's doors.
Howard started a discussion about how CVRA could change. A series of social events could take place, and maybe fewer CVRA meetings. Debbie Jones from the Coop
has just opened the door to ask for applications for funding by groups such as CVRA, for sociable events, improving wellbeing, reaching out to young people,
maintaining and developing the nature/environment of Crooke. We have applied for this grant before and have successfully got money which was spent on meals,
flowers, tools etc, improving the village greatly.
1 Crooke Gardening Club was to restart on Tuesday 9th May at 10.00am. See attached form for details about timings etc. Dawn had delivered a copy to the whole
2 Dawn asked where she could do her Wild Flower Bombing. Mike suggested at the entrance to the village, after John Maiden and Mike had tidied the area up.
Steve suggested that it could be done where the new trees had been planted on the field. Areas where the council would't mow.
Discussion followed about possible social events. John came up with Summer BBQ, Christmas meal, Film night, Debates, Bingo night, Treasure Hunt, A trip out,
Someone giving a talk, Yoga class, Wellbeing. Thanks to John for all these suggestions and being such a stalwart, and being so loyal to Crooke.
Thanks to the Crooke Hall Inn for having us. The meeting closed at 8.25pm.
Next Meeting is on Tuesday 8th June 2023 at 7.00pm.
Mike Thomas, Howard Cain, Linda Kellie, John Whitely, Charlie Neve, Hilda Snowden, Morag Tebbit, Stephen Tebbit, Paul Green.
Kathy Bradley, Paul Liptrot, Dawn and Pete Glynn.
Proposed by Steve Tebbit, seconded by Paul Green and agreed by all.
Howard welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Howard told the meeting that Dawn will leaflet the meeting about dates for the Crooke Gardening Club, and its Mission Statement.
The missing bin is still missing . Nobody knows who took it or why. Charlie asked Graham and Paul ( Wigan Council workers) about it but they knew nothing.
After a little explanation about what was happening about the CCTV, Howard said that paperwork was now in place and he proposed that the committee would take
this paperwork and ratify it with the councillors to provide funding for the set up of the CCTV. Paul seconded the proposal and all agreed.
John Whitely thanked Charlie for his detailed report. As elections were being held in May, John repeated his request from previous meetings. He asked if
anyone might stand to be Shevington Parish Councillor.
Treasurer said the balance was still the same as before.
Morag told the meeting that Rachel's house had been broken into as she and her son was sleeping. Her handbag was taken with her purse etc inside and also her
car keys. She had to spend hundreds of pounds replacing the car lock.
Mike told the meeting that there was a lot mess outside 69, which had just been rendered. He also mentioned there were new people to be welcomed into the
Howard told the meeting that his bike had been stolen from his shed. A crime number had been given. There was a discussion about what to do about the gate to
the ginnel. Howard would talk to the residents of the 14 houses about maybe putting a padlock on the gate, and keys given to the residents.
It was noted that Keeper's Cottage was up for sale.
It was noted that there was a fair bit of fly tipping near there. Mike would investigate.
Paul said that the website was nearly up to date.
Steve asked about the bench near Lawn's Wood. Charlie said that it was being refurbished and should have been put back in place in January, but bad weather had
prevented this from happening. He would ask Vicky Galligan to find out what was happening.
Thanks to the Crooke Hall Inn for having us. The meeting closed at 8.05pm.
Next Meeting is on Tuesday 11th April 2023 at 7.00pm.
Mike Thomas, Howard Cain, John Whitely, Charlie and Sue Neve, Dawn and Pete Glynn, John Maiden, Morag Tebbit, Stephen Tebbit, Paul Green.
Kathy Bradley, Linda Kellie.
Proposed by Charlie Neve, seconded by Dawn Glynn and agreed by all.
Mike welcomed everyone to the meeting.
John Whitely thanked Charlie for his detailed report. As elections were being held in May, John repeated his request from January's meeting. He asked if
anyone might stand to be Shevington Parish Councilor.
Treasurer not in attedance.
Dawn circulated a sheet with all her ideas about how the gardening club could evolve. It has been a success so far. Thank you Dawn. Discussion followed
and the project list which was happening, should be looked at in conjunction with CGC mission. Dawn would promote the gardening club on social media,
WhatsApp and Friends of Crooke. There will be leaflet drop twice a year. There is funding available through our treasurer from the Coop funding, to buy
seeds and tools. The use of allotment document used in Shevington will be shared by Shevington and amended to suit our needs.
Mike has been having talks with Wigan Council re Green Space. He has signed a contract stating that CVRA will look after the land in Crooke including
Lawn's Wood, the land around the tippler, the field, the land in front of the church. Thank you Mike. CRT says we can look after the towpath from the
Royal Oak to the pipe bridge, CVRA could look after. Charlie asked the meeting if the 5 planters in the village were owned by the SPC. Yes was the
answer. Mossbank looked after other planters. Identification of gardening helpers was talked about. High Vis jackets were put forward as an option.
John Maiden wants to be involved in tidying the entrance to the village and as that it was Wigan land and Mike signed the contract, yes we could tidy
that up. Thank you John Maiden.
Dawn would keep a rolling record as to who was coming and when. Mike Thomas proposed that CGC would be started , Howard seconded that and all agreed.
Dawn will put forward a list of what is needed. Thank you John Maiden. The compost heap was discussed, as was, could we do a plant exchange amongst
people in the village.
Charlie had done some investigating. It has been lifted and gone. It has not floated away anywhere. The CVRA owned the bin but SPC emptied it. Since
its disappearance people have been putting poo bags on the plinth. Mike asked Charlie to thank the two gentlemen, Paul and Graham, who have regularly
emptied the bin.
After much discussion, it was agreed that the democratic procedure done in 2022, to ask villagers their reactions to having CCTV erected in the village
had been duly done. 114 ballot papers had been delivered, 54 returned, 34 in favour and 19 against, one spoilt. So CCTV was given the go ahead . The
funding of buying the equipment needed was to be given by our three councilors, through Brighter Borough money. Running costs at this juncture were not
mentioned. Later they were mentioned and the information needed was worked out by Steve, corroborated by the firm supplying the equipment, and other
neutral experts. £150 is easily raised.
It was raised that someone being told by someone, that someone would vandalise the equipment as soon as it was erected. The meeting was in agreement
that we should not be bullied by obvious criminals.
The systems in Shevington are run by Wigan and the cameras are put poles. This leads to shaky pictures, too far away from their subject. Also a lot of
the time they are not activated. Thousands, if not millions, of CCTV systems around the globe help citizens feel safe in the knowledge that they are
there and offenders will be caught. The CCTV in Crooke would be used as a reactive measure when a crime has been committed. It was being monitored by
an independent firm when needed.
Howard proposed that he check the figures and give the figures to the treasurer in order she may get the money and the erection of CCTV can take place.
Paul Green seconded the proposal and it was agreed.
Paul Green told the meeting that a tree was down between the Memorial at the River Douglas Bridge and the tow path on the canal, this will be investigated. The
CRT have been trimming trees which are under their jurisdiction.
The unadopted roads issue was discussed, but the situation has been going on for years and nothing can be done. It is the owners' responsibility to make their
land from their door to the pavement safe, and Wigan's responsibility for the rest.
Thanks to the Crooke Hall Inn for having us. The meeting closed at 8.20 pm.
Next Meeting is on Tuesday 14th March 2023 at 7.00pm.
Mike Thomas, Howard Cain, Linda Kellie, John Whitely, Charlie Neve, Dawn and Pete Glynn, Morag Tebbit, Stephen Tebbit, Paul Green.
Kathy Bradley.
Proposed by Linda Kellie, seconded by Charlie Neve and agreed by all.
Mike welcomed everyone to the meeting, wished us all a Happy New Year and hoped everyone had a good Christmas.
Dawn asked the secretary if the Crooke Gardening Club be put on February’s agenda regarding a Mission Statement.
John Whitely thanked Charlie for his detailed report. He told the meeting that the Parish Council elections were being held in May. Vicky Gilligan is standing
down, and maybe one other. So there will be new councillors. John asked if anyone would like to put themselves forward for being elected or knew of anyone who
None given.
None given.
Mike told the meeting that a number of businesses in Shevington had been broken into on the evening of Sunday 8th January, including his own hairdressing salon.
The thieves had tried to get in through his roof and caused a lot of damage but had been scared off because of the alarm.
The sheds of Howard, Jonathan, Adele, Kym, Linda and Linda’s neighbour all had been broken into on New Year’s Eve, had been opened and tools, champagne and
other things had been taken.
There was talk of flooding and water flowing down from Shevington direction. There had been a lot of rainfall, and water levels were high but they were not
getting too high. The levels were being monitored. Thank you Charlie and Dawn.
Shevington Fete will be held on 17th June.
Charlie said that both grit bins had been filled by Wigan Council. Litter bins had been emptied.
As Kathy had brought up the subject of Green Space Accreditation at the last meeting, Steve had investigated this. After some discussion, this topic
will be looked at again in the future, but the meeting thought that nothing should happen at this time.
After some discussion it was concluded that nothing could be done about this unadopted road. Much discussion had been done in the past.
After a little discussion, Linda asked the meeting permission to fund the materials for a fence to be repaired adjacent to our allotment. The meeting
agreed. Pete would provide the labour.
He asked, as chair, if the meeting would agree that he would plant the Crooke tree on the grass area across from the church in memory of Sandra Makin who was
involved in saving the village from destruction in the 60s and 70s. She had been a major part of Crooke life all her life. Charlie proposed this motion, Linda
seconded it and we all agreed. Mike would speak to Peter Makin about this.
Thank you.
Thanks to the Crooke Hall Inn for having us. The meeting closed at 8.40pm.
Next Meeting is on Tuesday 14th February 2023 at 7.00pm.
Mike Thomas, Howard Cain, Morag Tebbit, Steve Tebbit, Linda Kellie. John Whitely, Sue and Charlie Neve, Dawn and Peter Glynn, Joe Shovelton, Stacey Hughes,
Kathy Bradley.
The minutes were accepted as a true record.
MTh welcomed everyone to the meeting. He thanked Howard for doing all the work he does for the village. He thanked Morag for her work as secretary, and Linda
for being treasurer. He also thanked Dawn for starting Gardening Club and Peter for doing the allotment. He thanked Charlie for being the elected
representative for CVRA on the Shevington Parish Council and doing sterling work there for us. He mentioned the three bereavements we have had in the village.
Mike Smith who died after 14 years battle with cancer. Gary Chadwick who sadly died. And Sandra Makin who was part of the group who saved the village from
destruction in the seventies, and kept a watchful eye over the village since then until her death early this year. Mike said he had spoken to Peter, her
husband, about planting the Queen’s 70th anniversary tree in sight of her house , and a plaque be put on it remembering Sandra and all she had done for the
village. He thanked everyone for attending the meeting in the past year.
Howard took over the meeting, asked if Mike wanted to carry on as Chair. Mike said yes. Howard thanked Mike for his 9 years of leadership, seeking to be fair
to everyone.Howard said he had attended Gary and Mike’s funeral, and thanked Sandra for her work in saving the village. Howard asked if there was anyone at the
meeting interested in becoming Chair. No one volunteered. Howard proposed Mike to be appointed chair, Charlie Neve seconded the motion, all agreed.
Mike took over the meeting and followed the same procedure with the appointment of Deputy Chair, he thanked Howard for all he has done for the CVRA. He asked
Howard if he would accept the position of Vice Chair if proposed. Howard said yes. Mike asked the meeting if anyone would put himself forward to be appointed
Vice Chair, no one volunteered. Mike Thomas proposed Howard to be Deputy Chair, Steve seconded the proposal, all agreed. Linda stood down as treasurer, Mike
thanked her for all the work she had done as treasurer, asked her if she would remain if re-elected. She said yes. Mike asked the meeting if anyone would like
to be considered as treasurer. No one volunteered. Sue Neve proposed that Linda be re-elected as treasurer, Kathy Bradley seconded the motion and all agreed.
Mike Thomas thanked the secretary for all she had done. Morag stepped down and was asked if she wanted to be re-elected. She said yes. Mike asked the meeting
if anyone wanted to be considered as secretary. No one volunteered. Dawn Glynn proposed Morag to be secretary, Charlie Neve seconded the motion and all agreed.
The AGM finished at 7.30pm.
Proposed by Charlie Neve, seconded by Paul Green and agreed by all.
Charlie’s report to the CVRA meeting will be attached to these minutes. Charlie again thanked Dawn for her work regarding the planting of pots around the pub,
and in the pub garden. The troughs looked spectacular.
Steve asked Charlie which trees will be counted in Otter’s Croft and Lawn’s Wood. Charlie will pass on Mike Thomas’s comments on costs to the SPC.
1 Project List. Ongoing
2 CCTV. Steve told the meeting that it would cost £3300 plus VAT to install and there would be running costs which would have to be addressed.
Linda told the meeting that our three councillors would fund the scheme with Brighter Borough money and she would formally ask the councillors for the
money when the running costs were sorted. Pre covid Dean MacDonald from the Crooke Hall Inn was interested in contributing to the scheme. The new
manager David would be approached to see if the brewery could contribute to the running costs.
3 Shevington Recreation Ground Drainage. This was covered in Charlie’s report from the SPC.
4 Litter Pick. As Howard was not in attendance Mike suggested we have a litter pick on Saturday 15th at 10.00am meeting at the pub. Charlie has
official Blue bags which the council will pick up.
5 Land west of Crooke Hall Inn. Vicky Johnson hadn’t arrived at this time but arrived when we were discussing agenda item 6.
Mike welcomed Vicky to the meeting. She apologised for her lateness but traffic was awful, coming from Skipton. Tricia welcomed Vicky to the village.
Mike outlined what she had said at the last meeting regarding fences around her land. She said she had planted flowers in the tree planters. She asked
where the memorial bench was going to be put. It would be put on Wigan land outside her land. She asked about the sign. Again it was on Wigan land but
needed refurbishment. There was discussion about the boundaries of her land and Mike advised her to go to the land Registry to get proper drawings of
her land which would tell her exactly where the boundaries were. Vicky said she had been in touch with UU about putting water on her land but official
cogs take time and it would probably be April 2023 before this could happen. The Shepherds Hut would be in the future too. Vicky would need to talk to
the CRT regarding the strip of land they needed to have access to the canal. Nicky asked what the land would be used for and Vicky replied that the
intention was to plant a bog garden, a wild flower garden and some apple trees. Mike said we would all work together.
6 Garden Working Party. Dawn told the meeting that she was passionate about the flowers and trees which need to be nurtured in the village. After
some discussion Dawn would put a flier out encouraging villagers to join the newly formed Crooke Gardening Club who would meet regularly to tend to
areas in the village which needed attention. Eg the Yucca Plant, around the Tippler etc. People would meet at the Tippler Wednesday 12th October at
10.30 to discuss next steps in this venture.
Mike told the meeting that he and Charlie were collecting the 4 trees for the Queen’s jubilee.
He asked, as chair, if the meeting would agree that he would plant the Crooke tree on the grass area across from the church in memory of Sandra Makin who was
involved in saving the village from destruction in the 60s and 70s. She had been a major part of Crooke life all her life. Charlie proposed this motion, Linda
seconded it and we all agreed. Mike would speak to Peter Makin about this.
So if anyone has items to put on the CVRA meetings, get them to Morag at 76, or by email, by two weeks before the next meeting, Monday 26th September. Then she
will send out the agendas prior to the meeting and put the agenda in the notice board.
Thank you.

Thanks to the Crooke Hall Inn for having us .The meeting closed at 8.45 pm.
Next Meeting is on Tuesday 10th January 2023 at 7.00pm.
This concluded the Meeting of the CVRA for November 2022.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for October 2022
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting
Crooke Hall Inn
Tuesday 11th October 2022
Mike Thomas, Linda Kellie, John Whitely (Shevington Parish Councillor), Paul Green, Morag Tebbit, Stephen Tebbit, Vicki Johnson, Charlie Neve, Sue Neve, Tim
Glynn, Dawn Glynn, Tricia Poole, Steve Shaw, Dawn Bootle, Mark Tait, Nicky Kitson, Dave Pickup.
Sam and Stacey Hughes, Pete Glynn, Howard Cain.
Minutes from September 13th 2022.
Proposed by Charlie Neve, seconded by Paul Green and agreed by all.
Councillors Reports
Charlie’s report to the CVRA meeting will be attached to these minutes. Charlie again thanked Dawn for her work regarding the planting of pots around the pub,
and in the pub garden. The troughs looked spectacular.
Steve asked Charlie which trees will be counted in Otter’s Croft and Lawn’s Wood. Charlie will pass on Mike Thomas’s comments on costs to the SPC.
1 Project List
2 CCTV. Steve told the meeting that it would cost £3300 plus VAT to install and there would be running costs which would have to be addressed.
Linda told the meeting that our three councillors would fund the scheme with Brighter Borough money and she would formally ask the councillors for the
money when the running costs were sorted. Pre covid Dean MacDonald from the Crooke Hall Inn was interested in contributing to the scheme. The new
manager David would be approached to see if the brewery could contribute to the running costs.
3 Shevington Recreation Ground Drainage This was covered in Charlie’s report from the SPC.
4 Litter Pick As Howard was not in attendance Mike suggested we have a litter pick on Saturday 15th at 10.00am meeting at the pub. Charlie has off
icial Blue bags which the council will pick up.
5 Land West of Crooke Hall Inn Vicky Johnson hadn’t arrived at this time but arrived when we were discussing agenda item 6.
Mike welcomed Vicky to the meeting. She apologised for her lateness but traffic was awful, coming from Skipton. Tricia welcomed Vicky to the village.
Mike outlined what she had said at the last meeting regarding fences around her land. She said she had planted flowers in the tree planters. She asked
where the memorial bench was going to be put. It would be put on Wigan land outside her land. She asked about the sign. Again it was on Wigan land but
needed refurbishment. There was discussion about the boundaries of her land and Mike advised her to go to the land Registry to get proper drawings of
her land which would tell her exactly where the boundaries were. Vicky said she had been in touch with UU about putting water on her land but official
cogs take time and it would probably be April 2023 before this could happen. The Shepherds Hut would be in the future too. Vicky would need to talk to
the CRT regarding the strip of land they needed to have access to the canal. Nicky asked what the land would be used for and Vicky replied that the
intention was to plant a bog garden, a wild flower garden and some apple trees. Mike said we would all work together.
6 Garden Working Party Dawn told the meeting that she was passionate about the flowers and trees which need to be nurtured in the village. After
some discussion Dawn would put a flier out encouraging villagers to join the newly formed Crooke Gardening Club who would meet regularly to tend to
areas in the village which needed attention. Eg the Yucca Plant, around the Tippler etc. People would meet at the Tippler Wednesday 12th October at
10.30 to discuss next steps in this venture.
Mike told the meeting that he and Charlie were collecting the 4 trees for the Queen’s jubilee.
He asked, as chair, if the meeting would agree that he would plant the Crooke tree on the grass area across from the church in memory of Sandra Makin who was
involved in saving the village from destruction in the 60s and 70s. She had been a major part of Crooke life all her life. Charlie proposed this motion, Linda
seconded it and we all agreed. Mike would speak to Peter Makin about this.
Thank you.

Thanks to the Crooke Hall Inn for having us. The meeting closed at 8.45 pm.
Next Meeting is on Tuesday 8th November 2022 at 7.00pm.
This concluded the Meeting of the CVRA for October 2022.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for September 2022
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting
Crooke Hall Inn
Tuesday 13th September 2022
Mike Thomas, John Whitely (Shevington Parish Councillor), Morag Tebbit, Stephen Tebbit, Roland Johnson, Vicki Johnson, Charlie Neve, Sam Hughes, Peter Glynn,
Dawn Glynn, Linda Kellie.
Stacey Hughes, Hilda Snowden.
Minutes from 8th August 2022.
Proposed by Steve Tebbit, seconded by Mike Thomas and agreed by all.
Councillors Reports
John said that at the Shevington Parish Council meeting, the drainage of the Memorial Park was discussed. They were unsure what was happening about the
drainage of water. They may pursue the fact that someone was negligent at knowing that UU did not accept drainage water in their drains. The SPC will continue
paying for doggie bins, care of allotments, bowling green etc. The precept of £85000 was collected.
A report from the gentleman leading the group of works developing the Miles Lane old primary school had been given, and updates would be regularly provided.
There had been a site meeting between Nathan Davis, Wigan Council, Mike Thomas, Steve Tebbit and Krystina Pilkington regarding water travelling down from
Shevington into Crooke.
Charlie’s report to the CVRA meeting will be attached to these minutes. Charlie thanked Dawn for her work regarding the planting of pots around the pub, and in
the pub garden. The troughs looked spectacular.
A path from Shevington down to Crooke from Dixon Avenue to Vicarage Lane was discussed. This will be put on October’s CVRA agenda.
John asked if the bottom part of the path from Shevington to Crooke, near Mike’s pen had been actively bettered, but the drought explained the dryness and lack
of standing water.
Linda asked Steve to provide her with information regarding funding for CCTV to be used in the village. When she has the appropriate information, she will ask
all three councillors , Paul Collins, Mike Crosby and Vicky Gallachen for contributions from Brighter Borough money.
John told the meeting again, that next year’s May elections would involve voting for all three councillors as the boundaries in Wigan had been changed. The
Shevington Parish Council were having the same elections, and three councillors would have to be elected then too.
Mike introduced Vicky Johnson and Roland Johnson to the meeting. They told the meeting that they had bought the land at the other side of the track going down
to the canal. They told the meeting of their plans for their new purchase, which included fencing their land off, planting fruit trees, creating a wild flower
garden, planting a bog garden etc. Also the erection of a Shepherd’s Hut and the installation of a water point. This topic will be put on the agenda for the
next CVRA meeting.
Mike asked the secretary to provide the agendas for the future meetings of the CVRA as Howard has quite often been away and unable to provide agendas.
So if anyone has items to put on the CVRA meetings, get them to Morag at 76, or by email, by two weeks before the next meeting, Monday 26th September. Then she
could send out the agendas prior to the meeting and put the agenda in the notice board. Thank you.

Thanks to the Crooke Hall Inn for having us .The meeting closed at 8.15 pm.
Next Meeting is on Tuesday 11th October 2022 at 7.00pm.
This concluded the Meeting of the CVRA for September 2022.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for August 2022
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting
Crooke Hall Inn
Tuesday 9th August 2022
Mike Thomas, Howard Cain, Linda Kelly, Morag Tebbit, Stephen Tebbit, Joe Shovelton, Paul Green..
John Whitely, Kath Bradley, Stacey Hughes, Josh Richmond.
Minutes from 14th June 2022.
As there was not a quorum an official meeting did not happen on 12th July, so we are looking at the minutes of the June meeting. Steve proposed the minutes,
Paul seconded it and all agreed.
Councillors Reports
No councillors present
Reports from CVRA Officers
Linda told the meeting that the insurance was paid, £88. There was a pay in from the Co-op of £280 and the balance in the current account was £856.40 and
there was £113.69 in petty cash.

None given.
None given.
Vice Chair
None given.
1 Crooke Village Projects List
The project list is ongoing. Mike will do items 1 and 2 and 4 this week.
The hedge at the children’s playground was mentioned. This hedge belongs to Wigan Council and their remit was not to cut any hedges until September.
The meeting then talked about the entrance to the village which is very overgrown. So after discussion, a working party will be asked for to tackle the
issues of the overgrown hedges and tidying up of the mirror and putting up a sign to indicate the presence of it.
Howard will write and deliver a flier asking people if they could help on Saturday 20th August, starting at 10 am, meeting outside the church. This
working party would tackle a litter pick at the same time. Morag to put it on Friends of Crooke website.
2 CCTV Funding
Steve will pass to Linda quotes for the cost of CCTV in the village and she will apply for funding.
3 Shevington Recreation Ground
Mike told the meeting that plans to use UU drainage were not happening as United Utilities does not allow any surface water to go down their drains. So
there will be more discussion as to what will happen on the Recreation Ground. Mike does not think that there will be extra water coming down to Crooke
in the future.
4 Litter Pick
See agenda item 1
5 Crooke Hall Inn Music Festival
This will be held on Friday 2nd September, starting at 6pm. Then on Saturday 3rd, starting at 12 noon, and Sunday 4th September, starting at 12 noon.
There will be 18 bands performing. Parking was discussed and volunteers would be asked to point out where people could park. The field behind the
church would be opened up. And a one way system around the triangle would be initiated. Libby asked Steve from the church if the pub could borrow
chairs for the event. Mike would liaise with Steve and Libby.
Libby asked if Barnet Fayre could donate a raffle prize, as she was asking other firms/people for raffle prizes.
Howard said that we should still look out for people in need of any help.
Duncan Poole at 103 had had a stroke, and been taken to Preston A and E. He had been seen in good time so is recovering well.
Paul told the meeting that Janette was in Wigan Infirmary, having had treatment for her cancer. Sadly she has developed Pneumonia and has caught Covid. But the
hospital is looking after her very well.
the meeting closed at 8.10pm.
Mike thanked us all for attending.
The next meeting is on Tuesday 13th September 2022 at 7pm.
This concluded the Meeting of the CVRA for August 2022.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for June 2022
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting
Crooke Hall Inn
Tuesday 14th June 2022
Mike Thomas, John Whitely (Shevington Parish Councillor), Morag Tebbit, Stephen Tebbit, Paul Green.
Howard Cain, Kath Bradley, Linda Kellie, Charlie and Sue Neve.
Minutes from 10th May 2022.
Proposed by Paul Green, seconded by Steve Tebbit and agreed by all.
Councillors Reports
John said that at the Shevington Parish Council reviewed its various policies in its area, including trees. The budget of the SPC was stable. He asked about
who provided salt/grit bins. I explained that Wigan Council paid for our bin and filled it the first time. After that CVRA paid for its filling. The grit was
used where it was needed in the winter, up the slope to the canal bridge and down the slope at Keepers Cottage, and on Crooke Road. Discussion followed about
the placing of salt/grit bins in Shevington. It was concluded that there were so many places where bins might be placed that it would be too costly.
Mike said that the sandbags kept at the entrance to the village, principally there for use if there was a flood. But they could be used for gritting the road
in frosty weather.
Paul reported to Charlie Neve about the breakages on the fence on bridge 47 at Crooke. Morag had informed the CRT as well. As yet no repair had been done.
Mike told the meeting that a gentleman, Mr O’Neil had pulled a dog out of the canal, after it had fallen in, using an umbrella to hook on to its collar. The
owner was very grateful.
There was also an incident at the nursery where a child went missing. A number of police were very quickly in attendance and a search was instigated. The boy
was found safe and well.
Mike will strim round the edges of the grass in front of the church, where the council had mown the grass. He would also strim the top of the village, and
where the palm is. Steve mentioned that the church’s Strawberry Tea would take place on Saturday 9th July. Mike offered the CVRA marquee.
Thanks to the Crooke Hall Inn for having us and providing the buffet which was welcomed by us all..
The meeting closed at 7.30pm.
The next meeting will be at 7pm at the Crooke Hall Inn on 12th July 2022 at 7.00pm.
This concluded the Meeting of the CVRA for June 2022.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for May 2022
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting
Crooke Hall Inn
Tuesday 10th May 2022
Mike Thomas, Linda Kelly, John Whitely (Shevington Parish Councillor), Morag Tebbit, Stephen Tebbit, Paul Green, Charlie Neve, Hilda Snowden, Doris Williams
and Josh Richmond.
Mike Thomas, Kath Bradley, Stacey Hughes
Minutes from 12th April 2022.
Not dealt with as there was no agenda for this meeting.
Councillors Reports
John said that at the next Shevington Parish Council on the third Wednesday, would be the Annual General meeting where members would have to be re-elected. At
present Bill McKnight was chair, and Jess Hyam was vice chair.
He told the meeting that in 2023 all three Wigan councillors would have to stand for re –election as ward boundaries were being changed.
Reports from CVRA Officers
None given
None given
None given
Vice Chair
Not present
Shevington Parish Council
Charlie Neve’s meetings with the SPC is in an attached report. Thank you Charlie for attending these meetings on behalf of Crooke village.

The meeting addressed the issue of CCTV in the village. It had been minuted in the April meeting that 114 ballot papers were delivered, asking the simple questi
on whether, in principle, people were in favour of having CCTV in the village, yes or no. 54 were returned, 34 in favour, 19 against , and 1 spoilt.
Discussion followed, Joshua and Doris wanting evidence of crime in the village and justification of the need for CCTV. Unfortunately the representative who
could explain the details of the CCTV scheme was unavailable to attend the meeting, including how the CCTV would actually work, address privacy issues, and who
could actually look at the recorded footage.
Steve had put through everyone’s door, facts about the CCTV and invited all to attend this meeting on the 10th May. The number attending this meeting was 9.
If necessary, a general meeting of all the villagers will be arranged in the future, but for now the topic has been put on hold.
Linda told the meeting that funds were available for funding the CCTV but it would be wrong of her to ask for funding before the project had been finalised.
The trees mentioned by Doris and Josh will be attended to by Mike Thomas.
Thanks to the Crooke Hall Inn for having us and providing the buffet which was beautiful Greek food.
The meeting closed at 8.30.
The next meeting will be at 7pm at the Crooke Hall Inn on Tuesday 14th June 2022.
This concluded the Meeting of the CVRA for May 2022.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for April 2022
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting
Crooke Hall Inn
Tuesday 12th April 2022
Howard Cain, Linda Kelly, John Whitely (Shevington Parish Councillor), Morag Tebbit, Stephen Tebbit, Paul Green, Charlie Neve, Janet Brown (Wigan Councillor),
Sam Hughes.
Mike Thomas, Kath Bradley.
Minutes from 8th March 2022.
Matters arising from the minutes.
Charlie slightly amended the information about the container. It will be collected and will be stored in Mike’s pen. The positioning of it is yet to be decided.
Councillors Reports
John said that Charlie was doing a grand job in raising issues on behalf of Crooke at the SPC meetings and writing a report to feed back at the CVRA meeting.
Reports from CVRA Officers
£280 had been raised by people using the Coop site for choosing a group to support when paying for the goods bought at the Coop. It will soon be in the CVRA
bank account. Thank you John Whitely for putting the CVRA forward for this opportunity. Janet asked the treasurer to apply for funding for use by Pete and Dawn
Glyn for the use of the allotment. To be put in by 7th May. Sadly Janet is retiring from her post as Wigan councillor. She has been very hardworking, tireless
in her help for promoting the needs of Crooke Village and providing Brighter Borough Money for various needs of the village.
None given
Not present
Vice Chair
Nione given
Charlie Neve’s meetings with the SPC is in an attached report. Thank you Charlie for attending these meetings on behalf of Crooke village.

Agenda Items
1 Crooke Village Projects List
This is ojngoing.
2 Queens Platinum Jubilee.
Discussion ensued and it was agreed that the day would be promoted as “The Big Crooke Picnic”. People would bring their own.
A working party of Howard, Charlie and Sam was going to meet, organise literature promoting the event and liaising with Libby at the pub. Because of
deaths and illness, the church were unable to be fully involved but would gladly provide chairs and tables. Howard has a PA system which could be used.
3a Queens Platinum Jubilee.
Howard told the meeting that motorcyclists on motorbikes with no number plates, dressed in black had been seen in the village, on the tow path , on
roads and paths in Crooke, going fast , doing wheelies, and regularly scaring villagers. Janet had reported this to the Chief Constable of Greater
Manchester who told her that there was only one unit of 8 people who were tacking this problem in the whole of Manchester. People will have to report
any wrongdoings on the Greater Manchester Police website. It was emphasised that everyone who saw the happenings should report it otherwise Greater
Manchester Police would not know the extent of the problem. Stacey Hughes was going to be approached to put this issue on the Friends of Crooke page,
and the Crooke Facebook page, so that a Heat Map could be built up. Janet said drones had been used on two weekends but nothing was seen on one weekend,
and on the other weekend bad weather scuppered that investigation.
3 Crooke Village CCTV.
A ballot paper had gone out to all the village asking a simple question, whether people were, in principle, in favour of having CCTV in the village
/ Yes or No.
114 ballot papers were delivered.
54 were returned, 34 in favour, 19 against and 1 spoilt.
The next step, as 65% were in favour a meeting dedicated to this one topic would be arranged for all the village to attend. Steve will put out a flier
indicating what would be discussed and set a date.
4 Talk and Tidy
This event was happening all over Wigan, and on Tuesday 12th April Shevington was supposed to be holding this event. John said that this was not well
attended. Each place does its own litter pick regularly. You can get bags and hoops from Ed Ellis.
John asked the meeting where the allotment was as he did not know where it was. Sam didn’t know either. It can be reached from the field next to the nursery.
It is not widely advertised as it might attract unwanted attention from some people. A lot of villagers do know of its existence and have been able to harvest
vegetables from the raised beds. Dawn and Pete Glynn were praised for working on the allotment and planting planters on the wall of the pub and around the pub
in general. The play park was mentioned as having a “Chair” in place with the roundabout and swings. The last two items are suitable for little children, but
it was concluded that the chair was not suitable. The park should remain a facility for little children. Janet was going to bring up the problem of the chair
being unsafe and unsuitable for little children with Wigan Council.
Charlie showed us a copy of a locally produced magazine called Local Life which gives all sorts of information about things happening around Shevington and
Crooke, giving also, details of local traders which has proved very useful for villagers. The company was going to be asked if they could deliver the magazine
to Crooke Village again.
John told the meeting that on 15th March meeting three people’s names were put forward for Community Sevice Awards.
James Maloney “For being a true champion of Shevington community, both District, and Parish” Because Mr Maloney could not be present the Chairman would present
him with the award on another occasion.
Gerard Hurst ”Who as Chair of Governors, has for many years steered the Shevington Federation schools through both calm a stormy waters”
Steve Bates “For his many years of dedication and hard work in bringing the vision for the Vicarage Lane Fields Project to fruition.”
Thank you John for that information.
Charlie told the meeting that there will be an open day, around the 9th May for anyone interested to know what is happening at the Miles Lane Extra Care
Facility near the Doctors’ surgery.
Thanks to the Crooke Hall Inn for having us and providing the buffet.
The meeting closed at 8.30.
The next meeting will be at 7pm at the Crooke Hall Inn on Tuesday 10th May 2022.
This concluded the Meeting of the CVRA for April 2022.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for March 2022
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting
Crooke Hall Inn
Tuesday 8th March 2022
Mike Thomas, Morag Tebbit, Stephen Tebbit, Paul Green, Charlie Neve, Joe Shovelton, Janet Brown (Wigan Councillor), Stacey and Sam Hughes, Hilda Snowden,
Louise Lyon and son.
Linda Kellie, Howard Cain, Kath Bradley.
Minutes from 8th February 2022.
Matters arising from the minutes.
Mike apologised saying he hadn’t been to the Coop to ask permission to add the Coop logo on the flier Paul has written regarding donations made to the CVRA if
you chose that option out of three, when you use your Coop card. It was decided that the flier would be made.
Reports from CVRA Officers
Not present
None given
None given
Councillors Report.
No councillors in attejndance
Janet Brown told the meeting that a litter strategy was being implemented by Wigan Council. There was going to be footsteps painted on the road indicating the
way to the bin. The bins need to be positioned in the right places. (Charlie added that the bins needed to be accessible by vehicle emptying them.)
There was going to be a Great British Clean Up.
The Big Bin Challenge. Dates suggested were 26th March (Shevington was going to do theirs on this day), 2nd April or 9th April. Graeme who empties the litter
bins was going to clean the rubbish on The Bends , with the Road Sweeper with its flashing lights to protect him.
JNetworking events Victoria Briscoe was hosting a virtual meeting between 6 an 7 pm on Thursday 10th March.
Because women don’t feel safe at night after the Sarah Everard murder, Safety marshals would be present on Wigan and Leigh streets on Friday and Saturday nights
until the 31st March offering support and advice.
Community Recovery funding was changing to funding for events involving innovation and creativity.
Charlie Neve’s meetings with the SPC is in an attached report. Thank you Charlie for attending these meetings on behalf of Crooke village.
Agenda Items
1 1 Crooke Village Flood Risk update.
Mike said that Crooke village was not under threat to be flooded. Some of the village is, where the Mill Brook comes into the narrow channel at the
marina. A large container was being offered for free to anyone who would come and collect it. Charlie and Mike collected it on Monday . At the moment
it is in Mike’s yard. The actual positioning of it will be chosen at a later date. It would store securely, sand bags and other flood deterrent items.
Charlie said that Wigan had a flood protection policy which had been passed to Crooke to make it their own. Charlie went on to say that Wigan had loads
of maps showing areas liable to flood, but Crooke was not one of these. Wigan Council had resources we could have. Janet offered to provide Brighter
Borough money for the procurement of said equipment. Thank you Janet.
The combined surface and foul water system could overflow in the event of a flood. That was a problem.
2 Queens Platinum Jubilee.
Charlie said that licences have already been approved by the government, for streets and roads throughout the country for a Big Lunch to take place on
Sunday June the 5th.
After some discussion, Steve was going to make a flier to start villagers thoughts about CCTV in the village. Sam said that fliers don’t necessarily
get a response. Steve will write the flier and get copies to Charlie to deliver with the Shevington Newsletter on the 23rd March. Return leaflet to
number 76.
4 Projects List.
This is still ongoing.
Mike told the meeting that a post had been put up on Friends of Crooke page, querying the rights of boaters. He would talk to the people concerned.
Louise told the meeting that she had no access to get her bins from her back garden to the front, other than going through her house. It had been a right of
way that the occupants of 99 could go through the back garden of 101. This access appears to have been blocked. It is in the deeds that this access was
available. Lou was advised to get in touch with Jigsaw/Adactus, explaining the problem, asking for a site visit. She was asked to take the name of who she was
speaking to, get an email address, log down any instances that happen.
Steve brought up the subject of rubbish on the wall of Gary’s new house. Mike will talk to him.
Janet said that if we need new planters, her Brighter Borough money could be used.
Joe told the meeting that there were a couple of empty houses in the village. As they had owners we can’t do anything about them.
Thanks to the Crooke Hall Inn for having us and providing the buffet.
The meeting closed at 8.30.
The next meeting will be at 7pm at the Crooke Hall Inn on Tuesday 12th April 2022.
This concluded the Meeting of the CVRA for March 2022.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for February 2022
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting
Crooke Hall Inn
Tuesday 8th February 2022
Mike Thomas, John Whitely (Shevington Parish Coucillor),Linda Kellie, Morag Tebbit, Stephen Tebbit, Paul Green, Charlie Neve, Joe Shovelton.
Stacey Hughes, Janet Brown, Howard Cain, Kath Bradley.
Minutes from 11th January 2021.
They were proposed by Charlie Neve, seconded by Steve Tebbit, and agreed by all.
Reports from CVRA Officers
Linda said she had had conversations with the Coop and would hear in April about monies raised.
None given
None given
Councillors Report.
No councillors in attejndance
Charlie as our CVRA representative for Crooke at Shevington Parish Council, gave out to the meeting copes of his report of the meeting held on the 8th of
February. He went through the contents in great detail.
Charlies Report

John agreed with the report. Thank you Charlie for attending the meeting. Thank you John for being at that meeting too, and being with us at our meeting. We
really appreciate your care and support for us and putting us, CVRA , forward as one of the 3 Coop charities to which people when shopping at the Coop can
nominate where part of the dividend goes when they use their Coop card . Paul had done a flier to advertise the fact that people could nominate CVRA as their
charity when they shop at the Coop. Mike said he would meet Steve, manager of the Coop and clarify the exact details of what could be used on the flier. Thank
you, Paul for producing the flier. Charlie’s report is attached.
Agenda Items
1 1 Crooke Village Flood Risk update.
The virtual meeting had opened up the door to start a Flood Protection Group in Crooke. Funding is needed. Steve told the meeting that at a previous
meeting, he and Morag attended was a sharing of ideas at Sherwood Drive to protect their homes from flooding, including non-return valves , etc. Their
problem was one of surface water, different to the problems that Crooke face, ie the control of water coming down from Shevington, John Pit and other
areas. Wigan is involved now, so Crooke is registered with Wigan and we can produce a flood prevention scheme. Mike suggested a portable barrier which
could be put in place to stop the water not just the sandbags we have now, although they are indeed a useful tool. Charlie said that people should put
covers on their air bricks in the event of a flood.
A meeting had been arranged for the CVRA flood group to meet with Nathan Davies and Rebecca Woods, from Wigan Council on Wednesday 16th February at
1pm, meeting at the Crooke Hall Inn car park.
Morag Tebbit proposed that Mike Thomas, Steve Tebbit, Charlie Neve and Stacey Hughes should be appointed as members of the CVRA flood group . Linda
Kelly seconded the motion and everyone agreed.
2 Queens Platinum Jubilee.
Stacey had placed on WhatsApp page, that the Platinum Jubilee celebrations for the Queen would be in the beginning of June and it was hoped that
everyone in the country would hold a street party on the Sunday 5th June. Discussion followed and it transpired that the church ,the pub, CVRA and
hopefully the nursery and of course the residents in Crooke would all take part some way in the celebration. More details will be decided in the next
few months.
3 The Shevington Fete on the 18th June.
Howard had paid for a double plot. Finer details will be sorted out later. John Whitely said that the community Association might do something for the
Jubilee as SPC was doing the fete.
General discussion followed about tidying the village in all areas.
Morag pointed out that Stacey had shared a post on Friends of Crooke Facebook about a survey on local neighbourhood policing from Wigan Council.
Go to www,
Do go and have your say.
Thanks to the Crooke Hall Inn for having us and providing the buffet.
The meeting closed at 8.30.
The next meeting will be at 7pm at the Crooke Hall Inn on Tuesday 8th March 2022.
This concluded the Meeting of the CVRA for February 2022.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for January 2022
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting
Crooke Hall Inn
Tuesday 11th January 2022
Mike Thomas, Howard Cain, Linda Kellie, Morag Tebbit, Stephen Tebbit, Paul Green, Charlie Neve, Stacey Hughes, Graeme Hazard, (working for New Ground,) Andy
Ainsworth, (working for New Ground), and Nathan Davies from Wigan Council.
John Whitely, Josh Richmond, Janet Brown, Mike Crosby, Paul Collins, Victoria Briscow.
Minutes from 9th November 2021.
They were proposed by Paul Green, seconded by Linda Kellie, and agreed by all.
Matters Arising.
Howard said that the quiz at the church was a success. (His group had been winners again).
The AGM had taken place on Tuesday 30th November.
The Christmas lunch for senior members of Crooke Village had been a success. Thanks to Howard for games, and Paul for poetry.
There was no action on hedge cutting.
Charlie said that the plans for a 27 bed retirement home to be built on the site of Shevington Primary School were going ahead, using the same footprint as the
building that is there but demolition of the building had to happen. No date as yet set.
Reports from CVRA Officers
Linda said she was waiting to be reimbursed by the councillors for the payment of the Christmas meal. And that she had been given a £20 donation by a villager.
None given
None given
Councillors Report.
No councillors in attejndance
Charlie, as representative for Crooke at Shevington Parish Council, said that meetings were due to start in January.
Agenda Items
1 Shevington Fete, Saturday 18th June. After a little discussion, and saying what a good advertisement for the village thanking Paul for his
History of the village boards, and Mike for the erection of the marquee in previous years, Linda proposed we ask Howard to put a bid in for a double plot
for our stall for this year. Paul would devise a poster indicating CVRA is a cause that Coop members can donate to when purchasing at the Coop. Howard
seconded the proposal and all agreed.
2 Crooke Village Flood Risk update.
Charlie keeps a log on things happening regarding flood warning, rainfall, blockages etc.
Andy told the meeting about the New Ground Social Enterprise, giving details about flood action groups.
Discussion followed about the historic issues which led to flooding at Crooke. Water coming down from John Pit and Shevington, coming down through Lawn’s Wood
and entering the canal at a tiny culvert under the bridge at the entrance of the village. The management of flooding works at the Memorial Ground in
Shevington were still not finalised, assuring us that the water would go down Gathurst Lane and not down to Crooke. The Boxing day floods of 2015 were
mentioned. The amount of water entering the Douglas River from the canal is an ongoing issue as the Douglas River floods itself and floods over the fields and
back up to the canal as it has nowhere else to go. Keeper’s Cottage , which is on an island between the river and the canal was worst affected. Eight or nine
house at the entrance to the village are equally in danger of being flooded , being near to the bridge. Again the amount of water which is there is a problem
as it has nowhere to go and can end up going up the sewage system, back into houses. Andy and Graeme wanted to know if a flood action group could be started
in the village. Everyone was aware of the flood issues, the plastic blocking free flow of water. Charlie is with help monitoring issues as they arise. Steve
said that we must be proactive, not reactive to the risk of flooding. Charlie agreed. And really a flood action group is already in place in the village. We
should set up a meeting with 4 agencies who have different responsibilities in dealing with flood situations. The four agencies are The Canal and River Trust,
the Environment Agency, The local Highways Department, and Wigan Council.
Nathan said he would arrange a site visit, and send out literature regarding Higher Folds Flood Action Group, but tailoring it to Crooke.
3 – Steve would put a document together for distribution to the residents.
Steve mentioned the fallen trees in Lawn’s Wood, and the trees suffering from Ash die back. Stacey said she would meet with Steve about this issue. Morag had
messaged Mark Statzicker in Wigan Council in October about this issue and would message him again. Stacey also said that it would be a good idea to have a
village event celebrating the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee in June. All agreed and it will be put on the February agenda. The pub, the church and all the village
should be involved.
The meeting closed at 8.25.
The next meeting will be at 7pm at the Crooke Hall Inn on Tuesday 11th February 2022.
This concluded the Meeting of the CVRA for Janruary 2022.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for December 2021
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting
Crooke Hall Inn
Tuesday 14th December 2019 was cancelled.
The next meeting will take place on 11th January 2022.
This concluded the none Meeting of the CVRA for November and December 2021.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for AGM November 2021
Crooke Village Residents Association Annual General Meeting
Crooke Hall Inn
Tuesday 8th October 2020 at the Crooke Hall Inn.
Mike Thomas, Howard Cain, Paul Green, Morag Tebbit, Steve Tebbit, Linda Kellie, Janet Brown, Stacey Hughes, Dawn Glynn, Pete Glynn, EH Snowden, Joe Shovelton,
Sue Neve, Charlie Neve and Kath Bradley.
Chairs Report
MTh welcomed everyone to the meeting. He resigned us all. Howard took over the meeting, asked if Mike wanted to carry on as Chair. Mike said yes. Howard
asked if there was anyone at the meeting interested in becoming Chair? No one volunteered. Charlie proposed Mike to be appointed Chair, Pete Glynn, seconded
the motion and all agreed. Mike took over the meeting and followed the same procedure with the appointment of Deputy Chair, he thanked Hopward for all that he
had done for the CVRA. He asked Howard if he would accept the position of Vice Chair if proposed. Howard said yes. Mike asked the meeting if anyone would put
themselves forward to be appointed as Vice Chair, no one volunteered. Charlie proposed that Howard be elected as Vive Chair, all agreed. Linda stood down as
treasurer, Mike thanked her for all the work she had done as treasurer, asked if she would remain if re-elected. She said yes. Mike asked the meeting if
anyone would like to be considered as treasurer. No one volunteered. Pete Glynn proposed that Linda be re-elected as treasurer, Paul Green seconded the
motion and all agreed. Mike Thomas thanked the secretary for all she had done. Morag stepped down and was asked if she wanted to be re-elected. She said yes.
Mike asked the meeting if anyone wanted to be considered as secretary. No one volunteered. Dawn proposed Morag to be secretary, Sue seconded the motion and
all agreed.
Charlie told the meeting that all who were in attendance agreed that the four officers did a good job and thanked us.
Mike told the meeting that there were a lot of people to thank in the village. Derek Keen had done a good job in keeping the village tidy. Charlie had kept an
eye on the brook and kept the underside clear of rubbish when there was a risk of flooding.
Mike thanked Paul Green for his continued good work on the website.
He thanked Pete Glynn for his good work on the allotment. Howard, Linda and Dawn also had done sterling work on the allotment. Dawn asked us to go and have a
look at it as it was looking very good.
Mike thanked people for helping at the Shevington Fete. The history display that Paul had put up had proved very popular and the games that Dawn ran, raised
Linda, the treasurer explained her report.
The AGM finished at 7.45pm.
The ordinary monthly meeting followed.
This concluded the Annual General Meeting of the CVRA for October 2019.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for October 2021
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting
Crooke Hall Inn
Tuesday 12th October 2021 at the Crooke Hall Inn.
Mike Thomas, Linda Kellie, Morag Tebbit, Stephen Tebbit, Ed Ellis, Paul Green, Charlie and Sue Neve.
John Whitely, Josh Richmond, Janet Brown, Mike Crosby, Paul Collins, Howard Cain, Kath Bradley.
Matters Arising
Reports from CVRA Officers
None given
None given
None given, but Mike had something to discuss in AOB.
Councillors Report.
No councillors in attendance
Agenda Items
1 Crooke Village Project List (see attachment)
There are about 30 items on this list. Mike has already started certain project items on the project list. He was going to tackle numbers 1 & 2.
Number 7 - Gary and Kim are going to pay for the bench
Number 13 - Mark Stazicker from the council has had his men take down/tidy up this area
Number 18 - This has been fixed
After much discussion, a date was fixed to put together information about the CCTV. It will be Tuesday 30th November at 7pm in the Crooke Hall Inn.
This will be after the postponed AGM. The village meeting to discuss the CCTV will be in the New Year
3 Shevington PC meeting Update
Annual property Inspection
Shevington News Letter - call for volunteers
See attached reports from Charlie Neve.
Mike thanked Charlie for his continued dilligence at going to the SPC meetings and writing a short note asking for volunteers to help in Crooke, to
put into the next Shevington Newsletter.
Mike told the meeting about a property which was being rented to a young woman and her daughter. It frankly was so riddled with damp inside and out that it was
unfit to be lived in. The outside render just need to be touched and it fell off. Very concerned neighbours took the render off and disposed of it. Scaffolding
was put up but the builders couldn’t continue working on the house as the landlord refused to pay.
Mike will email the councillors to make them aware of the situation.
It was noted that the councillors rarely attended our meetings. Janet Brown does attend our meetings and has done a great deal of good work for us. Thank you
A Jigsaw representative would be asked to the next CVRA meeting.
A CCTV camera has been put upon a post at bridge 47 on the Leeds and Liverpool (in Crooke). Ed told the meeting that another camera had been put up at Martland
Mill , and probably more besides, as they were going to start work on the towpath on 8th November under The Mayor’s Challenge Fund scheme of improving the tow
path. The work would be done from lock 88 to lock 90. The cameras would monitor cyclist and pedestrian use of the tow path. This work will carry on to the New
Linda told the meeting about information she had received from Janet Brown regarding the Community Recovery Fund, the Community Safety Fund and Drop in sessions.
See attached sheet.
Charlie told the meeting about the news of the setting fire to two 150 year old elm trees. Sadly they had to be felled because they were unsafe. Discussion
followed about the use of this ancient woodland. A warden was appointed to monitor who was using this land for good and bad purposes.
The meeting closed at 8.40. We all thanked the Crooke Hall Inn for their renewed hospitality.
The next meeting will be at 7pm at the Crooke Hall Inn on Tuesday 9th November 2021.
Crooke Village Project List

Charlie Neve Reports

Foot Note
I would like you to bear in mind that the minutes I post, are always one month behind because the previous months minutes have to be ratified but the committee
before they can be posted. That said, I would like you to take a look at the Notice board page about a forthcoming event that is not covered on that page?
This concludes the the account of the minutes for Octoberber 2021.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for September 2021
Crooke Village Residents Association Zoom Meeting
Crooke Hall Inn
Tuesday 14th September 2021 at the Crooke Hall Inn.
Mike Thomas, Howard Cain, Charlie Neve, Sue Neve, Josh Richmond, Paul Green, John Whitley.
Morag Tebbit, Steve Tebbit, Linda Kellie, Kathy Bradley, Janet Brown.
Matters Arising
John Whitley suggested that he could not take full responsibility for the success in resolving the potential flooding issue in respect of the Memorial Field
drainage. The minutes were then signed off by Mike Thomas.
Shevington Parish Council update
Charlie Neve confirmed that the excess water would now be drained away from Mill Brook helping, in part, to alleviate the regular flooding problems in the
Charlie also asked if the Crooke Village Project List could become a standing item on the CVRA agenda. All agreed.
Charlie also confirmed that the consultation period for the Cycling Network was over and that funding was now waiting final approval. The probable start date
could be this year but more likely in spring 2022.
Renewed signage for the Crooke Village Park has now been agreed by Wigan Council and we are now awaiting installation.
A fence at the lower edge (next to road) of the church green has been proposed to protect the grass and help keep the path open for pedestrians. No further
news on this issue.
Reports from CVRA Officers
Chair - Mike Thomas confirmed that he had strimmed around the church green as this aspect of work is not undertaken by the council grass cutting team. Thanks
to Peter and Sandra Makin for help to sweep and tidy up after the work. MT will liaise with Crooke Cruising Club on managing the height of the bushes near CCC.
MT also suggested trimming back and/or replanting the large planter containing the palm.
In response to the report Josh Richmond asked about the possibility of creating meadow grass areas in the village. JR was advised to bring a proposal forward
to a future CVRA meeting.
No reports from Vice Chair.
The Treasurer and Secretary were not present.
Village Inspection
A village inspection by Shevington PC is scheduled for 6:00pm on Wednesday 15th September . Mike Thomas and Charlie Neve will be in attendance. The inspection
will include benches, notice boards, planters and refuse bins in the village.
It was reported that a number of posters from Shevington Voice had been put up. Though well-intentioned the information on the posters is inaccurate and it is
proposed that any posters found should be removed.
Crooke Village CCTV
This item will be help over until a full proposal can be brought forward. It was suggested that a special meeting hosted by CVRA should be help for the whole
village at that time.
Litter Pick
Howard Cain proposed a village litter pick for 10:00am on Saturday 25th September. All agreed.
No CVRA AGM was help in 2020 due to the impact of COVID. HC proposed that the AGM should be held in October 2021 as this is the usual month for AGM and that it
should be combined with a monthly CVRA meeting. All agreed.
Nominations for each of the CVRA Officer roles are encouraged. Nominees should be present at the October meeting.
Damage to the bridge rails (near Crooke Village Inn). This was reported, a CRT site was carried out and a repair plan is now in place.
A playground inspection appears to have been undertaken and repairs(?) carried out. No further information available.
The small tent in trees close to the school field has been noted and reported. No further update available.
Thanks to Dean and team at the Crooke Hall Inn for the sandwiches.
AGM & Next Meeting
will be at 7pm at the Crooke Hall Inn on 12th Octoberber 2021.
This concludes the the account of the minutes for September 2021.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for August 2021
Crooke Village Residents Association Zoom Meeting
Crooke Hall Inn
Tuesday 10th August 2021 at the Crooke Hall Inn.
(Zoom Meeting)
Mike Thomas, Howard Cain, Janet Brown, Linda Kellie, Morag Tebbit, Stephen Tebbit, Hilda Snowden, Joe Shovelton, Kath Bradley, Paul Green.
Charlie and Sue Neve, Dawn Glynn, Paul Collins.
Mike Thomas welcomed everyone to the first meeting in Crooke Hall Inn to be held in person after lockdown due to Covid.
The minutes of the July meeting held in two places, one on Zoom, and the other socially distanced at the tippler were proposed to be accurate by Mike Thomas
and seconded by Morag Tebbit and agreed by all.
Matters Arising
Howard apologised for the confusion he had inadvertently caused regarding the July meeting. He had deleted the Zoom meeting from his phone, not knowing that
the computer organising the Zoom meeting would cancel the meeting totally for everyone else. However the two meetings were both successful.
Reports from CVRA Officers
Linda told the meeting that the CVRA account had about £770 in it. She had renewed the Public Liability Insurance , changing to company Policy B, as the
original company had quoted her double the amount she had paid previously. Howard gave her a bill for £15 for the payment for the hire of the space at
Shevington Fete.
She told the meeting she had applied for the grant from Coop Community Fund, for a wild flower meadow. This form could be seen online. We would know if we will
be successful in October. Janet told the meeting that other sources were available, eg The Deal. Howard said that Charlie had shared a link to The Deal.
None given
From the meeting they had at the tippler, Mike has tidied round the broken fence at the top of the village where a car had hit the fencing. Posts have been
donated and when Mike has finished tidying the area he will put on WhatsApp and Facebook that help would be needed in erecting the new posts.
He is also using heavy machinery in tidying around the tippler. Again bodies would be needed after his initial work.
Wigan Council is not doing a great job in mowing the grass areas in the village. Mike will strim areas which are needing it.
Linda told the meeting that there were trees fallen over the path near the children’s play area and also lots of trees were down in Lawn’s Wood. Morag will
contact Mark Stazicker of Wigan Council.
Lots of things haven’t been done in the village because of Covid. It was mentioned that Wigan Council had helped Margaret Carter and her helpers in Shevington
prior to the judges inspection for Wigan In Bloom on 3rd August.
Howard suggested having a Balsam Bash in Lawn’s Wood on Saturday 21st August starting at 10 am. Mike would get in touch with Clare Kenyon from Douglas Rivers
Association who organised the last Balsam Bash.
Shevington Fete had been a great success despite the poor weather.
Thanks to all who helped CVRA in manning the Marquee. Howard and Mike for erecting it. Stu and Dawn for helping and Paul for providing the photographs of
Crooke. Thanks to Mike for taking a wet Marquee back to his pen to dry. Howard suggested we use it more often.
Howard said we must get the village motivated after 18 months of Covid.
Janet told the meeting that she was leader of her Neighbourhood Watch and there was training available. She would send a link for Crooke.
She also told the meeting that The Spatial Framework was no longer in operation as one area had objected. In its place would be a new initiative called Places
for Everyone. There is a new Eden project which will happen in Morecombe.
She also told the meeting that the Wigan Arts Festival is running in August and “OurTown” would take place in Standish on the 14th August from 11 am -5 pm.
Jane said she going to attend a meeting on the flooding issues in Appley Bridge on 11th August. We told her that the flooding issues in Crooke, resulting in
works to be done in the Memorial Ground in Shevington had been hopefully resolved because of the redirection of water to go down to Gathurst instead of Crooke.
Thank you to John Whitely for organising that. Janet would ask Laura Morrison regarding flooding issues.
Agenda Items
1 Crooke Village Project List
There are about 30 items on this list which people have copies. Mike suggested that anyone could take on whatever they could. Mike had already told the
meeting what he was intending to do.
2 Community Rund Application
This was covered earlier in the meeting under the Treasurer’s Report.
3 Shevington Fete Update
That was covered earlier.
Joe Shovelton asked about the missing bench which he had supplied years ago. Mike Thomas said that the bench would be reinstalled.
Mike told the meeting that the residents of Crooke Cruising Club had complained about someone leaving notes on moored boats next to the CCC demanding they move
their boats as they had no right to moor there. He read a letter which had been stuck to a boat. The meeting concluded that this person or persons had no right
to leave any note on a boat. It was resulting in the paint being taken off the boat on its removal. People would be vigilant in seeking to find out what was
Steve suggested that CCTV should be put on next month’s agenda and that an extraordinary village meeting should be arranged.
The meeting closed at 8.20. We all thanked the Crooke Hall Inn for their renewed hospitality, our first CVRA meeting in person for 18 months. We are glad to
be back.
Thank you Dawn and Phil for the much appreciated butties.
The next meeting will be at 7pm at the Crooke Hall Inn on 14th September 2021.
This concludes the the account of the minutes for August 2021.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for July 2021
Crooke Village Residents Association Zoom Meeting
Crooke Hall Inn
Tuesday 13th July 2021 at the Crooke Hall Inn.
(Zoom Meeting)
John Whitely, Jess Higham, Morag Tebbit.
Howard who usually organises the CVRA Zoom meetings, had cancelled the scheduled meeting from his computer diary, as he was unable to attend, not realising
that Zoom would assume the whole meeting was cancelled and send a message to all members to that effect. Mike then organised to meet up with people at the
Tippler at 7pm on Tuesday. Howard sent out new ID and password for the July Zoom meeting to take place. So two meetings would be concurrent.
Jess told John and Morag that the broken bench which was taken away from near the new house had not been supplied by the Shevington Parish Council. Perhaps the
CVRA should ask the Wigan councillors to fund a replacement.
Jess told John and Morag that the water from the planned drainage project would be diverted down to Gathurst and not to Crooke.
Morag said that Crooke would not be entering Wigan in Bloom like Shevington and Appley Bridge as no-one was available to lead the project. Jess said Shevington
Moor was not entering either.
Jess told John and Morag about the Greater Manchester cycling and walking network. There is a consultation process happening between Monday 28th June and 26th
July on Leeds and Liverpool Towpath and Links. This will be funded by The Mayor’s Challenge Fund, (MCF)
Jess said that they had received the application from CVRA to have a space at Shevington Fete on the 7th August.
Mike Thomas, Steve Tebbit, Sam and Stacey Hughes, Dawn Glynn and Paul Green met at the Tippler and discussed the Ash tree on the path up to Shevington and
what to do about the disease Ash Dieback which was present in the tree. They also said that it would be good to meet in the pub again for the next meeting.
Perhaps Zoom could used too.
The next meeting will be at 7p on the 10th of August. Venue/Zoom yet to be decided.
Keep safe and well.
This concludes the the account of the minutes for july 2021.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for June 2021
Crooke Village Residents Association Zoom Meeting
Crooke Hall Inn
Tuesday 8th June 2021 at the Crooke Hall Inn.
(Zoom Meeting)
Mike Thomas, Howard Cain, John Whitely, Morag Tebbit , Steve Tebbit, Linda Kellie, Paul Green.
Mike Crosby, Paul Collins, Janet Brown, Kath Bradley.
Because of the coronavirus situation the CVRA are still holding Zoom Meetings.
Mike welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Matters Arising
Discussion followed the mention of the Project List. It was concluded that the tasks were to be divided into what we as a group could do, and secondly who
could be asked to help.
John Whitely said he would look at the Project list and see what the Shevington Parish Council could do and what Wigan Council could do, and Mike Thomas said
he would do the same.
On looking through the Projects list, lots of things are ongoing.
Item 1, repairing the wooden fencing opposite number 113, should be done by Wigan Council if they own the land. Linda said it was unfair to ask villagers to
pay for such damage on Wigan Council property.
Item 13 has been sorted. Mike Stazicker from the council was very quick to get his team to do the required work.
Howard raised the question about the Welfare hut but felt that for the time being we should concentrate on the shed we already have. Mike and Steve will liaise
and do something about the roof. This has been on the things to do list for a very long time.
1 Crooke Village Project sheet

2 Community Fund (application deadline 30th May).
Linda had submitted an application form asking for funding for the wild flower planting in the village. Thanks are given to Linda, Ed Ellis and Stacey Hughes
for liaising on this task. We will hear in October if we are successful to possibly get up to £3000. She would apply to the Shevington Parish Council and the
Community Association for funds too. She told the meeting there was £1000 in the bank.
3.The Memorial Park update.
Charlie was unable to attend the meeting but had attended the SPC on the 2nd June. His email is attached.
4 Friends of Crooke Village.
After a little discussion Howard asked if he could change the name of the Crooke Facebook page. All agreed. And he did it just then. So it is the Friends of
Crooke Facebook page. The WhatsApp page would also be available for sending out information about meetings, litter picks etc.
5 Shevington Fete.
Conflicting messages about the fete, some said it was cancelled, others said it was still on. Howard said that the fete would still happen, but would be led by
government directives. He was told to apply for a space but no money was to be sent until July.
River Clean Up at Crooke. The attached email from Marie-Clare Kenyon tells you what is going to happen. We will await the date when this event is to happen and
circulate the time and date on the Friends of Crooke Facebook page, the WhatsApp group and the Crooke Noticeboard.
CVRA would like to thank Ira Whitely for all she has done for Shevington and Crooke as chair of SPC. We would also like to thank John for all his support and
are grateful for both Ira and John’s continued support as Shevinton Parish Councillors.
The meeting closed at 8.30pm.
The next Zoom meeting will be on Tuesday 13th July at 7pm.
Keep safe and well.
This concludes the the account of the minutes for june 2021.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for May 2021
Crooke Village Residents Association Zoom Meeting
Crooke Hall Inn
Tuesday 11th May 2021 at the Crooke Hall Inn.
(Zoom Meeting)
Mike Thomas, Morag Tebbit , Steve Tebbit, Janet Brown, Ed Ellis, Charlie Neve, Linda Kellie, Paul Green. Jessica Higham.
Howard Cain, Mike Crosby, Paul Collins, John Whitely, Kathy Bradley, Paul Liptrot.
Because of the coronavirus situation the CVRA are still holding Zoom Meetings.
Mike welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Matters Arising
Steve said the litterbin had been put in place. Janet said that Wigan Council will empty it. Thank you Janet.
Then because Charlie had other matters to attend to Mike proposed that item 3 on the agenda be discussed first, Steve seconded the proposal, all agreed.
Charlie wanted it to be recorded that as a group we would like to thank Marlaine Whitham for all the work she has tirelessly done for Crooke village. She said
she would keep in touch with the group and hopefully would join us sometimes.
Steve and/or Charlie should attend meetings between contractors and councillors regarding the plans for the improving of the Memorial Park drainage problem.
The walk around the village with Mike Thomas Howard Cain, Charlie Neve, Ed Ellis, Steve Tebbit, John Whitely, Stacey Hughes and an ecologist had taken place
and Howard had written the document, “Proposed Projects” which will be discussed in detail later in the meeting.
1 Crooke Village Project sheet

2 Community Fund (application deadline 30th May).
The Coop’s local community fund was open to applications being made. Linda said she was happy to fill in applications for monies as long as she was given what
project the money was to be used for, and the precise costings. Ed would liaise with Linda regarding this. Janet said that perhaps she and the other
councillors could access Brighter Borough money. Thank you Janet.
Jess offered the services of someone in Shevington who could help in filling out forms. Lucy Murphy could also help.
3.The Memorial Park update.
Charlie told the meeting he had attended two Parish Council meetings, the first on 28th April, and the second on 6th May regarding The Memorial Park update.
The May Newsletter has an item in it regarding Crooke’s flooding issue.
Charlie was concerned that Crooke would pay more for the precept as Shevington Parish Council was asking for a loan for the building of flood defences at the
memorial park which may put water down to Crooke. The idea was that the water would be diverted down Gathurst Lane which may cost more. Charlie had sent an
email to Krystyna Pilkington regarding his concerns and got a reply. This correspondence was just shared by a few people. Jess asked for this correspondence to
be sent to her so that she could discuss it at the next Parish Council meeting. It will also be shared with Steve Tebbit, as the concerns Charlie has are that
there should be confirmation that someone from Crooke should attend the meeting between contractors and councillors regarding the Flooding at the Memorial Park.
We also need to know the implications of the rise in the Precept, how it will affect Crooke residents. Thank you Jess for chasing this up.
The fence along the pavement at the green area in front of the church was mentioned but nothing happening as yet.
The signs on the field regarding No Horses will be in the May newsletter.
4 Lawns Wood and Beyond.
Ed asked if an ecological report could be done of the area. Mike Thomas said he would ask Stacey Hughes if she would be prepared to do it. She is an ecologist
living in Crooke.
5 Shevington Fete.
Mike Thomas assured Jess that CVRA would like a pitch at the Shevington Fete on the 7th August. Precise arrangements are yet to be decided because of the
Ed talked about getting a large Welfare hut to be acquired for storage etc. The CVRA shed behind the pub needs a new roof. Ed praised Pauline Murphy from the
council, for being very prompt in delivering litter pickers, rings and bags and asked Janet to pass that on. Janet agreed that Pauline has always been prompt
with her service.
Linda asked if CCTV was still in the agenda. Steve said yes but we would have to wait until this Covid pandemic is under control and we can hold an open
meeting with all the village. The CCTV expert is waiting for the easing of restrictions.
The subject of getting more people involved with Crooke was discussed.
Friend of Crooke could be started. There is already a Crooke Facebook page and a Crooke WhatsApp page. As some people have no access to the internet hard copy
information should be available to share.
Jess said she could put information on the Shevington website and the Parish Council newsletter. Paul said to put a notice about it on the village notice board.
The topic of Friends of Crooke will be put on next month’s agenda.
The meeting closed at 8.45pm.
The next Zoom meeting will be on Tuesday 8th June at 7pm.
Keep safe and well.
This concludes the the account of the minutes for May 2021.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for April 2021
Crooke Village Residents Association Zoom Meeting
Crooke Hall Inn
Tuesday 13th April 2021 at the Crooke Hall Inn.
(Zoom Meeting)
Mike Thomas, Howard Cain, John Whitely, Morag Tebbit , Steve Tebbit, Marlaine Whitham, Janet Brown, Jessica Higham.
Linda Kellie, Ed Ellis, Charlie and Sue Neve, Paul Collins, Kathy Bradley, Paul Green.
Because of the coronavirus situation the CVRA are still holding Zoom Meetings.
Howard welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Matters Arising
John said that consultants about the drainage system to be put in place in Shevington were looking into diverting all the water down Shevington Lane rather
than into the stream and canal in Crooke.
Howard said that the trees from the City of Trees had been planted on the field behind the nursery as promised. They were looking very small but no damage
to them had occurred. There seem to be gaps in the planting and Morag will email Kevin Wigley to see if more are scheduled to be planted. Discussion followed
about the growth of the trees. Mike said that the City of Trees initiative should have done a soil test because the area once was a slag heap.
Janet and John said that trees had been planted in Vicarage Road but sadly they been stolen.
Howard said that there had been diligent litter picking in the area near Heinz. Marlaine said that a large number of volunteers were picking up litter in
the ward. She said that the council were keeping an eye on the litter on the Bends. Janet said that Mike Cheers was involved in this work and traffic lights
would need to be employed.
Morag said she had emailed the CRT regarding the motorbikes and quad bikes using the tow path. She was told that signage would be put up intimating what
could be used on the tow path, and the gates would be looked at in the future to deter motor bikes etc using the tow path. If anyone sees motorbike etc on the
tow path then they should report it in the usual way.
Marlaine said she has put in to the council a request for signage for the fields so that this was in process. She also said that Kevin Wigley had been
emailed re signage to explain the planting of the trees but had had no reply. Mike said a couple of ladies had expressed their disapproval of the planting of
the trees and seen it as being a CVRA initiative. They would not have it that it was national initiative.
Discussion followed about the growth and sustainability of the trees. Mike said that the City of Trees initiative should have done a soil test because the
area was a slag heap so not promoting good basis for growth.
Shevington Fete
Howard told the meeting that this will be held on Saturday 7th August. A planning meeting was going to be held on 20th April. Jessica asked the meeting
whether Crooke could provide their usual stall. Mike said of course but it would be discussed at the next meeting as there was no quorum at the meeting to make
a decision. All stalls would be outside and abiding to Covid guidelines.
This was still on the agenda to be addressed at a later date after Covid restrictions were eased. Steve will contact the person who would put it in place after
a village discussion.
Councillors Reports
Howard asked if the councillors had any issues.
Janet said that the issues of litter, speeding and pavement parking were being looked into. Marlaine commended Paul Collins in his sharing information with
residents with his regular updates on line. Janet asked if anyone could nominate a community hero for a Wigan award, by going on to the Wigan website and
tapping on The Deal communities and following the link.
Marlaine said the Techmates and Digital inclusions courses would continue to happen.
Sadly she told the meeting that this would be her last attendance at our CVRA meeting as she is retiring in May when the elections of new Wigan Councillors
would take place. Thank you Marlaine for your untiring support of the CVRA needs and of course the rest of the ward. She has supported us so well. Thank you
Fencing around grass area in front of church
Cars and vans are parking on the pavement and on to the grass on the area in front of the church. As this was Wigan land Janet said she would ask again
about the erection of a fence round the area.
Litter Bins
Janet asked for someone to send a photo of where this missing litter bin should be put. Morag said she would send her a photograph of where it should be put.
The Crooke Tow Path and Beyond
Discussion about Ed Ellis’ approach to a holistic appraisal of Crooke village and its need, was discussed. It was agreed that a meeting would be arranged for
Ed, Howard, Charlie, Steve and Paul to walk around the village, socially distancing and record relative needs and wants. This will take place on Saturday 17th
April at 2pm.
The next Zoom meeting will be on Tuesday 11th May, 2021 at 7pm.
Keep safe and well.
This concludes the the account of the minutes for April 2021.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for March 2021
Crooke Village Residents Association Zoom Meeting
Crooke Hall Inn
Tuesday 9th March 2021 at the Crooke Hall Inn.
(Zoom Meeting)
Howard Cain, John Whitely, Ed Ellis, Morag Tebbit , Steve Tebbit, Marlaine Whitham, Paul Green, Charlie Neve.
Stacey and Sam Hughes, Paul Collins, Janet Brown, Dawn Glynn, Linda Kellie, Mike Thomas.
Because of the coronavirus situation the CVRA are still holding Zoom Meetings.
Howard welcomed John Whitely, leader of Shevington Parish Council and Ed Ellis a concerned villager to the meeting.
Charlie asked John why reports and minutes of the meeting on 24th February of the parish council had not been put on the website. Steve also said that he had
asked Krystyna to post his report on the website but that had not been done either. John said they were usually put on the website a week before the next
meeting which will be on the 31st March. As Mike Thomas had not attended Parish Council meetings because of mitigating circumstances, Charlie put himself
forward to be allowed to attend future meetings as the representative for Crooke Village. Later in the meeting Howard put this to a vote with the proviso of
getting Mike Thomas’ agreement. Howard proposed Charlie be a representative for the village at Shevington Parish Council, Paul Green seconded the motion and
all were in agreement. Steve also asked why he had not been given sight of the engineeer’s report of the Flooding in Lawn’s Wood. John will ask the clerk to
put Steve’s report on the website and ask for the engineer’s report for Steve. Charlie put it to John that the Parish Council when asking for this £150,000
loan the works should lead to the water being diverted to going into the canal at Gathurst, not at Crooke. We are definitely not against improvements being
done at the Memorial Park and the children’s playground in Shevington. He then asked how does Crooke get money from the Precept to get improvements done to
our play area.
Paul Green had asked the council to take away the rubbish collected on the litter pick at the weekend and empty the overflowing bins. This was done at 7 am on
Monday morning. Thank you Wigan Council for such prompt action. They also put a new bin by the entry to John Pit.
Meeting re Lawn’s Wood and The planting of trees.
This took place on Wednesday 24th February.
Kevin Wigley (City of Trees), Mike Thomas, Charlie Hughes, Steve Tebbit, WBC Botanist and Stacey Hughes had a very constructive meeting discussing the
planting of trees on the field behind the church and nursery, and the flooding issues in Lawn’s Wood.
Marlaine told the meeting that a greater number of volunteers were picking up some of the vast quantities of litter that was being dropped. There was a vast
amount of litter near the Heinz factory with cars and other large piece of rubbish. There was also a great deal of rubbish in the Baby Elephant car park.
If you see anything amiss do report it on the Wigan website which is actually efficient. Remember the pothole and other instances which were quickly put right.
Ed told the meeting of initiatives in Australia where vast nets were put in place to make it easier to catch rubbish. He suggested someone speak to the NDC.
Steve asked Marlaine if she could do anything about the signage of concerning horses which are not allowed to be exercised in the field area, especially as
trees were going to be planted there at the end of this month. All 4 signs are down or illegible. Two horses and their riders went across the field a few days
ago and made an awful mess and the riders were vocally abusive when told that horses were not allowed there. Howard or Charlie will email Marlaine with the
Horses and motorbikes have been seen on the towpath. The kissing gates had been put in place in the mid 1980s to allow cyclists and people to use the towpaths.
Sadly they were vandalised so that they stay open to allow horses and motor bikes access. Could the CRT be approached to say whether they should reinstate
their policy or change their policy? Morag will get in touch with the CRT regarding this matter.
Ed said that Wigan Council was responding to problems very well with shrinking resources. He suggested that an holistic approach be used to see what exactly
Crooke village needed in the way of improvements etc. Howard proposed that a holistic review be done, Charlie seconded it, all agreed. Howard and Ed would
liaise and report back to the meeting. Ed’s email address is:
Steve told the meeting that the Crooke Hall Inn was planning to re-open outside from the 15th April. This was unanimously approved by the meeting.
Marlaine thanked Ed for his kind words and said that Wigan was certainly not reducing its services. She told the meeting that the National Lottery Community
Fund had be re-instated , Waterfall Awards for all allow communities to access up to £10,000 in support of activities and particularly if they need to change
or adapt what they are doing as a result of the pandemic. Marlaine and Janet had just attended a vrtual meeting of Walking and Cycling group. There is a £4m
mayor’s challenge fund to improve the towpaths on the Leeds and Liverpool canal. A consultation meeting will be held in May. The work should begin later in the
year. The money is secure.
There will be the Annual British Spring Clean between the 28th May and 13th June. It will be proposed that Shevington do theirs on Saturday 25th May. Crooke
will decide when to do their litter picking. This should be a social affair, (socially distancing of course). If we need hi-viz jackets gloves, pickers please
ask Janet.
Marlaine asked the meeting if we had seen the Facebook page of the Douglas river. Please go and see what it says. The rubbish in the river is shocking. Charlie
said he had reported the mess opposite Otters’ Croft beyond the pipe bridge, to the Environment Agency three times.
Marline told the meeting that Techmates were still in operation and there were still i-pads/tablets to be had for people who want to access the internet and
help given.
Thank you Janet for that information which you sent, and that which Marlaine relayed to the meeting. Thanks to all our councillors who work so hard for us.
John told the meeting that:
1) The clerk to the Parish Council puts on their website, statistics regarding the £100,000 budget, balances etc.
2) There is debate to be involved in regarding the filling of East Quarry at Appley Bridge with spoil.
Please look it up.
Ed mentioned the bump on the towpath opposite the entrance to the marina. There was a debate as to why it was there and what was its purpose. Research would
have to be done. Paul said he would get in touch with Ed.
Thank you to all who attended.
The next Zoom meeting will be on Tuesday 13th April, 2021 at 7pm
Keep safe and well.
This concludes the the account of the minutes for March 2021.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for February 2021
Crooke Village Residents Association Zoom Meeting
Crooke Hall Inn
Tuesday 9th February 2021 at the Crooke Hall Inn.
Mike Thomas, Howard Cain, Jessica Higham (Parish Councillor), Morag Tebbit , Steve Tebbit, Paul Liptrot, Paul Green, Dawn Glynn, Linda Kellie, Charlie Neve.
Stacey and Sam Hughes, Marlaine Whitham, Paul Collins, Janet Brown.
Because of the coronavirus situation the CVRA are still holding Zoom Meetings.
There are two items on the Agenda.
1. Impact of Shevington Drainage.
Mike told the meeting of the history of the drainage of the area, from Standish, down to Shevington, down to Cooke, the water exiting under a small bridge
entering the marina. When it floods there is a massive surge of water which has in the past flooded houses and when the drains cannot cope the flood water
mixes with sewage which makes it highly dangerous. There was much discussion, and Jess Higham said she would bring the flooding issues in Crooke, to the
Shevington Parish Council’s attention.
The subject of the proposed drainage of Shevngton Memorial Park and the loan of £150,000 from the government was discussed at the meeting and it was suggested
that it was unfair that Crooke villagers would have to pay out of their precept money for a loan which would effectively, potentially flood the village of
Crooke because of happenings to stop the flooding in the Memorial Park. The document which was delivered to the village on the 6th January requesting villagers
to fill in a questionnaire regarding their opinions about whether we approve Shevington requesting the government for a loan of £150,000 has to be filled in
and returned to various places in the ward by the 17th February. Given the Covid situation we cannot meet as a village to discuss this and feel that it is too
short notice.
The next parish meeting will be on the 24th February.
2. The Planting of trees on the field behind the nursery and Methodist Church.
There was much discussion about this. None was arguing that the planting of trees was a bad thing. It was the fact that it was supposed to have been put
through a consultation process, but it seems to be presented as a “fait accompli”. There have been two notices of where the tree are to be planted and why it
was being done. They were put on small posts facing people as they come into the village and were A4 size. The information was not generally given out to the
villagers. The secretary emailed Stacey Whitely the information that Kevin Wigley had sent out and she asked a series of questions which are written below.
Will the area be fenced? This area is well used by dog walkers and what damage could be expected. The planting would also benefit from an information board
explaining what is happening here to prevent vandalism.
Do they have a list of tree species? It is worthwhile checking that the species included are sensitive to the location and in keeping with the surrounding
Will the trees be protected from grazing deer damage?
Will there be a maintenance plan for the first 3 years of establishment to check and replace any failures?
Will there be herbicide treatment of new planting which could leach into nearby watercourses?
Will the trees be locally sourced?
Who will be responsible for watering the trees during their establishment period in dry weather?
Will the spiral guards on the newly planted trees be plastic or will they be compostable?
Overall Stacey thinks the location is good from an ecological perspective.
Stacey is an ecologist.
The secretary sent Stacey’s questions to Mr Wigley but as yet has had no reply. The date given for planting the trees is March 2021.
Litter. Dawn mentioned magnetic fishing had been going on. There were metal bicycles, cash boxes, fishing lines, all pretty dangerous. Charlie said it was the
responsibility of who got the objects from the canal to take away anything found.
Litter picking as a general activity seems not to be able to be done as we used to. Everyone should do their part. Litter sadly is a national problem.
The broken fence at the top of the village was mentioned. Jess said she would chase up whose responsibility it was. She also said if there was anything she
could do just let her know.
Charlie said that the salt bin near the children’s park has been emptied. Charlie subsequently reported to the council 4 times that the bin needed re- filling
and each time his report was ‘completed’, but it was clearly not . One refill had been done but not the next ones. Howard said he would report it.
There was a deep pothole at the entrance to the village but a number of people had reported it and it has been filled.
After the meeting Paul Liptrot emailed Morag to say that he had been trying to speak at the meeting, but couldn’t, and then his iPad battery died. He said that
the village needs to get the ward councillors to join together and ask the WMBC Main Drainage Environment planners and NWWA to prepare reports and present
them to the Shevington Parish Council meeting.
The North West Water Authority created a barrier in the grounds of Haigh Park, to prevent flooding in Newtown near the new bridge at the Soho Street Junction.
Thank you Paul for that information.
Charlie said he would gather all the photos, videos of the flooding in Crooke over the last 5 or 6 years and send them to Krystyna Pilkington, clerk to the
Parish Council.
Steve will write to Kevin Wigley regarding the tree planting.
The Ward councillors are liaising with Mike Thomas, Charlie Neve and other agencies regarding the problems of Lawns Wood and the other major issues of flooding
in our whole ward.
The quiz will happen in the future.
Howard shared a photo of our beautiful canal and we all agreed we lived in a beautiful place.
The next Zoom meeting will be on Tuesday 9th March 2021 at 7pm.
Keep safe and well.
This concludes the the account of the minutes for February 2021.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for January 2021
Crooke Village Residents Association Zoom Meeting
Crooke Hall Inn
Tuesday 12th January 2021 at the Crooke Hall Inn.
Mike Thomas, Howard Cain, Janet Brown, Morag Tebbit and Steve Tebbit.
Linda Kellie, Stacey and Sam Hughes, Marlaine Whitham, Paul Collins, Charlie and Sue Neve, Paul Green.
Because of the coronavirus situation the CVRA are still holding Zoom Meetings.
Matters arising
Because of Covid and the weather, not much has been happening in Wigan and specifically in Crooke.
Marlaine sent a message via Morag to say that the 635 bus service timetable was to be changed on the 31st January. Its route has been extended to Wrightington
Hospital and Wigan Royal Albert Infirmary, Monday to Friday (off peak only) and on Saturdays. There is no change to the evening and Sunday journeys run by
She has also sent a message regarding Paul Collins regular briefings from Wigan Council. These are sent via Sheila Milnes. Paul Collins could not make the Zoom
meeting because he was delivering food parcels. He sent via Marlaine, a message about the Wigan North Support Hub, which runs from the (closed) Shevington
Library. The council workers continue to work with health and social services and with volunteers to support the most vulnerable. The contact number remains
01942 489018. Anyone without friends or neighbours, and need help or advice, should ring this number and be linked to their local hub or to the appropriate
Thank you to all our councillors who support us all. Thank you Paul for the BB money for the salt bin which was needed recently. Charlie had sent a WhatsApp
message saying that he had cleared the Mill Brook of debris and sticks ahead of the forecast heavy rain. Thank you Charlie.
The need for spare laptops to help disadvantaged students was brought up. Mike Thomas said he had one. Where does he put it? Janet said she would get back to
him about that. Maybe St Anne’s.
Howard mentioned litter was a major problem. Janet said she would approach Jonathan from the Enforcement team to litter pick near Mike Thomas yard at the top
of Crooke.
Steve told the meeting that the farmer had tried to burn a downed tree. Unfortunately he had done it near another tree and scorched it. Discussion followed and
the conclusion that signage might be put up to discourage the farmer from setting fires. Janet said that there is no Beat It Team. Graham Parkinson, a council
worker, continually picks up litter. As does Mr Bott on the Bends. Janet regularly informs Wigan Council of the need for litter to be picked up all over the
Janet asked about CCTV. This topic will be discussed at a later date post Covid.
When the Parish Council do their inspection of the area, can Mike, Howard or Morag be informed of the date and join in the walk. Howard asked the date of the
next Parish Council meeting. Janet said it would be the first and third Wednesday of the month, i.e. 20th January and 3rd February.
Steve mentioned Lawn’s Wood and the state of it. Paul Collins has post meeting, put on WhatsApp the possibility of the NCB might be approached for help in
resolving the issues occurring in Lawn’s Wood. But that has to be investigated further.
There had been a Quiz booked on Zoom between Christmas and New Year, but as only Howard, Kath, Steve and Morag attended, we had a good chat with our coffee or
tea, and played silly but fun games via Zoom.
The meeting ended at 7.45.
Next Meeting.
The next Zoom meeting will be on Tuesday 9th February 2021 at 7pm.
This concludes the the account of the minutes for January 2021.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for December 2020
Crooke Village Residents Association Zoom Meeting
Crooke Hall Inn
Tuesday 8th December 2020 at the Crooke Hall Inn.
Mike Thomas, Howard Cain, Paul Green, Janet Brown, Morag Tebbit and Steve Tebbit.
Mike Thomas, Linda Kellie, Stacey and Sam Hughes.
Because of the coronavirus situation the CVRA are still holding Zoom Meetings.
Matters arising
Because of Covid and the weather, not much has been happening in Wigan and specifically in Crooke.
Steve said there was litter on the footpath from the top of the village towards Shevington , near Mike Thomas’ pen. Janet said she would write a report and
give it to the council.
Paul said there was a car/boat battery left on the tow path near the pipe bridge west of bridge 47. Morag will notify Canal and River Trust if it isn’t moved.
Discussion followed about the general state of roads and pavements in Wigan, and the lack of sightings of police or PCSO presence in our area.
Howard said that the Christmas Lunch would be postponed until a suitable date could be arranged, possibly in March, the 21st.
The quiz which was discussed at the last Zoom meeting, with Howard to provide Geography questions, Josh local history, Steve and Morag Science and Nature, Kath
entertainment, Paul Who’s who, will take place at the Zoom coffee morning at 11am on Tuesday 29th December. Howard would put on WhatsApp the meeting details.
Please everyone is invited to come and chat {and take the quiz if they want!)
Janet asked about the CCTV initiative. Steve said that that was put on hold until this Covid situation was under control.
The meeting ended at 7.45.
Next Meeting.
The next Zoom meeting will be on Tuesday 12th January 2021 at 7pm.
Wishing you all a very Happy Christmas. Keep safe and well.
This concludes the the account of the minutes for December 2020.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for November 2020
Crooke Village Residents Association Zoom Meeting
Crooke Hall Inn
Tuesday 10th November 2020 at the Crooke Hall Inn.
Mike Thomas, Howard Cain, Paul Green, Janet Brown, Morag Tebbit and Steve Tebbit, Marlaine Witham, Josh Richmond, Kath Bradley.
Paul Collins, Linda Kellie, Stacey and Sam Hughes.
Because of the coronavirus situation the CVRA are still holding Zoom Meetings.
From Howard Cain:
Matters arising
1. Postponement of CVRA AGM and officer appointments due to COVID-19 restrictions. This will still be rearranged as soon as practical.
2. Installation of CCTV in the village to monitor entry and exit points. This is still on hold because of the pandemic.
3. Impact of recent heavy rains – flooding the road near the marina and the capacity of the culverts, impact on Lawns Wood path, movement of the footbridge
(again). Mike met with councillors Laura Morrison and Andy with Charlie Neve. They went for a comprehensive tour of the Lawn’s Wood area three weeks ago, but
nothing has happened since. We are not to cut down trees or put the bridge back, and a section of railing has collapsed, these are Wigan Council’s
responsibility. Andy had suggested planting trees. Charlie said that we are an old village and we have a combined sewage system where foul water and rain
water use the same pipe network.
4. Repairs and improvements in the village including the fence at the top of the village, bush cutting near the Crooke Village Cruising Club moorings, path
widening in the park and renewal of the compost area. The bushes at the Crooke Cruising Club had been trimmed, but none of the rest of the aforementioned jobs
had been done.
Councillor Reports
Marlaine - Tech Buddies was starting to take place. This is an initiative for experts to liaise with generally older people who had little computer/technology
knowledge. Janet added that the intention was to identify people in need of accessing this technology. There could be the loan of computers, ipads etc, to
people who have no facilities. Tracey Boffey is liaising with Vodafone regarding providing the equipment.
Paul Collins sends regular Covid updates.
Kath brought up the subject of having a quiz on line. Discussion followed and a plan of action was put forward. Each attendee of the meeting was given a topic
to write 10 quiz questions to be used at the Zoom quiz.
Janet - literature or History, Josh – Wigan (local history), Steve and Morag - Science and Nature,
Howard – Geography, Kath - Entertainment, Paul Green – Who’s who. Morag will contact Cliff to take on a topic.
Kath brought up the subject of Coffee, Cake and a Chat.
After discussion a Zoom Coffee Cake and Chat meeting was arranged for Thursday 19th November at 11AM. People without computers could join in on their telephones.
Details of how, would be circulated later, by notes through doors or WhatsApp.
Steve said that a new couple had moved into Cliff’s house, number 80. They were Lilian and Chris. Steve has given them a Crooke Village Welcome pack.
Georgia Winchester has moved into number 31. Mike said he would give her a welcome pack.
Steve told the meeting that Lee Makin, assisted by Steve, had fitted the new housing of the defibrillator on 26th October. Thank you Lee, and Marlaine for BB
The meeting closed at 8.00pm.
Next Meeting.
The next Zoom meeting will be at 7pm on the 8th December 2020.
The details for the next CVRA Zoom meeting will be put on the Crooke Facebook page and Crooke WhatsApp.
Keep safe and well in these worrying times.
This concludes the the account of the minutes for November 2020.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for October 2020
Crooke Village Residents Association Zoom Meeting
Crooke Hall Inn
Tuesday 13th October 2020 at the Crooke Hall Inn.
Mike Thomas, Howard Cain, Paul Green, Janet Brown, Morag Tebbit and Steve Tebbit, Marlaine Witham.
Paul Collins,Linda Kellie, Stacey and Sam Hughes, Charlie and Sue Neve.
Because of the coronavirus situation the CVRA are still holding Zoom Meetings.
I am going to copy the message which Howard wrote on the Crooke Facebook page.
As he wrote down the contents of the meeting so succinctly I do not think there is any need to paraphrase the text.
From Howard Cain.
At last night’s meeting we discussed the following issues.
1. Postponement of CVRA AGM and officer appointments due to COVID-19 restrictions. This will be rearranged as soon as practical.
2. Installation of CCTV in the village to monitor entry and exit points. This is a response to a number of recent incidents including damage/break ins to cars
in the village, anti-social behaviour near nursery /church, the dog smearing of houses etc. No action will be taken until a full proposal has been discussed
and agreed by the village via CVRA.
3. Impact of recent heavy rains – flooding the road near the marina and the capacity of the culverts, impact on Lawns Wood path, movement of the foot bridge
(again) . A working party has been formed COMPRIMISING Mike Thomas, Charlie Neve and Cllr Paul Collins.
4. Repairs and improvements in the village including the fence at the top of the village, bush cutting near the Crooke Village Cruising Club moorings, path
widening in the park and renewal of the compost area. Although not discussed I’d like to add thanks to Joe Shovelton for clearing the weeds from the pavements
in the village.
Minutes of the meeting will shortly be available on the village website. Meetings take place on the second Tuesday of every month form 7pm and usually last
an hour.
If you would like to get involved or help in any way please feel free to contact me on 07958 756119. Please use the same number to be added to the Crooke
Village WhatsApp group.
Howard Cain, Vice Chair CVRA.
I would also like to thank the councillors for their continuing hard work they do for us.
The meeting closed at 7.50pm.
The next Zoom meeting will be at 7pm on the 10th November 2020.
The details for the next CVRA Zoom meeting will be put on the Crooke Facebook page, and Crooke WhatsAPP.
Keep safe and well in these worrying times.
This concludes the the account of the minutes for October 2020.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for September 2020
Crooke Village Residents Association Zoom Meeting
Crooke Hall Inn
Tuesday 8th September 2020 at the Crooke Hall Inn.
Mike Thomas, Howard Cain, Paul Green, Janet Brown, Morag Tebbit and Steve Tebbit.
Paul Collins Linda Kellie, Marlaine Whitham.
Because of the coronavirus situation the CVRA are still holding Zoom Meetings.
Howard welcomed all to the meeting.
Janet talked about drains /water in Shevington.
Stephen said that the field had been mown, better this time.
Because of Covid no one could visit Bolton. In Wigan we still keep our social distancing and two families can meet.
Brighter Borough Money, for Defibrillator,(through Marlaine Whitham),Church sanitising, (through Janet Brown, not paid into church account yet) and salt bin,
(through Paul Collins) has been successfully claimed for by Linda. Thanks to all our councillors.
Janet will investigate an electrician to connect the defibrillator.
Linda had said that the insurance was overdue for public liability. Howard will investigate. It was agreed by the meeting the insurance should be paid.
Christmas lunch was discussed. Morag said that Crooke Hall Inn were able to accommodate this function. Howard suggested Thursday 10th December be a provisional
date. He would get in touch with the pub. Cliff Jarvis said he would love to do a quiz on the day. Howard said he would organise socially distanced games!
Steve said that a Christmas lunch would boost village morale.
Janet said that a national event was planned for September 12th. The Great British Clean Up. Shevington was having a litter pick at 10 am Saturday 12th,
meeting at the library. Crooke would have its own litter pick on the same day meeting at the pub car park at 10 am. Mike would pick up any bags collected.
An incident concerning a lady and her dog, when on the canal bridge at 6pm, was approached by a group of youths who tried to steal her dog. A man came to her
aid, and they left. Mike said be on your guard. Any local crime please log it. Go on website and log it.
Steve told the meeting that motorbikes were regularly travelling along the tow path at great speed. Only an accident happening might deter them.
The footpath from Shevington to Crooke was very muddy and badly maintained. Janet said she would talk to Liz Parry about it.
Steve said the poo bin near Lawns Wood was still missing. Janet said she would remind the council. The signs around the field were faded. Janet said she would
investigate. Thank you Janet for all the work you do on our behalf.
The meeting closed at 7.50pm.
Next Meeting
The next Zoom meeting will be at 7pm on the 13th October.
The details for the next CVRA Zoom meeting will be put on the Crooke Facebook page, and Crooke WhatsAPP.
This concludes the the account of the minutes for September 2020.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for August 2020
Crooke Village Residents Association Zoom Meeting
Crooke Hall Inn
Tuesday 11th August 2020 at the Crooke Hall Inn.
Mike Thomas, Howard Cain, Paul Green, Linda Kelly, Janet Brown, councillor, Marlaine Whitham, councillor, Morag Tebbit and Steve Tebbit.
Paul Collins.
Because of the coronavirus situation the CVRA are still holding Zoom Meetings.
Howard welcomed all to the meeting.
Marlaine Whitham told the meeting of the sad news about the death of David Milnes, the husband of Sheila Milnes SDCA secretary. He died of a massive stroke on
Sunday 2nd August. Morag has already sent a card to Sheila.
Discussion followed about the lack of the salt bin due to the police chase of a Ford Fiesta through our village at 3.00am a few weeks ago. Janet had tried to
get Wigan Council to provide a replacement but was unsuccessful. Thank you Janet for trying. Paul Collins was told about the situation and he managed to get
permission for us to apply for a bin through Brighter Borough money. Mike said we could ask the Parish council for money. Janet suggested he attend the next
meeting and ask for some money for rock salt.
Steve, Linda and Janet mentioned the shocking mess made by Wigan Council of the cutting of the grass in Crooke. This was probably due to blunt blades, and wet
weather. Crooke was not the only area in Wigan where the grass cutting had been poor. The Memorial Park and Recreation Ground in Shevington were cut by a
private company and a very good job had been done there.
The path around the field was overgrown by branches and weeds. Marlaine would put in a request for more action to happen. Paul Green said he would make a start
on Wednesday at the worst of it, near the stream and the bridge over it, near the entrance to Lawn’s Wood.
Marlaine told the meeting that Shevington Library would reopen on 14th September.
The computer classes would not be resumed til next year but “techmates” could be linked up by phone to help those in need of tuition on computer skills.
Marlaine would send the link to Morag and Linda.
Sandra Makin had complained about the muddy area between the nursery and the church, due to the removal of wood shavings put there by the council. They had
moved the chippings to the entrance of Lawn’s Wood, and unfortunately taken a layer of soil with the chippings. This left a muddy mess. Janet said she would
Morag mentioned that motorbikes were using the towpath. Janet had investigated the putting up of some sort of barriers, but had to date heard nothing back.
Morag also mentioned the State of the Sector research initiative, put forward by Lucy Murphy, Community Capacity Officer, for Wigan North. This would be done
by doing a survey online stating your views. Groups interested in taking part should follow the following link. They should fill in the survey by 25th
September and a report will be ready to share in Jan/Feb 2021.
Shevington Methodist Church had conducted its first service on 9th August since lockdown. Crooke had done three services since lockdown on the 9th August.
Thanks to Steve Tebbit for sorting out the paperwork and physically getting the premises ready for a Covid19 service to take place, given all the rules and
regulations in place.
The meeting closed at 7.50pm.
Next Meeting
The next Zoom meeting will be at 7pm on the 8th September.
The details for the CVRA Zoom meetings are:-
Meeting ID 890 8459 3543
Password 825300
This concludes the the account of the minutes for August 2020.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for July 2020
Crooke Village Residents Association Zoom Meeting
Crooke Hall Inn
Tuesday 14th July 2020 at the Crooke Hall Inn.
Mike Thomas, Howard Cain, Kath Bradley, Paul Green, Linda Kelly, Janet Brown, Morag Tebbit and Steve Tebbit.
Marlaine Whitham.
Because of the coronavirus situation the CVRA are still holding Zoom Meetings.
Howard welcomed all to the meeting.
Janet asked if visitors were getting fewer in the pub car park. The bad weather was helping. She expressed a worry that children were not doing school work at
home. Morag said that primary children would catch up, and if parents just enjoyed the time with their children, a lot of nurture was happening. In schools
teachers could not teach the proper curriculum and were really just minding the children of key workers who were in school. Janet said that missing schooling
for 6 months was a long time. Linda said that a child she knew had done homework in 45 minutes!
Howard commented on Mike ‘s PPE as Alison’s hairdressing business reopened on Monday.
Howard told the meeting about the car being chased at 3 am by police. The cars were travelling between 50 and 60 mph. Howard said, “So much for the signs which
had just been put up again reminding car drivers to slow down.”
The grit box had been smashed in the chase. Janet said she would report the broken bin. The owner of the car came back the following day and retrieved his
number plate and bumper.
The foliage around the mirror at the entrance to the village needed trimming. Mike or Howard will see that this is done. Janet asked about the amount of cars
which were regularly parked outside the entrance to the village outside Crooke Approach. The parked cars stopped cars seeing the mirror when they tried to
enter the village. Mike said he would talk to the owner.
Howard, Steve, Mike and Linda all said that paths round the field were getting overgrown and near the culvert also.
Discussion followed about the upgrading of the footpath from Crooke to Shevington. Talk followed about people at the top of the village specifically, and the
whole village generally, were not terribly happy that a surfaced cycle path would naturally produce more footfall. Marlaine had sent Morag a link to Wigan
website asking the public for their opinions. Morag had sent it to the members of the CVRA. Discussion followed about the traffic on the bends, with
articulated lorries taking all the road to turn corners. The cost of improving the bends has been discussed before and it was always said to be too expensive.
The conclusion was that nothing would happen until a fatality occurred, sadly. Various options were discussed about re-routing foot traffic when coming into
the village from Shevington, on to the grass opposite the houses at the top of the village.
Mike said as far as he knew the farmer had not been approached by anyone discussing the cycle path. Motor bikes would use it more often. They come from Heinz
side of the village and come over the Douglas Bridge. They also come along the towpath, and of course along Crooke Road already. Howard said they practise
their off road skill on the field.
Morag mentioned that Brighter Borough money was available for funding in this Corona virus situation. Marlaine had said that Shevington Youth club had applied
for funds, as have Shevington Methodist Church, asking for £300 for cleaning materials . Janet asked Linda to apply for £300 for the cleaning of Crooke
Methodist Church. Thank you Janet and Linda.
Howard mentioned the continuing problem of parking on the pavement beside the green opposite the church. The whole pavement was being used leaving no room for
pedestrians and people with pushchairs. They had to go into the road. Janet suggested that photos be taken of offending vehicles, given to her and she would
send them to the correct people.
Mike suggested that a polite reminder notice be put in people’s houses reminding people to be aware of this dangerous practice. Howard said he would pen a
Howard mentioned the growing problem of knotweed growing in the area behind his house. Janet suggested that Howard report it to the Environment agency as it is
considered a huge problem.
The subject of anti social behaviour was brought up. As dialling 101 is proving to be problematic, Janet suggested that the better option was to go to the
online chat facility on the Wigan Council site. They work with the police. Linda said her daughter had found this option very satisfactory when she had used
this option when complaining about anti social behaviour.
Linda told the meeting that Joe Shovelton on his own, (Steve had been unable to help due to an injured hand) cleared all the weeds growing on both pavements of
Crooke Road. Mike asked Morag to thank him for doing a great job.
The reopening of the Crooke Hall Inn was mentioned , and it was welcomed after 12 weeks of closure due to the coronavirus.
The meeting closed at 8pm.
Next Meeting
The next Zoom meeting will be at 7pm on the 11th August.
The details for the CVRA Zoom meetings are:-
Meeting ID 890 8459 3543
Password 825300
This concludes the the account of the minutes for July 2020.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for June 2020
Crooke Village Residents Association Zoom Meeting
Crooke Hall Inn
Tuesday 9th June 2020 at the Crooke Hall Inn.
Mike Thomas, Howard Cain, Kath Bradley, Paul Green, Josh Richmond, Morag Tebbit and Steve Tebbit.
Linda Kelly.
Because of the coronavirus situation the CVRA are still holding Zoom Meetings.
Howard welcomed Josh Richmond to the meeting.
The wood chippings have been moved to Lawn’s Wood entrance. As the nursery was having work done, ie making a wild flower meadow, the caretaker who was working
on it wanted to make better access to the site and fence it in. Joe Shovelton got in touch with Mike Thomas and a new gate was put in. Mike Thomas has a key.
Discussion followed about access to the Wigan owned community allotment which now had a new locked gate to go through. However next to this was a pedestrian
access which was obscured by vegetation. Mike Thomas said he would go and prune the trees and flowers there. You can access the allotment from the other side
There was vegetation obscuring the mirror coming into the village. Mike will trim that too.
Paul mentioned the broken wood bits on bridge 47. Morag had contacted Canal and River Trust who sent a man to repair the damage. One of the horizontal bits of
wood was 600cm long which really wasn’t safe. It would easily have given way if someone leant on it and it was at a good height above the ground making it
unsafe. Morag told the meeting that the man was coming back to paint it. She would also remind the Canal and River Trust that the beam needed a post underneath
it to make it safe.
Stu Sermon has painted the wooden fence between number 82 and the wall towards the pub. Thank you Stu.
Joy Halliwell has filled 4 planters on top of the wall. Thank you Joy, they look lovely.
The bridge at the entrance of Lawn’s Wood had been put back in its proper position. Thank you, Mike, Steve, Howard and Paul. (And keeping social distancing.)
The overflowing bins at the pub, and the pub car park had been emptied on Monday 8th June.
Paul Collins had said for the public not to pick up litter but after some discussion about restrictions being eased a little, a litter pick was arranged for
Saturday 13th June, meeting at the car park, litter pickers and black bags will be provided. This will be done following social distancing rules.
Mike will mow the path round the field. The council have mowed the grass in Crooke, but their machinery still seems to be blunt and as it was raining when they
did they were working, it looks untidy.
Discussion followed about our CVRA Zoom meetings. Howard would create a meeting room facility and send out details at a later date. The details would be
published on Facebook, WhatsAPP and in the notes of the monthly meetings. He would also start producing agendas again.
Howard told the meeting that Crooke, Haigh and Aspull were the only areas in Wigan to have no recorded coronavirus infections. Well done Crooke, Haigh and
Josh asked about where we were regarding CCTV in the village. This item would be put back on the agenda when we were out of lockdown so everyone who is
interested in the subject, and don’t have access to computer technology, can have their say at an open meeting, in whatever format we are allowed to have.
Next Meeting
The next Zoom meeting should be on Tuesday 14th July 2020.
The details for the CVRA Zoom meetings are:-
meeting ID 89084593543
Password 825300
This concludes the the account of the minutes for June 2020.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for May 2020
Crooke Village Residents Association Zoom Meeting
Crooke Hall Inn
Tuesday 12th May 2020 at the Crooke Hall Inn.
Mike Thomas, Howard Cain, Morag Tebbit, Steve Tebbit nand Linda Kellie.
Sam & Stacey Hughes and Paul Green.
Because of the coronavirus situation the CVRA could not meet as usual so Howard suggested we use the Zoom App and have a conference call with all those
who could.
The red card system in the village still seems to be working. Mike and Howard check every day to see if anyone needed help. Linda looks every day as do Morag
and Steve.
VE Day was a low key affair. Charlie Neve had put up a Union Jack and a white ensign on top of the scaffolding around his house. Dawn had made a few banners
in red, white and blue so a number of houses displayed them. A socially distancing party was held on the green on the north side of the street opposite the
A few building ventures were happening in Shevington district, including the clubhouse at the allotments.
Deliveries to the Crooke Hall Inn prompted a discussion about the pub reopening when the government allow pubs to reopen.
People still clap for the NHS and front line workers on Thursday nights.
Someone had put up Covid-19 notices at the entrances to the village, stating Residents, Deliveries and Collections Only. Discussion followed about the very
large numbers of people who are walking about the area on the main road and through Crooke Village. It was suggested that a sign could be put up at the
entrances to the village, asking people to respect our village, take their litter home, and obey social distancing rules.
The litter bins in the village have been emptied, and the one beside the car park which had many carrier bags beside it, full of rubbish had been taken away.
The poo bin in the field vanished a couple of months ago. Mike told the meeting he knew where to get another one and would put it in the missing bin’s place.
Steve asked if the bridge near the main road on the field, which had moved its position in the floods of a few months ago, could be put back in position.
Howard, Mike and his digger, and Steve agreed to put the bridge back. This would happen at 2pm on Saturday 16th May.
Next Meeting
The next meeting should be on Tuesday 9th June 2020.
This concludes the the account of the minutes for May 2020.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for April 2020
Crooke Village Residents Association Zoom Meeting
Crooke Hall Inn
Tuesday 14th April 2020 at the Crooke Hall Inn.
Mike Thomas, Howard Cain, Paul Green, Morag Tebbit, Steve Tebbit.
Linda Kellie.
Because of the coronavirus situation the CVRA could not meet as usual so Howard suggested we use the Zoom App and have a conference call with all those
who could.
Matters Arising
The mirror was still helping people driving in and out of the village. There was some interference with branches so Mike said that would trim the branches.
The CCTV proposition would be put on hold for the time being.
The wood chippings had partially been moved.
The bridge at the edge of the field next to the main road at the bends still was not put back. Mike said a meeting had been put in place with Wigan Council but
it had not taken place. Discussion followed about the wet area of Lawn’s Wood and Mike said the dead trees were in danger of falling down. He would look to see
if he could move the bridge with his digger. The rest of the walkways and bridges had been made good by the council.
The bins for poo bags were overflowing again. It was agreed that we wait for Wednesday to see if they would be emptied, before contacting the council.
The red card system in the village seems to be working. Mike and Howard check every day to see if anyone needed help.
Steve said that a horse and a family had come right across the field where horses were banned. Howard said you should dial 101 if any wrongdoing was being
Next Meeting
The next meeting should be on Tuesday 12th May 2020.
This concludes the the account of the minutes for April 2020.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for March 2020
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
Tuesday 10th March 2020 at the Crooke Hall Inn.
Howard Cain, Linda Kellie, Morag Tebbit, Steve Tebbit, PC Crabtree 14261, PCSO Debbie Higgins Smith 65526, Lyn Prescott (Wigan Council), Julie Clarke (Wigan
Council), Paul Green, Joe Shovelton, Stacey Hughes, Charlie and Sue Neve.
Kath Bradley, Paul Collins, Marlaine Whitham, Janet Brown, Kim Waine, Paul Liptrot.
Paul Green proposed the minutes of the February meeting as a true record of the meeting. Joe Shovelton seconded the motion and all agreed.
Matters Arising
Charlie asked about his report from the SDCA. The secretary said she had read it out to the last meeting and attached it to the February minutes. He went on
to tell the meeting about the flooding at the pipe bridge along the canal towards Gathurst from Crooke. Nothing new had been done since 2018. There was a dam
made by two fallen trees and a lot of thrown away rubbish and bits of wood, preventing the river flowing too fiercely. He had reported the situation twice to
the Environment agency. He had told Paul Collins who was going to monitor the situation.
Ward Councillor’s Report
None present.
Treasurer’s Report
Nothing had changed from last month.
Secretary’s Report
None given.
Vice Chair's Report
Howard welcomed the guests to our meeting. They introduced themselves.
Lyn Prescott, Service Delivery Footprint Manager for North Wigan. She told the meeting that she liaised with Health and Social care services. She is a
facilitator and keen to support the CVRA.
Julie Clarke, worked with Tracey regarding Wigan in Bloom before she left. She is here to support the CVRA too. Howard remembered that Tracey had done a lot
of work for the CVRA.
Howard told the meeting that Mike had sent him an email concerning actions which he had done.
1) Mike had repositioned the mirror a little bit, at the entrance to the village. The visibility was much better but maybe needed further tweaking.
2) The bridge was still shifted. The council had been asked to put it back in position but had not yet done so. They failed to meet up with Mike last week.
Mike will chase the council up.
3) Slip hazards, trip hazards need to be made safe.
Chair’s Report
Not present.
03.01 Mirror at entrance to Village.
See the vice chairs comments.
03.02 CCTV in Village.
After much discussion regarding the cost of the installation of the CCTV, a number of actions would happen. Howard would ask the owner of number 37, if they
would give permission to put a camera up on their wall. Funding would have to be investigated, including asking the brewery, researching available grants.
Lyn told the meeting about Brighter Borough money, Stacey said the COOP could be approached. Julie has details which she will relate to Linda. The nursery
could be approached. The SDCA could be approached. PC Crabtree asked if there had been instanced of antisocial behaviour. Linda told them about the car coming
down from Shevington over the path, crashing into fence posts and gate, the stealing of Stacey’s car, stealing from various other cars, the fire door of the
church was damaged, etc. If number 37 would not agree to having a camera on their wall, PC Crabtree would approach Adactus as they owned another suitable site.
Howard proposed that a leaflet describing the CCTV initiative would be written by members of the CVRA committee and Steve, and delivered to the village before
the 14th April thus seeking any comments from the village. This was seconded by Charlie Neve, and approved by all.
03.03 Wood Chippings
Joe, Paul and Steve met at 12.30 Tuesday 18th February to move the chippings to nearer Lawns Wood. Unfortunately Mike had to attend a funeral so could not help.
As the task of moving the large pile of chippings is a mammoth one Mike’s digger was necessary. A little was moved by wheelbarrow. Friday 13th March at 10.00am
was arranged for people with wheelbarrows to complete the moving of the wood chippngs. Sue, Howard, Joe, and Steve volunteered. Steve told the meeting that
Dawn Bootle had asked if the Crooke Cruising Club could have some of the chippings to put on the path to their boats. This was agreed.
03.04 Footbridge in Lawns Wood
See vice chair's report.
03.05 VE Day Celebrations
See attached attachment. After much discussion, Charlie proposed that he would put in for a pitch for the CVRA marquee, to be erected on Friday 8th May and
Saturday 9th May, half of it showing the history of Crooke village, the other half would be used for fundraising for the village. A rota of helpers would be
arranged for the two days. This proposal was seconded by Paul Green and agreed by all.
03.06 Neighbourhood Watch
Stacey told the meeting that she had registered Crooke as part of the general Neighbourhood Watch scheme. Discussion ensued, and endorsed by PCSO Debbie
Higgins-smith and PC Crabtree , Stacey and the rest of the meeting it was decided that WhatsApp which was already in place was an option used by other areas.
Howard made Stacey a co administrator of WhatsApp. So with WhatsApp, we can readily exchange information about anything going on in the village. WhatsApp users
can then let neighbours who do not have access to this system know too.
03.06 Neighbourhood Watch
Since a number of complaints to the appropriate department of Wigan Council, that the dog bin had been overflowing with dog poo bags since before Christmas and
had not been emptied, one day the bin and all the poo bags had been taken away. A number of phone calls were made from various people to the council, asking
where the bin had gone. No response was given. Since the bin was taken away dog owners were leaving poo bags where the bin had been. Again on asking the
council for an explanation, none was given. The secretary was asked to alert the councillors to this situation.
Howard asked the meeting if anyone would take responsibility for procuring a pitch for the CVRA marquee at Shevington Summer Fete in June. No one volunteered.
Joe told the meeting about the problems of cars parking illegally on the pavement on both sides of Crooke Road opposite the Methodist Church. Charlie said that
the mess on the grass was caused by a huge removal truck which had used the grass in its turning. PC Crabtree and PCSO Higgins-smith said they would monitor
this situation in the next week or so, and take appropriate action with offenders.
Stacey asked about a litter pick. One was arranged for Saturday 28th March at 10.00am. Litter picks were to be found in the shed on the allotment.
The meeting closed at 8.40pm. Thanks to the Crooke Hall Inn for a much appreciated buffet.
Next Meeting
The next meeting will be at the Crooke Hall Inn at 7.00pm on Tuesday 14th April 2020 at 7pm.
This concludes the the account of the minutes for March 2020.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for February 2020
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
Tuesday 11th January 2020 at the Crooke Hall Inn.
Mike Thomas, Morag Tebbit, Steve Tebbit, Janet Brown (councillor), Marlaine Whitham (councillor), Paul Green, Joe Shovelton.
Linda Kellie, Howard Cain, Kath Bradley, Charlie and Sue Neve, Paul Collins, Kim Waine, Paul Liptrot.
Janet Brown proposed the minutes of the October meeting as a true record of the meeting. Steve Tebbit seconded the motion and all agreed.
Matters Arising
Janet told the meeting that as from February Tracey Williams is not working for Wigan Council in anymore. Lyn Prescott, Service Delivery Footprint in Wigan
North, is the person with whom to be in touch. Marlaine said she would ask her to come to the next CVRA meeting.
Joe asked about the brightness of the street lights in the village. Mike told the meeting that Howard had been told on WhatsApp that the lights had been turned
up by 10%.
Whilst monitoring the flood situation at the weekend boats had to be moved away from the bridge and trees had come down in various places in the village. One
had fallen down from a private garden and had fallen on a public walkway at the entrance to the field behind the church, near the children’s play park. Mike tol
d the meeting he and the owner would clear the obstacle as soon as he could. Another tree fell down in the woods beside the towpath and landed across the canal.
Canal and River Trust had come out on Monday and had quickly chopped the tree up. The flood was as bad as the flood on Boxing Day 2016, flood tackling
improvements had been put in place, but due to the sheer volume of water during the storm, a lot of damage had occurred. None of the houses which had had flood
waters entering their properties on that occasion had similar outcomes. There were a number of areas on the Bends, and Wigan Lower Road, where large puddles
were causing havoc to cars. A newly built wall beside the road had collapsed because of the flood water. Mike said that at that corner there used to be an
illuminated sign warning people of the bends in the road but it had not been evident for a while. Marlaine said she would investigate. The area of Lawn’s Wood
where the water accumulates was saturated so much that the water could not immediately soak away. This used to be good in so far as it held the water from
progressing too quickly to the canal, thus causing less immediate damage. However Mike told the meeting that this area of dead trees would cause a problem for
flood measures in the future. Something would have to be done about it. Janet said she would speak to someone in Wigan Council and liaise with Mike. The
bridge into Lawns Wood had moved in the floods. If he could not put it back in place, then Wigan Council would have to. It was in a dangerous state.
Ward Councillor’s Report
Janet told the meeting that the parish council was discussing the low level flight paths in and out of John Lennon Airport, Liverpool, coming over Crooke,
Standish Lower Ground and Shevington. They were trying to divert them to another route away from our area.
She also told the meeting about the Mayor’s Challenge fund providing money for the development of cycleways around our area including Shevington Moor to
junction 27and along Pepper Lane. Also the cycleways would come down to Shevington, maybe down through the fields to Crooke and then along the tow path.
Discussion followed and it was agreed that this would be a good idea to connect Shevington and Crooke but to be aware that this might attract more anti social
behaviour. Janet said there was money available for this venture. Mike proposed we get a reflection from the village concerning this issue.
Treasurer’s Report
Not present. But see attached report.
Secretary’s Report
None given. Morag read out a report given to her by Charlie Neve who had attended the last Shevington and District Community Association. See attachment.
Vice Chair's Report
None present.
Chair’s Report
Not given.
02.01 Mirror at entrance to Village.
Steve told the meeting that Mike and he had erected the mirror but it needs adjusting. Thanks to Steve and Mike.
02.02 CCTV in Village.
Steve had received three quotes for CCTV coverage of all the access routes into the village, to monitor and discourage anti-social and criminal behaviour. None
of the cameras would be pointing directly at anybody’s houses. One company has been asked to re-submit their quote to use similar parameters to the other two.
The cheapest scheme so far was around £3000.
02.03 Wood Chippings
After a little discussion, Joe, Mike , Paul and Steve arranged to meet at 12.30 Tuesday 18th February to move the chippings to nearer Lawns Wood.
02.04 Fallen Tree in Village
This has been covered earlier in the meeting. There was one other tree which had fallen. This was alongside the wall at Keeper’s Cottage. Mike would take a look
at the situation. There is also a fallen tree in Joyce Morgan’s garden.
As Charlie was not at the meeting this item was deferred to the March meeting. CVRA will support this celebration. Mike offered the CVRA marquee to be used at
the event.
Joe asked about the bench which has been missing from the green area next to the new build house opposite the pub. Mike assured Joe it would be put back.
The hedge mentioned at the last meeting still had not been trimmed properly. Janet would investigate but the floods might put that item on the back burner.
Mike told the meeting that Duncan had drawn to his attention that a fence was down near the bridge across the Dougie River near Keepers Cottage. Mike would
investigate. The fence post at the top of the village which was said to be hit by cars seems to have naturally rotted away. Again Mike will investigate.
Joe told the meeting about his concern for cars in general, hearses etc, going down the road in front of the chapel as there is a long hole down the right hand
side which was a danger for vehicles and pedestrians. He told the meeting that John Maiden had cobbles that could be used to fill the hole as it was cobbles
that were already in place. Mike will liaise with Andy whose house is next to the church and also John Maiden.
Steve told the meeting that the dog waste bin, near the stream at Lawns Wood, by the bridge across the stream to Wigan Lower Road, had not been emptied since
before Christmas. He had spoken to Laura and Jaqueline at the council, as had Morag, on countless occasions but no one had ever come to empty it. As it was
overflowing with full bags it was becoming a potential health hazard. Now it has been removed completely. It needs to be replaced and emptied regularly as it
is the bin most frequently used.
Steve asked Paul to put a welcome pack into a new arrival to the village at number 54. Marlaine thought this was a great idea.
The meeting closed at 8.40pm. Thanks to the Crooke Hall Inn for a much appreciated buffet.
Next Meeting
The next meeting will be at the Crooke Hall Inn at 7.00pm on Tuesday 10th March 2020 at 7pm.
This concludes the the account of the minutes for February 2020.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for January 2020
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
Tuesday 14th January 2020 at the Crooke Hall Inn.
Howard Cain, Morag Tebbit, Steve Tebbit, Tracey Williams (Wigan Council), Janet Brown (councillor), Paul Green, Joe Shovelton, Dawn Glynn, Pete Glynn,
Malcolm Moore.
Linda Kellie, Mike Thomas, Charlie and Sue Neve, Paul Collins, Marlaine Whitham, Kim Waine, Kath Bradley, Stacey Hughes.
Pete Glynn proposed the minutes of the October meeting as a true record of the meeting. Janet Brown seconded the motion and all agreed.
Matters Arising
Steve told the meeting that the steps in Lawn’s Wood had been repaired. Thanks to Janet. He said the gulleys were running freely. Mike and Howard had cut the
fallen tree into pieces and made good the path. We must get chippings down. The pavement cleaning by Streetscene had not happened. Joe and Steve cleared the
south side of Crooke Road. Tracey said she would chase up Streetscene. Morag said the Christmas meal for Oldies was a great success. Thanks to Howard for the
games and Crooke Hall Inn for a lovely meal.
Ward Councillor’s Report
Janet told the meeting she had nothing to report. Howard welcomed Tracey Williams to the meeting.
Tracey told the meeting that she had been part of the Wigan council team a few years ago when Derek Keen, Mike Thomas and Paul Green were entering Crooke
Village for Wigan in Bloom. She has changed her job and is now Community Capacity Officer, developing closer relationships within the community, finding
volunteers to run various family based organisations. Her area is Wigan North, including Standish, Aspull, Haigh and Crooke. GP surgeries were a focus,
identifying people who needed help. She works with the NHS, the Police and other agencies. She told the meeting that funding is available, but the facility was
closing in mid February. She apologised for Lyn Prescott, a colleague who was unable to attend this meeting.
Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer not present.
Secretary’s Report
None given.
Vice Chair's Report
None given.
Chair’s Report
Not present.
01.01 Mirror at entrance to Village.
Steve told the meeting that the mirror has been bought and paid for. Mike Thomas had the mirror and the post to put it on. The mirror should be put in place
this week. Steve will liaise with Mike, and Daniel Chapman in the placement of the mirror.
01.02 CCTV in Village.
Steve has had two quotes so far for the CCTV. One for £4K and one for £8K (excluding VAT). There are two other firms that may be approached. It would be the
decision of the residents if CCTV would be used in the village. No cameras would be directed at any houses only along the streets. Finance for the project has
to be arranged. An extraordinary meeting would be held once we have a firm proposal.
01.03 VE Day
Charlie Neve requested this item be put on every agenda until the event took place. Unfortunately Charlie was not in attendance. There was a short discussion
led by Howard, and it was concluded that as VE Day was on Friday 8th May, and Shevington fete will be held on 13th June, Crooke could have a stall at both
01.04 Litter Pick
Howard proposed we have a litter pick at 10am on Saturday 18th January. Tracey said she would try and obtain litter pickers and get them to Howard before
Saturday. Paul said he would email the council to pick up the rubbish on Saturday.
Steve said that next month’s meeting would be in the cellar bar as the Ukulele club were back at the pub and would be upstairs.
Steve had also contacted Wigan Council to ask them to empty an overflowing dog poo bin which had not been emptied since before Christmas. As the poo bags were
overflowing, and the weather had been so wet, the situation was proving to be a health hazard.
Joe said that the street lighting in the village was too dim. And the area between the nursery and the church was not lit. Groups of young people met
Pete Glynn said that they meet at the top end of the village as well. Joe asked if a police presence could be requested. CCTV would help this situation.
Howard thanked Tracey and Janet for their attendance. Thank you to Tracey for reminding Streetscene to clean the pavements, and for telling us of funding, and
liaising with the group who can deliver chippings.
Doris from 113, had sent an email to the secretary about vans turning outside her house and causing damage to the fence at the top of the village. It was in a
dangerous state. Howard asked Tracey to inform Streetscene about this.
Malcolm asked what was happening with the community garden (allotment). There are fruit trees, raised beds and a lockable shed. Everybody is welcome to help
and adopt an area if they wish.
The meeting closed at 8.20pm. Thanks to the Crooke Hall Inn for a much appreciated buffet.
Next Meeting
The next meeting will be at the Crooke Hall Inn at 7.00pm on Tuesday 11th February 2020 at 7pm.
This concludes the the account of the minutes for January 2020.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for November 2019
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
Tuesday 12th November 2019 Part two at the Crooke Hall Inn.
Sue Neve, Paul Collins, Kim Waine, Kath Bradley.
Paul Green proposed the minutes of the September meeting as a true record of the meeting. Janet Brown seconded the motion and all agreed.
Matters Arising
The hedge alongside the park had not yet been cut. Councillors MW and JB said that they would follow this up.
Ward Councillor’s Report
Janet told the meeting that the work needed in Lawns Wood will be done in November.
Marlaine said there was not much to report. The whole of Wigan Lower Road’s manholes had been investigated and action would take place. On November 4th the
manhole at Vaux Farm had been sorted. For interest - the flooding which had happened recently had caused the council to clear the gullies on Gathurst Hill,
and gullies at the large house on the side of the canal at Gathurst.
Steve mentioned that the gully across the road from the Crooke Hall Inn, which had recently been cleaned, was still not draining away properly. Janet and
Marlaine would approach the council regarding this matter.
Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer not present.
Secretary’s Report
None given.
Vice Chair's Report
None given.
Chair’s Report
Mike told the meeting about the very narrow pavement at September Cottage and how lorries and buses were having to mount the pavement. This could be very
dangerous. Morag said that the matter had been brought up before when Linda Halsall was clipped by a bus there. After discussion with the council it was noted,
but little could be done about it. Lorries should be diverted up Beech Hill to go on to the motorway. Morag said that a direct route from the motorway to the
Heinz Factory had been put in place when the council took the barrier down near Heinz to let lorries through. Lorry drivers should know not to use “the Bends”.
11.01 Over Sixties Christmas Dinner
Howard told the meeting that this meal would take place at 12.30pm on the 19th December. A form would be circulated asking for attendees and their choice of
food. It would cost £13 per head. Residents of the village would not pay for their meal but guests would. This would be paid by CVRA, or funding from elsewhere.
Janet said she would investigate. Howard would provide games and prizes like last year, but would accept any donations. Numbers should be notified by Friday
13th December.
11.02 Mirror at entrance of Village.
Steve will liaise with Mike, and Daniel Chapman in the placement of the mirror.
11.03 CCTV in Village.
Steve was hoping to have more details about the CCTV after his meeting with a representative from Argus Fire and Security. There are two other local firms that
may be approached. We don’t have to get permission from Wigan Council, but the residents in Crooke would be fully briefed on this matter and their opinions
taken very seriously. It would be decision of the residents if CCTV would be used in the village. An extraordinary meeting would be held.
11.04 Pavement Cleaning
Morag had sent an email to a Mr A Price on Wigan Council who had organised the cleaning of Crooke’s pavements last November. She had received an email back
saying that Streetscene should be contacted regarding this issue. She did but has not had a reply. Janet told the meeting that Mr Price had moved to another
area in Wigan.
11.05 Lawn’s Wood Steps
As said in the Councillors’ report Lawn’s Wood was still on the agenda for work to be done by the council, in November. There is also a fallen tree across the
path and the wood chippings have turned to mud.
Charlie mentioned VE Day had not been put on the agenda. Howard apologised and said it would be put on January’s agenda. This will be a huge event in Wigan as
stated at a previous meeting. Discussion followed about Remembrance Sunday and Remembrance Day and people were free to attend any Services arranged. The one in
Shevington was intended for all residents of Shevington and Lower Ground. It was proposed that from next year on a wreath should be placed at our Memorial
Oak Tree.
Mike mentioned that the Crooke Cruising Club might be putting a water pipe from the mains to their CCC area.
The meeting closed at 8.10pm. Thanks to the Crooke Hall Inn for a much appreciated buffet.
Next Meeting
The next meeting will be at the Crooke Hall Inn at 7.00pm on Tuesday 14th January 2020 at 7pm.
This concludes the the account of the minutes for November 2019.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes, Part one, the AGM for October 2019
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. Part one, AGM on Tuesday 8th October 2019
Mike Thomas, Howard Cain, Paul Green, Morag Tebbit, Steve Tebbit, Linda Kellie, Janet Brown, Stacey Hughes, Dawn Glynn, Pete Glynn, EH Snowdon, Joe Shovelton,
Sue Neve, Charlie Neve, Kath Bradley.
Chair's Report.
MTh welcomed everyone to the meeting. He resigned us all. Howard took over the meeting, asked if Mike wanted to carry on as Chair. Mike said yes. Howard asked
if there was anyone at the meeting interested in becoming Chair. No one volunteered. Charlie proposed Mike to be appointed chair, Pete Glynn, seconded the
motion and all agreed. Mike took over the meeting and followed the same procedure with the appointment of Deputy Chair, he thanked Howard for all he has done
for the CVRA. He asked Howard if he would accept the position of Vice Chair if proposed. Howard said yes. Mike asked the meeting if anyone would put himself
forward to be appointed Vice Chair, no one volunteered. Charlie proposed that Howard be elected as Vice Chair, all agreed. Linda stood down as treasurer, Mike
thanked her for all the work she had done as treasurer, asked her if she would remain if re-elected. She said yes. Mike asked the meeting if anyone would like
to be considered as treasurer. No one volunteered. Pete Glynn proposed that Linda be re-elected as treasurer, Paul Green seconded the motion and all agreed.
Mike Thomas thanked the secretary for all she had done. Morag stepped down and was asked if she wanted to be re-elected. She said yes. Mike asked the meeting
if anyone wanted to be considered as secretary. No one volunteered. Dawn proposed Morag to be secretary, Sue seconded the motion and all agreed.
Charlie told the meeting that all who were in attendance agreed that the four officers did a good job and thanked us.
Mike told the meeting that there were a lot of people to thank in the village. Derek Keen had done a good job in keeping the village tidy. Charlie had kept an
eye on the brook and kept the underside clear of rubbish when there was risk of flooding.
Mike thanked Paul Green for his continuing good work on the website.
He thanked Pete Glynn for his good work on the allotment. Howard, Linda and Dawn also had done sterling work on the allotment. Dawn asked us to go and have a
look at it as it was looking very good.
Mike thanked people for helping at the Shevington fete. The history display Paul had put up had proved very popular, and the games which Dawn ran raised £128.
Linda, the treasurer explained her report. See attachment.

The AGM finished at 7.45pm.
The ordinary monthly meeting followed.
Minutes of Crooke Village Residents Association
Tuesday 8th October 2019 Part two at the Crooke Hall Inn.
Mike Thomas, Howard Cain, Morag Tebbit, Steve Tebbit, Linda Kellie, Janet Brown, Stacey Hughes, Dawn Glynn, Pete Glynn, EH Snowdon, Paul Green, Joe Shovelton,
Sue Neve, Charlie Neve, Kath Bradley.
Steve Tebbit proposed the minutes of the August meeting as a true record of the meeting. Mike Thomas seconded the motion and all agreed.
Matters Arising
Ward Councillor’s Report
Janet told the meeting:-
1. The work in Lawns Wood will be done in November.
2. The hedges had been cut (badly) at the edge of the field. Janet was told by Mike Shears that different parts of the council were responsible for different
parts of the field and village. The hedge will be cut by the council, front, back and top. Thank you Janet for your tireless work you do for CVRA.
Discussion followed about the shavings put at the entrance of Lawn’s Wood two years ago and if more could be procured they would be put down again. Discussion
followed about the damage done by both motor bikes and push bikes on the paths and tow paths here in Crooke and Elnup Woods. Janet told the meeting that
cycleways were being proposed to be built throughout the borough by 2030 maybe including paths and towpaths.
3. Janet had started an OurWatch scheme ( like Neighbourhood Watch) where she lived in Miles Lane and has created a WhatsApp to collate information for public
use. She links up with Appley Bridge. Howard suggested we in Crooke should start a similar scheme, and said he would put it on next month’s agenda. The 101
phone line is not working as it should do.
Treasurer’s Report
See attached written report given to AGM.
Secretary’s Report
None given.
10.01 Mirror
Steve had researched suitable mirrors to be placed at the entrance to the village so drivers could see if there was traffic coming into the village or out of
the village. After discussion about funding, approaching the Crooke Hall Inn, and other businesses in Crooke , applications to the Parish Council, Shevington
and District Community Association, Charlie proposed we buy one. This was seconded by Kath. Steve will go ahead and buy the mirror himself. Mike would approach
local businesses and Howard would approach the Shevington and District Community Association for funding. Mike would provide a pole for erecting the mirror.
10.02 CCTV in Village
There was a great deal of discussion about this emotive issue. Howard shared email communication with the meeting from Duncan, a resident, who is in general,
in favour of having CCTV in the village, but a lot of issues need to be gone through regarding privacy rights etc. So a whole village meeting devoted to this
proposal will be arranged. Joe Shovelton told the meeting that he was in total disagreement to having a CCTV in place in Crooke.
10.03 VE Day on May 8th 2020.
Charlie told the meeting that because we will be celebrating 75 years after VE day, Wigan Council, have put forward the idea and arranged a special event to
celebrate this. It will be the Bank Holiday weekend of the FRIDAY (NOTE NOT the MONDAY) 8th May and continue into Saturday 9th May. Wigan Council is behind
this event, as is the Queen’s Own Lancashire Regiment. It will start as a procession with, flat bed lorries decorated from all areas of Wigan, and businesses,
veterans, scout groups, bands, local groups, and ending in Mesnes Park. Charlie asked if Crooke Village could put together a float. £1500 has been put forward
for this event by Wigan Council. There will be 2 days of stalls for businesses/charities/local communities etc. A Spitfire and Lancaster would be in a fly
past. A Polish/Czech family are coming over for this celebratory event. It was agreed that Crooke should be part of this event. Charlie suggested that the event
be put on every agenda up until May.
10.04 Christmas Meal for over 60s.
Howard proposed that this would take place on 19th December at 12.30. Arrangements would be the same as last year, Charlie seconded the proposal and all
Howard proposed that we don’t hold a CVRA meeting in December as there will be too much going on in December. Morag seconded the proposal. All agreed except
for Steve and Paul Green.
Linda proposed that we refund £40 to Pete Glynn for providing the shed for the allotment. Mike Thomas seconded the proposal and all agreed.
Joe told the meeting that there was an awful mess of weeds on the pavements and can we ask for a machine to clean the village from the council. Janet said that
they are scheduled to come twice a year but she would look into this. Thank you Janet.
Paul said he had given a welcome pack to new residents, Adam and Lydia, at 103 Crooke Road. He also mentioned the sign at the Tippler had gone missing, but he
would replace it. Thank you Paul.
Mike suggested the villagers do it.
The meeting closed at 9.15pm. Thanks to the Crooke Hall Inn for a much appreciated buffet.
Next Meeting
The next meeting will be at the Crooke Hall Inn at 7.00pm on Tuesday 12th November 2019 at 7pm.
An interim meeting of the CVRA officers to write the November agenda will take place on Wednesday 6th November.
This concludes the the account of the minutes for October 2019.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for September 2019
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. Tuesday 10th September 2019
Mike Thomas, Morag Tebbit, Steve Tebbit, Linda Kellie, Janet Brown.
Howard Cain, Marlaine Whitham.
Mike Thomas proposed the minutes of the July meeting as a true record of the meeting. Steve Tebbit seconded the motion and all agreed.
Matters Arising
Janet had got together 8 working laptops, and 8 mice for the courses for the Digital Learning courses starting Wednesday 11th September at the Shevington
Library, from 8.30 – 2pm. “The Terrified” course and “The Beginners” course.
Ward Councillor’s Report
Janet told the meeting:-
1) She had talked to Liz Parrot and Karen Hewit and was told that the steps to Lawn’s Wood would be repaired. It came under Land Management as it was not
a public footpath. If it was not repaired by the beginning of winter the issue of the steps would be raised again as it would be considered a slip hazard.
2) She had brought up the subject of grass cutting which had been done badly, but they had come back and done it again. The machines were probably in need
of maintenance as they were not cutting cleanly.
3) Parish councillors had done the walk around the parish and said that the play park was in good order, better than Shevington Park. It was weed free.
Thank you Janet for your tireless work you do for CVRA.
Chairman's Report
Mike told the meeting that he had been co-opted on to the Parish Council and would endeavour to attend meetings and walks. He had a copy of the report written
after the last walk and would provide a copy. He said that the Parish Councillors said the hedge between the field and the road was very untidy. As it was
their responsibility Janet would revisit this issue and get them to trim the hedge to their satisfaction. In the past it was CVRA who did the work but it had
been left as we were told by the RSPB that birds be might be nesting there and so to leave it until September.
Vice Chair’s Report
No in attendance.
Treasurer’s Report
The treasurer said there was no change in the last minuted account from treasurers report but requested:
1) Funds made at the Shevington Fair be given to her as soon as possible.
2) As the shed on the allotment was purchased by Peter Glynn he therefore needs to be reimbursed.
3) And were there any costs that Dawn incurred?
4) Mike Thomas proposed that Linda pays Pete, Steve Tebbit seconded it and all agreed.
Secretary’s Report
None given.
Steve Tebbit told the meeting that Dean had said that the brewery might pay for CCTV cameras to be installed on the corner of the pub looking four ways, up the
village, down the village , across the canal and towards the field.
He also said that a mirror could be placed at the entrance to the village on Dan Chapman’s land, by The Owd Barn garage. Funding could come from a number of
sources. Mike Thomas will speak to John Maiden. Wigan Council would not put a mirror on any of their property as they said the mirrors might cause an accident.
The meeting asked the secretary to ask John Whitely and John Ball to the next meeting to discuss funding.
These two items raised in AOB would be put on next month’s agenda.
On the subject of agendas, with no agenda produced for this meeting, Mike Thomas proposed that it was essential that as the three committee members present,
i.e. Mike Thomas, Linda Kellie and Morag Tebbit, we all agree that the procedure which was put in place whereby the committee members meet two weeks prior to
the CVRA meeting to put items on the agenda for the next meeting and distribute it to the village so that villagers could see that there was a meeting
scheduled, and an agenda was made public so it could be discussed.
This meeting was poorly attended as it had not been publicised, with no agenda delivered to people in the village.
The meeting closed at 8.10 pm. Thanks to the Crooke Hall Inn for a much appreciated buffet.
Next Meeting
The next meeting will be at the Crooke Hall Inn at 7.00pm on Tuesday 10th September 2019 with the AGM in the first part of the meeting, and the monthly
meeting in the second part.
This concludes the the account of the minutes for September 2019.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for August 2019
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. Tuesday 13th August 2019
Howard Cain, Mike Thomas, Paul Green, Joe Shovelton, Marlaine Whitham, Kim Wain, Morag Tebbit, Steve Tebbit, Sam Hughes.
Kathy Bradley, Paul Collins, Linda Kellie, Kim Wain, Charlie and Sue Neve, Dawn Glynn, Pete Glynn.
Paul Green proposed the minutes of the July meeting as a true record of the meeting. Mike Thomas seconded the motion and all agreed.
Matters Arising
After the July meeting Paul went with Janet to show her where the right of way and the steps are in Lawn’s Wood for which Wigan Council are responsible. Steve
mentioned ‘ wheelchair access’ but that had been quoted previously as £50,000 which is not a viable proposition. Awaiting reply from WBC.
There is now a shed on the allotment for the storage of equipment. Thank you Pete Glynn. Janet Brown to be thanked for arranging the re-cutting of the grass on
the park.
Ward Councillor’s Report
Marlaine told the meeting:-
1) Beat It Team would be around in September and the Bends on the main road and John Pit track were on the list of work to be done.
2) There was an excellent timetable of Dementia Friendly groups across the borough including new activities in Standish. She will circulate by email. See
3) Community Networking event is being organised by Tracey Williams, 6pm – 8pm at St Wilfred’s parish room on Wednesday 18th September. Marlaine would
have a stall there representing the Shevington and District Community Association.

4) There was an invitation from Marlaine to Healthier Wigan Partnership information training on Monday 14th October. This will be a potted version of
training that is being rolled out to 100’s of health care staff explaining Wigan’s strategy and new ways of working. It will take place in a specially designed
training area in The Galleries in Wigan Town Centre. It is highly recommended, a really positive experience. A notice will be put up on the Crooke notice board
asking for anyone interested in going, to give their names to Morag by the 10th of September. Linda might be interested, Kim showed an interest and Morag did
5) The computer course in Shevington library was starting up again.
Thank you Marlaine for your time and commitment to Crooke and all the parishioners in Shevington, Lower Ground and Crooke.
Chairman's Report
Mike told the meeting that the gate at the bottom of the path, near the west entrance to Crooke had been repaired and Mike had made a channel with his digger
to create a grip to get rid of surface water on the path and divert it from the village. There are still a large number of young people coming from outwith the
area by train, targeting Shevington and district involved in criminal activies. They are even on Facebook. He asked everyone to be vigilant.
Vice Chair’s Report
No report given. See agenda item 1.
Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer not present.
Secretary’s Report
None given.
Agenda Items
08.01 Wacky Races Sunday August 18th.
After much discussion it was decided that because of issues regarding liability, by the Nursery who owned the proposed site, this event would have to be
cancelled. Howard proposed this event should be cancelled, seconded by Mike Thomas and all agreed. A big sign would be placed at the entrance of the village
informing people of the cancellation. Thank you Howard for all the hard work he has put in regarding this fun event. It was agreed that Wacky Races August 2020
be put on next month’s agenda and paperwork, form filling , getting in touch with Wigan Council would be started as soon as possible as the event would have to
be on Wigan Council land. Sam suggested that a number of events should be should be included along with the Wacky Races event. Tracey Williams from the council
should approached regarding liability issues. Her email address is T.Williams .
Steve Tebbit told the meeting that a tree had fallen down across the path near the children’s play park. Mike said he would cut it up and put it to one side.
There was talk of cutting the hedge just after the bridge coming into the village. When it was cut down in the past some people had complained about the fact
that it was cut down too far. Because of the possibility of birds nesting, the hedge would not be trimmed until September and would be trimmed to an
appropriate height.
The meeting closed at 8.10 pm. Thanks to the Crooke Hall Inn for a much appreciated buffet.
Next Meeting
The next meeting will be at the Crooke Hall Inn at 7.00pm on Tuesday 10th September 2019.
This concludes the the account of the minutes for August 2019.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for July 2019
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. Tuesday 9th July 2019
Mike Thomas, Paul Green, Joe Shovelton, Janet Brown, Morag Tebbit, Steve Tebbit.
Kathy Bradley, Paul Collins, Howard Cain, Linda Kellie, Kim Waine, Marlaine Whitham, Dawn Glynn, Pete Glynn.
After Morag pointing out she had neglected to put in the June minutes that Steve wanted to put Lawn’s Wood – wheelchair access, on July’s agenda, Paul Green
proposed the minutes of the April meeting as a true record of the meeting. Joe Shovelton seconded the motion and all agreed.
Matters Arising
Ward Councillor’s Report
Janet told the meeting:-
1) She had been in touch with Liz Perry, who said that the Lawn’s Wood footpath was not a public footpath between the bridges. Other members of
the meeting disagreed with that. Karen Hewitt had told Janet that the steps would be repaired. This still has not happened. Steve thought that the footpath was
going to be made wheelchair friendly which it is not as there are steps onto and off the new bridges. Janet will put another report in.
2) There was an issue with the hedges round the field, but it was concluded that the hedges would not be touched until September when the birds would
officially have stopped nesting, say the RSPB.
3) Street Scene Services.
4) Wigan Pride Event will be on Believe Square on Saturday 10th August between 11 and 5.
5) Food Festival on the 17th August.
6) Crowd Funding. The council will match any organisation in funding for various projects.
7) On 26th June between 11 and 2, Janet and Marlaine attended a Health Watch event in the Galleries. People are inviting directors to launch it. There
will be talks about aims etc about Health Watch – there will be free health checks, stalls, stands, exhibitions, entertainment.
8) Save for Summer, There will be healthy walks organised at various points in Wigan.
9) CIF funding. You can apply for funding for projects up to £2000, or over £2000. The Better Neighbourhood is now integrated with CIF. The Digital
Learning project needs to buy laptops as the original source has taken back the ones in use now. Linda and Shirley will be asked to apply for funding when
Linda gets back from holiday.
Mike Thomas suggested that a day course could be held in Crooke for those people who would benefit from the Digital Learning Course, at the moment held in
Shevington, (although based in Shevington it was open to all people who were not knowledgeable about computers etc.)
Chairman's Report
Mike told the meeting about the robbery in Appley Bridge, and the stolen car being driven through Shevington and down through the fields to Crooke, smashing
the gate at the bottom of the path, near the north entrance to Crooke. These people have been arrested. Mike warned the meeting that a red transit van was
going round the area looking for items to steal. He told the meeting that a motorbike had been stolen, and a BMW whose keys were in the house, and the thieves
had entered the house to get the keys! He asked everyone to be vigilant.
Vice Chair’s Report
Morag read out to the meeting emails which had been sent to Diane at the nursery from Howard and the reply from the nursery regarding the Wacky Races event
proposed for Sunday 18th August. We are awaiting the settlement of the insurance liability before we can go ahead with the event. See 2 attachments regarding
the emails and the flier about the event.
Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer not present.
Secretary’s Report
None given.
Agenda Items
07.01 Shevington Fete 22nd June.
Dawn was not present but everyone said the event was a success. Janet said that the fete was a success for Shevington, and Mike said the event was a success
for the CVRA, whose marquee, placed on the field was visited by many people. Dawn’s Boat Key game was a big success, and her banner was complimented on too.
Thank you Dawn. Thanks to Paul Green who sold £15 worth of cards.
07.02 Wacky Race Day
See Vice Chair’s report.
07.03 Allotment Update
Thanks to Pete and Dawn. Morag said the allotment looked very good. A big thank you to Steve Stock who is keeping it mowed. Mike is still looking for a shed.
Steve Tebbit told the meeting that the council had cut the grass at the play park on the field, but had made a terrible hash of it, using machinery at a wrong
setting. Janet said she would report to Peter Hollingdrake. Howard had said he would get in touch with the council to ask for the cutting of the Nursery field
prior to the Wacky Races Event. Steve also told the meeting about Dean MacDonald’s hopeful provision of CCTV at the corner of the pub, thereby having CCTV
coverage to four entries/exits to the village . Discussion followed about CCTV equipment. Mike will liaise with Dean.
Janet said that there will be a Gardening Show in Shevington Methodist Church on the 3rd August. Exhibitors to go along at 11 am. and the show will open to the
public at 1pm.
There was talk about the parking of cars at the entrance to the village at Crooke Approach. Mike will investigate, but assured the meeting that this was only a
problem while the buildings were being worked on. Garages were being built.
The meeting closed at 8.15 pm. Thanks to the Crooke Hall Inn for a much appreciated buffet.
Next Meeting
The next meeting will be at the Crooke Hall Inn at 7.00pm on Tuesday 13th August 2019.
This concludes the the account of the minutes for July 2019.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for June 2019
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. Tuesday 11th June 2019
Linda Kellie, Paul Green, Howard Cain, Joe Shovelton, Kim Waine, Janet Brown, Marlaine Whitham, Morag Tebbit, Steve Tebbit, Dawn Glynn, Peter Glynn.
Kathy Bradley, Paul Collins.
After Linda telling the meeting to forget the treasurer’s report as it was inaccurate, Howard proposed the minutes of the April meeting as a true record of the
meeting. Kim seconded the motion and all agreed.
Matters Arising
Speeding in the village. Janet Brown tried to get in touch with Stacey regarding signage but was unsuccessful.
Ward Councillor’s Report
Janet told the meeting:-
1) She had been in touch with Liz Perry, Karen Hewitt, Another and eventually David Broom who visited Lawn’s Wood on Monday 10th June and he told Janet
that the steps would be repaired. Thank you Janet for your dogged perseverance and patience in this request.
2) Local community groups were invited to crowd funding workshops in the Wigan area, one being on the 28th June, delivered at three times, 10 - 12, 1 – 3,
and 5 – 7, in the Town Hall. People would be shown how to raise money in a step by step guide. This will be led by Charlotte Schofield, Community Capacity
3) Wigan Pride Event will be on Believe Square on Saturday 10th August between 11 and 5.
4) On 26th June between 11 and 2,there will be a Health Watch event in the Galleries. People are inviting directors to launch it. There will be talks
about aims etc about Health Watch – there will be free health checks, stalls, stands, exhibitions, entertainment.
5) And also Eventbright – a portal for voluntary groups.
Marlaine told the meeting that she was delighted in relaying the fact that Paul Collins had been successful in being re-elected as Councillor to our ward. In
the southern ward were Jessica Higham, Jon Whitely and John Ball. Janet was co-opted on. Congratulations to Paul and Janet. Marlaine also talked of the Clean
Air Consultation, for which she is sending a link. Thank you Marlaine. The yellow signage had appeared on the main road after Morag’s survey, but the signage
was taken from Crooke and placed on Wigan Lower Ground. They had been in Crooke for the scheduled six months.
Chairman's Report
Vice Chair’s Report
Howard told the meeting that he had not attended the CDA meeting.
Treasurer’s Report
See attached form.

Secretary’s Report
None given.
Agenda Items
06.01 Shevington Fete 22nd June.
Discussion took place about the CVRA’s marquee.
Paul would produce Christmas cards and notelets to sell. He needs £30 for ink.
Dawn had made canal boat key rings and would produce a board and a tombola game involving keyrings and prizes. Linda, Kim, Dawn and Morag will find appropriate
prizes. About 30 required. Linda will give £20 to Dawn.
Howard would produce Wacky Race Day fliers to give out at fete. Church would provide tables. Dawn would provide bunting. Mike Thomas has boards, photographs and
the marquee.
Everyone who was helping on the day would wear a black t–shirt. Helpers should be on site at 8.30 am to set up.
06.02 Wacky Race Day
On the 18th August there will be a Crooke Wacky Race Day and picnic. The time will be from 1pm to 5pm, and races between 2 and 4. The council would be asked to
mow the grass on the nursery field. People would be encouraged to walk to the venue as everyone would local. Types of races were discussed. £1 to enter.
06.03 Allotment Update
Thanks to Pete and Dawn, and Howard for efforts thus far. Morag said the allotment looked very good. Linda’s piece was lovely as well and a big thank you to
Steve Stock who is keeping it mowed. Again Howard said that anyone could come and help.
03.04 Flyer.
Sam Hughes was not in attendance so Linda suggested that she would ask if he wanted to continue with the venture.
Dawn said she had planted an acer near the interpretation board. Thank you Dawn, the area looks well tended. Steve Tebbit had put some begonias into the log
troughs. They are looking good too. The round pots are the responsibility of the Parish council and were waiting to be filled. Howard will talk to Mike Thomas
about Moss Bank. Joe Shovelton told the meeting that the pub fence along the side of the pavement was in a dangerous state. Howard will talk to Dean
MacDonald at the pub, regarding the fencing, and the planters on top of the wall. Howard also said that the entrance to the village looked messy. There was
discussion about litter picks and it was decided that there would be the resumption of a group litter pick on Saturday June 29th commencing at 10 am in the pub
car park. Linda will collect litter pickers from the Life Centre.
Steve T mentioned there was still no wheelchair access to Lawn’s Wood.
The meeting closed at 8.15 pm. Thanks to the Crooke Hall Inn for a much appreciated buffet.
Next Meeting
The next meeting will be at the Crooke Hall Inn at 7.00pm on Tuesday 9th July 2019.
This concludes the the account of the minutes for June 2019.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for May 2019
A mesgae from the secretary.
Dear all,
There was no quorum, so the May meeting was cancelled.
The next meeting will be on Tuesday 11th June at the Crooke Hall Inn at 7.00pm.
See you all there!
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for April 2019
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. Tuesday 19th April 2019
Mike Thomas, Linda Kellie, Paul Green, Howard Cain, Joe Shovelton, Kim Waine, Janet Brown.
Sam and Stacey Hughes, Peter Glynn, Dawn Glynn, Steve and Morag Tebbit, Kathy Bradley, Sue and Charlie Neve, Paul Collins, Marlaine Whitham.
Paul proposed the minutes of the March meeting as a true record of the meeting, Howard seconded the motion and all agreed.
Matters Arising
Speeding in the village. Janet Brown is in discussion with Stacey re nursery led signage. Stacey has raised this with the nursery. Thanks to Janet for all her
efforts for the village.
Village Welcome Flyer. Howard has added Facebook to the agenda.
Ward Councillor’s Report
1) Restructuring of police.
Multi Agency group will be working collectively for the best approach. Inspector Phil Jones will be overseeing the North Footprint based at Standish Police
Station, with Police Sergeant Nick Forshaw + 2 constables and 3 PCSOs. Every quarter there will be a public meeting and on the first Saturday of the month
there will be a police presence at councillor’s surgery.
2) Dirty Air.
There is a drive towards cleaner cars by 2040, with the majority of people expected to own electric cars. People are asked to switch off engines while
idling/waiting. There will an encouraging move to have more charging points in public areas.
3) Dog Fouling.
Janet will highlight the issue of dog fouling on Crooke Park, as there is a council campaign.
4) Funds.
Janet will email a list of funds for elderly in need, to access.
5) Community Bowling.
This will take place on the 14th April in Shevington, charge £1.00.
6) “Fire Within” festival will take place – to rediscover your heritage! This will be between 11 and 3 on the 11th May 2019. Venue to be decided.
Chairman’s Report
Mike said there was still wood in Lawns Wood waiting to be recycled. Mike will collect it if not moved. Steps still have not been replaced. LK to forward a photo
of the broken steps to Janet to highlight the problem to the council.
Vice Chair’s Report
Howard told the meeting there will be an Our Generation Northern Soul Night, hotpot supper, £3.00 a ticket, at the Bowling Green , Wigan Lane.
On the 27th April there will be an indoor Table Top Sale at Devonshire Place committee room, Atherton.
Treasurer’s Report
Unify Opening Balance 01/01/19.
11/01/19 Payment to Crooke Hall Inn for Christmas meal.
11/01/19 Income from Brighter Borough for Christmas meal.
12/01/19 Payment to Mike Thomas for Gazebo.
12/01/19 Income via Mike from notelets and Christmas cards.
Petty Cash opening balance.
April 2019 Total.
Liability insurance is due. Howard and Mike agreed that Linda should renew at circa £120 per annum.
Secretary’s Report
Linda still taking notes as Morag still can’t use right arm properly. Thank you Linda.
Agenda Items
04.01 CHANT
The CHANT Crafternoons will start on 13th April, doing appliqué, the second crafternoon will be on Saturday May 11th, and the third will be on June 15th. All
will be at the Methodist Church Hall, between 2 and 4, costing £4.00.
04.02 Wacky Race Day
On the 18th August or 1st September this social will take place. MT will go to the boater’s meeting to ascertain any clashes ahead of confirmation of date.
There does not seem to be any caterers available so this will probably be a DIY food event. Sponsorship possibilities were discussed and it was agreed that ther
e was potential to approach local businesses including Shevington Village.
04.03 Allotment Update
Howard told us that he had loads of ideas, including a traditional race day. Discussion followed about content of day and naming of day. Dates were going to be
researched so as not to clash with other events. The CCC could be asked to join in. So Howard proposed we have a village social, Dawn seconded this and all
03.04 Shevington Fete 22nd June.
Thanks to Pete and Dawn, and Howard for efforts thus far. MT to liaise with Pete re shed requirements. MT to equip Howard with a wheelbarrow from the CVRA
store. He also will repair roof.
04.04 Facebook
Howard will provide Facebook page with upcoming events and links on agendas.
The meeting closed at 8.40 pm. Thanks to the Crooke Hall Inn for a much appreciated buffet.
Next Meeting
The next meeting will be at the Crooke Hall Inn at 7.00pm on Tuesday 14th May 2019.
This concludes the the account of the minutes for April 2019.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for March 2019
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. Tuesday 12th March 2019
Mike Thomas, Linda Kellie, Morag Tebbit, Stephen Tebbit, Paul Green, Howard Cain, Dawn Glynn, Stacy Hughes, Joe Shovelton, Kath Bradley.
Sam Hughes, Peter Glynn, Sue and Charlie Neve, Dean MacDonald, Paul Collins, Janet Brown, Marlaine Whitham.
Howard proposed the minutes of the February meeting as a true record of the meeting, Steve seconded the motion and all agreed.
Matters Arising
Howard had paid £20 for the site at the Shevington Fete.
Ward Councillor’s Report
None attending.
Chairman’s Report
Mike told the meeting that not much remedial work had been done in the village due to the weather. No further concerns regarding Crooke approach. Parking will
be monitored. Water levels in the village would be monitored. Paul Collins has been notified about villagers’ concerns. The culvert created re new pond appears
to be effective. Mike had attended a Crooke Cruising Club meeting. He told the meeting that they would like to come together with CVRA to put on a Crooke
social. Because the Commodore Nick Pope was a blood motor biker, taking bloods to various places in the North West, any event the CCC did, money was raised for
this charity. It will discussed at a future CVRA meeting whether we do the same.
Vice Chair’s Report
Howard said that he had not attended the January meeting of the Shevington and District Assocation, but has handed in the application for the Fete. We had been
given notices about Police Surgeries to be held in Shevington, too late for March, but we will be able to put in the notice board and the pub, notices of
meetings as they come up and the relevant telephone numbers etc.
Treasurer’s Report
Linda told the meeting that she will bring a detailed account of the finances to the next meeting. All issues had been resolved.
Secretary’s Report
Linda was taking notes as Morag has dislocated her shoulder and broken her arm in two places, after a fall. It will take up to three months to heal.
Agenda Items
03.01 Signage
Morag had done a speed awareness course last June and with a number of helpers had done a speed survey of cars coming in and out of Crooke. Signage had been
put up in Crooke, concerning “slow down”, 20mph etc. This had proved worthwhile. These signs would be up in Crooke for 6 months. Morag was asked to do a speed
survey on the Wigan Lower Road in January, after which signage was put up there. Unfortunately as the signs in Crooke were only up for 6 months, our signage wen
t up on Wigan Lower Road. She wrote Kenny Mather who is the engineer responsible for signage etc, who assured her that the signage would be reinstated as it
had made a difference. She also told Kenny about the 30/20 mph sign at the entrance of the village which had been turned round. That would be rectified. She
proposed that CVRA buy two ‘20’s plenty’ signs to be erected in the village. Stacey said she would approach the nursery regarding speeding in the village and
getting them involved. The problem of cigarette butts and rubbish around a bench on the field was discussed.
03.02 CHANT
Dawn told the meeting there were 3 workshops arranged for Saturday 13th April, 2 -4 pm, Saturday May 11th 2-4 pm, and June 8th 2-4 pm at the Methodist Church.
Two workshops would be stitch based, and one flower based. Dawn proposed a £4 fee be asked for. Morag seconded that motion and all agreed. Dawn told the
meeting that CHANT had been set up to make everyone socially aware and to let all people access facilities in the village. She said consideration should be
given to extending remit to mindfulness. And also consider funding options for after the summer. DG to progress this idea.
03.03 Village Social
Howard told us that he had loads of ideas, including a traditional race day. Discussion followed about content of day and naming of day. Dates were going to be
researched so as not to clash with other events. The CCC could be asked to join in. So Howard proposed we have a village social, Dawn seconded this and all
03.04 Shevington Fete 22nd June.
Howard has already mentioned this in his report. Items needed for a tombola was to be researched, and other working groups were going to meet regarding
activities to be done at fete.
03.05 Allotments Update
Pete Glyn has made a gate. He requests that signage be made to tell people about the allotment. Steve has an appropriate sign. Joe asked Mike about coppicing
fruit trees. This will be done.
03.06 Village Welcome Flyer
Stacey told the meeting that the welcome pack/newsletter was progressing. She said that a Facebook page had been set up. Thank you Stacey. This would highlight
events, happenings etc in the village. This page would be available to a few invited people and content would be scrutinised and security would be of the
utmost importance. The 4 committee members would be administrators. The Facebook link would be added to the agenda.
Stacey was going to investigate an Easter Egg hunt, probably using the QRs.
The piece of land up for sale which is next to the pub was discussed, but the CVRA can’t do anything about it.
The meeting closed at 8.40 pm. Thanks to the Crooke Hall Inn for a much appreciated buffet.
Next Meeting
The next meeting will be at the Crooke Hall Inn at 7.00pm on Tuesday 9th April 2019.
This concludes the the account of the minutes for March 2019.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for February 2019
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. Tuesday 12th February 2019
Mike Thomas, Linda Kellie, Morag Tebbit, Stephen Tebbit, Paul Green, Marlaine Whitham councillor, Janet Brown councillor, Howard Cain, Kim Waine, Dawn Glynn,
Sam Hughes, Michelle Unwsworth (77 Crooke), Kim Selby.
Paul Collins, Stacey Hughes, Peter Glynn, Sue and Charlie Neve, Dean MacDonald and Kath Bradley.
Dawn proposed the minutes of the January meeting as a true record of the meeting, Kim Wain seconded the motion and all agreed.
Matters Arising
Steve said he had planted bulbs by the canal bridge. Then Alan Coleman had put crushed stone down to allow vehicle access for improvements at 100. The meeting
assured Steve the bulbs would survive.
Ward Councillor’s Report
Janet said there was a Health and Wellbeing meeting for 40 -74 year olds, giving advice for a healthier lifestyle. This was to be held at Shevington Methodist
Church on 25th February between 12 and 3. There are other meetings scheduled around the borough. She also told the meeting that Greater Manchester Spatial
Framework were developing brown field sites. There were no projects on this side of Wigan. A tram train from Wigan to Manchester was being considered. A public
meeting concerning issues was going to be arranged. There was a drop-in meeting at The Atrium in the town Hall on Tuesday 26th February between 4 and 7. Janet
said there was vandalism done to the buses. Marlaine said there was a meeting concerning vandalism, arranged with the PCSO. Discussion followed about CCTV
cameras. There are none on the public highways but Marlaine said there was one which could be deployed around the wards. Having a system would be very
expensive. Marlaine thanked everyone for supporting the Age Friendly Award.
Chairman’s Report
Mike told the meeting that Janet had arranged a site meeting with Darren Finlay from the council regarding the road up to the end of the village, an agenda
item from the January meeting raised by Doris. It turned out the Wigan Metro only were responsible for the footpath, not the road. But new signage would be
erected regarding the cul-de-sac nature of Crooke Road at the entrance to the village. The new build at the entrance to the village was discussed and Mike
Jones, the developer, was complying with rules and regulations. But he said he would improve the access to the village even more. Mike Thomas told the meeting
of pieces of vandalism being done in broad daylight. Some regarding horses and dogs. If you see anything ring 101.
Vice Chair’s Report
Howard said that he had not attended the January meeting of the Shevington and District Assocation, and as yet had not handed in the application for the Fete,
but he would.
Treasurer’s Report
Linda told the meeting that she will bring a detailed account of the finances to the next meeting. All issues had been resolved.
Secretary’s Report
None given.
Agenda Items
Kim said that Gary was going to make fit the unadopted road next to his new build. Residents and Adactus would be approached for finance. Mike suggested he
looked in land registry for the exact markings of the road as the road seems to have expanded somewhat. Adactus have said that they were not partly responsible
for the unadopted road but Janet suggested they approach Adactus again. Steve said the road should be 6.1 m and there should be kerbs. Gary and Kim should mark
out their boundaries.
02.02 Damage to road round nursery and church
Steve told the meeting that there was the beginning of damage to the road. The meeting agreed to keep a watchful eye. Mike would make a site visit.
02.03 Shevington Primary School Update
Howard told us that at the Shevington and District Association they were told about the proposals for the site behind the Doctors surgery. Care facilities were
going to be built, given that 1 in 3 people who live in Wigan are over 55. There would be residential/communal facilities built. Individuals would be helped to
live independently as long as possible. There are already 4 in Wigan involving 2000 plus beds in Wigan. There was discussion in progress about Council/Private
funding schemes. It was hoped that the facility would be up and running by May 2020/21.
02.04 village Social
Howard proposed a village social be arranged for August. He would bring a full proposal to the next meeting
02.05 Crooke Hall Inn car park
Mike said the car park closed at night to try and stop illegal things happening, which have been occuring when the car park was open.
02.06 Village Welcome Flyer
Sam and Linda shared 4 examples of possible flyer/newsletter. The newsletter would gout 2 or 3 times a year and be put at the front of the welcome pack. Adverti
sing was discussed as part of this venture. Dawn, Sam and Linda to liaise. Thank you to you all. Discussion followed about Facebook for the village. Linda
proposed that a Facebook page be set up and managed by Stacey, Kim seconded the proposal, all agreed. Thank you Stacey.
Dawn told the meeting that Chant workshops would start again. Dates to be arranged. Venue is The Methodist Chapel.
Work is being done on the allotment by Dawn and Pete, and Dawn asked if anyone had a shed that could be put on the allotment. Someone please help. Thank you
Dawn and Pete.
Mike is going to do something about the shed in the car park.
Sam has tools left from Derek Keen.
The meeting closed at 8.40 pm. Thanks to the Crooke Hall Inn for a much appreciated buffet.
Next Meeting
The next meeting will be at the Crooke Hall Inn at 7.00pm on Tuesday 12th March 2019.
This concludes the the account of the minutes for February 2019.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for January 2019
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. Tuesday 8th January 2019
Mike Thomas, Linda Kellie, Morag Tebbit, Stephen Tebbit, Paul Green, Marlaine Whitham councillor, Janet Brown councillor, Howard Cain, Kim Waine, Doris Williams,
Peter Glynn, Dawn Glynn, Charlie and Sue Neve.
Paul Collins, Sam and Stacey Hughes, Kim at 74, Dean MacDonald and Kath Bradley.
Steve Tebbit proposed the minutes of the December meeting as a true record of the meeting, Kim Wain seconded the motion and all agreed.
Matters Arising
Howard said he had forgotten to move his car when the street was being cleaned. Steve said that the pavement cleaner had done a good job except for the moss
which was still there. Linda said it had not done her side of the road but the machine was too big to go on the narrow pavement.
Ward Councillor’s Report
Janet said she had been in touch with Liz Parry who had two quotes concerning Lawn’s Wood. John Williams was still to sanction it. Mike said it was primarily
the drainage in Lawn’s Wood that needed attention, and everything which falls to the floor has to be left where it had landed. Janet said that at last
something was being done about Lawn’s Wood.
She told the meeting that 4 people had enrolled for the Digital Learning course, but more were needed.
Marlaine told the meeting that the timetable of the 635 bus was in the process of being changed. Instead of every twelve minutes, it would be every 15 minutes
during the week, and at the weekend every 20 minutes.
Chairman’s Report
None given but he asked how Joe Shovelton was. Joe was in hospital where he was supposed to have had an operation to remove his gall bladder. However when he
was opened up they found it had burst. So he has a drain and is in a lot of pain. The secretary will send him a card from the CVRA.
Vice Chair’s Report
Howard said that there had not been a Shevington and District meeting but will go to the next one. He told the meeting that the seniors Christmas lunch was
successful. He thanked Crooke Hall Inn for providing superb food. Paul Green thanked Howard for providing excellent games.
Treasurer’s Report
Linda told the meeting that she was still in the process of putting a report together about the accounts. She has paid for the allotment. She had received
Brighter Borough money, so she would pay the pub for the meal. Thank you to Janet for arranging the Brighter Borough Money.
Secretary’s Report
None given.
Agenda Items
01.01 Bulbs Lunch
Morag told the meeting that 3000 bulbs had arrived, snowdrops, crocuses and bluebells. She had put an appeal on WhatsAPP for help in planting them. Charlie and
Sue Neve took some to plant around the millennium stone. Paul Green took some to plant round the field. Dawn and Pete took some to plant near the Tippler.
Steve took some to plant round the field. Dean MacDonald manager of the Crooke Hall Inn took some to plant in his planters. Anne and Mandy had also taken some.
Thanks to Marlaine for providing the bulbs and thanks to all for planting them.
01.02 CHANT
Dawn told the meeting she would like to lead a few sessions of the popular CHANT workshops. These would be in April and May using the Church Hall on Saturday
afternoons. Mike Thomas asked the councillors if Brighter Borough money could be made available. They said yes. The church would subsidise part of the cost of
the hall like they did last time. Dawn hoped the sessions would concentrate on the History side, as there is so much history of Crooke Village to be shared.
Maybe a recipe book could be made. Dawn proposed this venture, Mike Thomas seconded it, and all agreed.
01.03 Allotment
Pete Glynn had spoken with Mike Thomas about doing something with the allotment seeing that Mike Smith had left the village to get married. Various possibilities
were discussed, including raised beds and a wild flower meadow. Pete and Dawn have already done a little, but Pete will take things slowly and see how things
work out. Howard said that more bodies would be needed to help. Pete proposed that he take on the allotment, Paul Green seconded it and all agreed. Thank you
to Pete. Mike would use his rotavator in the Spring. Fruit trees would be sought and added to what is already there. Water butts would be needed. Thanks needed
to be given to Steve Stock and Kevin Price for their help in the allotment.
01.04 Turning cars at the top of the village
Doris Williams who lives in 113 Crooke Road, the last house in the village, told the meeting of the concerns she has had with people, cars and vans turning
outside her house as the road there was a dead end. She said that vans were encroaching on the pavement under which were utilities, gas, electricity and water.
This could be dangerous. She also said that as her frontage of her house was so small, she felt that some vans were coming in to her front room and was worried
because her gas fire was situated near the front door.
Various possibilities were discussed, including a’ squeeze’ to narrow the road, where the planters are already. Janet and Marlaine were asked to arrange a site
visit from the Highways part of the council. This is to include Mike Thomas, and Doris Williams. People who use this area for turning are not just people who
live at that end of the village, but delivery lorries and vans and even some visitors who have not realised the village has no exit. Ms Williams asked that the
council, who own the pavements if they could put more signage up explaining the dead end.
01.05 Village Flier
As Sam Hughes was stuck in traffic in Manchester this item will be included in next month’s agenda.
01.06 Shevington Fete
Howard asked if Crooke Village could get a site in the field on Saturday 22nd June. We could use our Marquee and 1) raise funds for CVRA, and 2) celebrate the
history of the village. Marlaine said that there is a fete meeting on the 22nd January and Vicky Gallaghan was chairing it. Howard would attend this meeting.
Howard proposed that CVRA provide a stall at the fete, Dawn Glynn seconded the motion and all agreed.
01.07 Fund Raising Events
Howard proposed that village social be arranged (cf Appley Bridge), Kim Wain seconded this motion, and all agreed. This would be held at the end of July or
beginning of August. Ideas will be discussed at the next meeting.
Steve asked that the Beat it Team be asked to tidy the River Bridge which technically is under the jurisdiction of the Environment Agency. This task could
possibly be done. Charlie told the village that our sponsorship of the canal towpath had lapsed, but would contact the CRT to update the sponsorship.
Doris raised the subject of the new build happening at the entrance to the village. She shared plans of the development. It was felt that there was no footpath
available due to the wall right up to the edge of the plot. This would incur danger to pedestrians. There was discussion about the purchase and moving of the
telegraph pole and lamp post by the owner within the plot and the making of a path suitable for pedestrians. Marlaine will investigate this and talk with
Darren Philby of the Highways Dept.
The meeting closed at 8.30 pm. Thanks to the Crooke Hall Inn for a much appreciated buffet.
Next Meeting
The next meeting will be at the Crooke Hall Inn at 7.00pm on Tuesday 12th February 2019.
This concludes the the account of the minutes for January 2019.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for December 2018
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. Tuesday 11th Decembber 2018
Mike Thomas, Linda Kellie, Morag Tebbit, Stephen Tebbit, Paul Green, Janet Brown, councillor, Stacey Hughes, Howard Cain, Kim Waine.
Councillors Paul Collins and Marlaine Whitham, Charlie and Sue Neve and Sam Hughes.
Matters Arising
1) The Beat It team had been and did the trimming back of the weeds encroaching the path round the field. It still needs shaping but the team did a good
2) The cleaning of the pavement on Tuesday 20 th November. Howard said that someone had come to the village just before lunch with his small machine, moved for
a short while up one bit of pavement and then crossed the road and did the same thing on the pavement on the other side of the road. Morag had asked
everyone who usually parked on the pavements to move the cars on to the street, and remove any pots on the pavements to allow the pavement cleaning to
be done. This had been done. But the cleaning has not been done. The moss and weeds are still very evident on the pavements. Janet said she would
contact Arthur Price to see what could be done. Arthur Price telephone number is 01942 705141 and his email address is
Also as Wigan is responsible for clearing dangerous leaves at the top end of the village Janet would mention that too.
Discussion followed about the B lines, cycle tracks around Standish, Shevington, Crooke and towpaths proposed to be built soon. If there were cycle ways the
surfaces of the roads and towpaths needs to be discussed, also the lighting of them. Stacey asked about impact assessments, if they were going to happen. There
was discussion about making the Bends road safe for pedestrians. Paul Collins had investigated this and this had been discussed in the past, but the cost was
prohibitive. Standish wants the road from the M6 to be de-designated as a route from the M6 into Wigan. The number of huge lorries on the bends road was dangero
us to pedestrians, cars, trees and structures alike. There was mention that the blocked road near Heinz be unblocked, so as to allow lorries going to Heinz
having a direct route from the M6 and therefore would not need to use other routes, like going down through Shevington or through Standish. Local residents
should be in consultation with Wigan council and Heinz.
Mike Thomas said we should invite Shevington Council to our January meeting to discuss these issues.
Howard said he would liaise with Janet about “Shared Lives”. This had not happened yet.
Ward Councillor’s Report
Janet said she was still waiting for quotes concerning Lawn’s Wood. Linda and Steve both said that Lawn’s Wood in its existing state was dangerous. Discussion
followed and Janet was going to talk with Liz Parry and John Williams about getting Lawn’s Wood to be shut to the public. Paul and Mike have cleared the paths
as much as they are able but the basic fact is that Lawn’s Wood is dangerous.
Chairman’s Report
Mike told the meeting that he was trying to get more people involved, especially boating people. He was working with the Crooke Cruising Club to tidy the area
between their boats and the Interpretation Board. He suggested someone from the CVRA attend the CCC meeting. Kim said she would work with Linda concerning
Vice Chair’s Report
Howard talked about next year’s Shevington Fete on Saturday 22nd June 2019. The positioning of CVRA stand was not good at this year’s fete. Discussion followed
about the reasons why we have a stand. The meeting came to the conclusion that we as a group must look forward, attract more people to be active in the village,
and start putting forward fund raising events, more social events etc. This will be put on the January agenda.
Treasurer’s Report
Linda told the meeting that she was still in the process of putting a report together about the accounts. The meeting of Mike, Howard, Linda and Morag
regarding this issue and producing agendas unfortunately did not take place. This was rescheduled for the 28th December at 11 am at Howard’s house.
Secretary’s Report
None given.
12.01 Seniors Christmas Lunch
Howard had delivered a pro forma to the residents asking who would like to attend and what they want to eat at the lunch. The completed forms had to be posted
through Morag’s door by Thursday 13th December. So far 18 had responded. Howard would take the forms to Dean MacDonald on Thursday.
12.02 Fund Raising
Linda had tried to access Brighter Borough Funding via Janet re funding of the Christmas lunch but the procedure did not work but Linda would try again.
General fund raising issues and ideas would be put on January’s agenda.
12.03 Welcome Flyer
Linda and Sam were still in the process of producing a Crooke Newsletter. Paul said he would send previous ones that had been done in the past to Linda. Janet
suggested it might take the form like the Shevington Newsletter. Linda said it would be put in the notice board every month and Paul would put it on the
Paul Green has 3 packs of 4 notelets left. He had sold 12 packs of Christmas cards. Again thank you Paul for making and selling these cards.
Mike suggested that as Howard is so very busy that Morag as secretary should take on the responsibility of producing the agendas and she would be point of
contact for any suggestions. The committee would meet near the end of the month to discuss issues, and the agendas would be distributed as stated before, two
weeks before the meeting and also put in the notice board.
The meeting closed at 8.20 pm. Thanks to the Crooke Hall Inn for a much appreciated buffet.
Next Meeting
The next meeting will be at the Crooke Hall Inn at 7.00pm on Tuesday 8th January 2019.
This concludes the the account of the minutes for December 2018.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for November 2018
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. Tuesday 13th Novembber 2018
Mike Thomas, Linda Kellie, Morag Tebbit, Stephen Tebbit, Paul Green, Janet Brown, councillor, Sam Hughes, Stacey Hughes, Kath Bradley, Howard Cain, Joe
Shovelton and Kim Waine.
Councillors Paul Collins, Marlaine Whitham, Mandy Mousedell, Charlie and Sue Neve
Before the meeting started Mike Thomas wanted to make an extension to the AGM. As Howard had indicated that he wished to remain as vice chair, Mike asked
him again. Howard said he would like to remain as vice chair. Linda proposed that Howard be elected vice chair, Morag seconded the motion and all agreed.
Matters Arising
Notes of the October meeting
The notes (as there had been no agenda) were proposed by Kim Waine, seconded by Steve Tebbit, and agreed by all.
Chairman’s Report
Mike told the meeting that on the 17th October a small car had been driven down the path from Shevington to Crooke, at great speed, as it ripped gates off at
the top of the village and damaged the 4 inch concrete gates of his property. Mike had told the police but no action had been taken. There had been an incident
up Beech Hill. Janet said that on that same day there had been an incident in Shevington, possibly by the same people, where 20 youths were brawling. She took
a mobile phone to the police. Again no action seemed to have been taken.
Mike told the meeting that people should be vigilant regarding the ongoing letting off of fireworks.
Mike welcomed Stacey, Sam and 13 month old Jacob, who had recently moved into 99A. Sam thanked Paul for the welcome pack.
Vice Chair’s Report
None given
Treasurer’s Report
Linda told the meeting that she was in the process of putting a report together about the accounts. She had a few invoices etc which she will talk to members
of the committee about before writing her report. She asked the meeting to present bills before buying things so she could keep her accounts regulated.
Janet asked about fund raising. Discussion followed. Grants were also talked about. Both items would be put on the next agenda.
Secretary’s Report
None given.
Ward Councillors
Morag read out an email from Marlaine, stating 4 points.
1) The Beat it Team are in the ward the week beginning 26th November. Linda has told Marlaine that the path around the field was very narrow because of
the weeds encroaching it. There was no room for pushing a push chair along it. Janet said she would speak to Mike Cheers about this. She also told the
meeting about fly tipping behind the shops at Shevington, the potholes there and general mess.
2) The weeds and moss on the pavements was a problem. Street Scene team has been made aware of this and will come to the village when a date is agreed on.
Morag to liaise with Arthur Price. The date was agreed – Tuesday 20th November. Morag to let people know to leave the pavements clear on that day for
the street cleaning machine to do its work.
3) Age Friendly Community Award: Marlaine is working on an application on behalf of the Shevington and District Community Association for a Greater
Manchester Age Friendly Community Award. This would be in recognition of all that goes on: lunch clubs, digital project etc. She asked if CVRA be
included in the list of partner organisations. All agreed. Janet told the meeting about Shared Lives. This is a national initiative, adopted by Wigan
Council. They are looking for people championing vulnerable people. Janet has leaflets about this. Mike Thomas asked Howard to get involved in this
initiative regarding Crooke Village. Janet and Howard to liaise. Howard said he would go to the S and DCA. Janet also told the meeting that the
“binmen” had been asked to be the “eyes and ears“ of the council and report things of concern.
4) Marlaine thanked the Methodist Chapel for their hospitality on Friday November 9th after the last of the commemorative Oak Tree plantings.
11.01 Seniors Christmas Lunch.
Steve said that Dean had given a date. Thursday 20th December. Morag proposed that we would have this event, Paul Green seconded this and all agreed. Janet
will check if the councillors could donate some money for this event. Dean said it would be between £10 and £20 per head. Howard would talk with Dean and
prepare a flier to deliver to the villagers. This would be the same as last year. Thank you Howard.
11.02 Notelets.
Paul Green has produced 12 packs of 4 notelets, selling at £2.50. As many were bought then and there he said he would make another 12. Thank you Paul, they
are super. He still had 49 packs of Christmas cards to sell. Again thank you Paul for making and selling these cards. Fund raising will put on the next
11.03 Vice Chair.
This item was discussed before the meeting and Howard was elected as vice chair.
11.04 Lawn’s Wood and Pathways.
Linda told the meeting that Lawn’s Wood was dangerous to walk in. It is the Council’s responsibility. Janet had got in touch with the council, did a report,
spoke to Liz Parry, and people have been out to inspect what is needing to be done. She spoke also to John Williams and he eventually agreed to get some
quotes. Linda said that the important bits to be addressed were the steps and the bridges. The walkways were made better by the CVRA, by putting chippings
down. The whole area of Lawn’s Wood needs a massive amount of work done and this has been reflected in the large quotes which have been made over the last few
years. As a result nothing has been done. Mike Thomas will talk with John Williams. Thank you Janet for all the work you are doing for us regarding Lawn’s
Howard mentioned the WhatsApp again as a means of getting information to people. The information about how you join WhatsApp is on the agenda. Send a message
to Howard on 07958 756119 to join the village group. Linda said she was in the process of writing a flier promoting the village, using the first page of the
welcome pack. Sam Hughes said he, as head of marketing at Roland Dransfield, would liaise with Linda regarding this flier. Thank you Sam for sharing your
expertise. Paul said he had finished cutting the hedge. Janet said she would continue to mither the council about this matter as it is the council’s
responsibility. Thank you Janet.
The meeting closed at 8.20 pm. Thanks to the Crooke Hall Inn for a much appreciated buffet.
Next Meeting
The next meeting will be at the Crooke Hall Inn at 7.00pm on Tuesday 11th December 2018.
This concludes the the account of the minutes for November 2018.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for October, both the AGM and ordinary meeting 2018
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. Tuesday 9th October 2018
Mike Thomas, Paul Green, Morag Tebbit, Steve Tebbit, Linda Kellie, Kim Waine, Mandy Mousdell, Anne Parkinson, Joe Shovelton, Councillor Marlaine Whitham.
Councillor Paul Collins, Councillor Janet Brown, Howard Cain, Kath Bradley, Mike Smith.
Chairman’s Report.
MTh welcomed everyone to the meeting. He told the meeting that Howard had been in touch and because of other commitments felt he could not commit to being
vice chair. Mike apologised for lack of agendas, but confessed he was not good at administrative issues and had put that task on to Howard. Mike told the
meeting that Derek Keen had been a stalwart, worked hard, enhancing Crooke Village but regrettably was leaving the village and buying a house in Shevington.
He went on to say that people in the past had said they would do things but all had faded out. In his work in the village he had heard that some people found
it uncomfortable meeting in the pub. In the past the meetings had been held in the pub, at the marina, and in the Crooke Methodist Church Hall. Mike then
stood down, and stood Howard down too. Linda took over the meeting.
Vice Chairman’s Report
Howard was not present at the meeting.
Secretary’s Report.
The secretary thanked everyone also and said it was a privilege to work as secretary for the association.
Then she stepped down.
Treasurer’s Report
Linda explained her treasurer’s report. She had considered applying for Brighter Borough money but had refrained from doing so as enthusiasm in the village
for new projects had abated so everything is on hold. See attachments.

Then she stepped down.
Councillor’s Report
Marlaine thanked everyone for all the work they have done in the village. Crooke is an quiet oasis in an urban area. The bulbs for manually planting in the
village were on their way. Mossbank should have another village contact now that Derek had retired.
Paul apologised for his lack of presence in the litter picking etc in the village but he missed the contact with Derek. He also has personal problems. Mike
told him to concentrate on himself, and that he supported Paul in all he did. The website would carry on as usual.
Election of Officers.
Morag asked if Mike was prepared to take on the role of Chairman. He said yes if nominated. Paul Green proposed that Mike be nominated for chairman, Steve
Tebbit seconded the motion. We all agreed. Mike asked if Linda would be prepared to carry on as treasurer, if nominated. She said yes. Anne Parkinson proposed
that Linda be nominated as treasurer, Mandy Mousdell seconded the motion, all agreed, and Linda accepted the post of treasurer. Mike asked Morag if she was
prepared to carry on as secretary. She said yes. Steve Tebbit proposed that she should be secretary, Kin Waine seconded the motion, all agreed, and Morag
accepted the position of secretary. The position of vice chair is now vacant.
Mike told the meeting there might be interest in the position but as no one at the meeting was prepared to take up the post it was agreed to leave the
position vacant and we would decide at the next meeting if anyone showed an interest in taking up the position of vice chair.
The minutes for the October 2017 AGM were proposed as a true record by Kim Waine, seconded by Joe Shovelton, and agreed by all.
The meeting closed at 7.50 pm.
Next Meeting
The next meeting will be at the Crooke Hall Inn at 7.00pm on Tuesday 13th November 2018.
This concludes the the account of the minutes for October 2018.
The October ordinary meeting followed on the AGM.
As there was no agenda. A number of topics were talked about. They were to be put on next months’ agenda. Discussion followed about the need for an agenda to
be circulated 2 weeks before the meeting. As Howard was so longer vice chair, Morag, secretary, took on the role as agenda setter. All items to be put on the
agenda please get to her well in advance of the November meeting.
The first topic to be discussed at this meeting was Christmas cards. There are still 50 packs available to sell, at £5 a pack. There would be no more made.
Paul was in the process of making notelets, blank cards with photos of the village on them He gave a receipt to Linda for materials acquired for said purpose.
He passed round 3 sets of beautiful photographs of Crooke, focussing on the seasons which were to be used on the notelets. Mike and Paul will liaise on which
ones Paul would use. Thank you Paul for being so industrious.
Joe Shovelton told the meeting of the terrible mossy pavements in the village. The council in the past came along the village spraying weed killer on the
pavements up to the walls of the houses. Linda said the paths around the field were also overgrown. There was not enough room for a buggy to travel on the
path. Serious heavy work was needed to clean them up. Mike said he and Derek had bought weed killer and done some of the work themselves. But that source was
gone since Derek is no longer involved in the CVRA. Mike would use his brush cutter and tackle the worst of the problem round the field, and at the edge of
the marina in the coming week. Marlaine said she would make enquiries in the council. Mike had asked Janet for Peter Hollinrake’s contact details but he had
not got them. Marlaine said she would try and find out. Morag said she would find out too.
A welcome pack was mentioned by Paul, who had produced one to give to new people to the village. Steve said he had been approached by Americans about where
Woodcock Row was. He told them and told them about the QRs. Mike had also been approached by visitors.
Linda said she would make a flier to be delivered to villagers.
The meeting closed at 8.10.
The next meeting will be held on the 13th November. Venue to be arranged.
Items for the November agenda are to be given to Morag by the third week in October in order to be in the public domain two weeks before the November 13th
Proposed items for the agenda - Vacant vice chair position; Christmas Senior Lunch; notelets; The future of the CVRA/events in the village.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for September 2018
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. Tuesday 11th September 2018
Mike Thomas, Linda Kellie, Morag Tebbit, Stephen Tebbit, Mike Smith, Paul Green, Marlaine Whitham, (councillor).
Kim Waine, Paul Collins, Janet Brown, Joe Shovelton.
Matters Arising
Minutes of the July meeting
The minutes were proposed by Steve Tebbit, seconded by Mike Smith, and agreed by all.
Chairman’s Report
None given.
Vice Chairman’s Report
Not present.
Treasurer’s Report
Linda told the meeting that the IT courses which she had mentioned last month were almost full in membership. Due to the closure of the library for the month
the courses will be held in Shevington Methodist Church Hall beginning on Monday 17th September until October 15th. She gave thanks to the councillors for
Brighter Borough money.
Secretary’s Report
Morag told the meeting that after the speeding survey she and others had conducted in the village, the council had put up signage regarding this issue. Thank
you to the council for the prompt action. Morag told the meeting she had asked for more signs to be up on lamp posts as you enter or leave the village. Mike
Smith thanked Morag for her time and commitment for doing the survey.
Ward Councillor
Marlaine told the meeting that various issues in the ward were being discussed. See attached report from her.
Marlaine told the meeting that machine bulb planting has been offered from the council. Mike Thomas asked for bulbs to be planted manually as the areas
needing bulbs could not be accommodated by a machine. Marlaine said she would see to that.
Janet had emailed Morag with a few details which Morag told the meeting. Janet said that Liz Parry was looking into what was needed in Lawn’s Wood. This is a
long ongoing issue which will cost a great deal of money. This issue is still to be resolved.
Secondly she said that the vegetation of the park had been done and the signage made clear on the entrance to the village. Paul Green thanked the council for
their hard work. Mike Thomas and Paul Green will do any outstanding work. Thank you to them for all their continuing hard work for the village. Mike Thomas
asked for Peter Hollinrake’s email address to talk with him directly about Lawn’s Wood. Marlaine will send him that address.
Here is Marlaine's report:-

9.01 Community Garden/Allotment
The progress of the Community garden had not really changed much in the last month. Things would continue to be done on the allotment. Mike Smith then told
the meeting that he was getting married in February and unfortunately will be leaving the village. All present congratulated Mike on this happy news and
wished him well in the future. Mike Thomas said he would take over the tackling of the allotment. Mike Thomas said that Derek Keen would be passing on to him
all the trophies the village had won in NWIB etc. Mike Smith said that there would be flowers from his garden which could be put in the allotment. Morag
thanked Mike for all the work he had done for the village and wished him well.
9.02 Future of the CVRA
Linda told the meeting she was concerned about the diminishing numbers of people who attended the meetings and helped in the village. There were a number of
factors which have led to this circumstance. Mike Thomas said he would properly take on the mantle of chairman, taking over projects, organising agendas etc.
Communication with the villagers was the key issue. There were a few families leaving the village and a number of new families in the village. Now was the
perfect opportunity to start a new initiative of coming together as a village. Linda said she would put together a letter to be distributed to the village,
but first put it to the committee. She would bring this document to the next CVRA meeting. The venue of the meeting of the CVRA was discussed and it was
decided that the AGM which was on the 9th October at 7 pm would be held in the Methodist Church. Morag and Steve to book the hall. Mike Thomas will let the
Crooke Hall Inn know.
Christmas cards were discussed. Paul and Mike to liaise. The subject will be put on the October agenda.
Marlaine said that anyone from CVRA would be welcome at the Shevington Community Association meetings. Howard has been going to those. Mike Thomas and Linda
were happy to commit to attending. They are held on the last Tuesday of the month in Shevington Methodist Church.
The meeting closed at 8.05 pm. Thanks to the Crooke Hall Inn for a much appreciated buffet.
Next Meeting
The next meeting will be at the Crooke Methodist Church at 7.00pm on Tuesday 9th October. 2018.
This concludes the the account of the minutes for September 2018.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for August 2018
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. Tuesday 14th August 2018
Mike Thomas, Morag Tebbit, Stephen Tebbit, Joe Shovelton, Mike Smith, Paul Green, Janet Brown (councillor), Marlaine Whitham, (councillor), Carol Miles,
(parish councillor).
Hilda Snowden, Mandy Mousdell, Dawn Glyn, Kim Waine, Paul Collins, Howard Cain, Kath Bradley, Linda Kellie.
Matters Arising
Mike Thomas said that the outstanding issue of the shed and keys, should be rectified as soon as possible. Mike will see Graham and Derek to get the keys of
the shed back. Then Mike will put on a new roof on the shed. He has the materials. Marlaine Whitham clarified details about the IT course, saying that people
need not attend all 10 sessions, but could pay £4.50 per session. There was further discussion about the hedge between the road and the field, beside the
bridge, which needs trimming. Janet had sent an email to Wigan but no work had been done. In AOB of the minutes of July, the bench was mentioned. Mike Thomas
said a bench would be put back, renovated, within a metre of its original site.
Minutes of the July meeting
After adding the amendments to the July minutes, the minutes were proposed by Mike Smith, seconded by Paul Green, and agreed by all.
Chairman’s Report
Mike apologised for his absence due to his 5 week holiday in Cornwall.
Vice Chairman’s Report
Not present.
Treasurer’s Report
Linda gave her apologies for her absence, but sent a written report which is attached to the minutes.
Firstly apologies for absence!
I am awaiting a copy of the final closing statement of the RBS account, following its transfer to Unity, so am able to confirm at this stage our exact balance,
however the unconfirmed amount is circa £900. I have refunded both Dawn Glynn and Mike Smith respectively for monies spent on the village herb patch and the
community garden.
I have received no other invoices following requests made on previous meetings, so once a balance is confirmed following receipt of the closing statement, it
will be accepted by me as Treasurer, as our balance.
There have been some technical issues regarding our application for Brighter Borough funding, however I have been kindly assisted by Paul Collins, so I am
optimistic that our application will be submitted within the next two weeks. This funding is to support work to be carried out both in the community garden
and the village as a whole I would appreciate a discussion as to who is prepared to carry out this work going forward, ahead of my submission.
Many thanks.
Ward Councillor
Marlaine told the meeting, that a meeting of the SDF (Strategic Development Framework) was planned for the 23rd August, at 6pm at St Wilfrid’s, at which
councillors, members of the public, health practitioners, etc would discuss relevant issues and link with the local community. She mentioned that the Beat it
Team would be in the area the week beginning the 27th August. Help in the allotment might be needed. Thank you to Marlaine. She also mentioned that the 635
bus was not operating to timetable. Many buses seemed to have not been in evidence, and that a bus every 12 minutes was not happening. Discussion followed.
Smaller buses would be preferred. The larger buses, especially the double-deckers were causing damage to the sides of the road, especially at corners. Steve
said a lot of people in the village were dependent on the 635 service.
Carol told the meeting that on Monday August 27th there would be a round Shevington walk to find out what needs doing where. Meet at the Methodist church at
10 am.
8.01 Community Garden/Allotment
The progress of the Community garden had not really changed much in the last month. It was being kept tidied and watered. Thank you to Steve Stock. Mike
Thomas asked if Wigan Council could put in a standpipe. Joe said that there had never been a standpipe. Mike Thomas and Mike Smith will liaise to tackle
ground preparation. A corner of the allotment needs work done to it. The fence needs attention and the ground needs scraping in preparation for the meadow
lawn. MTh said 2 visits with mini digger would suffice and no extra help was needed for those actions but help would certainly be needed thereafter.
8.02 Speeding in the village
Kenny Mather had given the requisite essentials for carrying out the speed survey between 25th July and 8th August to Morag. She was helped by Steve Tebbit,
Mike Smith, Linda Kellie and Paul Green. Mike Smith thanked Morag for her time to conduct this survey. The data was given to Kenny. He will put it on a
database and work out what is happening. Hopefully the results will show that speeding does occur in the village, and what we can hope for is extra signage
for the village, which would be in place for 6 months, and then another survey would be completed.
Discussion followed about putting white Stop lines on the un-adopted road as it met the adopted road after the cobbles, and putting a sleeping policeman on
the village side of the bridge.
There was some discussion about the rubbish which was not being placed in the correct bins. Marlaine said she would give Morag recycling information, to be
posted through doors explaining which bin takes what rubbish etc. Janet said that the council would not collect bins that contained the wrong rubbish.
Lawn’s Wood was discussed but this was Wigan Metro’s responsibility. Paul Collins has had no joy following this topic up. Janet said that the Y O Team (Young
Offenders Team) might be used to put sleepers in Lawn’s Wood. She would liaise with Paul Collins. She would also get in touch with the leader of the Y O Team.
Morag mentioned Ira’s request for help for the Memorial Garden. Carol went on to explain that Ira wanted to make a heritage timeline, with etching on the
flagstones, and she wanted QR recordings of ‘people from the past’. Janet mentioned getting a grant from Heritage for funding to tackle the drainage problem.
This is probably not feasible. Carol went on to ask if anyone had photos of Shevington Hall, Fern Close. None seemed to be available. We commiserated with
Joe about the loss of his ducks and hens to Mink. They are a big problem.
The meeting closed at 8.05 pm. Thanks to the Crooke Hall Inn for a much appreciated buffet.
Next Meeting
The next meeting will be at the Crooke Hall Inn at 7.00pm on Tuesday 11th September 2018.
This concludes the the account of the minutes for August 2018.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for July 2018
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. Tuesday 10th July 2018
Howard Cain, Linda Kellie, Morag Tebbit, Stephen Tebbit, Joe Shovelton, Kath Bradley, Paul Green, Janet Brown (councillor).
Hilda Snowden, Mandy Mousdell, Dawn Glyn, Kim Waine, Christine Keen, Mike Smith, Mike Thomas, Charlie and Sue Neve, Mike Crosby and Paul Collins.
Matters Arising
Howard asked if the secretary had given the code for Brighter Borough money to Linda. She had.
There were no pleas for help for the Community garden as Mike Thomas has been away. The garden has been watered regularly. Thank you, Steve Stock.
Shevington Fair went really well. It was stated that the CVRA stall, being in a corner inside, was not to our advantage, and very few people really watched
the dvds showing Crooke. It was agreed that next time we would be outside.
Crooke Methodist Church had its Strawberry Fair which also went really well, the Ukelele band were fantastic. Mike Smith wanted to thank CVRA for the loan
of the marquee.
The shed was mentioned, and still a key needs to be forthcoming. We need to have access to it, as Linda, treasurer, has to know its contents so as to fill in
the Asset Register.
The Shevington and District Quiz night to raise funds for the last Oak Tree to commemorate the First World War, went really well, a very enjoyable evening.
The team from CVRA did really well.
Steve Tebbit put flowers in the logs near the Interpretation Board, and Derek was watering them.
The litter pick scheduled for one Saturday, did not happen. WhatsAPP did send a message out but no one responded. Janet gave her number to be added to that
Minutes of the June meeting
Minutes were proposed by Kath Bradley, seconded by Steve Tebbit, and agreed by all. Howard did report to this meeting that Mike Thomas had sent his apologies
for the last meeting. This was not in the minutes.
Chairman’s Report
Mike Thomas was not present.
Vice Chairman’s Report
Howard welcomed Janet to our meeting.
He had not attended the last Shevington and District meeting as he had been in Spain.
He reminded the meeting of an event still to take place, - the Bowls Open Meeting on Sunday 22nd July at Forest Fold.
Treasurer’s Report
Linda told the meeting that Mike Thomas had put the funds from the previous bank account into the Unify Bank. Janet mentioned that Brighter Borough did not
deal in cheques, as the Unify bank did. But Linda said that problem could be solved. She would check the bank balance. She asked for any outstanding money
transactions to be sorted by the 31st July as from the end of this month no monies would be approved until they had gone through the CVRA meeting, minuted and
approved by the committee. Janet asked how CVRA raised money. It was agreed by the meeting this would be an item on the next agenda. Historically there have
been grants awarded, and the sale of the Christmas cards proved a good money earner. But Howard said that there might be ‘Christmas card fatigue’.
Ward Councillor
Janet gave us a little background as to her being elected as councillor in this ward. The whole group welcomed her and hoped we would work well together. She
told the meeting she had met with Paul Collins and Marlaine Whitham and were to share the surgeries taking place in the Library in Shevington on Saturdays
between 11 and 12. She would be conducting her surgery every third Saturday. One of the topics to be discussed was the development of the old school site next
to the doctors surgery. This is a topic open for public consultation.
7.01 Community Garden
The progress of the Community garden had not really changed much in the last month. It was being kept tidied and watered. Thank you Steve Stock.
7.02 Speeding in the village
Morag had been in touch with the Traffic Department of Wigan and they were going to provide high vis. vests, recording sheets and a speed camera in order to
do a speed survey over the next 2 weeks. Date for this to happen is to be arranged.
7.03 IT Course
Linda had initially got in touch with people in the village in order to see how much interest there was in an IT course for those who did not know much about
emailing, computers etc. She had attended meetings regarding this course and it was decided that it would be a 10 week course, led by Peter Gower, costing £45.
There is a meeting on Wednesday 11th July which Linda will attend and then put out a flier. Howard said that maybe his business could be a sponsor.
Paul told the meeting that the Wigan in Bloom inspectors were timetabled to come to Crooke, despite not entering the competition this year, on Monday at 13.25.
Derek Keen, Paul Green and Morag waited for the inspectors to arrive until 13.45 but none showed. Crooke is of course still part of Wigan and the inspectors
were supposed to come for a look anyway. As it turned out they did arrive at 14.00 to go round Crooke, before going onto Shevington which had entered this
Discussion followed about the overgrown hedge near the bridge as you come into the village, separating the field from the road. Janet was going to make a
report about this and take it to the council who is responsible for mowing, pruning etc in Wigan Metro areas.
Joe brought up the subject of the bench which was in Gary Chadwick’s property. Steve Tebbit was going to talk with Gary to keep a hold of the bench so that
it could be made safe and useful.
The meeting closed at 8.40 pm. Thanks to the Crooke Hall Inn for a much appreciated buffet.
Next Meeting
The next meeting will be at the Crooke Hall Inn at 7.00pm on Tuesday 14th August 2018.
This concludes the the account of the minutes for July 2018.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for June 2018
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. Tuesday 12th June 2018
Howard Cain, Derek Keen, Linda Kellie, Mike Smith, Paul Collins, Morag Tebbit, Stephen Tebbit, Joe Shovelton, Kah Bradley, Gary Chadwick.
Hilda Snowden, Mandy Mousdell, Dawn Glyn, Janet Brown, Kim Waine, Paul Green, Christine Keen.
Matters Arising
Minutes of the May meeting
Minutes were proposed by Steve Tebbit, seconded by Mike Smith, and agreed by all.
Chairman’s Report
Not present.
Vice Chairman’s Report
Howard related dates from the Shevington and District Association.
1) Trip to Castle Howard on Saturday 23rd June, 6 places left.
2) Strawberry/scones at the Methodist Church in Shevington on Saturday 16th June, 10.30 -1.00.
3) Bowls Open Day Sun 22nd July, all welcome,12.00 -16.00.
4) Last fete planning meeting June 19th.
5) NW Ambulance Association delivering a Defib session at the Shevington Methodist Church on Tuesday 3rd July at 7pm.
Treasurer’s Report
Linda told the meeting that the money from the closure of the RBS account still was not in the Unify Bank. She also said that when trying to apply for funding,
statements for the previous 18 months were usually required but as the treasurer position had been effectively non existing for 2 years she had no statements.
Paul advised her to liaise with him regarding funds from the Council, and use Brighter Borough money, applying to that via Crooke’s password. Morag said she
would give Linda the password. Mike Smith needed £500 for plants for the allotment.
6.01 Allotment
Mike Smith proposed that we call the allotment The Community Garden, a better name for the space, Gary seconded the proposal and all agreed. Mike went on to
say that the two types of weather we had had in the last few months, a long period of rain, and a long period of sun had affected work in the garden.
He and Mike Thomas have still work to do with the digger, but one bed has been laid out, and the other will be done asap. Three trees are in, and fruit bushes
are in. Three more trees are coming and more fruit bushes. The most pressing thing to do was to repair the fence between Elsie’s allotment and the Garden.
This was in hand. When extra manpower is needed the plea from Mike will be put on the WhatsAPP. Mike wanted to thank Steve Stock for his continual support for
the Garden, his willingness to water the Garden, and mow the grass. CVRA gives a huge thank you to Steve’s hard work.
6.02 Shevington Fete 2018
The next meeting was on June the 19th. The subcommittee had met once, but the meeting scheduled for the 11th June was cancelled due to illness. Derek was
going to set up the Crooke Stall at 9.30 the morning of the fete, and anybody who could help would be very welcome. Morag and Steve had half the presentation
boards and photos, MTh had the other half. Derek said that a few trophies would be on show. Derek would set up the projector, and Howard would download the
Drone video from the Crooke website to give to him. The sub- committee were producing balloons, bookmarks, t-shirts to promote Crooke village.
6.03 Crooke Summer Fair
Howard cannot do the Card Game but that has been noted by the church. Gazebos were needed by the church, Howard said his was too bad to use. The CVRA marquee
would still be thought about, even though someone told Sandra Makin it was too big. It was in Mike Thomas’ land. Morag will ask about what was needed at
church on Sunday.
6.04 Speeding in the village
Jim Haynes had approached Morag about whether she had a speed camera. She does not. She had enrolled on a Community Speedwatch Scheme but as no-one else had
enrolled so nothing further has happened. Heather Farmer from Wigan Council, had sent an email stating what had been done and could be done. Discussion
followed about possible plans of action, white lines, one way system around the green, etc. Paul suggested the secretary ask Heather to come to Crooke Village
for a site visit and asked to be included in that. Linda asked about Neighbourhood Watch. Sandra Makin had been involved in that but had stepped down. Joe
would try and find out who was involved in that.
6.05 Quiz Night
There will be a fund raising Quiz Night on Friday 22nd June at St Anne’s Centre, raising funds for the last oak tree to be planted in the District
commemorating the 5 years of the First World War. Four have already been planted, Crooke had theirs planted last November, and Standish Lower Ground will be
the last to have one.
Please come. It will be a lovely evening, there will be prizes to be won in the raffle, and it will be an excellent quiz to participate in. Howard, Kath,
Steve and Morag took part last year and it was a great evening. It will cost £5 to enter, a buffet will be provided, and you bring your own drink.
Steve told the meeting that the Council had repaired the gate between the Nursery and the church on to the field promptly and well done. The grass cutting of
the playing field was a mess as the blades seemed to be blunt. Paul said that he had had a number of complaints from around the borough on this issue. Paul
will look into this.
Derek told the meeting that he was very unhappy that no-one had turned up for a litter pick. He was unhappy also about the lack of enthusiasm from the
villagers. Mike Smith said it was everyone’s responsibility to keep our village beautiful. Howard said you can’t make people do anything. The litter pick item
would go on next month’s agenda.
The logs beside the interpretation board for the tippler was discussed. Steve was going to get compost and put plants in them. There are a few planters around
the village and the responsibility for watering them was discussed. Some Wigan, some Shevington. But no-one was watering them now.
The bench which used to be beside the garages which have been taken down was discussed. The bench was put there by Joe Shovelton. Because it was in a sorry
state it will be refurbished and positioned appropriately near its original position causing no offence to anyone.
The meeting closed at 8.30 pm. Thanks to the Crooke Hall Inn for a much appreciated buffet.
Next Meeting
The next meeting will be at the Crooke Hall Inn at 7.00pm on Tuesday 10th July 2018.
This concludes the the account of the minutes for June 2018.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for May 2018
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. Tuesday 8th May 2018
Howard Cain, Mike Thomas, Derek Keen, Paul Green, Linda Kellie, Mike Smith, Hilda Snowden, Mandy Mousdell, Dawn Glyn, Charlie Neve, Kim Waine, Marlaine
Whitham, Paul Collins, Morag Tebbit, Stephen Tebbit.
Anne Parkinson, Kathy Bradley, Christine Keen.
Matters Arising
Paul Collins had given Nicola‘s last name to Linda, Nicola Rigby.
Minutes of the April meeting
Minutes were proposed by Mike Smith, seconded by Charlie Neve, and agreed by all.
Ward Councillor
Howard informed the meeting of the sad loss of position as councillor for our ward, Mike Crosby who lost his seat at the local election on 3rd May. He will
be sorely missed as he had been a superb councillor for 8 years.
Chairman’s Report
None given.
Vice Chairman’s Report
None given, but apologised for not attending the Community Association meeting as he had a prior arrangement.
Treasurer’s Report
Morag said that she and Mike Thomas had closed the RBS account and given the secretary money for the insurance which had been paid. A final cheque for the
balance of the account had been sent to Graham Foster. Mike Thomas was going to collect it. Then we can put the cheque into the Unify account.
Linda said she had contacted Adactus about the Breathe initiative, to fund raise for money for sleepers for Lawn’s Wood etc. Paul Collins suggested she
approach the Lottery fund. Charlie said he had tried that fund, Heinz, Kellogs and other options but had been knocked back because the CVRA is not a
registered charity. Paul said other groups in the ward had been successful even though they were not charities, perhaps we could try again. Paul said for
Linda to approach Nicola Rigby, who was responsible for Wigan in Bloom and the Big Eat, or Tracey Williams.
Ward Councillor Reports
Marlaine thanked Linda for taking on the initiative of RingandRide. Linda has leafleted the village about this service.

Marlaine told the meeting that there had been 2 IT sessions held for free in Shevington Library to bring people unsure of the IT services available to all.
These had been well attended. More sessions were to be made available probably at a small cost. These sessions were/will be led by Wigan Digital Learning.
She told the meeting that since Damian Edwardson had left, the status of the Defib had been taken on by Lisa Stanway of the NW Ambulance service. Morag told
the meeting she had been the named guardian. They had however approached Dean MacDonald of the pub, who was going to feedback regularly to Lisa the status of
the defib. Lisa is responsible for the four defibs in our area. Marlaine told the meeting there was going to be a training session at the Methodist Church in
Shevington on Tuesday July 3rd.
Lisa Stanway and our councillors will be present at the Shevington Fete on Saturday 30th June. On the first Saturday in August the Horticultural Show would
take place.
Paul Collins told the meeting that the loss of Mike Crosby was immense. Mike had said that it was a privilege to work with the CVRA in the 8 years he had been
a councillor. It was a privilege for the CVRA to have had Mike as a very caring, hardworking councillor. Mike would still be involved in a number of things in
the ward. Paul went on to say that now the elections had been done, the Provision for Care in the community could be addressed. Care in the community is a big
vision of the council. There was evidence that the insufficient number of young people, which led to the closure of the school, implied there would be a
greater number of older people, maybe dementia sufferers. A public consultation would be started about the best way to use the school and land available
after the closure of the Shevington County Primary School. MTH asked if the building and the land would be considered. The answer was yes. All possibilities
would be addressed. Mike Smith asked about parking. That would be considered too.
Paul reminded the meeting about the forthcoming Duck Race at Appley Bridge on the 20th May.
5.01 Allotment
Mike Smith reported that it had been minuted in April that trees were going to arrive. He told the meeting that three small trees had arrived and that he and
Steve Stock had planted them.
1) There had been discussion about weed killing or rotovation. It was decided that Mike Thomas would rotovate the allotment on Thursday 10th and Friday
11th of May. Mike would also take his rotovating machine round the edge of the field behind the village and make the path available and wider.
WhatsAPP group would be summoned to provide more bodies as and when needed. Discussion followed about raised beds which had been in the original plan
for the allotment. Mike Smith said that for the moment he was trying to keep things simple, but it was agreed that raised beds would still be a
feature as they were to be an aid for accessibility to gardening for the less fit.
2) Mike wants it minuted that Steve Stock has been an immense help in keeping the allotment tidy and cared for. He has provided water and kept the grass
cut regularly. Thank you Steve Stock and Kevin Price for his contribution too.
5.02 Allotment Memorial Garden Area.
Kath through Howard, suggested that there could an area on the allotment where people could plant flowers etc in memory of loved ones. Maybe small plaques
could go on a bench. Discussion followed and Linda was uncomfortable about making a shrine, citing the memorial for the man who had committed suicide at the
bridge over the Douglas River. Mike Th said that Wigan had given their approval for that. But the meeting concluded that everything would be low key and
5.03 Shevington Fete 2018
The Shevington sub committee met and came up with excellent suggestions for making the Crooke stand at the Shevington Fete on the 30th June as interesting and
welcoming as possible. Thank you to Dawn, Kim, Linda, and Paul Green. Linda proposed that a budget of £100 be available for items needed for this venture, MTh
seconded this and it was agreed by all. Marlaine would send Howard a booking form for a £20 site.
On the 22nd May there will be a meeting of those involved with the Shevington Fete. In the Shevington Methodist Church at 7pm. All welcome.
Thank you Dawn and group for all your hard work.
Dawn proposed that £20 would be available for her to buy some herbs for the herb garden at the information board. Morag seconded this proposal, and it was
agreed by all.
Steve told the meeting about the gate into the field between the nursery and the church. Discussion followed and it was agreed that the way in which had been
left, it was dangerous and could easily be opened. Charlie had seen unwanted people viewing the possibilities for the use of the field. Paul Collins will
Steve also told the meeting of the damage done to the wooden rails of the canal bridge. MtH will look and tell Charlie, as this is the responsibility of the
Canal and River Trust.
The bench, which used to be on the green in front of the sheds, now gone, was discussed. The ownership of it was asked. Joe Shovelton might know. Morag will
ask him. The positioning of this bench will be addressed at the next meeting.
Steve mentioned the boggy area beside the swings. Howard said that this was on the list of things to do, and had not been forgotten.
Derek Keen told the meeting that he was disappointed that an historical wall had been taken down. Discussion followed and the outcome of the discussion was
that the retaining wall would be rebuilt and a facade would be put on the dangerous wall and it would be made better than before.
The meeting closed at 8.30 pm. Thanks to the Crooke Hall Inn for a much appreciated buffet.
Next Meeting
The next meeting will be at the Crooke Hall Inn at 7.00pm on Tuesday 12th June 2018.
As a final remark Howard welcomed everyone to Kath and her band’s final gig at the Crooke Hall Inn on Saturday 12th May. They are an excellent group. You
cannot miss them. Please go.
This concludes the the account of the minutes for May 2018.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for April 2018
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. Tuesday 10th April 2018
Howard Cain, Mike Thomas, Mike Crosby, Derek Keen, Paul Green, Lynda Kellie, Mike Smith, Hilda Snowden, Mandy Mousdell, Joe Shovelton, Dawn Glyn, Charlie
Neve, Kim Waine.
Anne Parkinson, Kathy Bradley, Morag Tebbit, Steve Tebbit, Marlaine Whitham, Christine Keen, Paul Collins.
Matters Arising
Minutes of the March meeting
Minutes were voted as a true record, and agreed by all.
Ward Councillor
Mike Crosby said he had requested the council to assess action list for jobs to be done in Lawns Wood, ie steps, paths and general maintenance.
Mike Crosby reported on 1) potholes. Discussion followed about heavy traffic. The issue was not being ignored. Mike C encouraged the public to keep reporting.
2) Mike C reminded the meeting of the local elections coming up, and to register a vote.
Action List
Any requests for list please add on WhatsApp or update any members. Feel free to crack on with current jobs. Action - Howard to email list to Paul Collins and
post through doors.
Derek Keen requested 1 day for volunteers. (Nicola ..... also the Beat It team), Paul Collins to advise who to contact.
Wood chippings were required.
Chairman’s Report
None given. But Mike said he had been unable to attend committee or district meetings. But welcome back, Mike. Mike said he would collect a dustbin from the
Treasurer’s Report
Lynda said that an account with Unity Bank, was opened with Linda, Mike Th, Howard, and Morag as signatories, out of which 2 would be required for any
transaction. Proof of address, and photo ID to be completed at closure/transfer.
4.01 Allotment
Mike Smith reported that:-
1) He was waiting for the removal of rubbish before he could concentrate on the soft fruit area.
2) The meadow lawn would be done in October.
3) He does not want to use weed killer.
4) He was going to cut down branches of a big tree in the middle of the allotment. Offers of help had been received this weekend.
5) The rotavating had started but it was still too wet.
6) The fruit trees were ready to stake out.
7) Mike was going to await confirmation of size and delivery times for the trees. He would love someone to help.
The compost heap was discussed - this should be turned over. As it was it was not being used. MS and MC to meet to discuss what will happen to compost heap.
4.02 Social events for Crooke Village
No details entered.
4.03 Shevington Fete 2018
Discussion followed about who could help, and a date in May would be arranged for those willing to organise the stall, photographs, etc and share ideas.
4.04 Ring and Ride scheme
Linda had attended the meeting and shared the leaflet. See attached.
Linda proposed that there would be a drop of leaflets about this service, seconded by Paul Green, and agreed. People must have registered to use the service,
as a single, or a group.
To get in touch, phone 0161 2006011 or 0845 688 4933. The website for information and to register is
4.05 Xmas cards and Notelets
Paul Green showed the meeting samples, which could be used for fund raising at Shevington Fete.
Charlie Neve attended an Environmental Agency meeting on the 27th February. Paul Collins and Gareth Hamlet had also attended. The conclusion of discussion was,
despite 4 trees having fallen, and there might be a possible impact on flooding to the area, there was not a damming risk, but the natural processes would
continue to be monitored. The eroded area, and fallen trees by the culvert was also discussed. Further negotiations with the Canal and River Trust would be
followed up by Gareth Hamlet.
PCSO Leanne Winnard has WhatsAPP group to report to.
Dawn submitted to Linda the total of £60 profit from her CHANT work.
Thank you Dawn for all the work you did for CHANT and subsequently work you are continuing to do in the village.
And thank you Dawn for writing the notes for the meeting. Hope I have interpreted the notes accurately.
There is a meeting for volunteers for manning the Crooke stall at the Shevington Fete at 7 pm on the 2nd May in the Crooke Hall Inn.
The meeting closed at 8.30 pm.
Next Meeting
The next meeting will be at the Crooke Hall Inn at 7.00pm on Tuesday 8th May.
This concludes the the account of the minutes for April 2018.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for March 2018
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. Tuesday 13th March 2018
Howard Cain, Derek Keen, Paul Green, Morag Tebbit, Steve Tebbit, Linda Kellie, Anne Parkinson, Mike Smith, Kath Bradley, Hilda Snowden, Mandy Mousedell, Joe
Shovelton, Dawn Glyn, Kevin Price, Kim Waine.
Mike Thomas, Mike Crosby, Marlaine Whitham, Christine Keen, Paul Collins.
Matters Arising
The February meeting had no quorum, so minutes were not taken. Kath took notes of the meeting which were distributed. Thank you Kath, for an excellent job
done. Howard said the Big Clean had not happened, in Crooke, but it had been cancelled nationwide due to adverse weather conditions.
Howard went on to tell the meeting that Mike Thomas had replied to his text message, saying he would return as soon as possible.
The Constitution had been finalised and signed. Kath Bradley, Steve Tebbit, Linda Kellie and Mike Smith signed the document. Linda took it as she needed it to
show the new bank when she opened a new CVRA bank account. Mike Th and Morag, as the only existing signatories, have to get together before anything can move
on. Morag had sent messages to Mike but has not had a reply.
3.01 Allotment
Mike told the meeting that progress on the allotment was very slow. Nothing really could be done until the weather had significantly improved. He circulated a
plan of a herb garden and told the meeting what he imagined the allotment to be like. Derek said there was a surplus of herbs at the interpretation board and
Mike could take some of those. There was lots of discussion about the sequence needed in tackling the allotment. It was generally agreed, that the allotment
would be sprayed to get rid of the grass, Derek would source the weed killer, and liaise with Mike so they could do the job together. Then if Mike Thomas was
back, he could rotovate the allotment as he said he would. Timing was unknown as the weather forecast was not good. Plan B, said Mike, would be put in place
as the planting of the Meadow, and the trees was dependent on good weather conditions and warm soil. The planting needed to happen at the end of
March/beginning of April. If that did not happen then it would be put back until October. Other things would be concentrated on the allotment meanwhile. Kevin
offered his services at cutting grass etc.
Howard told the meeting again about the What’sApp? group which could activate helpers when needed. Joe asked about trees. Mike said that Bill Oakley was
supplying them free of charge. Mike also said he had a source for plants.
Kath mentioned funds from Incredible Edible.
3.02 Plaque for Norman Hart
Derek proposed that a plaque be put up in memory of Norman Hart. Steve pointed out that when the cooperative saved the village in 1977, it was agreed that no
single person would be singled out as it was a group success, so erecting a plaque for one person was not appropriate. No-one seconded the proposal so it was
not voted on.
3.03 The siting of another litter bin
Steve asked the meeting to consider the siting of another litter bin in the field behind the church and the nursery where there was a bench much used. This
was seconded by Linda and agreed by all. Discussion followed and Derek said that Jim Haynes had a litter bin in his back garden. Howard said he would ask Jim
if the association could have the bin to use in the field.
3.04 Silver Gilt Plaque
Derek proposed that the Silver Gilt Plaque which had been won by the village in the Britain in Bloom competition be put up somewhere. Discussion followed as
to the siting of it. The marina was mentioned, also it could be added to the existing plaques already on an Adactus house (as you enter the village.) It was
stated by the meeting what a great job Derek, Paul and Mike , in particular, had done in getting that award, but of course the whole village had done their
bit too. Derek proposed that getting the plaque was a good idea, Kath seconded the motion and all agreed. Derek was going to cost the purchase of the plaque.
3.05 Participation in Bloom 2018
Howard told the meeting that Shevington were entering the competition this year, after not entering last year. He asked the meeting if Crooke should enter.
Discussion followed as to what was needed to take it from Silver Gilt to Gold. It was decided that Lawns Wood, mentioned in the judges’ report was a
significant undertaking, and the allotment, also mentioned as could be better in the judges’ report, was another major undertaking. A group of any interested
villagers would meet to go round the village, following the judges’ report seeing exactly what would be needed to improve the results of the report, was
arranged for Saturday 24th March, meeting at the pub at 1pm. Howard would make a flier.
It was proposed by Derek Keen that we enter the competition and seconded by Paul Green, agreed by all except Mike Smith.
3.06 Shevington Summer Fair
Howard said that the presence of the Crooke Village Residents Association stall over the years had been a great success. He went on to say that instead of just
being a stall for presenting our superb village it should be changed slightly so as to gather more support to help in the village. The marquee could be used.
Howard proposed we attend the Shevington Fair, Morag seconded the motion, and all agreed.
3.07 Christmas Cards and notelets
Morag asked the meeting if Paul could produce notelets as well as Christmas cards. Steve showed the meeting examples of notelets that Paul had done in the past.
It was considered a good idea and Paul went away from the meeting with a view to producing more examples. Cost was discussed, Kevin brought up the subject of
fund raising. Morag said there were grants available, Kim and Dawn were going to get together to brainstorm fund raising ideas. Steve said we should get our
own printer. Morag would prompt Howard into getting a printer/photocopier, the money for which has already been promised by our councillors.
Howard brought it to the notice of the meeting that at the Shevington and District Community Association had produced a poster advertising Appley Bridge
Village Festival and Duck race, on Sunday 20th May.
Kath suggested we arrange a social event for the village. This will be put on the April agenda.
The meeting closed at 8.30 pm.
Next Meeting
The next meeting will be held at the Crooke Hall Inn at 7.00pm on Tuesday 10th April.
This concludes the the account of the minutes for March 2018.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for February 2018
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. Tuesday 13th February 2018
Howard Cain, Kath Bradley, Derek Keen, Mike Crosby, Charlie Neve, Anne Parkinson, Kim Waine, Mandy Mousdell, Hilda Snowden, Mike Smith, Marlaine Whitham,
Joe Shovelton, Paul Green.
Linda Kellie, Mick Thomas, Morag Tebbitt, Sue Neve, Steve Tebbitt.
NB: No decisions can be made this evening as no quorum.
Matters Arising
Constitution – small changes have been made – cannot be signed off tonight. Passed around for review.
Fly tipping – has been reported. Stay vigilant.
Minutes of the January meeting
The minutes of the January meeting were proposed as an accurate record of the meeting by CN and seconded by MS and agreed by all.
Not in attendance
Vice Chairman
Attended Shevington District Meeting on 31.1.18.
• Mandy Wadsworth from Active Living gave a brief presentation on Inspiring Healthy Lifestyles which is aimed at later life category and included a
range of activities from home exercise programmes to community groups. HC expressed interest to hear from them at a later meeting.
• W.I. Meet 4th Wed at Methodist Church Hall.
• Cameo meets 3rd Thursday at St Annes – aimed at widows/widowers.
• Last planting will be 9.11.18 for WW1 commemoration. Looking for suitable location. Jim Maloney from Shevington & District Community Association has
asked if the church can provide refreshments.
• Quiz night 22nd June pencilled in for WW1. £440 raised on night of last one.
Not in attendance
Not in attendance
Ward Councillors
Mike Crosby
• Marlaine’s first meeting in this capacity.
• Will continue to represent residents of Crooke.
• Big Spring Clean 2nd to 9th March. Previously provided litter pickers, high visibility jackets and bin bags. CVRA have some high vis jackets. If need
any extra equipment, let Mike Crosby know. Requested more litter picking sticks. Mike will email Tracy Williams to request. Will drop off or leave in room at
back of library. Shevington will meet up at 10am on Sat 3rd meet up to make concerted effort to take it forward. Derek said canal is particularly messy. Paul
litter picked lower section last week. HC suggested Sat 3rd March for Crooke to get together to instigate it also. Obtain access to lock up through Derek.
Marlaine Whitham
• Thanked everyone for support in the election.
• Bins and parking and speeding were issues raised by residents during their campaign leafleting.
• Speeding - Charlie spoke about speeding – signs on main road distracting from road signs – moved 20mph sign more visible. Talked about the process of
police half day speed camera. Advised that council get speed gun and residents can do it but cannot enforce. 2 people need to be qualified – Morag is one.
Records amount of vehicles speeds, police review and decide if the info makes it worthwhile doing a proper investigation.
• Parking – HC spoke to Wigan Council if possible to put hatchings to show radius of corner. Mandy expressed that elderly lady has van parked outside
blocking her view. Belongs to No. 47. Have polite word with No. 47. Suggested that anyone who has an issue contact PCSO first. Historic suggestion for wider
entrance which was knocked back – John Main kerbing entrance on his land at his own expense to try to stop traffic coming faster. Derek expressed concern
about scraping wheels when forced over. Bring suggestions forward to the next meeting.
New Items
02-01 M. Smith
CVRA Allotment -Latest update on the village project.
Weather has prevented further development. If wet weather continues we will need to review plans re preparing ground. Main thrust may have to be moved to
later in the year. Got choice on shrubs and grasses being made. Glendale Horticultural Society – got meeting with them on Friday to discuss plans. Sowed idea
that they may pass on slower selling items etc. Next month – will work on layouts of plots and an idea of what shrubs where. See what is in the lock up to see
what tools available and what we may need to purchase. Steve has said we can use his shed as a water supply. Once weather cleared up could start a timeline
02-02 D. Keen
Plaque for Norman Hart.
Norman was a founder member of Co-op of Crooke. Joyce wife was secretary and Norman was chairman. Did a lot of work for the village. Passed away a year ago.
Sandra had relayed that there was a plaque commemorating the work of the committee already on the corner and expressed concern that no single member should be
highlighted. DK wishes to carry item forward. Joe said he would oppose the idea.
02-03 S. Tebbit
Proposed new bin near bench in fields (Defer until March)
02-04 D. Keen
Silver Gilt plaque for Britain in Bloom.
Wants plaque like Shevington – DK told could not have one attached to anything that is council owned. Possible to have it on marina wall but feel like should
be able to have elsewhere. Marlaine will ask Margaret Carter who did it and how it was funded. MC said likely to received.
02-05 D. Keen
Participation in Britain in Bloom 2018.
DK wants to know if we are attending. Event is in July. Question raised about if we participate and when we would need to submit application by. Is 13th March
enough time – defer to that meeting. Charlie noted it needs to be included in agenda for March. Charlie mentioned about getting planters back from the council.
Copy of judge’s report – paths can be adapted for wheelchair access. Would need funding for that. Flood plain means that path will be soft and wet. Detailed
proposal and map required for next meet. Add this item to the agenda too.
02-06 H. Cain
Shevington Fete 2018.
30th June is the date penciled in. Decision to be made about participation. Carry forward to March. Consider why we are participating and the aim. Could it be
more purposeful could it garner support and engage people in what we are doing. HC will put forward a more detailed proposal for March. Paul said could take
photo of allotment and Lawns Wood. Marlene gave outline of the plans. 3 marquees – plenty of space.
02-07 M. Tebbit
Xmas cards and notelets (Defer until March).
Paul said received bill reminder and went down to pay it with remainder of Xmas card sales. £510/£500. Emailed Mick to ask about his Xmas cards sales.
• Paul - Litter pick – 4 bags needed collecting – forgot to ask council. Email to Arthur Price. HC requested that Paul will share contact details to
share with the village. Paul having trouble with making web updates as there is a hitch with programme update information. Hoping to sort out with a friend in
the next few days.
• Charlie – contacted Paul Collins about fallen trees by the pipe bridge into river on this side of the weir. CRT was contacted also – both came back
and said that it is the responsibility of the Environment Agency. The Environment Agency are in the process of handing that responsibility over to CRT &
British Waterways and in the meantime 2 more trees have fallen. This is causing a natural dam and means potential for flood to happen again. Details have been
sent to environment agency CRT and Paul Collins and a formal identification number has been received. Charlie going to give 6 weeks and then he will follow up.
Counterproductive for the dam that was erected in Lawnswood to slow the inflow if the outflow is now being slowed.
• Charlie entrance gates to marina work being done. Entrance posts too narrow.
• Joe – moss on footpaths can we do anything about it. DK mentioned Wet and Forget - £22 for 5 litres.
• Howard – emails re Youtube video about Crooke village. URL is /aXHUW5_t1tA. KB suggested the link was put on the website.
• HC – Beyond Wigan Pier – Charlie said it was on BBC news. George Orwell who wrote the Road to Wigan Pier. Musical event on 27th April written and
 performed by local people. Raising money as a demonstration of interest in a new story of Wigan. £25,000 aimed for to continue with the bigger story.
The meeting closed at 8.20pm. There was a mix up with not requesting the buffet that had been prepared by Crooke Hall Inn. Apologies were offered.
Next Meeting
The next meeting will be on Tuesday the 13th March at 7.00.
This concludes the the account of the minutes for February 2018.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for January 2018
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. Tuesday 9th January 2018
Howard Cain, Derek Keen, Paul Green, Morag Tebbit, SteveTebbit, Linda Kellie, Anne Parkinson, Mike Smith, Charlie Neve, Kath Bradley.
Mike Crosby, Marlaine Whitham, Christine Keen, Mandy Mousdell, Hilda Snowdon, Paul Collins, Kim Waine.
Matters Arising
The November minutes were duly amended in the writing of the December minutes.
Minutes of the December meeting
The minutes of the November meeting and the minutes of the December meeting were proposed by Paul Green and seconded by Derek Keen and agreed by all.
Minutes of the October meeting
Steve Tebbit proposed the minutes to be a true and accurate record, Paul Green seconded the motion and it was agreed by all.
Howard, in the absence of Mike Thomas, chaired the meeting and told us that there had not been a meeting of the Shevington District and Community Association
in December. He also told the meeting that the Christmas dinner for senior citizens, had gone very well. There were 18 in attendance, and the meal produced by
the Crooke Hall Inn was excellent. Because of the lack of adopting the amended constitution, the treasurer, Linda, said the lunch could not be paid for. That
would be done as soon as the constitution was written, and the new signatories were in place to allow the treasurer to act.
01.01 The Constitution
Derek still asked why we needed to change the constitution, and mentioned specifically the word landowners.
Discussion followed about various items in the constitution. The consensus of the meeting was that the existing constitution was out of date, the committee
members had changed, the wording of some parts were confusing, the reference to the website would have to be made clearer and the responsibility would be the
committee’s and not just Paul’s, given the advancement of technology and the possibility of hacking etc. The new wording would give protection to Paul.
Scrutinising would be done regularly but the website was down to Paul. The website continues to be an excellent resource, thank you Paul for sterling service.
Howard proposed that, subject to the alterations which had been discussed, that a new constitution would be written . This was seconded by Charlie Neve, and
agreed by all, except for Derek Keen, who abstained.
01.02 The Allotment
Mike Smith put forward his plans and time table for the allotment. See attached documents, Allotment 1,2,3.
Help was needed in preparing the ground prior to planting. Mike Thomas was to rotovate the allotment. People were needed initially to dig holes for the planting
of fruit trees. WhatsApp would be enabled to let people know that they were needed. And also word of mouth would be used to ask for help, if they had not got
computer technology.
Mike presented the plans for the allotment so I have included them into this posting:-

Thank you Mike Smith again for all your hard work in the presentation, and for all the hard work you are about to do!
01.02 Fly tipping and bins
Unfortunately someone new to Crooke, living in an Adactus house between the numbers 50 to 80, had left rubbish in the alleyway between the house 62 and 66,
including a washing machine, carpet, and had deposited rubbish in other people’s bins, and had used the wrong bins. Discussion followed, and it was agreed,
that Adactus would be informed again, as the tenants were in breach of their contract. The council would be told again, as the filling of other peoples bins
was not right, especially as the rubbish was being put in the wrong bins. The community Policemen would be told about this state of affairs. They are PCSO
Alan Crabtree, 14261 and PCSO Amanda Buchett 61333. Their telephone number was 101, and 0161 856 7124. Howard was to action these points.
Derek mentioned a plaque in memory of Norman Hart who had died before Christmas. Charlie said funding might be done through a submariner organisation.
Discussion followed and the result was that items had to be put on the agenda by the people raising the action. This was in the constitution. So the following
items will be put on February’s agenda.
1) Plaque for Norman Hart, Derek Keen.
2) Another bin to be placed near bench in the field, Steve Tebbit.
3) Silver Gilt plaque from Britain in Bloom, Derek Keen.
4) Do we enter Britain in Bloom in 2018 in the small village category? Derek Keen.
5) Litter Picks. Morag Tebbit.
6) Notelets/Christmas cards. Morag Tebbit.
Other topics raised were the fact that Alan Coleman, Keepers Cottage had procured a sand bin for use in frosty/icy conditions and had been placed at the other
side of the canal bridge. The council had refused to fill it as it was on an unadopted road. The previous owner of Keepers cottage had regularly used the sand
in the bin near the pub to put sand on the road through the village and the road down to the canal. It would cost £120 for it to be filled privately.
Paul Green told the meeting that the selling of Christmas cards had raised £733. Excellent Paul.
Litter Pick, everyone was asked to do their own litter pick whenever necessary. Times would be discussed at the February meeting as Saturday mornings were not
considered to be a good time for some!
The meeting closed at 9.15, with a buffet prepared by the Crooke Hall Inn
The meeting closed at 8.30 with a buffet from the Crooke Hall Inn.
Next Meeting
The next meeting will be on Tuesday the 13th February at 7.00.
This concludes the the account of the minutes for January 2018.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for December 2017
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. Tuesday 12th December 2017
Mike Thomas, Derek Keen, Paul Green, Morag Tebbit, Steve Tebbit, Hilda Snowden, Linda Kellie, Mandy Mousdell, Anne Parkinson, Mike Smith, Gary Chadwick, Joe
Mike Crosby, Christine Keen, Howard Cain, Kath Bradley, Paul Collins, Kim Waine.
Matters Arising
Derek Keen said that the minutes were not an accurate representation of what went on at the November meeting. It had not been minuted that he, Derek, had
stated that he had been very unhappy about the lack of support from the villagers when asked to do any work in the village. It is thus minuted and the minutes
of the November meeting will be proposed, seconded, and agreed at the meeting in January.
Minutes of the November meeting
The minutes of the November meeting will be discussed at the January meeting.
12.01 The Constitution
Mike Thomas explained that in 2009 the constitution had been asked for by Adactus. You have to have a constitution when you are a group, or be a registered
charity. Discussion followed about the draft constitution written by Howard, in collaboration with Mike Thomas, Linda Kellie and Morag Tebbit. Steve Tebbit
asked what was meant by non resident landlords. Mike Thomas said that the term included Adactus, and people who owned houses in the village and rented them
out. Are live-aboard boat owners included, or Friends of the Village?
Derek Keen asked why we need to change the constitution, as it was ok as it stood. He went on to say that people don’t help around the village so why should
we change the constitution. Morag Tebbit said that the original constitution was outdated as the membership of the committee now had only the secretary
remaining on the committee. All the other positions were held by different people. Mike Thomas said that he would make sure that all points of view were noted,
he represented everybody. Derek went on to say that the original constitution should have accompanied the draft new one so that people could compare. Morag
Tebbit pointed out that everyone had a copy of the original constitution as she had sent them out as an attachment with a previous set of minutes. Steve Tebbit
asked if Adactus should be mentioned by name. Derek agreed. The constitution would be revisited at the January Meeting.
12.02 The Allotment
Mike Smith put forward his plans for the allotment. He showed the meeting a couple of photographs of what the allotment looked like now, pretty wild. He put
forward his ideas of improving the allotment very eloquently. He circulated a sketch of his proposed use of the site, stating that the project would take time
to evolve and that the initial steps would be to get it ready for Spring when potatoes would be probably planted. There would be a meadow lawn, a vegetable
plot, a herb garden and fruit trees. Mike Smith would talk to Bill Oakley who was donating the fruit trees, in answer to Joe Shovelton’s question about where
the trees were coming from. He had approached Elsie about the trees at the edge of her allotment, and she agreed for them to be trimmed. Mike Thomas was going
to liaise with her. Mike Thomas had also had a word with Steve who rented the allotment next to the CVRA allotment and Steve said he would rotorvate it and
continue to cut the grass. Joe, who had trimmed the trees for years, said at what height they should be trimmed, about 6 feet. Discussion followed about the
wall which was an eyesore. A climber might be planted. Something must be done about the stones lying about. The path was discussed and potential problems
noted. Derek Keen asked about the raised beds which had been in the original plans. Mike Smith said that they were hard work. And that the allotment should be
low maintenance. Mike Thomas said he would take on any building work himself. Mike Smith carried on with his presentation, mentioning the planting of flowers
would reflect the changing seasons, the vegetables would be for the use of the villagers as would be the herbs. Mike Thomas thanked Derek for the herbs he had
planted around the Presentation board at the Tippler. There would also be a compost heap. A couple of benches would be placed for people to sit on and
appreciate the growing allotment.
Mike Smith proposed that the meeting would approve his plans, Anne Parkinson seconded the motion and all agreed.
Thank you Mike Smith for all your hard work in the presentation, and for all the hard work you are about to do!
12.03 Seniors Christmas lunch at the Crooke Hall Inn Thursday 21st Decenber at 12.30
16 people had put in their forms indicating their preferences for their meals. One more form was expected. The meal was £12 a head, to be paid by CVRA, and
£12 was to be paid by any guests. Mike Thomas asked if people could take to the meal a small item which could then be raffled.
Treasurer’s Report.
Linda said that she would be changing from banking at the RBS and moving the funds to UNIFY, which has a good ethical background. 4 committee members were to
be signatories, and 2 signatures would be needed at any transaction. UNIFY wants a copy of the constitution and a copy of the minutes before funds/treasurer
can be active. This will be done after the January meeting. Paul asked Linda if she could tell the meeting the balance in the account. Linda declined to say,
except that we are in credit.
Mandy brought up the subject of the trees across from her house. The branches were overhanging the road and her car. This was a possible danger as they might
fall on a passerby. The ownership of the trees has been queried before and no one knows who owns the land they are on. Some diseased trees have already been
felled, but there are still a few needing to be taken down. Discussion followed about whether the trees are diseased, and Mike asked Gary if whoever said they
were diseased, commit that finding to paper. Mike Thomas would then approach our councillors. Derek said that the council have seen the trees and declared them
healthy. Joe agrees. This topic will be put on January’s agenda.
Paul told the meeting that he had sold 109 packs of cards. He had 9 packs left. The pub had 10 packs. Mike Thomas has some, and Steve Tebbit had sold 8. To
date £550 had been collected. Linda asked the meeting to praise Paul for his commitment and hard work.
Steve invited everyone to the Carol Service at the Methodist Church on Sunday 17th December at 2.30pm.
Derek Keen asked if the council could make our tree lights look better. The tree in Shevington looked much better than the one in Crooke. The fence was too
The meeting closed at 8.30 with a buffet from the Crooke Hall Inn.
Next Meeting
The next meeting will be on Tuesday the 9th January at 7.00.
This concludes the the account of the minutes for December 2017.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for Novembber 2017
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. Tuesday 14th November 2017
Mike Thomas, Howard Cain, Derek Keen, Paul Green, Morag Tebbit, Steve Tebbit, Hilda Snowden, Linda Kellie, Kim Waine, Mandy Mousdell, Anne Parkinson, Mike
Mike Crosby, Christine Keen, Kath Bradley.
Mike Thomas opened the meeting by apologising that there was no agenda.
Matters Arising
The constitution had not been redone due to outside factors. But Mike, Howard, Jenny and Morag had arranged to meet on Wednesday 15th November to discuss the
The date for the Christmas lunch for seniors of the village had been set for Thursday 21st December. Final details and form to be delivered requesting who
would like to come, and what they would like to eat, was still to be determined. Howard was to liaise with Dean MacDonald, prepare a flier and deliver it to
the village.
Minutes of the October meeting
Steve Tebbit proposed the minutes to be a true and accurate record, Paul Green seconded the motion and it was agreed by all.
Mike Thomas told the meeting that Derek, Paul and himself went to Southport for the award ceremony of NWIB. Crooke was awarded “Best Small Village” in that
category, and got Silver Gilt for best in that category for the Northwest, and Mike received a Trophy from the Mayor of Trafford to commemorate that
outstanding achievement. He congratulated all the people concerned in achieving the accolade, from people doing the small things, but especially to Derek and
Paul who did a massive amount of work. He went on to say he hoped that more people would be involved next year. Mike also received another award from Wigan
Borough in Bloom, saying “ Crooke Village in Bloom”.
Discussion followed about the situation of the certificates and trophy. Security is paramount. The pub and church were seen to be appropriate places. The final
decision is yet to be decided.
Mike Thomas mentioned the sighting of three youths in their teens, going round Shevington, stealing a bike and stealing from a van. If you see anything please
report it to the proper authority but do not tackle them yourself.
Discussion continued about the security of the alleyway, leading to the small lane of the houses numbered 50 to 80. A padlock to go on the gate was being
investgated. There had been a lock on the gate before but the keys had been lost, so Mike T mentioned a coded lock. A PIR was mentioned and Howard was hoping
to look into that.
Discussion about the change of Postal address took place. The letter from the Royal Mail had been delivered to the village on 14th November starting a month
long consultation about what address would be used. The actual choice mentioned by Royal Mail was not welcomed by most at the meeting, so Mike Thomas said he
would email Paul Collins about setting up a meeting of villagers to discuss the best way forward. The venue would probably be the Church Hall.
Mike Smith addressed the meeting regarding the allotment. He felt able after a long illness, to tackle the allotment. He outlined a number of things that could
be done with the allotment, keeping maintenance at a low key. He mentioned fruit trees, damson trees, soft fruit bushes, a meadow and benches to allow people
to enjoy their surroundings. Mike Thomas mentioned Incredible Edible, and thus producing vegetables.
Mike Smith proposed that the scheme should progress, and it was seconded by Howard. All agreed. Derek mentioned lack of support might prove a setback but it
was agreed that we would cross that bridge when we came to it. The initial task was to use a rotovator on the plot and prepare it for winter, to be tackled
then in the spring.
Discussion followed about getting a plaque made to celebrate our village’s successes, and the positioning of the plaque was discussed also. MTh and Derek will
contact the council to see the way forward for getting a plaque.
Paul Green said that he had sold 56 packs of Christmas cards so far, and had left 10 packs in the pub. As he was going away for 2 weeks he asked for help in
selling the cards. Mike Thomas took some, Howard took some, and Steve Tebbit took some. Paul has £237 already from their sale. The meeting praised Paul for his
selling of the cards.
Steve enquired about extending the Christmas Card making to post cards, notelets etc. This will be discussed at a later date.
Steve told the meeting that there was a Quiz at the Church on Friday night, at 7.30.
Mike Crosby had sent his apologies and asked the CVRA to remember Damian for his outstanding work done on our behalf, and throughout Shevington.
The secretary will send a letter of appreciation to Damian.
She said that the Oak Tree planting went very well, and the Mayor and his wife, our MP Lisa Nandy, Millbrook School children, nursery school children, our local
councillors, Mike Crosby, Damian Edwardson, Paul Collins, local parish councillors, Carol Miles, Sheila Milnes, Jim and Veronica Maloney, other local
dignatories including Marlaine Whitham, and villagers had attended the event, and had enjoyed refreshments in the church.
The meeting closed at 8.30 with a buffet from the Crooke Hall Inn.
The next meeting will be on Tuesday the 12th December at 7.00 in the pub.
This concludes the the account of the minutes for November 2017.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for Decembber 2017
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. Tuesday 14th December 2017
Mike Thomas, Howard Cain, Derek Keen, Paul Green, Morag Tebbit, Steve Tebbit, Hilda Snowden, Linda Kellie, Kim Waine, Mandy Mousdell, Anne Parkinson, Mike
Mike Crosby, Christine Keen, Kath Bradley.
Mike Thomas opened the meeting by apologising that there was no agenda.
Matters Arising
The constitution had not been redone due to outside factors. But Mike, Howard, Jenny and Morag had arranged to meet on Wednesday 15th November to discuss the
The date for the Christmas lunch for seniors of the village had been set for Thursday 21st December. Final details and form to be delivered requesting who
would like to come, and what they would like to eat, was still to be determined. Howard was to liaise with Dean MacDonald, prepare a flier and deliver it to
the village.
Minutes of the October meeting
Steve Tebbit proposed the minutes to be a true and accurate record, Paul Green seconded the motion and it was agreed by all.
Mike Thomas told the meeting that Derek, Paul and himself went to Southport for the award ceremony of NWIB. Crooke was awarded “Best Small Village” in that
category, and got Silver Gilt for best in that category for the Northwest, and Mike received a Trophy from the Mayor of Trafford to commemorate that
outstanding achievement. He congratulated all the people concerned in achieving the accolade, from people doing the small things, but especially to Derek and
Paul who did a massive amount of work. He went on to say he hoped that more people would be involved next year. Mike also received another award from Wigan
Borough in Bloom, saying “ Crooke Village in Bloom”.
Discussion followed about the situation of the certificates and trophy. Security is paramount. The pub and church were seen to be appropriate places. The final
decision is yet to be decided.
Mike Thomas mentioned the sighting of three youths in their teens, going round Shevington, stealing a bike and stealing from a van. If you see anything please
report it to the proper authority but do not tackle them yourself.
Discussion continued about the security of the alleyway, leading to the small lane of the houses numbered 50 to 80. A padlock to go on the gate was being
investgated. There had been a lock on the gate before but the keys had been lost, so Mike T mentioned a coded lock. A PIR was mentioned and Howard was hoping
to look into that.
Discussion about the change of Postal address took place. The letter from the Royal Mail had been delivered to the village on 14th November starting a month
long consultation about what address would be used. The actual choice mentioned by Royal Mail was not welcomed by most at the meeting, so Mike Thomas said he
would email Paul Collins about setting up a meeting of villagers to discuss the best way forward. The venue would probably be the Church Hall.
Mike Smith addressed the meeting regarding the allotment. He felt able after a long illness, to tackle the allotment. He outlined a number of things that could
be done with the allotment, keeping maintenance at a low key. He mentioned fruit trees, damson trees, soft fruit bushes, a meadow and benches to allow people
to enjoy their surroundings. Mike Thomas mentioned Incredible Edible, and thus producing vegetables.
Mike Smith proposed that the scheme should progress, and it was seconded by Howard. All agreed. Derek mentioned lack of support might prove a setback but it
was agreed that we would cross that bridge when we came to it. The initial task was to use a rotovator on the plot and prepare it for winter, to be tackled
then in the spring.
Discussion followed about getting a plaque made to celebrate our village’s successes, and the positioning of the plaque was discussed also. MTh and Derek will
contact the council to see the way forward for getting a plaque.
Paul Green said that he had sold 56 packs of Christmas cards so far, and had left 10 packs in the pub. As he was going away for 2 weeks he asked for help in
selling the cards. Mike Thomas took some, Howard took some, and Steve Tebbit took some. Paul has £237 already from their sale. The meeting praised Paul for his
selling of the cards.
Steve enquired about extending the Christmas Card making to post cards, notelets etc. This will be discussed at a later date.
Steve told the meeting that there was a Quiz at the Church on Friday night, the 26th January at 7.30pm.
Mike Crosby had sent his apologies and asked the CVRA to remember Damian for his outstanding work done on our behalf, and throughout Shevington.
The secretary will send a letter of appreciation to Damian.
She said that the Oak Tree planting went very well, and the Mayor and his wife, our MP Lisa Nandy, Millbrook School children, nursery school children, our local
councillors, Mike Crosby, Damian Edwardson, Paul Collins, local parish councillors, Carol Miles, Sheila Milnes, Jim and Veronica Maloney, other local
dignatories including Marlaine Whitham, and villagers had attended the event, and had enjoyed refreshments in the church.
The meeting closed at 8.30 with a buffet from the Crooke Hall Inn.
The next meeting will be on Tuesday the 9th January 2018 at 7.00 in the pub.
This concludes the the account of the minutes for December 2017.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for Novembber 2017
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. Tuesday 14th November 2017
Minutes for this meeting have been withheld because there was an issue about an unsubmitted item that was expected to be minuted but was not and another issue
about the Constitution so the minutes have been amended and the other issue addressed but it means that the minutes cannot be published until they have been
signed off or ratified at the next meeting. It also gives the members more time to consider the new constitution. The November meeting went ahead as normal
so when the minutes are ready for publishing from the December meeting, just passed, the minutes for November will be published at the same time.
This concludes the the account of the minutes for November 2017.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for October 2017
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. Tuesday 10th October 2017
Mike Thomas, Howard Cain, Derek Keen, Paul Green, Morag Tebbit, SteveTebbit, Hilda Snowden, Linda Kellie, Kim Waine, Mandy Mousdell, Anne Parkinson, Kath Bradley,
Joe Shovelton, Councillor Paul Collins.
Apologies from
Damian Edwardson, Mike Crosby, Christine Keen, Paul Liptrot.
10:01. Revision of the writing of the Constitution
Howard said this had not happened but the committee will meet and produce a new constitution ASAP and bring it to the next meeting.
10:02. Speeding Traffic in the Village
Howard read Heather Farmer’s email out to the meeting. See attached document.
Discussion followed about the speed that vehicles enter and leave the village. Paul suggested Morag get in touch with Heather to see what could happen next. PG
mentioned signage at the entrance to the village. Discussion followed about the one way system round the unadopted road round the triangle outside the church.
10:03. Christmas Activities
PG took a set of 4 Christmas cards to the meeting and told us that he had a price for producing the cards. £425 for 500. They could sell for £800+
Discussion followed as it transpired he had a number of pack unsold from last year so it was suggested he get a quote for 400 cards. Kath suggested that
notelets or postcard be produced. MTh pointed out that Morag had suggested that every year for the last few years and nothing had been done. Paul said he had
sold the cards by himself for the many years he had been selling them. The meeting agreed that this was a great service to the village. Steve suggested he ask
for help to sell the cards, company at least. MTh takes some to the shop. He asked if Association members would take a few packs and sell them.
The Christmas tree was discussed and Mike was going to ask the council if the fencing round it could be made smaller, and perhaps there could be a village
carol service round it.
Howard mentioned the senior Christmas Lunch. All agreed that this event was very successful. Howard would liaise with Dean about having it again in the Crooke
Hall Inn.
Mike told the meeting that he and Derek had gone to an award ceremony in Leigh to do with gardens in Wigan. The inspection took place when Wigan in Bloom was
being judged. Not only did Derek get awarded a gold award for his superb garden, he also got best in Wigan too! Many congratulations.
The Oak Tree arrangements will be distributed when details come to the secretary. The planting ceremony will be on Friday the 10th November. Paul Collins has
been to other plantings and they have been big affairs. MTh will provide a marquee and gazebos.
MTh will provide a marquee for The Crooke Hall Inn Dog Show on the 21st October.
Morag asked if the church could borrow the presentation boards for two days on the 28th and 29th of October for the church’s 150th anniversary.
The purchase of a photocopier/printer/scanner was discussed. PC said to apply through Brighter Borough money. Morag had not done it yet as she was waiting for
the AGM to take place.
Joe Shovelton had three items he wanted to discuss.
1) The footbridge over the brook near the entrance to Lawn’s Wood. The wire mesh underfoot was in a dangerous condition. This is Wigan’s responsibility.
Paul Collins had been on site and will chase up the council.
2) The plant in the planter opposite the village noticeboard was dangerous. Paul again to prompt council.
3) The Royal Mail had sent a letter to the residents of Crooke Village about the address people should use. It was agreed that we were Crooke or Crooke
Village, and NOT Crooke Road. But they should deliver mail to the post code and house number whatever the address on the envelope is.
Ward Councillors Report
Paul told the meeting:
1) The dangerous state of the bridge mentioned earlier, had been reported to the council and he would chase the council on this matter.
2) The historical yet current drainage problems on Church Lane were being addressed.
3) The anti social behaviour continues to happen in Shevington but the reinstatement of a PCSO, Leanne Winnard might address that issue.
4) The future purpose of the building and land which has recently been vacated by Shevington Primary School and owned by Wigan Council has yet to be
decided. A combination of sheltered housing, care facilities for vulnerable groups, children’s centre and youth work, all have been talked about. The
heritage of the school has to be retained. Paul went on to say we need to replace facilities for the ageing population.
As Jo Platt has become an MP a by -election needs to take place, and after a period of purdahr, a consultation process will commence as to the future of the
site. Nothing has been decided yet. Paul will let us know when this by-election will take place.
The meeting ended at 7.30 with a buffet. Thank you to the Crooke Hall Inn.
Date of Next Meeting
The AGM will be held on Tuesday 14th November 2017 at 7.30pm at the Crooke Hall Inn.
This concludes the minutes for October 2017.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for September 2017
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. Tuesday 12th September 2017
Morag Tebbit, Charlie Neve, Paul Green, Derek Keen, Councillor Mike Crosby, Linda Kellie, Steve Tebbit, Anne Parkinson, Mandy Mousdell, Kim Waine.
Apologies from
Howard Cain, Sue Neve.
Meeting Notes
Due to the fact that the Chairman Mike Thomas, the vice chair Howard Cain, and the post of Treasurer remains unfilled, there were not enough committee members
in attendance at the meeting of the CVRA so a quorum was not achieved. The official meeting therefore could not take place.
The attendees had a general discussion, and the following subjects were discussed:
1) The constitution was out of date and needed restructuring. This would be done before the AGM by the existing committee members. (MT to organise this meeting)
2) MT passed round a letter expressing concerns for the safety of people and cars due to the speed of cars leaving and entering the village at the main
road. This subject has been discussed on many occasions, and a twenty mile an hour sign has been put in place on both sides of the entrance to the village and
a twenty mile speed limit has been painted on the road at the bridge over the stream at the marina. Mike Crosby was to send an email to Heather Farmer asking
for a survey to be done of cars entering and leaving the village. Morag to liaise with Heather. Morag would write a reply to the sender of the letter
expressing concern.
3) Derek informed the group that he and Paul were attending the End of Season Wigan in Bloom Celebration at 6pm at the banqueting Suite at Leigh Sports
Village, Sale Way, Leigh WN7 4JY on Thursday 28th September at 6pm. The assembled group said the village owes a great measure of thanks for Derek and Paul’s
commitment to the preservation and upkeep of our lovely village. Derek went on to say that competitors in Britain in Bloom 2017 were invited to attend an award
ceremony at Southport Theatre and Convention Centre on Friday 3rd November 2017 between 10.30 and 4.30. Morag was going to ask for funds for that from
Brighter Borough money through Mike Crosby.
4) Morag was going to ask for Brighter Borough money for a photocopier/printer for the use of CVRA.
5) The vacant treasurer post was discussed and Linda Kellie said she would be prepared to take up this post.
6) Morag was going to ask Adactus if they could send a representative to attend the AGM. The representative is sent the minutes of all the meetings.
The meeting ended at 8.30 with a buffet. Thank you to the Crooke Hall Inn.
Date of Next Meeting
The AGM will be held on Tuesday 10th October 2017 at 7.30pm at the Crooke Hall Inn.
This concludes the minutes for September 2017.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for August 2017
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. Tuesday 8th Auhgust 2017
Mike Thomas, Howard Cain, Derek Keen, Hilda Snowden, Paul Green, Morag Tebbit, Steve Tebbit, Anne Parkinson, Linda Kelly, Mike Crosby.
Apologies from
Paul Collins, Damian Edwardson, Christine Keen, Kath Bradley.
Minutes of May 9th Meeting
The July minutes were proposed by Howard Cain, seconded by Steve Tebbit and accepted as a true record.
Matters arising
Chairman's Report
None given.
Vice Chair's Report
None given.
Secretary’s Report
None given.
Treasurer’s Report
Position vacant.
Ward Councillors Report
Mike Crosby apologised for the councillors’ recent non-attendance but other meetings are held on Tuesdays as well as the CVRA. He told the meeting that Paul
Collins had lost part of his finger in the accident but was improving.
He told the meeting of the updates to the bin collection. Starting in September the green bin would be collected every two weeks, and the others every three
weeks. Given that the black bin was taking everything at present not recycled, people and waste collectors were coping.
Large families who needed a bigger black bin could be given one on application. It was agreed that Lancashire as a county was dealing with recycling very well.
He told the meeting that Libraries were opening longer hours. Shevington and other local branches open from 9-2 all week, except for Thursday and Friday which
open from 12-5. The main library in Wigan opens from 9-5 all week and 9-2 on Saturday. All libraries are manned by a mixture of volunteers and paid staff.
Discussion followed about the Steptoe like car park at the former Royal Oak pub. The building has been changed into flats. The owner has applied for planning
permission for building houses on the site but this has been turned down. He has been instructed to tidy the site.
Projects Officer's Report
Derek told the meeting that the judging by NWIB went ahead on Tuesday. It was a favourable visit. Special mention was made of Sandra Makin’s beautiful flower
pots greeting people to the village, the marina, and the church. Morag thanked everyone for their part in keeping the village tidy, but thanked Derek, Paul
and Mike for their tremendous commitment to keeping the village tidy and looking beautiful. Derek’s garden itself was viewed by the judges and was given much
acclaim. Derek told the meeting that Northern Rail had put in rail tracks leading towards where the Tippler had been, and left spare sleepers for the village
to use. Mike Thomas had acquired a pit tub which was actually used when the coal mines were productive. It was in place there too. It had been fenced off for
safety reasons. A bit of cleaning of the tub was to be done. ST mentioned the large amount of nettles on the side of the path round the field. MTh said he
would take a machine round to tidy it up. He would also clear the culvert out which had been put in after the previous floods as it was full of debris after
the recent wet weather. There are steps going up Lawn’s Wood which are in a dangerous condition. This corrective work would be done as soon as materials,
including sleepers were available. Work should really be done by Wigan Metro as they own the land. Mike Crosby said he would liaise with Wigan Metro regarding
this problem.
Defibrillator Training
Morag told the meeting that this was held in two sessions at the Crooke Hall Inn on Tuesday 1st August with 10 people attending the first session and 6 in the
second. Ed Ellis delivered the excellent training sessions in an interesting and informative way. Morag will thank him.
Knit and Natter Session.
Morag told the meeting that after Dawn’s CHANT workshops had finished, Dawn felt that it would be good to continue the sociable side of these workshops. So
Morag has booked the church hall for the second Saturday of each month from 2 – 4 so that anyone, men included , could come for a sociable time, making goods
for charity.
Howard told the meeting how the WhatsAPP worked. The APP could be put on a Smart phone and it was designed to share instant messaging, asking for help, all at
zero cost. Information could be shared very easily. Linda said that it was a well used idea in other areas. HC proposed that we initiate this idea, MTh
seconded it and all agreed. However not everyone could be part of this computer information sharing so an agenda was still to be produced in some sort of hard
copy form. It is at present being put on the village noticeboard, and delivered to everyone’s letter box. Discussion followed about the problem of printing
agendas as access to a copier has stopped. Howard and Mike Crosby were to talk about accessing Brighter Borough money to buy a printer for the use of CVRA.
Litter Picks will be done on a rolling programme. MTh on Saturday will tackle the nettles and the clearing out of the culvert.
Linda brought up a subject that Ann Parkinson wanted to raise, i.e. the putting up of a concave mirror at the entrance of the village to enable better
visibility for car drivers. However discussion followed and it was stated that Wigan Council had been asked in the past, if mirrors could be put up in various
spots around Wigan, but they would not sanction the use of mirrors for drivers to see better because of public safety and liability.
The meeting closed at 8.30pm.
Thank you to the Crooke Hall Inn for their buffet.
Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 12th September 2017 at 7pm in the Crooke Hall Inn.
This concludes the minutes for August 2017.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for July 2017
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. Tuesday 11th July 2017
Mike Thomas, Howard Cain, Derek Keen, Paul Green, Morag Tebbit, Steve Tebbit, Anne Parkinson, Mandy Mousdell, Kim Waine, Kath Bradley, Paula Richmond,
Sandra Makin, Joe Shovelton, Dawn Glynn.
Apologies from
Mike Crosby, Paul Collins, Damian Edwardson, Pete Glynn, Christine Keen, Linda Kellie.
Minutes of May 9th Meeting
These minutes were not ratified at the June meeting as there was not a quorum of committee members present so the meeting had to be cancelled. But the May
minutes were proposed by Steve Tebbit, seconded by Paul Green and accepted as a true record.
Matters arising
Sandra Makin said that a canal boat planter to be put up near the church was mentioned in the minutes. She did not think it was appropriate. MTh said nothing
had been agreed and said that this idea would not go ahead.
Chairman's Report
None given.
Vice Chair's Report
None given.
Secretary’s Report
None given.
Treasurer’s Report
Position vacant.
Ward Councillors Report
None present
Projects Officer
Derek said that he had acquired some plants from Moss Bank but not enough. He said plants were needed at the side of the pub and around the stone at the bottom
of the village. A sum of £100 was mentioned that needed to be spent. Discussion followed about the sorry state of the pots on the wall, which was the pub’s
property, the fencing on the approach to the pub, again pub responsibility, and the hanging baskets at the pub door, again pub responsibility. MTh will
approach Dean MacDonald, the pub manager, to address these issues. He would also approach Dave?, the brewery director who deals with such matters. Derek went
on to say that Rail Track were coming in the next couple of weeks to put in twin tracks to go towards the Tippler. MTh gave us a short history of how the
narrow gauge truck and rails were acquired.
06.01 Defibrillator
Morag said that Graham Foster had emailed a few months ago stating that when the defibrillator was installed a contract had been drawn up and that it was the
CVRA responsibility to regularly inform councillor Damian Edwardson that the installation was still operational. This was to be recorded monthly. Morag said
he would take on the responsibility of checking the defibrillator. 1) that the machine was not broken and therefore intact. 2) That the box was displaying OK
on the screen, and 3) say how many bars were showing ( normally three). MTh said he would relay that information if Morag could not, and Derek said he would
also check as he could see the machine from his house. Morag went on to say that training had been organised by the pub, and a flyer had been delivered to the
villagers on Tuesday afternoon. There will be two sessions on Tuesday 1st August at 2pm and 6.30 pm. Anyone enrolling for these sessions was entitled to a £5
voucher entitling the holder to 10% discount off food and drink until the 28th February 2018.
06.02 WhatsApp and TRELLO projects board.
Howard explained what both these communication applications did. Discussion followed and Howard said he would conduct a workshop at the next CVRA meeting as to
how WhatSApp works and how you join. It is just a way to be in contact quickly with those who had the app, as to what was going on in the village, when and
where. This of course would be in addition to those of us who depend on older strategies like pen and paper or word of mouth. It was felt that the younger
members (at least those who had computer technology,) of the village might react better to this computer based communication.
06.03 Memorial Tree planting.
As the person who had raised this subject was not present at the meeting this topic was not acted upon. Dawn said that it should be minuted that any enquiries
about memorial tree planting should be directed to Wigan Council.
06.04 Knit Needle and Natter.
Dawn said the CHANT workshops which she delivered until February of 2017 had been well received and attended and would have like to have continued. The Deal in
Wigan had asked communities to provide opportunities to people in their areas to socialise and grow together. Dawn had tried to get a grant from the council
delivering The Deal, but this had not been successful, so CVRA had provided the funds for this successful venture. Thank you Dawn. Dawn wants these groups to
continue in similar fashion as before but in a less structured way. People, men included, would take on practical activities, knitting, sewing, etc. to the
venue and have a social time together. This would not be a money making process, but products made might go to charities, yet to be decided. Dawn said she
would put a flyer to Crooke villagers but extend the invitation to family and friends, and people in Standish Lower Ground and Shevington. Morag would approach
the church for their view, and hopefully it will provide the venue and facilities as it had done before. MTh proposed a flyer should be sent out, Kathleen
Bradley seconded it and all agreed.
06.05 CVRA Equipment
Howard raised the issue of access to CVRA equipment for the use of residents. Discussion followed and MTh took the responsibility to get 2 more sets of keys
made for the lock- up at the back of the Crooke Hall Inn. Each committee member would have a set. An inventory of the equipment and a sign-in/sign-out book to
be kept in the shed.
Derek Keen told us that Shevington Fair was to be held on the 5th August. Howard proposed, Morag seconded and all agreed that Derek and Paul, and Mike and
anyone who was interested in helping, would as usual, put up our newly acquired marquee and display our photographs etc. at the event.
Litter Picks will be done on a continual basis as judging of the village will be on the 1st, 2nd or 3rd of August. Discussion took place about getting
information to as many people as possible. Paula mentioned that we could put information in the Community Book that Wigan Council produce. She also mentioned
that there was a group of young people, who were in danger of becoming part of the judicial system, available for work to better communities. They could be
asked to do some practical work around the village.
The meeting closed at 8.30pm.
Thank you to the Crooke Hall Inn for their buffet.
Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 8th August 2017 at 7pm in the Crooke Hall Inn.
This concludes the minutes for July 2017.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for June 2017
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. Tuesday 13th June 2017
There was no meeting of the CVRA on the 11th June as there were not enough committee members to make a quorum.
The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 8th August 2017 at 7pm in the Crooke Hall Inn.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for May 2017
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. Tuesday 9th May 2017
Mike Thomas, Howard Cain, Derek Keen, Paul Green, Morag Tebbit, Steve Tebbit, Anne Parkinson, Mandy Mousdell, Kim Waine, Linda Kellie, Kath Bradley.
Apologies from
Mike Crosby, Charlie and Sue Neve, Dawn and Pete Glynn, Christine Keen.
Minutes of March Meeting
The minutes were proposed by Linda Kellie, seconded by Steve Tebbit and accepted as a true record.
Matters arising
Chairman's Report
MTh told the meeting that he had been approached by a couple who had been in the same room as the CVRA meeting a couple of months ago. They wanted to join in
but were afraid to speak. After the meeting they approached MTh to ask for his help. They wanted to put a bench, in memory of their son Nathan, who had sadly
died, beside the River Douglas Bridge. MTh helped them to approach Wigan Council in order to get their approval, and consequently helped in erecting the bench,
bolting it into a concrete base. Sadly someone stole wood left at the site overnight and that had to be replaced. The bench looks great and has fresh flowers
beside it.
Vice Chair's Report
Not present.
Secretary’s Report
None given.
Treasurer’s Report
Derek Keen said that GF and Chris were still in the process of handing over.
Ward Councillors Report
None present
Projects Officer
Derek said that he had acquired funds from the Councillors, and he and MTh had gone to COSCO to buy a marquee, 8m x 4m, which will be easily erected probably
by 2 people. Mandy asked if we would rent it out. That will be decided by the committee and at what rate. Derek continued by telling the meeting that the
allotment had been set out with plastic to show where the raised beds will be. We are still waiting for sleepers from John Maiden to start the project. Linda
will approach Wigan Council to get a gate put in for access from the alley behind her house, rather than the field. It would serve 2 functions. On opening, the
gate would block access to the rest of the alleyway behind the houses. Discussion followed about how to make the raised beds, with a breathable membrane. The
disabled bed would be nearest the gate for easy access. Steve has a staple gun which can be used for fixing the membrane. Elsie wants a fence fixed, and Steve
the next door allotment user would be consulted as to the optimum height of hedges etc. Soil and plants need to be found. Moss Bank Nursery which usually
provides plants, unfortunately have had a death in the family, which puts the acquiring of the plants in doubt. Derek will approach Wigan Council for money, as
they had asked us to enter the competition. Charlie Neve was looking into fund raising. Howard said that filling in forms was a lengthy business and showed the
meeting a large wad of forms and explanations which looked very daunting. MTh is donating anodised posts.
Derek said they would be putting more track down and acquiring a bogey (not full size) at the Interpretation Board. A canal boat planter was going to be made
for the other end of the village near the church.
He went on to say that the inspection was getting closer for Small Village in Bloom, so litter picking was an ongoing process. Getting rid of the Himalayan
Balsam was an easy enough job as the roots were very small. But the large amount of the flowers made getting rid of it a daunting task. A date for that would
be set at the next meeting.
Ed Ellis asked Sophie if he could talk to the meeting. He is working for CIC (Community Interest Company). He was offering to take familiarisation courses for
working the defibrillator. As these courses were not now needed to be accredited, courses could be offered to many people. He would not charge. The villagers
would be approached to see who would be interested. He would be available from the end of July. His phone number is 07538 678920. His course was called
The meeting closed at 8pm.
Thank you to the Crooke Hall Inn for their buffet.
Litter Pick will be on the 13th May, usual time, usual place.
Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 13th June 2017 at 7pm in the Crooke Hall Inn.
This concludes the minutes for April 2017.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for May 2017
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. Tuesday 11th April 2017
Mike Thomas, Derek Keen, Christine Keen, Paul Green, Morag Tebbit, Steve Tebbit, Sue Neve, Charlie Neve, Kim Waine, Linda Kellie, Joe Shovelton, Paul
Collins. Dawn Glynn, Peter Glynn.
Apologies from
Howard Cain, Damian Edwardson, Mike Crosby, Hilda Snowden, Anne Parkinson, Gary Chadwick.
Minutes of March Meeting
The minutes were proposed by Derek Keen, seconded by Paul Green and accepted as a true record.
Matters arising
Chairman's Report
None given.
Vice Chair's Report
Not present.
Secretary’s Report
None given.
Treasurer’s Report
Christine Keen said that GF and she were still in the process of handing over, but the PLI had been paid, at the cost of £82.50.
Ward Councillors Report
Paul Collins said the main objective of the councillors was to make sure the transition of the children from Shevington County School which is closing, to
Appley Bridge, Mill Brook, and Shevington Vale was uppermost in their priorities, working with, teachers, governors, parents, pupils to ensure the children
would make as easy as possible transition from old school to new school. Nothing has been decided about the future of the school building.
Paul also told the meeting that there are a lot of anti social issues to be addressed in central Shevington and the Memorial Ground. Unfortunately there are
very few police officers and PCSOs (1 sergeant and 3 PCSOs) employed to cover a vast area. There will be a review in June and hopefully there will be a
bigger police presence in Shevington. Discussion followed about the lack of response from the 101 telephone number.
Paul was asked about the signage issue that had been raised a year ago, but nothing had been done regarding anti social behaviour. He asked Derek to get in
touch with Liz Parry regarding general signage which been promised recently, i.e. the notices saying “No horses” etc. The signage of “No alcohol to be
consumed” which had been put in place in Shevington had been a temporary measure. But he will investigate further.
Paul also told the meeting that he still is aiming for the council to put a footpath up the “Bends” road but it would cost at least £100000 and half as much
again for the taking down of trees.
Projects Officer
Derek said that he and Paul had made a start on the allotment and found a path which is in good condition but lower than the ground. MT said that he thought
it looked much better than it had done. There will be raised beds for which John Maiden was going to supply sleepers. These would be delivered when he gets
back on Saturday. Derek has applied for Small Village category in North West in Bloom and we will be going for gold. We had gone as far as we could in the
previous category, 5 level 5s in as many years. Thank you to Derek, Paul, Mike and everyone who has worked hard in the village in order to achieve such
great success. Derek was to approach Moss Bank for plants. MTh suggested that CVRA could approach Shevington Council for money for plants. MTh and CN to
liaise. DK told the meeting that Samantha Cross had no connection with NWIB. Her job had been taken over by Nicola Rigby who was in charge of The Deal. Nic
Birdekin also was not available. There was to be a raised bed on the side of the green near the church. Discussion followed and it was decided that the
planter would be in the shape of a barge.
Linda who has moved into number 57 asked if she could approach the council to put a gate into the allotment from the street side of the allotment. Discussion
followed and it was decided that heavy work would use the field entrance and the metal gate at the street side near number57 would be locked and there would
only a few key holders.
ST has plants which he would like to plant on the left hand verge as you leave the village. He will liaise with Derek.
04.01 Mill Brook flood alleviation work.
This was started on Monday 3rd April and much had been done, following true to the drawings. There was some discussion about the usefulness of the work but
we will have to wait and see. The village is very grateful that something is actually being done about it. MTh said that the work being done in Shevington,
ie 50 allotments and 3 sports pitches would produce more water coming down to the Mill Brook.
04.02 Crooke Village Allotment.
Mth said that this was to be priority in project work in the village. MTh said that action on the allotment would start again, the Tuesday after Easter.
Charlie Neve brought Mike Thomas up to date with the standing of the triangle of land as you enter the village. The house which owns the land has been sold
and when the new owner takes up residence he will approach to ask if the village could tidy that area.
Dawn Glynn wanted the topic of CHANT to be added to the next meeting’s agenda. She said her 6 workshops for which she got funding from The Deal, had been
successful. MT thanked her for her time and said that the workshops were enjoyed by all who had attended. They proved to have served the brief, and the
workshops were a sociable and sharing time spent together learning new skills. Dawn said she would carry on coordinating but not leading the workshops. She
will explain more at the next meeting.
Litter Picks should be happening all the time but there would be one at 10 am on Saturday 15th April. Meet at the canal bridge.
The meeting closed at 8.30pm.
Thank you to the Crooke Hall Inn for their buffet.
Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 9th May 2017 at 7pm in the Crooke Hall Inn.
This concludes the minutes for April 2017.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for March 2017
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. Tuesday 14th March 2017
Derek Keen, Christine Keen, Paul Green, Morag Tebbit, Steve Tebbit, Sue Neve, Charlie Neve, Ann Parkinson, Kim Waine, Jim and Veronica Maloney.
Apologies from
Paul Collins, Damian Edwardson, Mike Crosby, Mandy Mousdell, Howard Cain, Mike Thomas, Joe Shovelton, Gary Chadwick.
Minutes of December Meeting
The minutes were proposed by Charlie Neve, seconded by Steve Tebbit and accepted as a true record.
Matters arising
Doreen had told MT that the house owning the land just outside of the village, covered with signs etc, had been sold. The decision was then to get in touch
with the new owner to ask if we could tidy the area up. CN said he would visit the new owner once they had moved in.
Treasurer’s Report
MT welcomed Christine Keen as our new treasurer. She said that GF and she were in the process of handing over.
Ward Councillors Report
None present.
Chairman's Report
Not present
Vice Chair's Report
Not present.
Secretary’s Report
Projects Officer
DK said that the 4TH March litter pick was well attended. 11 people arrived and 4 or 5 bags of litter were collected. Thanks were given to the people who
regularly pick up litter when they are walking in the village which makes a great deal of difference to the appearance of the village. The subject of dog
fouling was discussed. CN said the topic was being discussed in the Houses of Parliament this very day as it is a national issue.
ST said that horses had been in the field and had actually defecated next to the sign saying that horses are not allowed in the field. CN said that horses
were not allowed on the tow path but there was evidence of horses using it. He said he would ask Samantha Cross about new signage which had been promised.
He also said that the drain by the memorial stone was blocked. DK will ring the council about the matter. Discussion followed about the youth of the 2 riders
and the actions they took, and the apparent distress of the horses.
DK said that he would send the application form to North West in Bloom for Crooke entering the Small Neighbourhood category. This had to be in by the 31st
The allotment was the next subject of discussion.
DK said he would ask John Maiden for some planks to put on the ground, Paul Green suggested that the stone path be exposed first, and CN proposed that a date
be suggested for the start of this project. This was Saturday 18th March at 10.00.
Jim and Veronica told the meeting the history of the oak planting in the Shevington and District area. The association fund raised monies to provide 5 oak
trees to be planted in the Shevington area, one for each of the Great War years duration. The first tree was planted in Shevington in 2014, the second in
Shevington Vale in 2015, when over 300 people attended, including local schools, the MP and the mayor, making it a tremendous local event. In 2016 it was
Shevington Moor. It will be Crooke in 2017, on Friday 10th November. Then in Standish Lower Ground in 2018. Jim and Veronica will liaise with Crooke Village
Residents Association about the organisation of the event. Hopefully it will be as successful as the previous tree planting ceremonies. Chris Horridge will
make an inscribed stone to commemorate the planting of the oak tree. Fund raising has been successful in raising money for the oak trees. The next fund
raising event is in St Anne’s Parish Centre, a quiz night, on 7th July.
PG and CN raised the topic of the Wigan Council Community Book, offering opportunities to share activities, volunteers, resources etc, CN and MT to
investigate. Information on volunteers available to work on the allotment, for NWIB would be useful.
DK said the woodchips had not been delivered because of wet ground, but would be when the ground has dried out.
CN asked if anyone had attended the meeting regarding funding from Tesco’s as he was unable to attend. Unfortunately no one else attended but CN said he
would fill in the application form asking for funding for hard core to put on the tow path. MT said that there was funding available from Adactus, and
Brighter Borough money for projects in the village.
The meeting closed at 8.10pm.
Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 11th April 2017 at 7pm in the Crooke Hall Inn.
Thank you to the Crooke Hall Inn for their buffet.
This concludes the minutes for March 2017.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for February 2017
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. Tuesday 14th February 2017
Mike Thomas, Howard Cain, Derek Keen, Paul Green, Morag Tebbit, Steve Tebbit, Doreen Wilkins, Sue Neve, Charlie Neve, Joe Shovelton, Ann Parkinson, Mandy
Mousdell, Kim ?, Kath Bradley, SP Williams, D Williams, Dawn Glyn, Pete Glyn.
Apologies from
Paul Collins, Damian Edwardson, Mike Crosby, Jim and Veronica Maloney.
Minutes of December Meeting
The minutes were proposed by Charlie Neve, seconded by Steve Tebbit and accepted as a true record.
There had been no January meeting as the Crooke Hall Inn was closed that night.
Matters arising
Treasurer’s Report
Not present.
Ward Councillors Report
None present.
Chairman's Report
MTh asked that the meeting be aware of three deaths in the village and as a group we should be there for the families of the late Norman Hart, the late
Winnie Smith, and the late Dorothy Byrne. All will be sadly missed and our sympathies go out to all.
Vice Chair's Report
Howard said he would try to attend the Shevington and District Community Association’s meetings.
Treasurer’s Report
No treasurer has been appointed after Graham Foster’s resignation. Graham will be missed. He did a great job.
Secretary’s Report
2.01 World War 1 memorial tree planting
Jim and Veronica Maloney were supposed to have been present to explain why there would be an Oak Tree to be planted in Crooke Village. Five Oak trees were
to be planted for each year of the war and The Shevington and District Community Association had funds to allow each of the five different communities in the
area to have one. Crooke was to have one in 2017, and Standish Lower Ground in 2018. After the meeting Jim Maloney sent his apologies for not attending the
meeting as Veronica had been taken into hospital. Discussion followed about the positioning of the Oak Tree and it was proposed that it would be placed
between the nursery and the church, with a plaque, at the side of the field behind the village. The motion was put to the meeting by MTh, Paul Green proposed
that the action should be carried out, Doreen Wilkins seconded it and it was agreed by all.
2.02 The Plans for Crooke Village 2017
The action plans for the village are in four attachments to these minutes. They show short term, medium term and long term objectives. These were discussed
by the meeting.
2.03 The Post of Treasurer
After a short discussion, MTh proposed that Christine Keen be asked to be treasurer, seconded by CN and agreed by all. Christine accepted the position. We
thank Christine for becoming our treasurer. Graham Foster will liaise with Christine. Thank you again, Christine for taking on the position. Thank you Graham
for being our treasurer for 10 years.
Fund raising from Wigan Council was being done by CN and DK. Thank you both for all your time and attention.
DK shared the email from Samantha Cross. This is an attachment accompanying these minutes. DK said we must do this. We will be doing our bit in the week
Monday 27th February to Sunday 5th March.
The Wigan in Bloom feed-back event is also in an attachment accompanying these minutes. DK went on to say that we would be entering the small village
category, and there would be a bed put in at the church end of the village. JS said we should forget the allotment as it would create a lot of work. But MTh
said that the feedback was, that Wigan wanted Crooke to be in Wigan in Bloom, and that there was funding available, and people available for working in the
village, including the allotment. Kath said there was support from the Incredible Edible Initiative. Kath will investigate appropriate funding opportunities.
CN proposed that we enter Crooke in the small village category of NWIB. This was seconded by DK and all present agreed.
CN brought up the entrance to the village, and its untidy state. Doreen Wilkins knew who was selling the property and that piece of land and would approach
Mrs Julie Myers asking if we could tidy that bit of land for her. Samantha Cross said the Estate Agents are not allowed by law to erect signs in that piece
of land so they can be taken down.
CN wants to put a bid in for £5000, to the Canal and River Trust to buy hard core to improve the towpath. MTh will liaise with CN.
PG asked CN for a list of places that need improving, so that he could photograph them before and after.
Wigan Council have no objections to the cutting down of the three trees in front of the garages, which have Dutch Elm Disease.
In passing, a problem regarding the number of Camper vans parking over night in the pub car park was raised. The pub is registered as a Brit Stop. Dawn said
only 6 were allowed but over one weekend there were 10, and a resident had said there had been a noise. MTh said he would talk with Dean MacDonald, manager
of the pub regarding this issue.
As the village will be taking part in Keeping Britain Tidy’s “Great British Spring Clean” from Monday 27th February until Sunday 5th March everyone will be
needed to help!
The meeting closed at 8.30pm.
Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 14th March 2017 at 7pm in the Crooke Hall Inn.
This concludes the minutes for February 2017.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for December 2016
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. Tuesday 13th December 2016
Mike Thomas, Howard Cain, Derek Keen, Paul Green, Morag Tebbit, Steve Tebbit, Doreen Wilkins, Sue Neve, Charlie Neve, Joe Shovelton.
Apologies from
Paul Collins, Damian Edwardson, Kath Bradley, Mike Crosby, Graham Foster.
Minutes of November Meeting
The minutes were proposed by Paul Green, seconded by Derek Keen and accepted as a true record.
Matters arising
Treasurer’s Report
Not present.
Ward Councillors Report
None present.
Chairman's Report
Mike Thomas said Derek and Chris Keen were still waiting for the police to proceed with the investigation of Chris’s son James’ sad death. They were still
waiting for Chris to give a DNA sample. He also informed the meeting of the accident he suffered when a steel rod fell on his head. We all wish him a quick
Vice Chair's Report
Howard apologised for the rushed nature of the organisation of the Senior Christmas lunch, but said that 15 ha taken up the offer. The lunch was to take
place on Thursday 15th December in the Crooke Hall Inn. He also asked the meeting to look out for our neighbours in a discreet way, especially during the
Treasurer’s Report
Not present.
Secretary’s Report
Project Officer’s Report
Derek said that the village was awarded Level 5, outstanding, again. We were part of Wigan’s bid in Britain in Bloom, along with Shevington, and Standish
Lower Ground and we collectively were awarded Gold in the category of RHS Britain in Bloom Environment Award. We cannot go up a category unless more people
were to get involved. Please find attached the village score sheet, and please note that due to lack of time on the judges’ part they did not see the
recycling area which they marked us down on, but as Mike said it was definitely there. CN asked about the entrance to the village and how we could make it
look much better. ST said he had 72 hardy plants which could be planted there. The triangular patch of ground covered in signs belongs to a man called
Critchley and Doreen was going to investigate and ask if he would mind CVRA making it look tidier and put plants in. Derek showed us the awards given to the
village, 2 certificates, one salver, and one enscribed glass trophy. He showed us the letter he had received from the mayor of Wigan. This is also attached.
The meeting agreed that Derek, Paul, Mike and so many others (but not enough) had kept Crooke looking its best.
Discussion followed about getting grants for funding. ST proposed that Charlie Neve take charge of finding grants/filling in forms etc, Doreen Wilkins
seconded it and the meeting agreed. His first task was to fill in the application form for next year’s Britain in Bloom. The meeting about it was to be on
the 25th January, starting at 10.00am. DK and CN will liaise.
12.01 Flooding in Crooke
HC thanked the secretary for forwarding Alan Coleman’s letter about the flooding of his property and its consequences and cost. MTh said that Wigan had set
up a task force to look into causes of the flooding and remedies which would help in the future. Discussion about the flooding in general was going to be
raised at the local parish council meeting in December, but that had had to be cancelled. Discussion followed about flood defences. Lawn’s Wood perhaps
should be a flood plain. The bridge as you enter the village, needed to be addressed. The mesh panels along the Douglas River bridge need to be removed. This
bridge is immediately at the end of Alan Coleman’s property and at the height of the spate/flooding, the mesh became choked with debris and held the water
back and the water flowed into Alan‘s grounds and property.
12.02 The Allotment
MTh said the fees were paid for it. Joe said it was too big a project for the CVRA but MTh said people were coming to help from Wigan council. HC said he
still had the short term plans, medium term plans, and long term plans. Grants were available for the Incredible Edible initiative. CN to investigate.
12.03 Plans for Crooke Village 2017
HC asked what were the plans for the village in 2017. Doreen said that people in the bottom part of the village near the church, wanted work to be done there.
Discussion followed and it was decided that perhaps a border of flowers would be planted round the edge of the field at the front of the church. Joe mentioned
the hole at the side of the road where the cobbles were. The village has a supply of cobbles available to use. But the topic will have to be put on a future
agenda and parties affected by any action need to be involved in any action. Doreen will get the feeling of affected villagers. A one way system around that
green will need to be put on a future agenda and reaction sought.
12.04 Christmas Cards
Paul told the meeting he had sold 160 + packs of cards and raised £815. £485 (incl VAT) had been paid to the printers and so the profit was £330. MTh would
give the money to GF. HC and MTh and the whole of the meeting applauded Paul for his time and trouble. Paul said the people expected him to come back in 2017!
The notelets were a success too.
CHANT had been held on the previous Saturday. Table flower arrangements were made. A fun time was had by everyone present and all who attended went home with
superb flower arrangements. Thank you to Dawn and her mum. The next CHANT will be on Saturday 14th January at 2 pm when we will be doing fabric stencilling.
There will be a litter pick on most Saturdays. This Saturday would be spent tidying up the summer flowering pots.
The meeting closed at 7.30pm. Thanks to the Crooke Hall Inn for the buffet.
Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting will be held on Tyesday 10th January 2016 at 7pm in the Crooke Hall Inn.
This concludes the minutes for December 2016.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for November 2016
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. Tuesday 8th November 2016
Mike Thomas, Derek Keen, Paul Green, Morag Tebbit, Steve Tebbit.
Apologies from
Paul Collins, Damian Edwardson, Howard Cain, Kath Bradley, Mike Crosby, Charlie Neve, Graham Foster.
Minutes of AGM 2015
The minutes were proposed by Derek Kean, seconded by Steve Tebbit, and accepted as a true record.
Minutes of October Meeting
The minutes were proposed by Steve Tebbit, seconded by Paul Green and accepted as a true record.
Matters arising
Treasurer’s Report
Not present.
Ward Councillors Report
None present.
Chairman's Report
Mike Thomas read a letter to the meeting concerning the death of Christine and Derek Keane’s son James who had died in an accident in Gran Canaria. We were
all shocked by the news and the secretary would send a card of condolence from the association.
Vice Chair's Report
Not present
Secretary’s Report
MT thanked Derek Keane, Mike Thomas and Paul Green and everyone else who helped in getting the village ready for NWIB inspection. The village looked
Project Officer’s Report
Derek said that the village was awarded Level 5, outstanding, again. We were part of Wigan’s bid in Britain in Bloom, along with Shevington, and Standish
Lower Ground and we collectively were awarded a Gold in the category of RHS Britain in Bloom Environment Award. Derek went on to say as a village we will
have to maintain the upkeep of the village over the winter and do litter picks as and when necessary. They would be held most Saturdays from 9.30, weather
permitting, and all would be welcome. MT said he would put a notice up in the notice board about these litter picks.
Mike Thomas said the allotment will begin to be sorted out. Paul Green told the meeting of his visit to Worden Park at Leyland and the way they were
With no Dawn to update CHANT, MT said there was to be a jewellery workshop in the Methodist Church on Saturday 12th November.
Incredible Edible was deferred to the next meeting. During the winter the allotment will be made ready.
Paul Green was about to collect Christmas cards from the printers. Thank you Paul for all the work you do for the village.
PG said there had been 395 hits on the Crooke Village website in the last month. Thank you Paul for continuing excellent work on the website.
Steve Tebbit said he had rung the council about a fallen tree at Lawn’s Wood. MTh had tidied it up.ST mentioned another branch which was in a dangerous
position. MTh was going to tidy that up too.
PG mentioned that the sign posts on the canal were the right way round as they were there to show how many miles boaters had travelled rather than how many
miles there were to go.
The Christmas dinner for senior members of the village was going to be held again this Christmas. MTh was going to talk with the pub regarding date, cost
and menu.
There will be a litter pick on most Saturdays.
The meeting closed at 7.30pm. Thanks to the Crooke Hall Inn for the buffet.
Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting will be held on Tyesday 13th December 2016 at 7pm in the Crooke Hall Inn.
This concludes the minutes for November 2016.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for October 2016
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. Tuesday 12th October 2016
Mike Thomas, Derek Keen, Howard Cain, Paul Green, Morag Tebbit, Steve Tebbit, Dawn Glynn, Pete Glynn, Sue Neve, Charlie Neve, Mike Crosby.
Apologies from
Paul Collins, Damian Edwardson, Kath Bradley, Hilda Snowden, Mandy Moulson, Graham Foster.
Minutes of AGM 12TH October 2015 Meeting
e minutes were proposed by Howard Cain, seconded by Paul Green, and accepted as a true record.
Matters arising
Treasurer’s Report
Not present.
Chairman's Report
MTh took this opportunity to say he would like everyone to get involved in village projects, and thanked Graham, Howard, Morag, Derek, Paul and all who help
in the village. He thanked the councillors for their support and help and Wigan Council who provided a great deal of help prior to Wigan in Bloom.
Vice Chair's Report
Howard thanked Mike for being chairman. He told the meeting that work commitments still kept him from doing more in the village, but he should be retiring
now in July 2017. He had spent a lot of time with his father who was ill. He went on to say that he was totally committed to the village. He thanked everyone
for all their hard work, especially Derek, Paul and Mike for their continued commitment to the village.
Then he stepped down.
Secretary’s Report
The secretary thanked everyone also and said it was a privilege to work as secretary for the association.
Then she stepped down.
Treasurer’s Report
As Graham was not present, Mike told the meeting that Graham wanted to resign from his role as treasurer as he no longer lived in the village and because of
work commitments. He would not abandon his role but would liaise with anyone who would take the role.
The election of new Chair Person, new Vice Chair, new Secretary
Discussion followed. Howard asked if Mike Thomas would consider carrying on the role of chair person. He said yes. DK proposed that MTh be elected as chair
person. This was seconded by PG and agreed by all. MTh asked Howard if he would consider carrying on in the role of vice chair. Howard said yes. DG proposed
HC be elected as vice chair, MT seconded the motion and all agreed. The secretary was asked if she was prepared to continue as secretary. She said yes.
Charlie Neve proposed that Morag Tebbit be elected as secretary, this was seconded by Pete Glynn and all agreed.
Discussion followed about who would replace Graham as treasurer. People were asked to go away and think about possible replacements. Kath Bradley was
suggested and Howard said he would talk to her about the position.
MTh thanked Derek for all his hard work as Project Officer asked him if he would stay on. After a little thought he said yes. Thank you Derek for all the
hard work you do.
The AGM was closed and the October ordinary meeting continued.
The July minutes were distributed. The September and October meetings had not taken place due to a number of unforeseen circumstances.
Minutes of July 12th meeting.
The minutes were proposed by PG and seconded by MTh and agreed by all.
Matters arising
Morag asked about the sign for the Crooke School Nature Study. Some villagers said that it was in the wrong place, it should be at the nursery school. MTh
informed the meeting that the owner of the sign wanted it to be kept where it was, near the site of the Tippler.
Steve Tebbit asked about the marquee. MTh said that types of marquee were being investigating as new types were easier and quicker to erect. Mike Crosby
said that the money would be available to purchase it, £600.
Ward Councillors Reports
Mike said that the Beat It team would be in the village in the week beginning 24th October, and would we let him know what needs doing. One suggestion was
the sides of the path round the field needed trimming as the grass encroached on the path. Mike said that the general maintenance team should do that. He
said he would inform the appropriate people. Mike told the meeting that the Primary School Consultation report had just been made available. The report
proposes that Shevington Community Primary School on Miles Lane would close.
Charlie brought up the subject of The Kennet boat travelling on the 22nd October, along the canal on the 200th commemoration of the opening of the canal. It
is stopping at Wigan Lower Lock and Burscough. Are we doing anything about celebrating this event? MTh was going to speak to Derek Bent who runs Ambush.
Charlie said that the workmen who had tarmaced the entrance to the field had come back very promptly to finish it off.
Dawn asked about the area of land at the entrance to the village which needs tidying up. It is owned by someone, MTh was going to investigate.
Dawn has produced a leaflet about CHANT for her forthcoming workshops, see attachment. Dawn will distribute leaflet. Morag will take a few to the church and
put it in the notice board. MTh said the room hire would be covered by CVRA. More people from the village should use these workshops and transport could be
provided. Dawn would put a proforma on the back of the CHANT leaflet.
Paul Green circulated photographs to be used as Christmas cards or notelets. There would be no writing on the front of the cards. A huge thank you to Paul
for organising the Christmas cards and raising £380 each year by selling them.
ST said that it will be the 150th anniversary of the Methodist Church in May 2017. Ideas were discussed as to what could be done for this event.
HC said that Kath had wanted to promote Incredible Edibles, a national initiative. MTh said he would clear the allotment.
There will be a litter pick on most Saturdays.
The meeting closed at 8.15pm. Thanks to the Crooke Hall Inn for the buffet.
Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting will be held on Tyesday 8th November 2016 at 7pm in the Crooke Hall Inn.
This concludes the minutes for October 2016.
Due to two meetings, August and September not happening for reasons beyond control, is why the July minutes are just being posted. November postings should
bring the monthly posting back to normal.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for July 2016
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. Tuesday 12th July 2016
Mike Thomas, Derek Keen, Paul Green, Morag Tebbit, SteveTebbit, Jaqueline Coleman.
Apologies from
Peter Glynn, Dawn Glynn, Paul Collins, Mike Crosby, Damian Edwardson, Howard Cain, Kath Bradley, Charlie and Sue Neve, Graham Foster.
Minutes of May Meeting
The minutes were proposed by Steve Tebbit, seconded by Derek Keen, and accepted as a true record.
Matters arising
Treasurer’s Report
Not present.
Chairman's Report
MTh took this opportunity to say he would like everyone to get involved in village projects, but acknowledges it is a long known fact that there never seems
to be that much interest shown. However everything is going alright. We will muddle through.
Vice Chair's Report
Not present.
Secretary’s Report
None given.
Project Officer's Report.
Derek Keen informed the meeting that the defibrillator will be put up on the wall to the right of the front door of the pub this Friday, 15th July. He told
the meeting that 8 council managers had come to do some work in the village including felling a tree and making the trunk into planters which are up near the
Tippler. A sign was erected between the two planters saying, “Crooke School Nature Study” which was initially put up in 1983. The naturalist David Bellamy
was a part of the study of the Crooke Area. The council managers are coming back on the 21st July to work on the field paths amongst other things. DK and MTh
are going to do some work on the Tippler site. They are going to try and expose foundations of the Tippler. Dawn had suggested that a fairy glen might be
grown there. The daffodils that are there will be relocated. The putting up of hanging baskets in the village was touched on but DK said that Adactus did not
want the baskets on their properties.
DK said the procuring of the marquee was in hand, Graham applying to the Brighter Borough money from the councillors. ST asked the meeting if the church
could use it. The answer from MTh was of course.
MTh told the meeting that a boat pulled by Ambush, a working canal boat still in working use today, run by Derek Bent, travelling from Liverpool and going
through Crooke sometime in October. We should plan a social event at this time in celebration.
NWIB judging will take place on 26th July. We are also in the Britain in Bloom as part of Wigan and that judging will take place on 8th August. A large
number of planters have been placed on the Crooke Hall Inn, and around the village. The village looks beautiful, thanks to DK and a number of faithful
helpers. A lot of people do their tidying of the village on a daily basis.
Ward Councillors Reports
None Present.
Recycling Bins were still in the pub car park. A wagon with recycling bins on it was seen coming along the road and stopped. The driver looked over the wall
but no one knows if he was taking bins away or changing them. ST informed the meeting that another tree had fallen down in Lawn’s Wood. MTh said he would
make the area safe. DK said he saw a deer running across the main road on the Bends. MTh said there were at least 2 adults and 4 youngsters. Shots had been
heard late one evening and the presence of possible poachers was being monitored.
PG said that Grayways Coach Company had been paid. 14 villagers were going on this trip on the 9th August. After a little discussion, it was decided that
everyone going on this trip would meet outside the pub at 8 am, and people with cars would take everyone who had no transport to the allocated pick up point
in Shevington. PG agreed to let people know of this arrangement. Thank you Paul for organising this trip.
Charlie Neve said, through Paul, that the Tarmacing of the path from the road into the field had been done. MTh said that this was the beginning of ongoing
remedial work, thanking the councillors for their involvement.
DK said that as he was tidying up overhanging branches on the side of the field he was approached by someone who said that RSPB stipulated that branches
could not be cut down until after the 31st July due to the possibility of nesting birds. Graham Workman was approached and he very quickly arrived on site to
check the hedges for current occupied nests. He found none and DK was able to carry on with his tidying work and making the path safer.
The meeting closed at 7.50pm. Thanks to the Crooke Hall Inn for the buffet.
Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting will be held on Tyesday 9th August 2016 at 7pm in the Crooke Hall Inn.
This concludes the minutes for July 2016.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for June 2016
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. Tuesday 14th June 2016
Mike Thomas, Derek Keen, Paul Green, Charlie Neve, Sue Neve, Morag Tebbit, Steve Tebbit, Mandy Mousdell, EM Snowden, Paul Collins, Mike Crosby, Joe Shovelton.
Apologies from
Damian Edwardson, Howard Cain, Dawn Glyn, Graham Foster.
Minutes of May Meeting
The minutes were proposed by Derek Keen, seconded by Paul Green, and accepted as a true record. In the April minutes the Deputy Chairman’s report was omitted.
It is as follows.
Matters arising
The placement of the Defib is still causing problems. The positioning outside the church was not suitable as in the small print it said that the machine
should not be on a south facing wall, and that was where it would be. The brewery did not want the machine on their front wall, but might accept it on the
side wall. Discussion followed. ST suggested that where the plaques were on the wall of house No. 28 near the marina, the defibrillator might go there. DK
and MTh were going to investigate and approach Adactus and the tenant. One of Crooke’s residents was in need of the defibrillator in the last few weeks, so
the siting of it is urgent.
MT asked about the acquisition of the hanging baskets. DK will get in touch with Nick Burdekin, to remind him.
Treasurer’s Report
Not present.
Chairman's Report
MTh apologised for his absences at the last two meetings because of family circumstances. He brought up the subject of the coach trip and after some
discussion the meeting agreed to allow PG to go ahead and book the trip, Stream in the sky and Chester for the 9th August, after MT liaising with no 41, and
no 99 to tell them of the final choice.
Vice Chair's Report
Not present.
Secretary’s Report
None given.
Project Officer's Report.
WIB was approaching fast, and the meeting agreed that litter picks would be every Saturday from 10 am. The interpretation board has started being tidied up
and Pete Glynn has tidied the top end of the village, thank you Pete. He will approach Nick Birdekin for plants etc as there is £250 available for their
acquisition. Some people have already put up hanging baskets, and the village looks a lovelier place. Sue Neve asked about the broken planter in the field.
DK said it was going to be replaced. The metal barrier protecting the exit from the field into Crooke Road was still broken, posing a safety issue. PC said
he would follow that up.
06.01 Queen's 90th Birthday
After discussion it was agreed to try for the August bank holiday to have this event.
06.02 Marquee
After a little discussion MC offered the money to buy the 8m by 4m marquee at the cost of £599.
06.03 The Traffic issue around the church and nursery.
As Sandra Makin said she had not wanted this to be an issue to be discussed at the meeting it was not discussed at this point.
Ward Councillors Reports
MC informed the meeting that the drainage problem at the entrance to the field and around the play area was being addressed, and the laying of tarmac on the
footpath had been costed. And also the problem of the culvert under the bridge was being looked into. We await developments. The councillors thanked CN for
his photographs of the flooding. MC reminded the meeting that Brighter Borough money was still available. CVRA had not requested any for some time.
PC said that,
1) the footpaths round the field were going to be rectified,
2) the damaged fence at the beginning of the bends was going to be mended, but it was pointed out that it already had been fixed.
3) the traffic problems round the church and nursery were not the responsibility of Wigan Metro as the tarmacing was not to highway standards. He said that
signs were available for putting in peoples’ windows about the dangers of speeding in an area where children were likely to be. But as MC reminded the
meeting, speeding cars in areas where children were likely to be, sadly was a nationwide problem.
4) The problem of the footpath up to Shevington had been addressed and people from the council had been to see the problem and a solution was being discussed.
5) He told the meeting about the Consultation about School Places which had been started. What can be done about the surplus of places? This document has
been widely circulated and discussion was ongoing.
Thank you, councillors for your continuing interest and support, and the work you do for your constituents.
Steve Tebbit informed the meeting about overhanging branches, impeding the walking round of the field. MTh and DK will address this issue when MTh gets back
from holiday in two weeks time. ST also mentioned a sign he had inherited. The sign says “ any person who omits to shut and fasten this gate will be liable
to a penalty not exceeding forty shillings “. Discussion followed and MTh and DK would discuss the positioning of the sign, along with a sign that DK had.
CN said that the Canal and River Trust were investigating the positioning of litter bins at Gathurst and Crooke, on the tow path side, which will be
accessible for Wigan Metro to empty. He said that the C and RT will pay for hard core for the tow path, which the CVRA might be able to spread out. The last
lot had been done by the army. The damaged posts of the canal bridge were known to the CRT.
Dawn Glynn contacted the secretary during the meeting, apologised for her absence, and told her that due to the lack of response for the flower workshop at
the church on Saturday she had decided to cancel it. The CHANT budget was £196.
The meeting closed at 9.00pm. Thanks to the Crooke Hall Inn for the buffet.
Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting will be held on Tyesday 12th July 2016 at 7pm in the Crooke Hall Inn.
This concludes the minutes for June 2016.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for May 2016
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. Tuesday 10th May 2016
Howard Cain, Paul Green, Derek Keen, Charlie Neve, Morag Tebbit, Steve Tebbit, Mandy Mousdell, EM Snowden, Damian Edwardson, Peter Glynn, Kat Bradley.
Apologies from
Paul Collins, Mike Crosby, Dawn Glyn, Sue Neve, Graham Foster.
Minutes of April Meeting
The minutes were proposed by Steve Tebbit, seconded by Peter Glynn, and accepted as a true record, with the following amendment.
In the April minutes the Deputy Chairman’s report was omitted. It is as follows.
Howard told the April meeting that he had attended the Community Association of Shevington on the 29th March. The Girl Guide leader did a presentation about
the need for the recruitment of more guide leaders. There was a list of commemorative events celebrating the First World War. Tree planting will happen in
Crooke in 2017/2018. Howard told that meeting that Crooke was entering NWIB. He told that meeting that we have done a Dementia Friendly Course.
Matters arising
The placement of the Defib had been discussed by the Methodist Church and it had been agreed to position the Defibrillator to the right of the entrance gate
to the church. DE and ST will liaise and get the electrician to install. The litter pick on the 7th May was well attended with 14 volunteers. Mike Crosby was
looking into anti social signage for the village. DE said he would remind Mike. It was sadly announced that Mike’s father in law had died the previous day.
CVRA sends its sincere sympathies to Mike, wife and family.
DK and MTh set up a stall on 16th April in Wigan advertising Crooke Village and its entering Wigan in Bloom. DK said there had been a lot of interest shown
on the day.
Treasurer’s Report
Not present.
Chairman's Report
Not present
Vice Chair's Report
None given.
Secretary’s Report
None given.
Project Officer's Report.
DK would like CVRA to buy a 4m by 8m marquee. Lots of events will take place in the village over the next few months and having a marquee for shade and shelter
would be good. This will be on next month’s agenda. DK told the meeting that only 2 Wigan councillors turned up on Friday 29th April to help tidy the village,
Samantha Cross and Mr Filton, but the weather had been horrendous.
DK gave an update of the project list. The spraying of balsam and weeds was in progress. ST had done around the church, and on the litter pick on the 7th May,
people had gone round the field tidying the pathways. The roof of the shed was still not replaced, but the consensus of the meeting was that it should be
done as soon as possible. Peter Glynn offered his services. The roof has asbestos in it so has to be treated professionally.
With regards to Wigan in Bloom, Nick Burdekin, Wigan in Bloom Co-ordinator, was coming to the village on the 1st June in order to go round the village with
Derek Keen to speak to the residents individually regarding hanging baskets. Wigan would provide each house with a hanging basket and install it. DK will ask
Adactus their opinion on having hanging baskets on their properties.
A project list is attached to the minutes.
05.01 Coach Trip
Nothing had been done regarding this. After some discussion PG was asked to design a flyer to gauge possible interest from the village about the proposed
coach trip which he would send to Howard.
05.02 QR History Trail
PG with the help of Peter Glynn and DK, had positioned the QRs around the village. He still had to put up one more to start the trail which he would place on
a post as you come into the village. Peter Glynn proposed that we should congratulate Paul on all his hard work over this. The History trail is an excellent
resource. Everyone agreed whole heartedly. Thankyou Paul. Charlie Neve said that the trail could possibly be advertised in Local Life magazine, Nicholson
Waterways Guide and maybe other publications.
05.03 Allotment
Nothing has been done about this. A good neighbour has kept the grass tidy. Howard would do a survey on it. It was agreed to create raised beds. This will be
properly discussed at the next meeting.
There was a lot of discussion about rubbish and the recycling in the pub car park. One bin had been removed so the one put in place by CVRA was overflowing.
DE said that the recycling bins were not the borough’s responsibility any more as the house recycling which takes place in Wigan is more cost effective.
Charlie Neve who works as a volunteer every Tuesday for the Canal and River Trust said he would ask Jodie Weathers of the Canal and River Trust if they could
put a rubbish bin at the Baby Elephant. DE said he had tried and tried to get the council to put one there but had not been successful. CN also said that the
broken rail on the canal bridge would be fixed.
Mandy mentioned the ownership of the land outside her house again. Her car has gone through 2 exhausts because of the lack of repair to the road. Kath
mentioned that we had approached the land registry before, but Mandy said that they did not know who owned the land. As MTh was not present he could not say
if he had asked Alex Cornish if he knew who owned the land. Morag Tebbit said she would ask Alex if he knew.
DE throughout the meeting had sent messages to appropriate people regarding the topics discussed, e.g. to the Beat it Team. Thank you DE.
The meeting closed at 8.45pm. Thanks to the Crooke Hall Inn for the buffet.
Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting will be held on Tyesday 14th June 2016 at 7pm in the Crooke Hall Inn.
This concludes the minutes for May 2016.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for April 2016
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. Tuesday 12th April 2016
Mike Thomas, Howard Cain, Paul Green, Derek Keen, Charlie Neve, Morag Tebbit, SteveTebbit, Mandy Mousdell, EM Snowden, Mike Crosby, Joe Shovelton, G Chadwick.
Apologies from
Paul Collins, Damian Edwardson, Kath Bradley, Dawn and Peter Glyn, Sue Neve, Doreen Wilkins, Graham Foster.
Minutes of March Meeting
The minutes were proposed by Charlie Neve, seconded by Paul Green, and accepted as a true record.
Matters arising
Mandy had done some research about the ownership of the road outside her house. She found that it did not belong to Adactus, nor the council, nor the Canal
and River Trust. It was not registered with the land registry. MTh said he would email Alex Cornish, who might know. A lot of the village pay ground rent
including the church. Morag or Steve will make enquiries as to whom we pay ground rent.
Treasurer’s Report
Not present.
Chairman's Report
MTh apologised for his absence as his father had been ill, and he had been ill too. He asked Steve Tebbit to update the meeting about the defribrillator and
was told that the church council had discussed the positioning of the machine and agreed to it being placed on the wall to the right of the side entrance to
the church. MTh will liaise with Damian. Penny is trained, Dawn is trained in its use. With regards to the electricity used in its upkeep, the fitter will be
asked to give an idea of the cost. CVRA may contribute. MTh will ask Carole Miles about the cost as she is responsible for the defib on the wall of the
Methodist Church in Shevington.
Vice Chair's Report
None given.
Secretary’s Report
None was given, only an apology for her absence from the last two meetings due to bereavements in the family. MTh expressed the sympathy of the meeting.
Project Officer's Report.
DK said the litter pick had been very successful.
DK told the meeting of the launch date of the NWIB campaign on Saturday 16th April 2016 in central Wigan. He and MTh were to man a stall showing off Crooke’s
previous successes. Everyone was welcome to come and help between 11am and 3pm but realised it was very short notice.
A project list is attached to the minutes.
Ward Councillors
DK informed the meeting and Mike Crosby that the fence on the left hand side of the main road going up to Shevington just before the bends were broken and
dilapidated. The area to the right of the road just after leaving the village was discussed. MTh was to investigate the ownership and how it could be improved.
Mike Crosby said he would approach Heather Mulliner, Area Highways Officer, about the problem. The subject of drivers entering and leaving the village in a
dangerous fashion was discussed and the possibility of sleeping policemen was raised. As the vast percentage of the cars entering or leaving the village were
people taking their children to and from the nursery, MTh was going to ask Graham Foster to write a letter to the Nursery regarding the possibility of an
accident happening.
04.01 Village Trip
After discussion, Paul Green said he would produce a flyer about the coach trip scheduled for August. Three options would be given and the response of the
villagers was asked for. He would deliver the flyers as soon as possible. The replies would be put in the secretary’s post box at 76 Crooke. Then we could
determine where the trip would go to, and how many people would be interested.
04.02 QRs
DG and PG has this in hand and is awaiting better weather.
04.03 Dog Foul Bins
This topic was discussed and MTh had found the missing bin and placed it back where it should be. He was going to acquire another to be placed at the opening
to the park between the nursery and the church.
04.04 Drinking alcohol in public places.
Signage should be put up in Crooke regarding drinking alcohol in public not being acceptable. Signs are in general use in the rest of Wigan. Having signs up
pre-empts antisocial behaviour. They should not stop people from enjoying themselves. Mike Crosby to research.
04.05 Allotment.
Howard showed the meeting general plans for the development of the allotment, raised beds, walkways etc. After discussion MTh proposed that we go ahead with
the digging of the allotment, DK seconded the proposal and the meeting agreed. The actualities could be determined at a later date.
PG said that Doreen Wilkins had raised the subject of the boggy area as you enter the field beside the play park. DK thanked Mike Crosby for organising the
placement of new equipment in the play park. Mike was asked to investigate possible solutions for the problem of the boggy area.
The meeting closed at 9.15pm. Thanks to the Crooke Hall Inn for the buffet.
Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting will be held on Tyesday 10th May 2016 at 7pm in the Crooke Hall Inn.
This concludes the minutes for April 2016.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for March 2016
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. 14th March 2016
Howard Cain, Paul Green, Derek Keen, Dawn Glynn, Peter Glynn, Charlie Neve, Sue Neve, Mandy Mousdell, Steve Williams (71 Crooke), Kath Bradley, Dean McDonald
Apologies from
Mike Crosby, Paul Collins, Damian Edwardson, Morag Tebbit, Steve Tebbit, Alan Coleman, Mike Thomas, Graham Foster.
Minutes of February Meeting
The minutes were accepted as a true record.
Matters arising
The defibrillator placement still had to be finalised. It may be at the Methodist Church on the front of the church. The church officers are meeting on
Tuesday 12th April to discuss. DE wants to be told when and where as he had to organise the setting up of it and telling the people who monitor and service
it where its position was.
The suggestion box has been made by Paul Goodchild but not yet given to the CVRA. HC to ask Paul about it. DG said she would place her suggestion box in the
pub meanwhile, on Dean’s approval.
PG and HC asked for plans for the allotment be put on net month’s agenda. DG asked if we could collate a project list to link with a CVRA calendar to share.
PG is awaiting better weather to place QRs.
PG suggested that the proposed coach trip in August be put on next month’s agenda. DG was to help find ideas.
DG will send photos of CHANT workshops to PG to put on the website.
PG suggested signs be put up in the village saying that no alcohol should be consumed in public places. HC advised that this was a Local Authority issue, and
that councillors should be informed. DK to liaise with Mike Crosby. This topic will be put on the next agenda.
Treasurer’s Report
Not present but HC told the meeting that the cash in the bank was £1687.07. Petty cash was £135.41. Total was £1822.48. Public liability, due in April would
cost £80 and to install the defibrillator £100.
Chairman's Report
Not present
Vice Chair's Report
None given.
Secretary’s Report
MT was not report.
Project Officer's Report.
None present.
Ward Councillors
None present.
03.01 Tree Felling
Awaiting list from LA.
03.02 CLean for the Queen
DG and PG to liaise re funding.
03.04 CHANT Funding
Everyone was thanked for attending this event. Canal and River Trust volunteers were going to come on 15th March at 10 am to tidy the canal side. CN and SN
were going to attend.
03.05 Storage Shed
The placement of the storage shed was agreed verbally by the Brewery.
Dog fouling bins were discussed, and one has gone missing. This will be put on next month’s agenda.
Mandy brought up the problem of pot holes. Maybe the councillors should be made aware. She should also talk to Adactus. The question of the land ownership was
aired. KB said this topic had come up before. PG said he would look at the map which existed, as to what was owned by whom.
Dean advised the meeting that the assistant manager of the pub, Josh, was a conductor of a brass band. He would like to organise a Crooke Band, hymn and march
competition on the first Sunday in October. Dean would liaise with Josh, as Josh was at band practice on Mondays. It was suggested that the next meeting would
be on Tuesday 12th April. All agreed. Another item for the agenda.
The meeting closed at 9.15pm. Thanks to the Crooke Hall Inn for the buffet.
Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting will be held on Tyesday 12th April 2016 at 7pm in the Crooke Hall Inn.
This concludes the minutes for March 2016.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for February 2016
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. 8th February 2016
Howard Cain, Paul Green, Derek Keen, Dawn Glynn, Charlie Neve, Sue Neve Steve Tebbit, Morag Tebbit, Damian Edwardson, Joe Shovelton, Anne Parkinson.
Apologies from
Kath Bradley, Paul Liptrot, Mike Crosby, Paul Collins, Graham Foster.
Minutes of December's Meeting
Alan Coleman, who was not present at the meeting, had emailed the secretary saying he wanted to change the minutes to clarify that it was Damian Edwardson
who was the councillor dealing with Alan’s flood issues. Damian agreed to this change and said that things were progressing slowly. The minutes were
proposed by DK, seconded by ST and agreed by all as a true and accurate record.
Matters arising
HC had not followed up on acquiring the leaflets about Wigan Borough Care and Repair, but will distribute them when he does.
DG sent out a flyer giving two dates for upcoming workshops, 27th February, and 23rd April, to be held at the church. MT subsequently sent out an erratum
message saying the February workshop was on the 20th February not the 27th. DG is awaiting responses. The December workshop had 17 attendees and was very
ST mentioned the lack of response when he tried to reach the PSOs on 101. He had tried the website but was redirected to 101 or 999. He still could not
reach a person. DK said that that had happened to him too. DE at the meeting sent a message to Stacey telling her of the problem and will follow the problem
up. DE would also forward her email address.
The defibrillator placement still had to be finalised. It may be at the Methodist Church on the car park wall. DE wants to be told when and where as he had
to organise the setting up of it and telling the people who monitor and service it where its position was.
The suggestion box has been made by Paul Goodchild but not yet given to the CVRA. DG said she would place her suggestion box in the pub meanwhile.
Treasurer’s Report
Not present but HC told the meeting that the cash in the bank was £1687.07. Petty cash was £135.41. Total was £1822.48. Public liability , due in April
would cost £80 and to install the defibrillator £100.
Chairman's Report
Not present
Vice Chair's Report
Howard said that he was not able to attend the January meeting of the Shevington and District Association. PG attended who gave a resume of what had happened
at the meeting. 1) A presentation about Pensioners’ Link. Sue presented this saying that any association could contact the Link and get any help that
pensioners might need. This help was free for the first 3 weeks, but any ongoing work would be charged at £14 per hour. 2) Care and Repair was talked about.
HC will distribute leaflets when he receives them. 3) Lancashire Life had raised £400. 4) Shevington residents who saw any anti social behaviour should report
it. 5) The sports field, plan B had been adopted, though a few minor issues had to be resolved. 6) Shevington would not be entering NWIB this year. PG was
welcomed to the meeting as a CVRA representative, and told them about the floods, the CHANT workshop, the uncovered rail line, the OAPS Christmas lunch and
the possibility of a coach trip to be organised. The next Shevington and District Assocation would take place on 23rd February.
Secretary’s Report
MT had no report.
Project Officer's Report.
Derek told the meeting about NWIB. After discussion the meeting agreed that we again enter this competition. As Shevington is not entering, that left Appley
Bridge, Lower Ground and Crooke in the running. Thank you Derek for organising last year’s entry and congratulations for the village’s success. The title of
this year’s NWIB is Greening Grey Britain. General discussion followed about what that meant and what could be done in our village to comply with the brief.
DG suggested that a CHANT workshop could be planting flowers around the village, in pots etc.
Ward Councillor's Report
DE apologised for not attending the meetings regularly but was committed to other meetings on the same night.
DE was still trying to find out about who owned the footpath from number 99 up to the gate at 113.
1) He was still chasing Andy Smallshaw about the tree felling.
2) He told the meeting that Brighter Borough money was still available. DG and DE to liaise about applying again.
3) He was still working with community units to tackle ASB, with the police, putting up CCTV units.
4) He talked about the initiative Clean for the Queen which is a national event, which would take place on the 4th-6th March. DK to liaise with
DE to get the high viz vests, pickers etc.
5) Damian told the meeting that he was trying to help Alan Coleman to resolve issues with Wigan Council regarding the flooding which had happened
on Christmas Day evening and subsequent grant funding from the council. He is giving Alan as much support as he can. Damian went on to say
that a lot of planning will have to take place regarding how to effectively stop flooding in the future. It has to be an holistic approach and
all persons involved would share information. If anyone had information they should get in touch with the council. Charlie Neve would contact
DE and relate his specific knowledge of the flooding.
As an association we are very grateful for all the work he and the other councillors are doing for our village.
02:01 Resident's Coach Trip
DG and PG will make and distribute a flyer asking for initial feeling about who would like to go on a coach trip and provide suggestions on destinations. The
people present would come back to the next meeting with suggestions of their own. City, Culture or Coast?
02.02 Storage Shed.
At present there is a gentleman’s agreement that the CVRA would use a shed belonging to Allgate’s Brewery to store equipment. GF through HC requested that we
approach Allgate’s to formalise this agreement. MT to ask Greg Liptrot who to approach.
02.03 Crooke Village History Trail.
PG explained in great detail about what he done in making 11 QRs and where they were to be placed in the village. He had already spoken to John Maiden and
Roy Vernon about the positioning of 1 and 2. They were a discreet size and would give a lot of information to first time visitors to our village. DG asked
the meeting to give Paul a round of applause for his dedication, hard work and knowledge. It was proposed by PG that the QRs be mounted at relevant places in
the village, it was seconded by DE and agreed by all. A second proposal that the funding of it, £112, will go through the CVRA to apply for Brighter Borough
money. PG will put the form in.
02.04 CVRA agenda.
HC said that the pressure of work was making him unavailable for producing agendas. MT agreed she would take responsibility for producing said agendas but
said her printer was unable to produce 70 copies. DE said he would investigate the possibility of the procurement of an appropriate copier. Thank you Damian.
02.05 Suggestion Box.
See in matters arising.
There was a general discussion about the allotment. Joe said that an allotment was too much work for the CVRA to be responsible. It will be put on next month’s
agenda. The pond was mentioned but nothing was decided.
The next litter pick will be on the 4th – 6th March, on the Clean for the Queen weekend.
The meeting closed at 9.15pm. Thanks to the Crooke Hall Inn for the buffet.
Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting will be held on Monday 14th March 2016 at 7pm in the Crooke Hall Inn.
This concludes the minutes for February 2016.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for Janruary 2016
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. 11th Janruary 2016
Mike Thomas, Howard Cain, Paul Green, Derek Keen, Peter Glynn, Dawn Glynn, Alan Coleman, Charlie Neve, Sue Neve Steve Tebbit, Morag Tebbit, Mike
Apologies from
Kath Bradley, Paul Liptrot, Paul and Alison Goodchild, Mike Crosby, Paul Collins, Damian Edwardson.
01.01 Dementia Friendly Community
Bella Mossad from Dementia Friends delivered an excellent workshop on dementia, giving lots of information and much to think about.
Minutes of December's Meeting
The minutes were proposed by HC, seconded by DG and agreed by all as a true and accurate record.
Matters arising
HC had not received the leaflets about Wigan Borough Care and Repair, but will distribute them when he does.
DG and MT will liaise about dates for the CHANT workshops to take place in the church, in February and April. MT will give church dates to PG as
soon as she gets them.
Treasurer’s Report
Not present
Chairman's Report
Mike said that the Senior Citizen Christmas meal had gone well, 16 attended, and thanked the Crooke Hall Inn for putting on a great spread. He
spoke of the the last couple of months of appalling weather culminating in floods in Crooke. The water came from 3 sources. He spoke about the
lack of provisions to combat the flooding. He talked about putting pumps in to pump out the flood water. The councillors were to be asked for
money for the pumps. Other avenues to find money were to be explored. Discussion followed about the effects of the flooding. Alan Coleman thanked
MTh, DK, and a few others who helped him try and protect his propert , Keepers Cottage, number 100, from the incoming flood. Discussion followed
about finding where the causes of the flood arose, whose responsibility it was to tackle changes, and what could be done to prevent future
flooding. Charlie and Sue Neve also had to contend with the awful effects of flooding. They rang up the council for help on Boxing day at 9.30, to
be told they had had 300 calls that morning. Noone got back to them. He said that something should be done about the River Douglas. MTh said there
was a grant of £500 available from Wigan Council. Alan is working with one of the councillors and with our MP with regards to the flooding.
Anti-social behaviour in Shevington was discussed. There was a dispersal notice given on the night of the 9th/10th January, and effectively a
curfew was in place from 6 pm to 6 am. If anyone sees anything untoward happening they must ring 101 and report it. MTh said he was going to put
up cctv cameras on his hairdressing business. ST said that all the buses have cctv cameras on them.
Vice Chair's Report
Howard said that there was not a December meeting of the Shevington and District Association. He could not attend the January meeting because of
work on the 26th January, at7 pm in the Methodist Church in Shevington. MTh said he would attend.
Secretary’s Report
MT thanked DG for being secretary at the last meeting.
Project Officer's Report.
Derek told the meeting about the rail track work which had been done. A smooth and efficient job was completed. It was proposed that a further
track to be placed/sourced to create a feature (not causing any obstruction). MTh confirmed that after discussion, further information was
required before proceeding and then added to the project list.
Ward Councillor's Report
None present
01:02 Resident's Coach Trip
A flyer will be put on the next agenda asking for suggestions of destination, and who would like to go. There would be a tear off suggestion slip
to be returned to MT at 76, or in the suggestion box.
Dawn spoke about the information sheet about CVRA and what we are doing and how people can help. This sheet would be delivered to the village on a
regular basis. See attached document.
MTh, having made the meeting aware that Alan had to buy a caravan because of the flood damage to his house, proposed that the caravan be placed in
front of 100 so that the Coleman family could use it whilst the builders repaired their home. PG seconded the motion, all agreed.
A litter pick will be arranged when the weather improves,
The meeting closed at 9.15pm. Thanks to the Crooke Hall Inn for the buffet.
Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting will be held on Monday 11th February 2016 at 7pm in the Crooke Hall Inn.
This concludes the minutes for Janruary 2016.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for December 2015
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. 14th December 2015
Mike Thomas, Howard Cain, Paul Green, Derek Keen, Joe Shovelton, Anne Parkinson, Peter Glynn, Damian Edwardson, Dawn Glynn, Graham Foster, Paul
Collins, Mike Crosby, Karen Spencer
Apologies from
Kath Bradley, Stephen Tebbit, Morag Tebbit.
Minutes of Novembers Meeting
The minutes were agreed, approved and signed. accepted as a true and accurate record.
Matters arising
The letter box has been made by Paul Goodchild, but not painted. We don't know if Mth has contacted Krystina Pilkington re the positioning of it
beside the notice board. But if that is all right the box will be positioned soonest.
Treasurer’s Report
The defibrillator was paid for, and was to be placed outside. It was awaiting installation and set up. It requires a certificate of installation
and monthly check. Greg suggested that the brewery electrician would be available in Feb. £80 was outstanding for electrician. £1100 was the total
spend. There was £1337 balance in the kitty.
Chairman's Report
Mike shared information about recent break- ins, more than one. Items had been stolen and he asked for vigilance and to be organised.
Vice Chair's Report
Howard said he had attended the last Shevington meeting, and would continue to attend.
Secretary’s Report
None given as MT was in Scotland.
Project Officer's Report.
Derek told the meeting about the rail track work which had been done. A smooth and efficient job was completed. It was proposed that a further
track to be placed/sourced to create a feature (not causing any obstruction). MTh confirmed that after discussion, further information was
required before proceeding and then added to the project list.
Ward Councillor's Report
They stated that the process for Ward funding was in place. MTh raised the state of the footpath for all residents’ use at 101-113. MC agreed to
put in an enquiry about who owns the land. The process could however take 18 months.
12:01 Wigan Borough Care and Repair
Karen Spencer spoke about Care and Repair. There was a small staff of 5. She distributed a leaflet about Affordable Warmth , Access Referral
Mechanism. Mike Crosby requested leaflets for his surgery, contact details were shared. 70 leaflets were to be sent to the village. Howard was to
email a request for these. PG was going to put the leaflet in the website, with an addition that some services have limited eligibility.
There are 4 elements:-
1) Free advice, leaflet distributed
2) Home repairs and small adjustments – stair rails etc
3) Handyperson service
4) Assistance service
Joe told the meeting of the outstanding work on his home by Adactus re safety .Mike offered to visit, to assist/assess and offered support. Joe
agreed to let him know.
12.02 Volunteering Placements
The meeting was very happy to have Volunteering placements return, projects for them were to cut back footpaths.
Timber had been received for the Waterways project on the fence going down to the canal at Keepers Cottage. The work would be done in the New
Year, a date to be decided. DK asked for the tree felling of x marked trees. Damian Edwardson would email Andy Smallshaw to update.
12.03 Residents Summer Coach Trip
PG put forward the idea for a Summer coach trip for the residents. The idea was seconded by MTh. DE will match fund. This would be added to the
agendas for January and February and request ideas from the residents.DK proposed that a suggestion slip be printed on minutes/agenda. The
suggestion box is still waiting to be placed.
12:04 Dementia Friendly Community
It was proposed that a speaker whose topic was coping with Dementia, be asked for the January meeting. MTh agreed to follow this up. Kerry Claxton
was to be invited for the February meeting.
Discussion from Mike Crosby regarding boundaries, all being green spaces. Mike said not to worry. There is a 5 year tree planting plan, including
Crooke, in approx 2018.
A big thank you was said to Paul Green for his selling of Christmas cards. A magnificent achievement and a round of applause was quite rightly
Dawn told the meeting about CHANT. The first workshop, making Christmas wreaths was very successful. 17 people attended and we all had a successful,
social and practical afternoon. Thank you Dawn for organising it and please thank your Mum for her expertise. Hopefully Dawn will arrange more
workshops in 2016, in February, and April. The ward councillors said they would match £300 given by CVRA. Thank you. Dawn had put a bid in for
funding from The Deal but had been unsuccessful. Too many applications were put in for the amount of available funding. DE offered the Duchy of
Lancaster as a funding idea
A litter pick will be arranged when the weather improves,
The meeting closed at 8.45pm. Thanks to the Crooke Hall Inn for the buffet.
Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting will be held on Monday 11th January 2015 at 7pm in the Crooke Hall Inn.
This concludes the minutes for December 2015.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for November 2015
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. 9th November 2015
Howard Cain, Derek Keen, Paul Green, Steve Tebbit and Morag Tebbit
Apologies from
Mike Thomas, Paul Collins, Mike Crosby, Graham Foster, Kath Bradley, Dawn Glynn and Damian Edwardson.
Minutes of 2014 AGM Meeting
With Graham Foster's amendments, Paul Green proposed that the minutes be accepted as a true and acurate record, seconded by Derek Keen and agreed
by all.
Matters arising
The letter box has been made by Paul Goodchild, but not painted. We don't know if Mth has contacted Krystina Pilkington re the positioning of it
beside the notice board. But if that is all right the box will be positioned soonest.
Treasurer’s Report
None as GF was not present.
Chairman's Report
None as Mth was not present
Vice Chair's Report
None given.
Secretary’s Report
None given.
The Deal. As Dawn was not present due to illness, the secretary told the meeting that Dawn had spent a great deal of time putting her bid for a
grant of £1500 on behalf of the CVRA. She hoped ti run the first of her workshops, making Christmas Wreaths, before Christmas, in the Methodist
Church. She had 14 replys to her questionnaires about the proposed CHANT workshop, which is excellent. Thank you Dawn for all your hard work.
Discussion followed that perhaps Yvonne Vernon be approached to see if the Marina could be a venue for future workshops.
Paul has finished 11 QR's. He gave us all copies of the QR's which could be put around the village. They are excellent, excellent in the
technology and the content. Thank you Paul for all your hard work. HC will write a letter of information about the History Trail explaining
about the QR's and we will distribute the letter with the agenda for the next meeting. Thank you Howard.
In NWIB, Crooke was awarded level 5, outstanding. Excellent work and dedication from Derek Ken, Mike Thomas, Graham Foster in particular who
prepared the village for inspection. Derek and Paul went to Southport to collect the award for the village and found out that Shevington won Gold,
thanks to Margaret Carter and her small team and Wigan MBC were also awarded Gold. A picture was taken of all concerned and Paul will put it on
the website. Our award will be mounted on the wall along with all the others we have received.
Pathways around the village were discussed and a programme of work was to be put in place to be carried out in the new year.
Paul Green was awaiting receipt of Christmas Cards by the end of the week. Then Janette, Christine and Hilda will pack them up so that Paul could
go around the village selling them. Thank you Paul again for your dedication to our village. GF will pay £472 for their printing cost.
The Over 60's Christmas dinner. This will be held on Wednesday 9th December. Paul and Jen will liaise about menu and letter to be distributed,
as to who would like to come and what they would like to eat? MT would post these letters through the doors of the village.
There will be a timetable of events, work to be done, social activities etc., put in place to be carried out in 2016. HC to produce the timetable.
Steve Tebbit told the meeting that alonmg with a few marked dead trees, there was another dead Asj tree near Lawn's Wood. DK would contact the
appropiate people.
Derek wants help to repair the old railings on the other side of the towpath going down to keepers cottage. Dismantling would take place this
weekend. Everyone who can help would be very welcome.
The meeting closed at 8.45pm. Thanks to the Crooke Hall Inn for the buffet.
Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting will be held on Monday 14th December 2015 at 7pm in the Crooke Hall Inn.
This concludes the minutes for November 2015.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for October 2015
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. 14th October 2015
Annual General Meeting followed by the Ordinary Meeting
Mike Thomas, Howard Cain, Derek Keen, Paul Green, Dawn Glynn, Graham Foster, Morag Tebbit , Allison Langton Goodchild, Paul Goodchild, Kath
Bradley, Joe Shovelton
Apologies from
Paul Collins, Mike Crosby, Damian Edwardson, Steve Tebbit, Peter Glynn.
Minutes of 2014 AGM Meeting
These minutes had been proposed, seconded and agreed by the November meeting of 2014 as there had been an ordinary meeting after the AGM in 2014.
Matters arising
Chairman's Report
Mike said that we as an association had done well again in NWIB and thanked everyone who had helped in any way. He had had a fun year being
chairman and enjoyed it immensely.
Then he stood down as chair, and handed the meeting over to Howard. Howard thanked Mike for all Mike’s hard work over the last year.
Treasurer’s Report
Graham thanked Paul Green for his Christmas cards which made £800, a 50% profit. He thanked the Ukelele club for their contribution of £100, and
the councillors for the contribution of Brighter Borough money of £600 for the defibrillator.
Then he stood down as treasurer.
Secretary’s Report
She said she had been secretary since 2008 and had enjoyed being secretary for the last 7 years. She was proud to live in Crooke and of all the
work the Association did.
Then she stood down.
Project Officer’s Report
Derek gave his report in the ordinary meeting after the AGM. MTh thanked DK for being Project Officer and as this was not an elected role MTh
asked if he would continue doing this valuable job. DK accepted this request.
Election of New Committee Members
After some considerable discussion regarding the Chairman’s position and the vice chair position, it was proposed by Paul Goodchild that Mike
Thomas remain as chair for the time being and that Howard would take over as chair and Mike would become vice chair, when Howard had fewer work
commitments which would be at the beginning of 2016. This was seconded by Dawn Glynn and agreed by all. Kath Bradley thanked everyone for all
their hard work.
Mike Thomas asked Graham Foster if he wanted to continue as treasurer. Graham said no, as he felt it should be done by someone who lives in the
Again after much discussion Graham agreed to remain as treasurer until another one was found. We would advertise for one in the village. This was
proposed by Paul Goodchild, seconded by Kath Bradley and agreed by all.
MTh proposed MT to continue as secretary. As no one else wanted the job she agreed. The proposal was seconded by HC and agreed by all.
Joe Shovelton said how disappointed he was at the poor turnout there was at the meeting.
12th October 2015 Ordinary CVRA Meeting
Minutes of the September Meeting
The minutes of the September Meeting were proposed to be a true and accurate record by DK, seconded by GF and agreed by all.
Matters arising
Projects Officer
DK said that 10 council workmen voluntarily on their day off, came to the village on October 1st, to do work around the village. Three or four
were painting bridges, and the rest were cutting down grass on the paths. One of them suggested getting slurry to put on the footpaths. It was
priced at £1 a metre. Howard said it was 500m around the field, and probably another 100m for smaller paths. The council might fund this. This was
a project for next year. They also laid down a load of woodchips on the path to Lawn’s Wood. There was more to be put down.
The Balsam had been cut down successfully with a scythe. This was another job for next year.
CVRA paid £50 for a buffet from Crooke Hall Inn for the workers.
10.01 Deal for Communities.
MT introduced the subject of The Deal for Communities.
This is where Wigan Council promise to:-
Freeze council tax,
Help communities to support each other,
Cut red tape and provide value for money,
Build services around you and your family,
Create opportunities to young people,
Support the local economy to grow,
Listen, be open, honest and friendly,
Believe in our borough.
Our part of this deal is to:-
Recycle more, recycle right,
Get involved in our community,
Get online,
Be healthy and be active,
Help protect children and the vulnerable,
Support our local businesses,
Have our say and tell the council if they get it wrong,
Believe in our borough.
Dawn Glynn then outlined her exciting plan for workshops in the coming year under the umbrella heading CHANT. See attachment. She went on to
outline the proposal that we apply for CIF (Communities Investment Fund) under small investments which had to be with the council by the 30th
October. MTh proposed that CVRA would give £300 for this project even if our bid was unsuccessful. It was seconded by HC and agreed by all.
Discussion followed about the type of workshops, who could be asked to lead the workshops etc. Dawn agreed that she would prepare a questionnaire
to be delivered to the village for their ideas, as communication is so vitally important.
10.02 QR History Trail
Paul Green said he had created 6 out of 11 QRs to be placed around the village. Discussion followed about the concept of a History Trail, the
positioning of these QRs and the cost of putting them up. Given the importance of communication within the village it was thought that Paul should
provide information to be circulated around the village in order to gauge interest. Thanks to Paul for his skills in producing these new
technologies. Thanks again to PG for producing a wonderful website. He will put on to the website a page about CHANT.
Samples of photographs of Crooke Village suitable for making into Christmas Cards were shown and people were invited to choose four so that the
most popular ones would be chosen for use. Paul Green would get them prepared and show them to the next meeting. Thanks again to Paul for his
skill and commitment to Crooke Village.
The suggestion box was discussed. Paul Goodchild said he would make one. MTh said he would talk to Krystina Pilkington about the positioning of it
beside the notice board. So hopefully it will be put up as soon as possible.
The defibrillator should be in place outside the Crooke Hall Inn before Christmas.
The next litter pick is on Saturday 17th October from 10.00am
The meeting closed at 9.30pm. Thanks to the Crooke Hall Inn for the buffet which was soon demolished!
Date of Next Meeting
Monday 9th November 2015 at 7pm in the Crooke Hall Inn.
This concludes the minutes for October 2015.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for September 2015
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. 14th September 2015
Mike Thomas, Derek Keen, Paul Green, Dawn Glynn, Peter Glynn, Graham Foster, Greg Liptrot, Councillors Mike Crosby and Damian Edwardson, Steve
Tebbit, Morag Tebbit , Allison Langton Goodchild, Paul Goodchild.
Apologies from
Paul Collins, Howard Cain, Kathy Bradley.
Minutes of August Meeting
Paul Green proposed that the minutes be accepted as a true and accurate record, seconded by Derek Keen and agreed by all.
Matters arising
DE and GF were to talk about the defibulator.
Treasurer’s Report
We presently have £2666.82 in the bank account and £100 in the Petty cash. MTh proposed that 2 x £22 be spent for tickets to the NWIB Presentation
do, be given to Paul Green and Derek Keen. Thanks to both these gentlemen for all their work they do around the village. Also a cheque be written
for £100 to be spent on plants. This was seconded by MT and agreed by the meeting.
Councillors Reports
DK said that 14 council workmen were coming to the village on October 1st, instead of 17th/18th, September to do work around the village. He asked
MTh to cut the footpath edges before they come. DK has been trying to contact Mike Cheers regarding more wood chips. Mike Crosby said he would
email him.
DK said that the Balsam had been cut down as much as they could. It will be tackled again next year. A scythe was the best tool for the job!
He mentioned the shrub growth on the Crooke Cruising Club site. MT said she had spoken to the residents there and they were going to trim the
shrubs shortly.
DE said that a working group was coming to the ward for a week beginning 12th October, MTh and DK to liaise. DE will deliver leaflets to the
pub, to be delivered to the village asking what is needed in Crooke.
DE also talked about the Refugee Rescue Appeal. He said that libraries would accept donations at their premises.
DK thanked Pete Glynn for the waterproofing of the commemorative stone, and for the flowers around the interpretation board.
There had been people seen measuring the unadopted road to the north west of Crooke, leading eventually to Shevington. MC to investigate. Steve
Tebbit said that the unadopted road around the Methodist Church had proved a problem in the past, but with the help of all who lived around the
nursery and church, funds had been raised and the road had been successfully tarmaced.
MC talked about The Deal, providing funding for projects around the borough. MC was going to send an email to MT who would forward it on to the
members of the CVRA.
Dawn asked that the meeting consider Willow Sculptures being bought for the village. Discussion followed.
DE told us about the 2 arts festivals held in the last 2 years. Children had attended workshops and produced 2 beautiful mosaics for the Shevington
Library wall, the first being done with the theme of WW1, and the second, Kids in bloom. Next year the theme would be based around mining and
mining heritage.
It was agreed that this should be put on the agenda for the next meeting. In the meantime, MC would email MT information about workshops happening
in the next few weeks in the Wigan area. Dawn wants to attend and MT will go with her.
Dawn raised the issue of the village having a mission statement. Discussion followed and she agreed to write a pro forma to be discussed at the
next meeting. Paul Goodchild raised the issue about a suggestion box being put at the bottom of the mission statement. The actual suggestion box
is still being considered. This will be discussed at the next meeting. Paul and Dawn thank you for your suggestions.
Paul Green said he was creating 11 QRs to be placed around the village. He would take them to the next meeting where the positioning of them
would be discussed. Thanks again to PG for producing a wonderful website.
The next litter pick has yet to be arranged.
The meeting closed at 8.20pm. Thanks to the Crooke Hall Inn for the buffet.
Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting will be the AGM. The committee members will deliver their annual reports. Existing members of the committee will step down and a
new committee will be elected. If there is time, there will be a general meeting after the AGM. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Date 12th October 2015 at 7pm in the Crooke Hall Inn.
This concludes the minutes for September 2015.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for August 2015
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. 10th August 2015
Mike Thomas, Howard Cain, Derek Keen, Paul Green, Christine Keen, Hilda Snowden, Joe Shovelton, Kathy Bradley, Doris Williams, Daniel Edwardson,
Michael Crosby, Jim Haynes, Steve Tebbit, Anne Parkinson, Morag Tebbit, Norman Hart, Alan Coleman, Bradley Coleman.
Apologies from
Paul Collins, Graham Foster.
Minutes of July Meeting
With the amendment made by HC of ST saying that there were no herons left near the tow path, which was referred to Kev Topping, K B proposed that
the minutes be accepted as a true and accurate record, seconded by Doris Williams and agreed by all.
Matters arising
Treasurer’s Report
GF was not present.
Councillors Reports
Damian Edwardson said that the councillors were about to purchase the defibulator when GF gets back and placed in the Crooke Hall pub. He would
give training, but it was also noted that Alison Goodchild had offered to be a trainer. DW asked about backup batteries, but as the Ambulance
service will always be involved when the defibulator is used, they would check the batteries as a matter of course. They would have a form to fill
in and report back to the councillors. DE would inform them when the defib was in situ.
Mike Crosby said he had been in communication with the lady who had complained about the trimming of the hedge between the road coming into the
village and the open field near the play park. She had complained about her privacy had been challenged. It was agreed at a previous meeting that
the hedge would be left for the remaining months of the year. But as NWIB was approaching it was deemed necessary to trim again, branches which
were encroaching the pavement and proving to be dangerous. MC had suggested she grow her own hedge in her garden to provide extra privacy. But it
was agreed at the meeting that no further trimming was to happen this year. JS said that DK and PG had done a cracking job in keeping the village
tidy. He suggested that the council who was responsible for the cutting of the grass, etc should be left to do their job.
MTh said he had been approached by another lady, Brenda Tyrer, in the village, who wanted her hedge trimmed. He said he would.
Vice Chair’s Report.
HC said that he changed the agenda to make it more meaningful. He apologised for putting on 2 coffee mornings at the church instead of just the
Secretary’s Report.
MT apologised for her absence due to family illness. She thanked the small core of DK, PG and anyone else who had been a part of the group who got
the village ready for NWIB. There was discussion about the Himalayan Balsam, especially in Lawn’s Wood, and it was agreed that it should be cut
down asap as it was flowering and about to scatter its seeds. HC said a date should be arranged. The date of 22nd August from 10.00am was agreed.
MTh would get the strimmers and service them. But as it was felt that sooner was better anyone who felt they could cut the Balsam down should do
it and the date of 22nd August would be a general tidy up day to which everyone would be invited. This date will be put up on the village notice
board. (MT)
Projects Officer’s Report
MTh said the events of the last meeting regarding the projects officer should be not exactly forgotten, but lessons should be learned and asked if
DK would reconsider his resignation of this voluntary office. ST asked if MTh was making a proposal that DK would be asked to reconsider. MTh
proposed then, that DK stay on as projects officer, Alan Coleman seconded the proposal. And all agreed. Thank you very much for all your hard work
and care, DK.
Doris Williams suggested having a village suggestion box. The siting of it was discussed. Next to the notice board was suggested and agreed. MTh
was to ask the permission of the Parish council, who owned the notice board. It was proposed that HC and MTh be responsible for procuring it and
placing it., proposed by PG, seconded by NH, and agreed by all.
JH said that Adactus had initially been involved in the discussion of the allotment and had given a grant of £1000 to be specifically used in the
allotment project. As they were not involved at the moment HC agreed that the allotment should be taken off the agenda.
It was agreed that the discussion of the constitution and Any Other Business should be left to the AG meeting to be held in October. DW asked if
the constitution could be put on the village noticeboard. The constitution is already on the Crooke website, thank you Paul. Everyone has access
to it and should read it prior to the October meeting.
KB started a discussion about the village website, enquiring if a separate CVRA site should be created. Discussion followed and in conclusion, PG
would just add the agenda to the website, prior to the meeting. He archives the minutes already. KB and DW both offered their expertise in web
construction. Thank you both. NH said that already MT hand delivers prior to the meeting agendas. Thank you HC and MT. It was concluded that the
website should not be interactive.
PG drew our attention to a QR which with a computer app on your phone etc, be connected to the website. JH said it was not the same as the
individual QRs he had proposed when he was chair, to be placed at different places in the village, eg the information board at the site of the
A litter pick/ Cutting down of Himalayan Balsam was arranged for 22nd August, commencing 10.00am. KB will let everyone know which it is to be.
The meeting closed at 8.45pm, followed by a slide show of Anne’s excellent celebration of life party.
Date of Next Meeting
Next Meeting 14th September 2015 at 7pm in the Crooke Hall Inn.
This concludes the minutes for August 2015.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for July 2015
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. 13th July 2015
Mike Thomas Paul Green Paul Goodchild Elizabeth Snowden
Howard Cain Chris Keen Alison Goodchild Anne Parkinson
Derek Keen Kathy Bradley Doris Williams Steve Tebbit
Graham Foster
Apologies from
Morag Tebbit Paul Collins Damian Edwardson
Mike Crosby Paul Liptrot Francesca & family
Minutes of June Meeting
Howard Cain proposed that the minutes be accepted as a true and accurate record, seconded by Paul Green and agreed by all.
Matters arising
The problem with parking on the corner by no. 43 Crooke had been raised with the local council. The damaged manhole cover has been replaced but Howard
advised that the council does not plan any further changes or road markings. Where inconsiderate parking is noted it must be raised directly with
the car owners.
On the separate matter of traffic circulation around the church green the council advised that as the road is in private hands it must be taken up
with the relevant landowner(s).
Graham advised that a grant of £630 towards the defibrillator has now been received. Concerns were raised over the difficulty of siting the
defibrillator in an external location. Graham will contact Mike Crosby regarding purchase and siting of the equipment in Crooke Hall Inn. Doris
Williams has offered to check on the price and training available for use of the defibrillator.
Additional work was carried out by village volunteers to weed the main pedestrian areas and cut and rake the grass adjacent to Crooke Hall Inn.
A litter pick was also carried out.
DK confirmed that Channel 4 will provide a DVD of the episode of "Walking Through History" that includes a visit to Crooke Village so that it
can be shown at the Shevington Fete. PG has advertised the fete on the Crooke Village website.
The kerbing issue was added to the projects list (13).
Treasurer’s Report
Bank account £2666.82 - includes £630 defibrillator grant
Petty cash £5.41
Total £2672.23
Projects Officer’s Report
No. 2 - The shed roof repair remains outstanding. Mike Thomas agreed to undertake the work himself and bill CVRA for materials.
No. 4 - The Crooke Village allotment had been strimmed and some materials from the dismantled canalside ‘landing stage’ had been placed on the
site to use for future raised beds. The materials were delivered using the alley next to no. 57 Crooke. Paul Goodchild raised an objection to
using this access as it had been agreed that access would be via the playing field to the rear of the allotment. Paul will speak with Adactus
about installing a gate to improve security and restrict non-resident access.
Furthermore the materials has been moved by persons unknown and stood in a dangerous position overhanging the alleyway. Howard and Alison had
moved them to a safer position.
No. 5 – Work was undertaken by Wigan council volunteers to cut back some of the path edges around the park. Additional work was carried out
by CVRA volunteers but much of the path remains to be done.
No. 9 – The balsam in Lawns Wood remains a persistent problem and all CVRA volunteers were asked to help out on Saturday 18th July if
available or whenever they have spare time.
No. 10 – Wild flowers were sown around the interpretation board. This project is now complete.
No. 12 – The bridge painting has been partly completed.
No. 13 – The kerbing on the unadopted road from 99 onwards has been added to the projects list. The turning of vehicles continues to
disturb the kerb stones which need to be properly set.
North West in Bloom
Derek briefly described the NWIB judging visit and had explained to the judges that due to the early date some projects such as the path edging
were still work in progress.
Derek also expressed his concerns at the lack of support from the village for the efforts being made for this year’s competition. Kathy, Doris
and others recognised the efforts made by Derek and Paul especially.
There was a discussion around the trimming of hedges between the road and the park opposite the marina. Howard commented that though many people
agreed that the hedges looked much better it had been agreed at the March CVRA meeting that no further trimming would take place.
Derek confirmed that he had chosen to trim them, on his own initiative, with the NWIB judging in mind. Paul Green explained that he had contacted
the council, as a local resident, to see if they would undertake ongoing trimming of the hedges.
CVRA Constitution and Procedures
As neither of the actions taken by Derek or Paul regarding the hedges were done through the CVRA it led to a further discussion around the CVRA
agenda, how residents can be properly informed, how AOB should be treated, and the correct CVRA voting arrangements.
To help prevent similar issues arising Howard proposed that the CVRA should reconsider and clarify its constitution. He proposed to prepare a
draft of a revised constitution that could form the basis for further discussion at a later CVRA meeting. The proposal was seconded by Paul Green.
A second proposal brought forward by Howard to consider creating an annual action plan for the village was not supported on the basis that the
projects list could be suitably amended.
To enhance the involvement of residents in the CVRA and ultimately increase their involvement in community actions Doris proposed a number of
1. Enhancement to the agenda to include a brief description of the issue
and its background – Howard will make the necessary changes for August.
2. A village suggestion box – to be included in the August agenda.
3. An easier way for people to get involved on an ad-hoc basis – possible changes to
the projects list and a more widely distributed volunteer list – KB to action.
Crooke Village Allotment
Howard raised the issue of the allotment to try and find the best way forward for this project. The council had previously confirmed that there
was no ‘waiting list’ for the allotment and their preference is for a community based approach.
It was agreed that Paul and Alison (and others) may have an ongoing dispute with the council but this should not stop plans being drawn up for the
future of the allotment. Howard proposed that residents be encouraged to bring forward specific plans for developing the allotment being
sympathetic to the properties it adjoins.
The discussion quickly broke down into a more general argument about personal interests, support for village improvement activity and lack of
support for NWIB. Derek announced his resignation as Projects Officer and left the meeting.
The meeting closed at 9.25pm. Thanks to the Crooke Hall Inn for the buffet.
Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting will be held on Monday 10th August 2015 at 7pm in the Crooke Hall Inn.
This concludes the minutes for July 2015.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for June 2015
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. 8th June 2015
Howard Cain, Derek Keen, Janette Green, Paul Green, Christine Keen, Hilda Snowden, Dawn Glynn, Tim Glynn, Gronata Boin, Graham Foster, Joe Shovelton,
Greg Liptrot, Kathy Bradley, Kev Topping, Councillor Chris Horridge.
Apologies from
Mike Thomas, Morag Tebbit, Steve Tebbit, Peter Glynn, Paul Collins, Alison Goodchild, Paul Goodchild, Damian Edwardson.
Minutes of May Meeting
Chris Keen proposed that the minutes be accepted as a true and accurate record, seconded by Joe Shovelton and agreed by all.
Matters arising
The problem with inconsiderate parking by some residents in Crooke was discussed. Howard will find out if anything can be done about this by contacting
the PCSO's who may be able to have a word with the people concerned.
Howard said that Wigan Council will be cutting the grass in readiness for the judging for North West In Bloom.
Howard apologized for the fact that the Crooke Church Fete hadn't been put on the notice board, it is taking place on 4th July 2015.
Derek Keen asked that Paul Green advertise the upcoming Shevington Fete on the Crooke website. It takes place on 1st August 2015.
Treasurer’s Report
We presently have £2122 in the bank account and £125 in the Petty cash. A lawn edging machine has been bought for £225 and £50 is going to Derek
Keen to buy plants etc. for North West In Bloom.
Joe says that the flower pots in the village need tidying up and replanting for the North West In Bloom competition.
Derek has applied to Channel 4 regarding the episode of "Walking Through History" that includes a visit to Crooke Village so that it can be shown at
the Shevington Fete. He was having problems applying for permission but is awaiting a reply.
A lot of work was carried out in the village by a group of residents. The weeds were sprayed with weed killer, the grass near the Interpretation
Board was strimmed and a litter pick took place. Chippings were also spread on the path in Lawns Wood. We will need volunteers to pull the balsam
in the wood.
On 18th June 2015 Nick from Wigan Council will be coming to Crooke with some volunteers to help with the tidying up work. Derek asked Greg would it
be alright if refreshments could be served in the pub and if the volunteers could use the toilet facilities. Greg agreed that that would be OK.
Mike and Derek attended a meeting with Wigan Council where a donation of gardening tools was offered to the CVRA. These were kindly donated by Bulldog
Tools and included loppers, a spade, secateurs etc.
The roof on the CVRA tool storage shed is still in need of repair. A vote was taken to go ahead with this work. We will need to get some prices for
Greg has some wood preserver to paint onto the fence at the side of the pub. Kathy is going to contact people by email to get some volunteers to do
this job. The date agreed is 13th June 2015 at 10am weather permitting.
Wild flowers are to be sown near the Interpretation Board and we need to get some plants for this area as it is now looking bare.
Kathy suggested that Jim Haynes may be able to help us with grants from Adactus but it was pointed out that we have funds in the bank so they might
be reluctant to give us anything until that is spent. Kathy also suggested that we put prices against jobs on the projects list.
The job with the kerbs at the front of 99 Crooke needs to be added to the Projects List.
Mike is going to contact Matt Taylor from the Canal & Rivers Trust about painting the bridge over the canal.
It was pointed out that no work had taken place on the allotment . Graham said that we need to clarify with Wigan Council that all disputes over the
land have been resolved. Howard is going to get in touch with the Council for an update. We will need to contact the residents in the village to
ask for options and ideas for this land.
Joe raised the question about access to the allotment. He asked have we got permission to go over the field to the entrance. Howard will ask the nursery
for permission.
Give Wildlife a Chance
Kev Topping spoke about the crimes against Wildlife in Otters Croft and Crooke Woods. He asked that people report any suspicious behaviour in
these woods as recently two deer had been shot. He also said that the long eared bat population was down since the building of the new housing
estate at the end of Vicarage Lane and he along with other volunteers are going to monitor the bats. He spoke about the need to protect our
wildlife and would appreciate more volunteers for his group. He needs a team to clean up the woods and suggested that Winter might be the best
time for this to take place when all the foliage has died down. He handed out some leaflets which are going to be posted through the letter boxes
in the village and he will put up some signs around the village.
Graham said that the grant for the defibrillator is now going through.
Paul Green said that a man named David Gore had been in touch after seeing the website. He now resides in Sydney, Australia but was doing family
research and found that his ancestors had lived in Crooke and had built some of the houses. Paul had offered to take David and his cousin Mary on
a tour of the village and he will provide help with stories and pictures of the history of the village.
We will try to get to Moss Bank Nurseries a little earlier this year for plants for the NWIB.
Paul Green has produced a booklet for the judges of NWIB showing all the work done in the village since the start of the Crooke Residents Association.
Howard suggested that we have a Summer Picnic where people could bring their own food and play games etc.
The next litter pick will take place on 5th July 2015.
The meeting closed at 8.45pm. Thanks to the Crooke Hall Inn for the buffet.
Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting will be held on Monday 13th July 2015 at 7pm in the Crooke Hall Inn.
This concludes the minutes for June 2015.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for May 2015
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. 11th May 2015
Howard Cain, Derek Keen, Christine Keen, Peter Glynn, Tim Glynn, Dawn Glynn, Greg Liptrot, Steve Tebbit, Joseph Shovelton, Mike Thomas , Morag Tebbit,
Mike Crosby, Paul Collins, Paul Crook, Isabella Crook, Francesca Rapp, John Boin, Elizabeth Snowden, Jan Green, Paul Green, Alan and Jacklyne Coleman
Apologies from
Graham Foster, Damian Edwardson.
Minutes of April Meeting
Paul Green and Jan Green had sent their apologies as they could not attend the meeting but the secretary forgot to relay them to the meeting. Christine
Keen then proposed that the minutes be accepted as a true and accurate record, seconded by Stephen Tebbit and agreed by all.
Matters arising
Mike Crosby said he had not been given any jobs to do from the last meeting. Howard Cain apologised for not getting in touch due to family illness and
work commitments. The matter will be addressed under councillor’s reports.
Treasurer’s Report
There was none as treasurer was not present.
Reports from councillors
Mike Crosby told the meeting the good news that Paul Collins had been re-elected as a ward councillor with a staggering total of over 2700 votes. Mike
Thomas said congratulations to Paul and the entire company agreed. Mike Crosby went on to say that he has known Paul for 5 years, and he has shown
himself to be a good colleague and good friend. Mike carried on saying that they work well as a team, with Damian Edwardson. They treat everyone
the same regardless what politics they follow. They work for everyone in the ward. He carried on by saying that they also worked well with Paul
Liptrot and that it was good that the team had stayed together. In the March meeting it had been said that the farmer had let the fields take over
the footpath. Mike had found out that the width of a footpath was a metre and that was what the footpath was. Joe Shovelton said it had been a
car’s width. But the width it is now is legally correct. Discussion followed about various issues regarding the fields and a number of farmers and
owners were involved. Mike Crosby will reopen the issue of the footpath again.
Mike carried on by saying that the painting of the footbridge near Lawns Wood had been started and would be finished. He will also deal with the netting
on the bridge. Mike also mentioned the defribulator not having been accessed, M Th to prompt Graham Foster on this issue.
Paul Collins thanked everyone who had voted for him. He and the other councillors were working together to tackle the litter problem and the dog fouling
problem, saying that they wanted to educate the people by increased signage in the area. Using enforcement would prove difficult and probably be
Derek introduced Francesca and John, Alan and Jacklyne, and Paul and Isabella
The spraying of the weeds in the village had not been done due to the inclement weather but will be done as soon as possible.
MTh has a machine that would be a great time saver when the path edges round the field are cut back. This will be done on Saturday 16th May from 10.00.
Derek and Paul had re-turfed the area round the Jubilee Stone. It looks really good. MTh said if anyone wanted to plant flowers, seeds, anywhere
in the village, please do. Paul Green mentioned the disrepair of the cobbles near the stone. MTh said he would look into this.
Derek explained to the newcomers about NWIB. It was decided that the preparations for getting ready for NWIB should go on next month’s agenda.
Paul Crook introduced himself saying he was interested in buying the grassy area near the canal. He assured the meeting that no building would be done.
The only thing that would be done with this land was that it would be kept neat and tidy. He worked with young people, mentioned the canoeing club
which used the canal and said that he would use that area for similar purposes.
Alan Coleman said the fence between the tow path and his property was in grave disrepair. As this was the property of the Canal and River Trust MTh
would liaise with them through Matt to rectify this problem.
Derek Keen said that over hanging branches of a tree had been pruned in the Ancient Woods, but this was to allow growth in the farmer’s field. MTh was
to investigate this matter with Andy Smallshaw’s help, as tree preservation rules might apply, and it was on Parish council owned land. Andy Smallshaw
was already coming to see the trees on the triangle near the sheds as they were dying from Dutch Elm disease. They need to be chopped down and replaced like for like.
The meeting closed at 7.55pm. Thanks to the Crooke Hall Inn for the buffet.
Parking was discussed. Paul Collins said that if we liked, we could let the councillors know that we had had anonymous complaints about the parking of
cars on pavements, thus obstructing pavement users. Then the councillors would try and deal with it. Perhaps we could talk to the people first. Parking
in the village is a problem as the way cars are parked, emergency vehicles such as fire engines could not access the village.
Paul Green said the council had taken the rubbish away, collected at the last litter pick. He had asked for gloves and bags to be delivered to Derek
Keen’s in preparation for the next litter pick.
Steve (from house no 49) will cut the grass in the allotment. Thank you, Steve.
The brewery should be tackling the pub fence on Tuesday.
The meeting closed at 8.45pm. Thanks to the Crooke Hall Inn for the buffet.
Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting will be held on Monday 8th June 2015 at 7pm in the Crooke Hall Inn.
This concludes the minutes for May 2015.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for April 2015
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. 13th April 2015
Howard Cain, Derek Keen, Christine Keen, Peter Glynn, Tim Glynn, Dawn Glynn, Greg Liptrot, Steve Tebbit, Kathy Bradley, Joseph Shovelton, Mike Thomas
(part time), Morag Tebbit, Elsie Heaton, Alison Langton Goodchild, Paul Goodchild, Trisha Calderbank, Alex Calderbank.
Apologies from
Graham Foster, Sandra Musgrove, Mike Crosby, Paul Collins , Damian Edwardson, Paul Liptrot, Norman Hart, Hilda Snowden, Alan Coleman, Mike Smith,
Jim Haynes.
Minutes of March Meeting
Christine Keen proposed that the minutes be accepted as a true and accurate record, seconded by Derek Keen and agreed by all.
Matters arising
Steve Tebbit said that the fence between the church and the nursery had been repaired that morning.
Treasurer’s Report
There was none as treasurer was not present.
Reports from councillors
None present.
1) Repair shed roof to stop ingress of water. This was agreed to be done asap when the weather became drier. The council was going to give us a
grant for the materials for the roof but we have the materials. So DK will ask if the grant money could be used for a cutting edge machine instead,
costing about £200.
2) Cutting back the sides of the footpaths was a task to be done in the next fortnight. A date will be arranged.
3) The painting of the fence alongside the Crooke Hall Inn will be done by CVRA volunteers with the materials supplied by the brewery. The deadline
for this was end of June as NWIB was coming to inspect. This was still to happen.
4) The desilting of the ponds in Lawn’s Wood was to be deferred. Part of the land involved is owned by a Mr Houghton. The owner’s father said
his son was unhappy about any activity happening round the pond. So nothing will be done at the moment. HC will enquire of the councillors where
this stands with the Beat It team or Groundwork.
5) The Himalayan Balsam in Lawn’s Wood will be cut down just before the seeds disperse in the summer.
6) More wild flowers (poppies) will be sown.
7) DK and group will go round the village spraying weeds on the 25th April at 10 am. A litter pick will be arranged for that day.
8) Paint for the bridge was still being waited on from CRT. DK will remind the CRT.
DK and his small team work so hard for the village and deserve much praise.
Kath Bradley has asked people to help in village activities and has been able to produce a list of willing helpers. Thank you Kath.
MT will put a notice in the noticeboard regarding the spraying of the village ‘s weeds and the litter pick to be done from 10 am on Saturday the
25th April.
DK said that the netting on the bridge going on to the main road, sited at the Lawn’s Wood side of the field was dangerous and needed repairing.
HC will inform the councillors.
Greg Liptrot informed the meeting that Sandra Musgrove had asked that a bench with a plaque be erected in memory of Brian, her husband. The boaters
have raised money for this, and the village will also be involved. Trisha Calderwood did not want this bench to be erected opposite her house but Greg
said it would be put in the pub car park. Trisha also mentioned too high shrubs obscuring her view of the canal. HC will ask the councillors if they
could be trimmed.
JS mentioned the illegal signs of “Private No Parking” These will be quietly taken down.
HC expressed his disquiet about the car parking at the corner of Crooke Road by the notice board. Cars were jutting out making the road dangerous. HC
will talk discreetly with the owners of the cars, explaining the dangers that are in place because of the positioning of the parked cars.
Christine Keen and a number of other residents were worried about the presence of a group of teenagers arriving from outside the village, especially at
the weekend. When approaching the group, the young people got quite abusive to Christine and the group of residents she was with. They had phoned 121
but had had no real response from the police. MT will phone the PCSOs explaining our concerns.
HC will put the names and contact details of the PCSOs on the next agenda. Their details are on the village notice board.
Congratulations were expressed to Alison and Paul on their wedding on the 29th March in the Lake District. The photos were lovely.
The meeting closed at 7.55pm. Thanks to the Crooke Hall Inn for the buffet.
Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting will be held on Monday 11th May 2015 at 7pm in the Crooke Hall Inn.
This concludes the minutes for April 2015.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for March 2015
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. 9th March 2015
Howard welcomed all to the meeting in the absence of Mike Thomas.
Howard Cain, Derek Keen, Janette Green, Paul Green, Christine Keen, Hilda Snowden, Peter Glynn, Greg Liptrot, Steve Tebbit, Kathy Bradley, Sheila Milnes,
Marlaine Whitham, Sandra Makin, Paula Richmond, Joseph Shovelton, Wendy Williams, Martin Flanagan, Mike Smith, Damian Edwardson, Mike Crosby.
Apologies from
Sandra Musgrove, Paul Liptrot, Norman Hart, Paul Collins, Dawn Glynn.
Minutes of February Meeting
Christine Keen proposed that the minutes be accepted as a true and accurate record, seconded by Paul Green and agreed by all.
Matters arising
Kath Bradley is beginning to put together a list of people willing to help in projects. Hopefully lots of people will put their names down.
Treasurer’s Report
Graham just mentioned that he was going to renew the public liability insurance, at just under £80.
Shevington Fete
The date of the Fete has been arranged at the Shevington Parish Council meeting, for Saturday the 1st of August, 11am to 4pm.
1) Finish cutting hedges at the side of the park. Paula Richmond and Sandra Makin both said that the hedges had been trimmed too much and it was
detrimental to the privacy in the Richmonds’ garden. After some discussion it was felt that enough trimming had been done for this year and to leave
the hedges to grow back. Thanks to Paul and Derek for their time and effort in making Crooke a tidier place.
2) Repair shed roof to stop ingress of water. This was agreed to be done asap.
3) Prune trees around park This was agreed to be left for this year.
4) It was agreed by the meeting that The Crooke Village Allotment was to be generally tidied up, and later in the spring/summer there would be an
investigation started on the presence/absence of toads. As yet the future of the allotment was still undecided.
5) Cutting back the sides of the footpaths was a task to be done in the next fortnight. A date will be arranged.
6) The painting of the fence alongside the Crooke Hall Inn will be done by CVRA volunteers with the materials supplied by the brewery. The
deadline for this was end of June as NWIB was coming to inspect.
7) The desilting of the ponds in Lawn’s Wood was to be deferred. Discussion followed as to who owned said ponds. Mike Smith said that the
steps were getting quite dangerous. Mike Crosby and Damian Edwardson have taken on board these problems and will approach the Beat it Team and
8) The creating of the barge floral unit was a non starter for the church Steve Tebbit said, as it would encroach on the space for events
on that grassy area. DK mentioned a clock had been suggested to the church but again the church said it would not be a good idea as the upkeep
would be too much and problems had emerged in another of John Hilton’s churches, regarding the clocks not keeping time. Other places were
discussed for the putting of flowers, eg the walkway where the railway line had gone. Flowers had been planted last year but had not survived
as it was too shady. Flowers could not be planted round the Millennium Stone as it was too shady and had poor soil.
9) The Himalayan Balsam in Lawn’s Wood would be cut down just before the seeds disperse in the Summer.
10) Wild flowers will be planted round the interpretation board. And also wild flower seeds will be scattered on any bare pieces of land.
11) DK and group will go round the village spraying weeds in April.
12) Paint for the bridge was still being waited on from CRT.
13) The Millennium Stone will be treated later in the year.
Derek has done a list of work that needs doing in the village. DK and his small team who work so hard for the village deserve much praise.
Councillors Reports
Mike Crosby said he would email DK about the Beat It team etc and the work needed to be done. He apologised for the lack of councillors attending the
recent meetings but they had other meetings to attend on Monday nights. Mike also said that the defibulator still had not been accessed. GF said that
he tried on numerous occasions but was unable to register on the site even with the help of Paula Clisham. MC would investigate. There was to be a
Borough Wide Clean up in the week beginning 21st March organised by Keep Britain Tidy in conjunction with Wigan. In Shevington people were asked to
meet at Shevington Library at 10 am on the 21st March. MT will put notice up in Crooke noticeboard advertising this event. MC will also chase up
concerns about the bridle path from Crooke to Shevington regarding trees being cut too far back in some places and the farmer taking over the footpath
in other places.
Joe Shovelton mentioned the horrendous barbed wire round a site on the outskirts of the village. This barbed wire is supposed to be being
replaced by hedges soon.
Sandra Makin mentioned the fence between the nursery and the church was down. She and Derek Keen had approached Wigan Council for it to be repaired
but nothing has happened. In November of last year loads of massive fireworks had been set off and there was lots of debris left. MC was going to ask
the Parks department. She also asked the councillors if they could approach the nursery staff to ask them not to park in that area.
Sheila Milnes from the Shevington and District Community Association asked the people at the meeting to approach our councillors who were always
willing to help.
Marlaine Whitham from the SDCA presented an achievement award to the secretary of CVRA. The secretary was shocked to have been nominated, but was
delighted to accept. She was humbled by the award and at the time did not say much. But in reflection she feels that it was an honour to be nominated
for an achievement award and is really delighted to accept it, especially while she is doing something for Crooke, the village she has come to love.
Thanks to those who put her name forward.
The meeting closed at 8.30pm. Thanks to the Crooke Hall Inn for the buffet.
Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting will be held on Monday 13th April 2015 at 7pm in the Crooke Hall Inn.
This concludes the minutes for March 2015.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for February 2015
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. 9th February 2015
Mike Thomas, Howard Cain, Derek Keen, Janette Green, Paul Green, Christine Keen, Hilda Snowden, Paul Goodchild, Allison Langton, Peter Glynn, Dawn Glynn,
Greg Liptrot, Steve Tebbit, Kathy Bradley, Alan Coleman, Matt Taylor.
Apologies from
Morag Tebbit, Sandra Musgrove, Paul Liptrot, Norman Hart, Paul Collins, Graham Foster, Mandy (no. 83).
Minutes of January Meeting
Howard Cain proposed that the minutes be accepted as a true and accurate record, seconded by Derek Keen and agreed by all.
Matters arising
Paul Green and Derek Keen had trimmed the hedges to the level of the fence on the roadside near to the children’s playground. Well done to both.
Treasurer’s Report
No report, Treasurer not present.
Canal and River Trust
Matt Taylor from the Canal and River Trust attended the meeting to tell us what was involved in volunteering for the Canal and River Trust. He said that
there is either an Adoption Scheme or a Partnership. Kathy Bradley asked what is the difference between the two schemes. Matt explained that the
Partnership would be on a less formal basis but with the Community Adoption it formalizes the agreement with them for any work undertaken by us.
We would have to sign forms and would have a set area along the canal to work on and training and materials would be provided. We would need to
report to Matt when we do any work and they will also provide Risk Assessments and Health and Safety advice. If we choose to join there would be
a 12 month timeline and when this expires we would be able to rejoin if we wanted to. He will also speak to the T.A. regarding volunteers to work
with us on future projects. Matt is leaving a brochure for us to read regarding the scheme.
Allison Langton and Paul Goodchild asked if something can be done to the part of the canal bank just beyond the pipe bridge as it is like a quagmire
at the moment and never seems to dry out fully even in good weather. Matt said that he will have a word with the Enterprise Scheme to see if he
can get some funding for the necessary works to be done. He is going try and get some answers about the repairs that need doing to bridge 47 in
Crooke. He says that we can contact him if we see any work that needs attending to.
Shevington Fete
The arrangements for the Fete haven’t been discussed at the Shevington Parish Council meeting yet. Mike Thomas will keep us informed.
Derek has done a list of work that needs doing in the village. Kathy Bradley says that we also need a list of jobs that have been mentioned at previous
meetings but haven’t been attended to. This list of tasks will be presented at the next meeting for discussion. Kathy is also going to do a list
of people who wish to get involved in the work in the village.
A litter pick was arranged for Saturday 21th February, weather permitting.
Mandy from number 83 has had a fall that required a hip replacement and has asked if we can assist in getting her a ground floor flat. Jim Haynes
does some work with Adactus Housing so he will be contacted to see if he can help.
Paul Green suggested that a new drain be sunk at the bottom of the footpath near to the playground where it ponds and a pipe leading from there
to the stream to help drain the waterlogged ground there behind the hedge. Steve Tebbit says that the existing drain is there but it is blocked.
We will ask the Ward Councillors for help on this. Paul also says that Lawns Wood needs some more woodchip on the footpaths. Derek Keen will
order some more.
The meeting closed at 8.10pm. Thanks to the Crooke Hall Inn for the buffet.
Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting will be held on Monday 9th March 2015 at 7pm in the Crooke Hall Inn.
This concludes the minutes for February 2015.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for January 2015
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. 12th January 2015
Mike Thomas, Howard Cain, Derek Keen, Janette Green, Paul Green, Christine Keen, Hilda Snowden, Paul Goodchild, Alison Langton, Joe Shovelton,
Graham Foster, Sandra Musgrove, Peter Glynn, Dawn Glynn, Greg Liptrot.
Apologies from
Damian Edwardson, Paul Collins, Mike Crosby, Morag Tebbit, Steve Tebbit, Kath Cain.
Welcome to new village residents
Peter and Dawn Glynn were welcomed to the village.
Minutes of December Meeting
Christine Keen proposed that the minutes be accepted as a true and accurate record, seconded by Paul Green and agreed by all.
Matters arising
Mike Thomas said that the problems with the stream adjacent to the children’s park were now resolved.
Treasurer’s Report
We have £2300 in the CVRA bank account and £155 in the petty cash. Sums of £80 for Public Liability insurance, £500 for the Christmas Cards
for 2015 and £200 for the Over 60’s Christmas Lunch 2015 have been set aside.
Derek Keen said that nothing had been done in the village because of the weather. Derek then went on to propose several things that needed doing
when the weather improved.
The loose kerbstones that had been laid between numbers 99a to 101 need concreting into place. Cars are turning around there and displacing them.
We would need sand, cement, and a machine to do the road plainings. Joe Shovelton thinks that stones on the road wouldn’t bed in but road plainings
would be suitable. We will need to look at the cost of doing this work. Mike Thomas will ring Paul Collins to see if something can be done about
the footpath in the same area as it is in a poor condition.
The hedges opposite the Marina need trimming down to the level of the fence. This will give a clearer view of the children playing in the park
from the road.
There are two trees lying over the pathway in Lawns wood. Mike Thomas will go down with a chainsaw to remove these.
Mr. Taylor from the Canal and Rivers Trust has said that they will provide the materials and paint to make good the fence at the front of 100,
The fence at the side of the pub needs a fresh coat of weather protection. This will be a project for the better weather.
Work in preparation for the North West in Bloom competition needs to start earlier this year as it was left a little too late last year.
A litter pick was arranged for Saturday 17th January, weather permitting.
New Neighbour Welcoming Pack
Howard Cain asked if we have one. It was said that Paul Green produced one previously but it was only used a couple of times. Paul Green will
sort out a new welcome pack.
A donation of £50 was made to Macmillan in memory of Brian Musgrove on behalf of the CVRA.
Graham has tried to log in to the website to apply for the grant for the defibrillator but hasn’t been successful. He will try again with Greg
Liptrot’s details.
Paul Green says that we need to finish work on the tool shed. We will put it on the schedule.
It was asked if we had ever had any organised events in the village. Up to now we have always piggybacked with other organisations apart from the
Over 60’s Christmas lunch. If anyone has any ideas for future events please bring them up at the next meeting.
The meeting closed at 8.10pm. Thanks to the Crooke Hall Inn for the buffet.
Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting will be held on Monday 9th Februrary 2015 at 7pm in the Crooke Hall Inn.
This concludes the minutes for January 2015.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for December 2014
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. 10th December 2014
Mike Thomas, Derek Keen, Janette Green, Paul Green, Christine Keen, Hilda Snowden, Steve Tebbit, Paul Goodchild, Alison Langton, Joe Shovelton,
Graham Foster, Morag Tebbit, Alex Cornish, Greg Liptrot
Apologies from
Damian Edwardson, Paul Collins, Mike Crosby, Sandra Musgrove, Paul Liptrot, Howard Cain.
Minutes of November Meeting
After, under the heading of The Shed, the word “acquiring” was changed to “recovering”, Graham Foster proposed that the minutes be accepted
as a true and accurate record, seconded by Steve Tebbit and agreed by all.
Chair’s Report
Mike Thomas told the meeting that Brian Musgrove had sadly died after a not so long illness. He said Brian was a stalwart. We must remember him
as a good laugh, rebel, b….. and a gentleman. He will be missed. Chris told the meeting that his funeral will be held at Ince Crematorium on
Friday 12th December at 2pm, and after in the Cellar Bar at Crooke Hall Inn. Sandra thanks everyone for their good wishes and asks that donations
could be sent to MacMillan nurses in lieu of flowers. MTh proposed, and seconded by DK, that CVRA will send a donation of £50.
Treasurer’s Report
GF said that Jen had told him that the Ukelele club had donated £100 to the CVRA. They wanted to thank the village for putting up with them and
wanted to put something back in to the village. We thank the Ukelele club very much. GF will gave a card to Greg saying thank you.
Seniors Dinner
The Seniors Christmas lunch will take place on 10th December 2014. Between 18 and 20 seniors will be attending. Graham Foster, M Thomas and
Alison Thomas will be helping serve the lunch. There will be dvd, bingo, and a quiz provided by Jan Green. Sounds as if it will be great fun.
GF still has not been able to go on the Wigan website to acquire the defibrillator. It is not recognising the password. MTh will contact Paul
Collins. Allison Langton is trained in using the machine. Thank you very much for offering your services, Allison. The defibrillator will be
situated in the Crooke Hall Inn.
MTh said it would take only a couple of hours to make it usable.
For the time being CVRA will continue to keep it tidy. MTh and PG found that there was a path under the undergrowth, but a frost had stopped
them doing further tidying of the site.
Paul Green said that he had sold £920 gross worth of Christmas cards, giving a profit of £491.20. Everyone congratulated Paul on this
magnificent achievement. He had also sold a Smartwater product to the family at 100 Crooke village.
The damming of the stream was discussed. The actual damming creates more flooding than if it had been left. There were a number of new ponds
near the play area, so parents have to be more aware of the dangers these ponds created. The amount of dredged material had been dumped under the
hedge where the grass cuttings were put. ST said that a proper grill should be put in place with bars at 45 degrees which would hold back debris
and let water flow easily.
ST said that the phone call to the Canal and River Trust regarding the fallen tree on the tow path had prompted an immediate response. This was
a priority as it was blocking the tow path. They came the next day to chop the tree up and remove it from the tow path.
Discussion about the timing of the meeting of the meeting on a Monday followed. The ward councillors found it difficult to attend the CVRA meeting
as they had to attend council meetings on a Monday. But if asked especially, one would attend our meeting. They were in Shevington Library every
Saturday and of course could be contacted by phone or email. So it was decided to leave the meeting on a Monday night.
The meeting closed at 8.30pm. Thanks to the Crooke Hall Inn for the buffet.
Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting will be held on Monday 12th Janurary 2015 at 7pm in the Crooke Hall Inn.
This concludes the minutes for December 2014.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for November 2014
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. 10th November 2014
Mike Thomas, Howard Cain, Derek Keen, Janette Green, Paul Green, Christine Keen, Hilda Snowden, Steve Tebbit, Dorothy Byrne, Paul Goodchild, Joe
Shovelton, Graham Foster, Martin Flanagan, Wendy Williams, PCSO 63314 Higham, PCSO 69360 Stacey Whitehouse, PC 14392 Sean O’Connor.
Apologies from
Damian Edwardson, Paul Collins, Mike Crosby, Morag Tebbit, Sandra Musgrove, Brian Musgrove, Alison Langton, Paul Liptrot.
Derek Keen invited the Community Police to the meeting to discuss issues in the Crooke area.
PC Sean O’Connor spoke about preventative measures that were taken by the Police on Halloween and Bonfire nights regarding shed break ins etc.
Mike Thomas said that there had been an incident on his land recently which has now been resolved and Derek Keen was concerned about an electric bike
that was being ridden through the village. Sean said then said that all incidents should be reported to them and for an incident that is taking place
at that moment 999 should be called.
Sean then asked if there were any further concerns with the people living on the boats. It was said that parking on the grass was a problem and also
the smoke coming from the boats.
Matters arising
Mike Thomas reminded the members that at the last meeting it had been mentioned that in the stream near to the park some barriers had been
erected. When Mike spoke to the man responsible for building the barriers he said that there had been no objections by the authorities. There
is now ponding where these dams are that could be detrimental to the children that play in the park. Mike said that he would talk to the ward
councillors concerning this.
There is a tree down on the canal bank walking towards Appley Bridge. It was agreed to meet up on Saturday morning to attempt its removal.
Treasurer’s Report
Project Officer’s Report
At the North West in Bloom awards we achieved level 5 – Outstanding.
Shevington and District Community Association are having a function on 25th November 2014 with a Hot Pot supper. An event to mark Lancashire Day
is being held on the 27th November 2014.
A thank you was said to Sandra Makin for delivering the Silverline leaflets regarding loneliness and isolation in the home.
Seniors Dinner
The Seniors Christmas lunch will take place on 10th December 2014. An invitation and acceptance form will be printed by Graham Foster and sent
out to all eligible people.
Damian Edwardson has asked that CVRA apply for funding from the Brighter Borough Fund for the defibrillator. Graham Foster will attend to this.
The defibrillator will be kept at the Crooke Hall Inn.
The shed for the CVRA tools needs the work completing so that we can start to store tools there. Mike Thomas is to liaise with Jim Haynes with
a view to recovering the remaining CVRA tools.
There has been no news regarding the appeal or petition that was sent in to Wigan Council. Howard Cain has been in touch with Wigan Council to
ask them how the allotments are allocated but didn’t get a satisfactory explanation from them. For the time being CVRA will keep it tidy.
Paul Green said that the Christmas card sales are going well and that he has sold 90 packs up to now.
Joe Shovelton has asked if anyone knows if the farmer is still cutting the trees back up the fields towards Shevington because he is concerned
about the wildlife. The Councillors will be contacted on his behalf.
Derek Keen raised the subject of the high fence which has been erected at number 100 Crooke. He thinks it might be against the regulations.
Lottery Funding Applications
We have been sent word that Lottery Funding can be applied for if anyone has any good ideas. If anyone wishes to attend the meetings they are
the Turnpike Gallery, Leigh on the 19th November 2014 and The Lodge, Wigan Park on the 25th November 2014.
The meeting closed at 8.30pm. Thanks to the Crooke Hall Inn for the buffet.
Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting will be held on Monday 8th December 2014 at 7pm in the Crooke Hall Inn.
This concludes the minutes for November 2014.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for October 2014
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. 13th October 2014
Mike Thomas, Howard Cain,Graham Foster, Derek Keen, Greg Liptrot, Morag Tebbit, Jan Green, Paul Green, Christine Keen, Mike Crosby (councillor),
Paul Collins (councillor), E H Snowden, Ben Foster, Paul Goodchild, Allison Langton, Sandra Makin, Joe Shovelton, Dorothy Byrne, Wayne Hammond.
Apologies from
Damian Edwardson, Steve Tebbit, Sandra and Brian Musgrove.
Welcome from the Chairman
MTh welcomed everyone to this 5th AGM. He also said this was to be a joint meeting, ie an AGM, and a normal meeting.
Matters arising
8th September meeting
Sandra Makin said that “sleeping policemen” were mentioned at the last meeting. She aked if there would be more. This prompted discussion on general
issues to do with making the traffic more safe when parents were dropping their children off and collecting the children from the nursery. SM said that
the nursery has put in their newsletter for parents to travel safely through Crooke Village.It was discussed that the nursery could use part of their
land for parking places to free the church’s parking places. The issues discussed were making more sleeping policemen, making the route one way
clockwise, this was agreed by all. MTh asked whether we need permission from anyone to put signs up regardig the one way system. PC will pass it on to
Highways. The cobbles which were there acted as a rumble strip. A Give Way sign could be put up.
Minutes of the September Meetin.g
HC proposed that they were a true and accurate record, GF seconded it and all agreed.
Minutes of the Ocober 2013 AGM
PG proposed that they were a true and accurate record, GF seconded it and all agreed.
Chairman’s Report.
MTh said that the CVRA had done a lot of good work over the last year. He gave a personal thanks for all the projects which have been done and to
all the people who made them happen. The Christmas party for the “pensioners” was a great to success, to be repeated this year. He thanked all
the people who had helped in the village and said we can only encourage people to come and help. Commumication with the villagers was important
and if anything was asked for then it should be looked into.He went on to say that the future is potentially bright .He thanked everyone for
“putting up with me”.
Treasurer’s Report
GF thanked MTh ,DK, HC, and especially PG, for the raising £400 by the selling of Christmas cards, and Brian Musgrove for raising £68 in his
weekly raffles. At this point Christine Keen said that he was extremely ill, and he and Sandra should be in our thoughts and prayers.
SVice Chair’s Report
Secretary’s Report
Morag thanked Mike Thomas, Howard Cain, Derek Keen, Graham Foster and Paul Green for the massive amount of work done in the village in the past
year. Morag would like to thank Jan Green for stepping in to take the minutes and doing it exceedingly well. She thanked our councillors for
their unstinting support and commitment to the village, ie Damian Edwardson, Paul Collins and Mike Crosby. She thanked PG for his outstanding
website. She still thinks that the villagers feel that CVRA is doing a wonderful job in making Crooke a better place to live for all but they
don’t necessarily feel the need to come and help.
Project Officer’s Report
NWIB inspection went well, although we can’t get more than we got last year, a 5, as we are in the community category. The prize ceremony is
in Southport on the 23rd October to which Derek and Christine are going to go. MT had asked Sandra Makin to go with HC, but HC could not go as
he was working, and SM declined also. MTh said that she was personally noted by the inspection committee for her wonderful colourful display.
Discussion followed about general tidying , maintenance, litter picks etc. It was commented that the council were responsible for cutting the
grass. DK had sprayed the area in preparation for the sewing of wild flowers. JS said that the group had done a cracking job in tidying the
paths. Litter picks were discussed. The canal towpath was looked after by the Canal and River Trust which now it is a voluntary organisation has
very little money for maintenance of towpaths. Dog poo in the village was noted as being a problem. Some dog owners are not good picking up their
pet’s poo, despite notices being evident. There were 3 dog litter bins in the area, one as you go into the field near the play park, one at the
bridge going out of the field on to the main road and one at the grass triangle outside DK ‘s house,( provided by MTh). The Parish Council pay
someone to empty them. MTh has another bin which Greg Liptrot said could be put at the edge of the pub carpark. MTh would ask John Ball and
Krystina Pilkington if the Parish Council could empty it along with the others.Greg had already asked the Wigan Council for a bin but the request
had been denied. Paul Goodchild said he could provide a concrete base for said bin if asked.
Reports from Councillor's
Mike Crosby said that
1) the tidying of the footpath to Martland Mill at the other side of the Douglas was to be tackled by the Beat It Team in December either in the
Douglas Ward or our ward.
2) Defibulators were going to put in strategic places round the ward, one of which was going to be the Crooke Hall Inn. CVRA to approach Brighter
Borough funding for money for training.There is a new BB form on line. MC asked MTh and HC to liaise with Brighter Borough Funding.
Paul Collins wanted to raise awareness about the Loneliness and Isolation initiative. This problem is getting more apparent as people were
living longer. He had been to a meeting of the Shevington Dementia Caring Group. He distributed leaflets and notices about this initiative. One
notice would be placed on the notice board and PG would put information on the website.Maybe we need to create local centres. But there were
telephone numbers on the leaflets and the notices for people to use to get in touch.
Standing Down of Present Officers and Election of New Officers
Graham Foster thanked the members who were standing down.
MTh was nominated to be chair and after some deliberation agreed to stand, with maybe Howard taking over next year.GF proposed that MTh be
nominated as chair, DK seconded this and all agreed. The meeting was then asked for the nominations for vice chair. Howard Cain was proposed by
GF and seconded by PG., and all agreed. DK was asked if he would continue to do his project officer job, PG proposed him as said officer and was
seconded by MTh., all agreed. MT was proposed as secretary by MTh and seconded by DK, and all agreed. MT thanked JG for her secretary skills when
MT could not be secretary, and asked JG if this situation could continue. JG agreed to continue as stand in. DK proposed GF as treasurer,
seconded by PG and all agreed. MTh asked if PG was going to continue doing the website and PG said yes.
The rental of the allotment by CVRA was discussed at great length. It was agreed that Allison Langton and Paul Goodchild would continue asking
the council for the allotment to be reallocated. There will be no action taken by the CVRA until that situation is resolved.
PG circulated the new Christmas cards and the format was agreed.
JS had had a walk round the village and the secretary has minuted that JS had found a barbed wire fence round Mr Thomas senior’s property. He was
going to investigate the legality of this.
SM informed the meeting that metal barriers had been put in the stream at the outskirts of the village which are causing severe flooding in wet
conditions. MTh said he would investigate.
SM was going to circulte leaflets about Loneliness and Isolation. Thank you Sandra.
There will be a Soup and sandwiches lunch at the church on Thursday 23rd October from 11.30am til 2.00pm.
The meeting closed at 9.00pm and was followed by a buffet provided by Greg and Jen Liptrot, thanks to them.
Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting will be held on Monday 10th November 2014 at 7pm in Crooke Hall Inn
This concludes the minutes for October 2014.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for September 2014
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. 8th September 2014
Mike Thomas, Howard Cain, Graham Foster, Derek Keen, Christine Keen, Janette Green, Paul Green, Steve Tebbit, Morag Tebbit, Cassy Wade,
Nic Pope, Martin Flanagan, Wendy Williams, Greg Liptrot.
Apologies from
Damian Edwardson, Sandra and Brian Musgrove, Norman Hart, Elizabeth (Hilda) Snowden, Mike Crosby, Paul Collins.
Minutes of August meeting.
Howard Cain proposed that the minutes be accepted as a true and accurate record, seconded by Derek Keen and agreed by all.
Mike Thomas brought it to the attention of the meeting that Brian Musgrove is still very ill, waiting for an operation, and
asked us to remember Brian and Sandra in our thoughts and prayers.
Matters arising
At the last meeting the future of the NHS in Wigan was discussed under the heading Healthier Together. MT seemed to have
been the only person to have received information in what should be an open consultation period. There is to be an open meeting
at the DW Stadium at 5.30pm on the 18th September 2014.
Chair's Report
Vice Chair's Report
Secretary’s Report
Treasurer’s Report
GF said there was £1776.30 in the bank, £400 in petty cash, and money had been set aside for Christmas cards and the Senior Persons’
Christmas lunch.
Wigan Councillor's Reports
None present.
ST asked about whether the Beat it team had been in the village. They had been but had not done the area after the Douglas River bridge on the
path up to Heinz. This was in another area, not Crooke.
MTh had attended the parish council meeting and Krystina Pilkington had noted that the footpath up to the gate going up towards Shevington was
in a poor state. However this is an un-adopted road. Who would fund the improvement?
John Maiden had noted that the traffic coming into the village at Nursery opening times and picking up times was very busy, and the cars travelled
at great speed. Sleeping policemen were discussed in an attempt to slow the traffic down. The making of a one way system around the green outside
the church was discussed. MTh will ask about the provision of more sleeping policemen. Cars were parked dangerously at the corner. The situation
as it stands is very worrying as the parking would affect adversely the movement of any emergency vehicles summoned to any emergency in the village.
And there was a danger to people/children walking. MTh will talk to Paul Collins.
PG mentioned the trimming of the hedge next to the field. This would be discussed at the Saturday 20th meeting.
The meeting closed at 7.50pm. Thanks to the Crooke Hall Inn for the buffet.
Date of Next Meeting
Monday 13th October 2014 at 7pm in the Crooke Hall Inn.
This concludes the minutes for September 2014.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for August 2014
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. 11th August 2014
Mike Thomas, Howard Cain, Derek Keen, Christine Keen, Janette Green, Paul Green, Steve Tebbit, Morag Tebbit, Paul Collins, Mike Crosby,
Adrian Speakman, Cassy Wade.
Apologies from
Damian Edwardson, Sandra and Brian Musgrove, Norman Hart, Graham Foster, Elizabeth (Hilda) Snowden.
Minutes of July meeting.
It was noted that Damian Edwardson’s report was given at the beginning of the meeting as he had another meeting to attend. Paul Green
then proposed that the minutes be accepted as a true and accurate record, seconded by Christine Keen and agreed by all.
Mike Thomas brought it to the attention of the meeting that Brian Musgrove was very ill in hospital and asked us to remember
Brian and Sandra in our thoughts and prayers.
Chair's Report
Vice Chair's Report
Secretary’s Report
Treasurer’s Report
GF not present.
Wigan Councillor's Reports
Mike Crosby thanked everyone for voting for him in the last election. And apologised to those who didn’t but they would have to stick
with him. He pointed out that really anyone could stand for election to be councillor as only 10 signatures are needed to put your name
forward for election. He continued by saying that all the councillors were an effective team and will continue to work together for the
ward. Everyone at the meeting aired their approval of Mike’s reappointment and the fact that all our councillors worked very hard for
all of us in their ward.
MC said that the Beat It team would be in the ward between the 1st and 5th September. After discussion it was agreed, and MC was made
aware that Lawn’s Wood would be an area that the team could work on, the path from the Douglas River up toward Heinz needed attention
(MC said he would tell the appropriate ward councillors) and our allotment needed strimming and a general tidying. There is an ongoing
consultation about the future of hospitals in our area. The towpath between Crooke and Gathurst was talked about as it was very muddy.
PC said he would get in touch with the Cooperative, and MTh said he would contact the Canal and River Trust.
HC asked about Healthier Together, which is being put forward by CCG (Clinical Commissioning Group) talking about the creation of
specialist hospitals. This will have an immense effect on the Wigan area with some services leaving the area. Our councillors will fight
to keep those services in the Wigan area. Councillors had been at the Shevington Fair and had discussed this topic there. A leaflet and
consultation document has been sent out to the public but few seem to have received this document. ST and MT have received this document,
and ST said it was a bit ambiguous in its questions. This topic was supposed to have been addressed at this CVRA meeting but information
had not been as widely circulated as expected and so it will be put on the agenda for the next meeting. PC will email information to the
members of this meeting.
MC said that the new equipment had been put in place in the play area in Crooke, and the new equipment all over the Ward may be moved
around as needed.
PC then introduced Adrian Speakman to the meeting. Adrian is from Shevington and is a member of the Youth Cabinet for Shevington, Shevington
Moor, Appley Bridge and Crooke. He will be shadowing PC. He is doing the course Asdan, and 12 months ago started a Learning Disability
initiative tackling work opportunities for those with learning disabilities and learning problems. He will be working with all of our
councillors. MTh said he was very welcome to come to Crooke. Adrian is also working on a national issue, “Make Your Mark”, visiting schools
in Shevington and talking with our Member of Parliament in the House of Commons.
DK said the inspection went as well as expected. The quality of the flowers we received from Moss Bank was not as good as previously received.
The children from the Nursery had been asked if they could be present in the allotment but due to Health and Safety regulations children are not
allowed to play outside at certain times of the day. As a result no children were able to be present at the time of the inspection. MC said
though that it was great that we have got the allotment. The children will be able to make a contribution in due time.
PC said we have to prioritise our needs and ask for funding.
MT thanked DK, MTh, PG and GF for their tireless work they did and do in the village, and of course all the other people who do their bit too.
MTh said that Sandra Makin was singled out for her beautiful display at the side of her house. MT will pass this praise on from the CVRA.
Shevington Fete
MTh apologised for not being in attendance but personal matters had overtaken him. We wish Alison all the best for her forthcoming hospital
appointments and surgery.
DK and PG had been at the Fair since 8.30 on the Saturday and been in attendance at the stall all day until 4 pm with CK, JG, and MT. We had
lots of interested visitors including Madge Tempest who had written a History of Shevington, Standish Lower Ground and Crooke. PG was going to
investigate. Andrew Gibson expressed an interest and also could provide a brass band for future events. His father had been born in Woodcock Row.
Harry Barker and his wife, and Ruth Chapman all gave information about people in old photographs. Thanks to them all. MT thanked all who had
manned the stall. Well done to PG and CK who had produced photographs and needlework and won prizes.
PG had produced 5 lots of 8 notelets at the cost of 50p each. Sale price is £1 each or 5 for £4.00. MT had sold a set at the fair and another
set. PG had sold a CD of Crooke.
MT was going to try and sell more at the coffee morning on Saturday 16th August. The notelets are going to be re-jigged and discussed at the
next meeting along with the new Christmas Cards. Thanks to PG for his hard work producing these cards.
ST asked about the progress of the land registry investigation. PG and KB had been to the Town Hall and obtained a copy of a map of Crooke and
the surrounding area showing what was owned by Wigan Council and what was privately owned. That will be emailed to all when MT has received a
Present at the meeting was Cassy Wade who was given a warm welcome by MTh. Cassy lives on the narrowboat called The Chocolate Frog moored at
the Crooke Cruising Club. She told us that Nick Pope was Commodore, and Mike Booth was Vice Commodore of the CCC. There was some discussion
about concerns about the green area to the side of the pub. This would be dealt with at next month’s meeting under the umbrella title, Crooke
Cruising Club.
PG asked if agendas could be emailed out to people. HC apologised for lack of production of the agenda but personal circumstances overtook
events. In future HC will produce the agendas as arranged. The secretary will distribute them by hand to the village, and send them out by email.
The meeting closed at 8.20pm.
Date of Next Meeting
Monday 8th September 2014 at 7pm in the Crooke Hall Inn.
This concludes the minutes for August 2014.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for July 2014
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. 14th July 2014
Mike Thomas, Derek Keen, Janette Green, Paul Green, Brian Musgrove, Martin Flanigan, Wendy Williams, Steve Tebbit, Morag Tebbit.
Greg Liptrot, Paul Collins, Damian Edwardson, Christine Keen, Paul Liptrot. Graham Foster.
Apologies from
Mike Crosby, Sandra Musgrove, Howard Cain, Elizabeth (Hilda) Snowden.
Minutes of June meeting.
After a change in the language of the minutes in “ Land Adjacent to Crooke Hall Inn” raised by GF ,Graham Foster proposed that the
minutes be accepted as a true and accurate record, seconded by Paul Green and agreed by all.
Land Adjacent to Crooke Hall Inn
Paul Campbell had given permission to MTh to cut the grass as a one off. But the council had been approached by GF to help with
the cutting due to the length of the grass. So the area is going to be left as it is for the time being. Paul Campbell has left
his mooring and no one knows when he will return.
Lawns Wood
See under Project Officer’s report.
Chair's Report
Vice Chair's Report
Not in attendance.
Secretary’s Report
Treasurer’s Report
GF stated that there was no change from the last meeting.
Wigan Councillor's Reportst
Damian Edwardson said
The rumours about developing the land at the z bends were completely unfounded. There would be no development there as
it was Green Belt.
It was a fact that there was a strike on Thursday 10th July and no bins had been collected. The council would collect
the black bins in 2 weeks and allow 2 black bin bags as well.
There is an ongoing consultation about the future of hospitals in our area. Healthier Together, is being put forward by
CCG (Clinical Commissioning Group) talking about the creation of specialist hospitals. This will have an immense effect on the
Wigan area with some services leaving the area. Our councillors will fight to keep those services in the Wigan area. A leaflet
and consultation document will be sent out to the public in the very near future. This topic will be addressed at the next CVRA
meeting. It will be put on the agenda for the next meeting and circulated to the residents of Crooke.
Project Officer’s Report.
DK asked about the boats on the Crooke Cruising Club site.
DK said the chippings had been put down in Lawn’s Wood. MTh thanked all who had helped.
DK also said that the grass in front of the church had been cut and the entrance to the village had been tidied. Thank you DK and GF.
PG had added an item, re Ben Cummings visiting the village?
PG had produced 5 lots of 8 notelets at the cost of 50p each. MT had tried to sell them at the church fair but had been knocked back
as they were not raising money for the church solely. MT had said that half the proceeds would have gone to the CVRA, and half to the
church and she would donate the equivalent money to the CVRA. However at the meeting it was decided that she would take the notelets
to the Shevington Fete and sell them there at £1 each or 5 for £4.50. Thank you Paul for making them.
Shevington Fete.
This will take place on the 2nd August. GF had contacted Marlene Whitham and paid for a stall where we will put up photos (PG to provide)
on notice boards( DK to provide) and people from CVRA would man it and promote our village of Crooke. The councillors were also setting up
a stall there, as were the CCG. There was a meeting scheduled to be held in Shevington Methodist Church on 22nd July at 7pm. People were
invited to attend this meeting to finalise arrangements.
The inspection will take place on Thursday 24th July at 13.05.
On Wednesday 16th MTh was going to go to the nursery to pick up plants for planting in the village and give some to the church. MTh will
talk to Daniel Chapman at The Owd Barn to see if he could plant up the banking on the garage side of the road at the entrance to the village.
DK will cut the hedges round the park. The hedges between the road and the field (just after the bridge coming in to the village on the right)
would also be trimmed back. The fence at the back of the chapel would be fixed. DK and GF would spray the weeds round the village. MTh will
repair compost area. The stones at the roadside will be painted whit e. There is a litter pick scheduled for 9 am on Saturday 19th July. ALL
WELCOME! DK has permission from Yvonne at the Marina to walk round there.
Work on this project is at a standstill at the moment. But MTh will ask Alex Cornish to arrange for some children from the nursery to be
working on the allotment when the inspection party are in the village.
The shed was to be sorted after the inspection.
ST asked about the progress of the land registry investigation. It was not known. PL suggested asking the Estates department or the Chief
Executive Department could be approached to find out the boundaries of properties. Or you go onto the internet with your boundary and you
could access maps. There was also an office for North Wigan area on The Wiend which could be approached.
The meeting closed at 8.20pm. There was a buffet produced by the pub. Thank you, Crooke Hall Inn. PG showed a film about the Lost
Treasures of Hadrian’s Wall. Thank you Paul.
Date of Next Meeting
Monday 11th August 2014 at 7pm in the Crooke Hall Inn.
This concludes the minutes for July 2014.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for June 2014
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. 9th June 2014
Mike Thomas, Howard Cain, Derek Keen, Janette Green, Paul Green, Brian Musgrove, Martin Freeman, Wendy Williams, Steve
Tebbit, Morag Tebbit. Greg Liptrot.
Apologies from
Damian Edwardson, Paul Collins, Mike Crosby, Christine Keen, Sandra Musgrove, Norman Hart.
Minutes of May meeting.
Brian Musgrove proposed that the minutes be accepted as a true and accurate record, seconded by Paul Green and agreed by all.
Land Adjacent to Crooke Hall Inn
Paul Campbell had given permission to MTh to cut the grass as a one off. But the council had been approached by GF to help with
the cutting due to the length of the grass. So the area is going to be left as it is for the time being. Paul Campbell has left
his mooring and no one knows when he will return.
Lawns Wood
DK said that 2 loads of chippings had been delivered and MTh said that the work would be done this week. A working party for 9.30
on Saturday 14th June has been arranged. John Maiden is responsible for the preparation of the site.
Chair's Report
Vice Chair's Report
Secretary’s Report
She apologised for forgetting last month’s meeting as she had put it in her diary as being on the Tuesday.
Treasurer’s Report
GF stated that the current account currently stood at £1776.35. There was £458 in petty cash.
No Wigan Councillors were present
Project Officer’s report.
DK said that they were going to cut back the edges round the park asap.
He also said the council had cut the grass opposite 108.
And that GF had worked on the bridge’s weeds.
MTh was going to approach the council to ask the Beat It team to tidy up the entrance to the village. The edges on the
right side of the road (going out of the village) had been cut by its owner. HC had been approached by a village resident
that a person had been seen dumping grass behind the play park. As this was fly tipping, MTh was going to inform the council.
Another litter pick was going to be arranged just before the NWIB inspection in August. The last litter pick produced less
litter than the previous one.
DK had informed the council about a gas leak at the entrance to the village. This has duly been fixed.
HC informed the meeting that his wedding party was going to take place on Saturday 12th August. The landlord or the Royal Oak has
kindly agreed to the parking of wedding guest cars in his car park. John Maiden has kindly agreed to the parking of wedding guest
cars on his land if required. MT and ST were going to ask the church if the area around the church could be used.
Mick Thomas brought up the subject of note-lets to be produced. They would be like the Christmas cards the sale of which has been
very successful. Thank you PG. They would have a photograph of Crooke on the front and the inside would be blank. They could then
be used as Happy Birthday cards, sympathy cards, congratulations, good luck etc. PG was going to produce some examples.
GL informed the meeting that at the Beer Festival in September a Morris Dancing troupe would like to perform on the road outside
the pub. This was a courtesy request.
Homewatch. MTh informed the meeting that he was the point of contact in Lower Ground and would forward any information to PG.
MTh told the meeting to very careful of people in the area who are acting suspiciously. They are probably looking for scrap metal.
Three young boys on motorcycles had also been seen.
Jim Haynes still has paperwork, and information about contacts. MTh was going to approach Jim.
The meeting closed at 8.20pm. A raffle was organised by Brian. Thank you, Brian. There was a buffet produced by the pub. Thank you,
Crooke Hall Inn. PG showed a film about the Black Country Living Museum.
Date of Next Meeting
MMonday 14th July 2014 at 7pm in the Crooke Hall Inn.
This concludes the minutes for June 2014.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for May 2014
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. 12th May 2014
Mick Thomas, Howard Cain, Derek Keen, Janette Green, Paul Green, Christine Keen, Hilda Snowden, Brian Musgrove,
Sandra Musgrove, Mike Crosby, Joe Shovelton.
Apologies from
Damian Edwardson, Paul Collins.
Minutes of April meeting.
Derek Keen proposed that the minutes be accepted as a true and accurate record, seconded by Howard Cain and agreed
by all.
Land Adjacent to Crooke Hall Inn
It was proposed that a discussion about this land be put on the agenda for the next meeting.
Lawns Wood
There has been a problem getting the wood chip for Lawns Wood but there should be a delivery within the next week.
Mick said that he is having a delivery of weed suppressant membrane and that it should be sufficient to do the footpath
so work can now commence on this project.
Howard says we now need a definite date to start this work and we need to ask the village to get involved.
Joe Shovelton asked could we not get some help from elsewhere as he thought that the project was too much for the
people of Crooke Village. Mike Crosby suggested that we get in touch with the Community Reparation Service to ask for help.
Treasurer’s Report
There was no change in our financial status.
Mike Crosby – Wigan Councillor
Mike thanked those with whom he has been involved whilst serving as a local councillor. His thanks were given in the
event of his losing his position in the forthcoming local elections. He gave a brief outline of the events that he has
been involved with and wishes to continue with if re-elected.
He also informed us that he has an ongoing project where he is trying to place defibrillators at strategic points across
the Wigan Borough including possibly getting one at the Crooke Hall Inn.
A litter pick has been scheduled for Saturday 17th May 2014. Mick Thomas will do some repairs to the tool store on the same date.
Mick Thomas informed us that he is in negotiations with Paul Campbell regarding the cutting of the grass on his land.
The meeting closed at 8.20pm. A raffle was organised by Brian, thank you Brian.
you Greg.
Date of Next Meeting
Monday 9th June 2014 at 7pm in the Crooke Hall Inn.
This concludes the minutes for May 2014.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for April 2014
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. 14th April 2014
Howard Cain, Derek Keen, Graham Foster, Janette Green, Paul Green, Mike Thomas, Morag Tebbit, Steve Tebbit,
Joe Shovelton, Brian Musgrove, Greg Liptrot , Mike Crosby, Damian Edwardson, Alex Cornish, Kath Bradley.
Apologies from
Paul Liptrot, Sandra Musgrove.
Minutes of March meeting.
Graham Foster proposed that the minutes be accepted as a true and accurate record, seconded by Howard Cain and
agreed by all.
Letter of Condolence
The secretary, Morag Tebbit had sent the letter of condolence to Joan Rae.
HC would be responsible for producing the agendas in future, on A5 , one side being the agenda, and the other
side, the addresses, telephone numbers and email addresses of the committee. People would be invited to get in
touch with any member with an item they wished discussed at the next meeting.
Mike Thomas told the meeting that he has acquired the allotment for the CVRA, and therefore the village. GF
paid £35.50 for the allotment , for the year up to October, £18.50, plus £17 administration fee, thereafter
£18.50 per year. The allotment had been very neglected over the last few years. Joe Shovelton had over the last
few years had kept the trees in check. This job is really the council’s job. Discussion followed regarding the
management of the allotment, involvement of villagers ,the nursery, cultivation of it etc. Information about the
allotment would be sent out to the village asking for any ideas on the next distributed agenda.
Treasurer’s Report
Graham has renewed our Public Liability insurance. He has spent rent on the allotment as specified before.
Concerns about the land
No more has been heard about the boundaries on the land. HC had enquired about buying the land, asking Brian
Neil. Nothing happening as yet.
Lawn’s Wood
Chippings will arrive soon. The ground has to be prepared. DE is to liaise with DK and Reparation Services.
MTh is to request a copy of the licence from Jim Haynes.
The Store
It was proposed that the money needed, would be spent on the roof and foam. The work was to be done on Friday
18th April. GF, DK MTh to attend.
MC said 1) the wind farm application had been withdrawn, 2) the councillors had been successful in getting
money for new equipment for the play areas in our district. May 5th would be the start date. Our play area in
Crooke would be extended and the equipment would rotate round the various play areas in Shevington, Shevington
Moor etc.
Steve Tebbit brought to the meeting’s attention that 1)the fence behind the church had come down. The
councillors were to look into this. And 2) the new sign for Crooke Village was obscured by a myriad of other signs.
Again the councillors were going to investigate.
The meeting closed at 8.30pm. A raffle was organised by Brian, thank you Brian and a Buffet from the pub, thank
you Greg.
Date of Next Meeting
Monday 12th May 2014 at 7pm in the Crooke Hall Inn.
This concludes the minutes for April 2014.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for March 2014
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. 10th March 2014
Howard Cain, Derek Keen, Graham Foster, Janette Green, Paul Green, Christine Keen, Hilda Snowden, Anne Rogers,
Paul Liptrot, Brian Musgrove, Trisha Poole, Duncan Poole.
Apologies from
Mike Thomas, Mandy Mousdell, Sandra Musgrove, Kath Bradley.
Minutes of February meeting
Paul Green proposed that the minutes be accepted as a true and accurate record, seconded by Christine Keen and
agreed by all.
Letter of Condolence
The secretary, Morag Tebbit, wasn’t in attendance so it wasn’t known whether the letter of condolence to Joan Rae
had been sent.
Land Registry
Paul Collins wasn’t in attendance so we don’t know if he has approached Wigan Council about obtaining a copy of the
Land Registry records for Crooke Village.
Damian Jenkinson had been to look at the allotment near to the nursery and would look into whether the Crooke Residents
Association may be able to share the allotment with the nursery.
Wind Farm Application
The closing date for the opposition of the plans for the wind farm has now passed on 28/2/14. We have no further news
of the outcome.
Treasurer’s report
£100 has been set aside for maintenance in the village, £200 for the over 60’s Christmas meal and £500 for the printing
of the Christmas cards. Graham will also renew our Public Liability insurance. We have a balance of £2325 in the bank.
£1000, donated by Adactus, already included in this sum, is to be used for chippings and materials should we be successful
in being allocated the allotment.
Paul G pointed out that we didn’t receive the agenda for tonight’s meeting. Howard explained that he did what he could to
get them to us in the time available. Howard also apologized for some people not getting the upcoming events information
Concerns about the land
No more has been heard about the boundaries on the land. Paul G said that decking had now been placed on there and asked was this
allowed. The shed has now been removed but a wood pile has now taken its place.
Duncan says that the fumes from the boats are a nuisance and pointed out that there are now six boats moored there near to the
bridge. He urged us to send individual emails of complaint to Mike Fletcher of the Canal & River Trust. Duncan will find out
who is over Mike Fletcher so we can make an approach to them to see if we can make proceedings move more quickly. Steve Normington
could also be approached to see whether the boats are moored illegally.
Anne Rogers will ask the Mooring Officer if the boats have licences.
Project’s Officer's Report
Derek says that the storage garage roof needs repairing and that we should do this whilst the weather is dry.
Lawns Wood – Damian Jenkinson can obtain some wood chippings for us. We need volunteers from the village to lay down a membrane
on the path and to lay the chippings on the top. Paul Liptrot said that we may be able to get some money from the Brighter
Borough Fund to help pay for this.
The rail track project is in abeyance whilst other problems are dealt with.
Derek says that we need money to buy longer fence poles to be put around the Recycling Area. The original ones were damaged
with the recent bad weather. Graham is going to find out when the Beat it team are in the area so that they can tidy Lawns Wood.
The stream conduit that runs under the road at the entrance to the village had been cleared by volunteers. Duncan had complained
to the Council and nothing had happened until the volunteers had cleared the blockage only then did the Council appear in order
to move the rubbish.
The Crooke signpost outside of the village still hasn’t been replaced.
The meeting closed at 8pm. A raffle was organised by Brian. Thank you Brian.
Date of Next Meeting
Monday 14th April 2014 at 7pm in the Crooke Hall Inn.
This concludes the minutes for March 2014.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for February 2014
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. 11th February 2014
Howard Cain, Brian Musgrove, Sandra Musgrove, Mike Thomas, Steve Tebbit, Morag Tebbit, Greg Liptrot,
Paul Green, Janette Green, Kath Bradley, Mike Crosby, Alex Cornish, Louise Kershaw(guest), Joe Shovelton,
Hilda Snowden, Paul Collins, Derek Keen, Christine Keen.
Apologies from
Damian Edwardson, Mike Smith, Paul Liptrot, Sheila Milnes, Carol Miles, Graham Foster.
Minutes of December meeting
HC pointed out that in the minutes, it stated that Kath was to ask the “council” for a copy of deeds, but it
was actually the “land registry”. With this amendment accepted, Jan Green proposed that the minutes be accepted
as a true and accurate record, seconded by Brian Musgrove and agreed by all.
MTh expressed sympathy to Joan Rae on the death of her partner John Manktelav. The secretary will write a note
of condolence.
Apologies for lack of agenda
MTh said now he was back on his feet he would liaise with HC and DK, get feedback from the people of the village
and in future prepare an agenda a week or two before the meeting, leaflet the villagers and display the final
agenda on the notice board.
Matters arising
Kath had been in touch with the Land Registry and was told that there would be a cost of £50 for a copy of the deeds
of the village. ST proposed CVRA paid the £50 to the land registry for the deeds, BM seconded this proposal, however
the motion was deferred. This information should be available from Wigan Council. When Paul Collins arrived he did
say he would find out.
Treasurer’s report
GF not present.
North West in Bloom
MTh led discussion as to whether we go forward with entering this competition this year, as we had scored a 4 in the
first year, and a 5 in the next year and 5 last year, effectively as far as we could go in our category. JS said that
the association was doing a belting job at keeping the village looking good. MTh said we are interested in entering
again. BM said fruit trees needed to be pruned. JS said that big jobs needed to be tackled by the council. MTh said
that smaller jobs needed to be tackled by all the villagers. We must try and involve the community more.
The Nursery
Louise Kershaw from the nursery came to the meeting to ask for help regarding a number of issues, including help in making
a garden for the children. She had a set of plans of a possible garden. There was also the problem of vandalism to cars and
property at the nursery. Discussion followed about the presence of a caretaker, and security lights. With our councillors
present at the meeting it was agreed that AC was to liaise between the councillors and Louise about the availability of
grants and showing the council their plans. ST said that there was in situ wiring for electric gates at the entrance of
the nursery site. Discussion followed about the 2 allotments available in the village, which perhaps the nursery children
could use. PC said that they were Wigan allotments. One allotment was being used, the other one was yet to be allocated.
The meeting should write to Chris Horrocks; and Krystina Pilkington at Shevington Parish Council to query this. Homewatch
was discussed and perhaps it might be reinstated. PC said Damian Jenkinson should be approached. Carol Middleton(manager),
Lyn and Diane Hocknell(owner) from the nursery should all be involved. MTh said that HC, DK and himself would do a site
visit to discuss possibilities to bring to the next meeting. HC, MTh & DK to meet at 10am Saturday 15th February in pub
carpark. MC mentioned Brighter Borough money..
Project’s Officer's Report
DK not present. But GF said that DK had approached Network Rail about the reinstating of a railway down
to the site of the tippler. Feedback from the village was going to be asked for.
Ward Councillors
PC said that the situation with the caravan was still being resolved, as was the “black shed”. Richard Parker. (01942 827360),
the Estates Surveyor, was dealing with this. Procedures have been put in place and need to continue at their own pace, as there
were so many agencies involved.
The proposed Wind Farm at Gathurst was briefly discussed. Objections had to be lodged before 28th February 2014.
Greg has a problem with the day of our meeting as the pub was busy on the Tuesday night. So after brief discussion it was
proposed by DK, seconded by BM and agreed by all, that the dates of our meeting would be on the second Monday of the month,
starting from March 2014.
MTh was going to get in touch with Adactus about a security light for Mandy Mousdell, a tenant.
JS queried the cutting down of trees on the path up to Shevington. The farmer had got permission to do this as it would
improve the yield of his crops by allowing more light in. In 6 months to a year after the trees have re-grown, they would be
trimmed more sympathetically.
The little path directly opposite the entrance to Crooke was very overgrown and covered in garden waste. The Crooke sign which
showed the entrance to Crooke, had blown down in a storm. It had been removed and the hole it had been in had been filled with
tarmac. PC was to investigate.
A litter pick was desperately needed. The village will be leafleted about the date.
Channel 4 programme about the Leeds and Liverpool Canal with Tony Robinson
It was generally agreed that this was a fine programme, but only in the confines in being such a general programme as details
were missed out and continuity compromised.
The meeting closed at 9.00pm A raffle was organised by Brian. Thank you Brian.
Date of Next Meeting
Monday 10th March 2014 at 7pm in the Crooke Hall Inn.
This concludes the minutes for February 2014.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for January 2014
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. 14th January 2014
Howard Cain, Brian Musgrove, Mike Thomas, Graham Foster, Steve Tebbit, Morag Tebbit, Greg Liptrot,
Paul Green, Janette Green, Kath Bradley, Mandy Mousdell.
Apologies from
Damian Edwardson, Paul Collins, Mike Crosby, Mike Smith, Sandra Musgrove, Alex Cornish, Joan Byrne, Derek
and Christine Keen.
Minutes of December meeting
BM proposed that this was a true and accurate record of the meeting, with the changing of the word
“great” under AOB, to “full and lengthy”, seconded by ST, and agreed by all.
Matters arising
Nothing has been heard from the planning officer re boats/land ownership etc. Kath asked about who holds the
deeds to the village to see who owns what. Discussion followed and Howard asked Kath to ask the council for
a copy of the deeds of the whole village, including Lawn’s Wood, as seen in the constitution. Greg had spoken
to planning department, Dave Little, and a representative had come to the village to investigate the volume of
boats, and the caravan. Paul Campbell said he had done what the council had asked him to do, dismantle the
caravan. However a shed had been erected on council land without planning permission. Paul Campbell refused
to take it down. The matter is in legal hands. Mike said that the shed was in the wrong place and so was the
fence which is the boundary between council land and the Crooke Cruising Club land. HC welcomed Mandy Mousall
to the meeting. She expressed concern about the caravan and the road at right angles to the main road in Crooke
opposite the pub. This is an unadopted road.
Kath asked about ”Wildlife Projects”. This will be brought up at the February meeting.
HC welcomed MTh back to the meetings as he has missed 2 due to fracturing his hip.
Treasurer’s report
Funds in bank £1887.38. Petty cash £438. Provisions £100 for tool maintenance, £200 for senior people’s 2014
Christmas dinner (the 2013 dinner in the Crooke Hall Inn was very successful in attendance and the food was excellent.
Thanks to the pub). £500 for 2014 Christmas cards. GF was asked about Public Liability Insurance. This had lapsed but
it was the view of the meeting that it should be reinstated. MTh proposed this and PG seconded it. GF agreed to purchase
the PLI.
Vice Chair’s Report
Secretary’s Report
Project’s Officer's Report
DK not present. But GF said that DK had approached Network Rail about the reinstating of a railway down
to the site of the tippler. Feedback from the village was going to be asked for.
Ward Councillors
None present
MTh said he would like more people to get involved. Discussion followed about the relaying of information to the village.
An agenda would be posted through the doors of all the houses in the village, on the back of which would be information
about what has been done, and what will be done. It might also ask for email addresses etc. ST had tried to start a village
directory in the past but there had been very little interest shown. Discussion followed about the reinstating of a newsletter.
Format and publisher were to be discussed. The pub wanted to be involved in this Newsletter, and ST and MT were to ask the
church if they wanted to be involved. The church does have its own quarterly Newsletter. HC was to organise.
MTh was to ask Jim Haynes for a copy of Lawn’s Wood licence. HC asked about the Beat it Team. We should give information
about what was needed to be done in the village to our councillors and they would forward the information to the team.
GF said that AC had information about the nursery and the proposed vegetable garden. That would be talked about at the
February meeting.
PG said this was very quiet this month. Dates were to be put on, from the pub, the Boot Sale on the 25th January, and dates
from the church.
The meeting closed at 8.30pm and a buffet was provided, thank you Greg. A dvd of the history of Crooke was shown. Thank you
Paul. A raffle was organised by Brian. Thank you Brian.
Date of Next Meeting
Tuesday 11th February 2014 at 7pm in the Crooke Hall.
This concludes the minutes for January 2014.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for December 2013
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. 10th December 2013
Howard Cain, Derek Keene, Doris Williams, Duncan Poole, Trisha Calderbank, Jim Haynes, Christine Keen, Brian Musgrove,
Sandra Musgrove, Steve Tebbit, Morag Tebbit, Mike Crosby, Greg Liptrot, Alex Cornish, Paul Green, Janette Green,
E H Snowden, Mike Smith, Chris Hurridge.
Apologies from
Damian Edwardson, Paul Collins, Graham Foster, Mike Thomas.
Minutes of November meeting
CK proposed that this was a true and accurate record of the meeting, seconded by HS and agreed by all.
Matters arising
Treasurer’s report
GF was not present
Vice Chair’s Report
Secretary’s Report
Project’s Officer's Report
DK said that the fence round the composting area had blown down in the recent storm. Money from GF was
needed to buy concrete to make the foundation of the fencing stronger. DK also talked of the Wildlife
Recording Project which has funding for 3 years from the lottery. The aim of this project was to
encourage people to access their green spaces, record what is going on. CVRA would liaise with Matthew
Holker. Sam from the Wild Life Trust would come to our meeting and give a talk if requested. He also
showed the meeting a poster from our PCSOs regarding crime prevention. There would be a meeting in
Standish Library, 10am to 12 noon, and the Community Centre Church from 1pm to 2pm on the 14th December.
PG not present, see above.
Ward Councillors
Mike Crosby said that he would get a detailed report on the caravan. See AOB. And wished us all a Happy
Shevington Parish Council
Chris Hurridge who is a parish councillor and attended both this meeting and S and D Community
Association meeting, said that there was funding for grey herd meetings. He talked of the success of
Shevington in Bloom and going on to Britain in Bloom. There would another quiz on Lancashire day.
They had funding found for the Brick and the Association. Paul Green said that there was discussion
about the fence going up around MTh land in Otter’s Wood. This was bog standard fencing erected for
the health and safety of walkers and not to discourage walkers altogether. PG said that the Beat It
team would come and tidy the footpath in Lawn’s Wood.
S and D Community Association
See above and AOB.
There was great discussion about the caravan which had been placed on the green next to the pub. All present at the
meeting and the villagers of Crooke were alarmed by its presence. Mike Crosby said he would investigate this and give
a detailed report. He would talk to Kevin Foster about planning application issues and ask him to attend the next CVRA
meeting. JH said that the caravan was not the only issue to be considered. The issue of the licencing of boats, and
illegal mooring of boats should be considered. HC said that he had a report from the PC stating that the owner of
the caravan had been asked to move the caravan by the 9th December. To this end the caravan was being dismantled to
aid its removal. He also said that the ownership of the land should be investigated. And ultimately could the village
buy the land? Trisha Calderbank asked if we could ask for a letter from the Canal and River Trust to the CVRA , stating
what the Canal and River Trust’s responsibilities are in such matters.
PG had sold 163 packs of Christmas cards. MT thanked him for all his time and energy he has put in to the sale of
Christmas cards. HC also thanked PG for organising the Over 60 lunch to be held in the pub. Over 20 people said they
would come to the lunch to be held on Wednesday 11th December.
Alex Cornish said that the Nursery wanted to know if anyone would be interested in creating a vegetable garden. ST
and DK were interested. JH said there was funding available for raised beds. HC to liaise with JH. A meeting with
the nursery would be arranged.
Studio Lambert TV
There is no more news.
The meeting closed at 8pm and a buffet was provided, thank you Greg. A dvd of NW in Bloom was shown. Thank you Paul.
A raffle was organised by Brian. Thank you Brian.
Date of Next Meeting
Tuesday 14th January 2014 at 7 pm at the Crooke Hall Inn.
This concludes the minutes for December 2013.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for November 2013
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. 12th November 2013
Christine Keen, Brian Musgrove, Sandra Musgrove, Steve Tebbit, Mike Thomas, Alison Thomas, Morag Tebbit, Mike Crosby,
Graham Foster, Greg Liptrot, Alex Cornish, Anne Rogers, Janette Green, E H Snowden, Howard Cain.
Apologies from
Mike Smith, Norman Hart, Paul Green, Derek Kean, Damian Edwardson, Paul Collins.
Minutes of AGM 8th October 2013
BM proposed that this was a true and accurate record of the meeting, seconded by GF and agreed by all.
Minutes of September Meeting, 10th September 2013
ST proposed the minutes as a true and accurate record of the meeting, seconded by BM and agreed by all.
Matters arising
Treasurer’s report
Same as stated at the AGM.
Vice Chair’s Report
Secretary’s Report
Project’s Officer's Report
Not present, as he and Paul were at an award ceremony.
PG not present, see above.
Ward Councillors
Mike Crosby said that the Beat It Team had been in the area last week doing jobs. He said that he would
be liaising with PC and DE to set work for their next visit in February.
Shevington Parish Council
MTh had been away so did not go to this meeting.
S and D Community Association
MTh had had an email from Marlaine Whitham asking if we had a representative to attend these meetings.
There was nothing in their constitution to say that anyone from Crooke could not attend. DK and HC will
attend. MTh said that that the association had money which could be accessed. At the 29th November
meeting awards were going to be given. Thanks to GF and DK for their hard work.
NW in Bloom
GF said Crooke had received level 5, the highest we could achieve. MTh said Shevington did exceptionally well and
were to represent the NW in Britain in Bloom. Margaret Carter worked extremely hard for Shevington with only Eric,
and another helping to plant, tidy etc. Well done to Margaret. DK has been awarded a certificate from Shevington.
SM said that 2 villages were to be put forward for Britain in Bloom, Shevington and Howe Bridge. Lower Ground got
level 4 in our category but that was excellent as this was their first year in the competition. MT asked if Crooke
could go into another category as we had reached as far as we could go in the category we had been entered in. MTh
was to investigate. He also suggested a focal point be on the green outside the church. Discussion followed. He
also said that by working in all parts of the village more people would be involved.
MTh said that there was money available to fund a Christmas Party for pensioners of the village. Discussion
followed and it was decided that PG would ask for reaction while he went round asking if there was a demand for
Christmas cards. Thanks Paul. MTh asked Greg if the pub was available as a venue. He said yes. MTh said that
there was an incident regarding the putting in of a lot of rubbish by 1 person, who had a car, into the bin
beside the Keene’s house which is really only for dog waste. He would investigate further.
The footpath from 103 to 113 was in a very bad state of repair. DK had asked PC if there might be Brighter Borough
money available. It was left that the Council had a responsibility for it even though it was classed as an un-adopted
MTh suggested that there should be a weekly litter pick on Saturdays from 9 – 11. This was agreed by the meeting to
be a good idea. This Saturday would be to paint the roof of the shed in the pub car park, and for it to be made secure
so it could house equipment etc.
He also suggested that we could be a part of Home watch. The PCSOs were going round the area encouraging people to
take part and put a sticker in their window, next to the Smartwater sticker.
HC introduced the subject of Studio Lambert tentatively feeling the way to produce some sort of programme about Crooke.
They already produce on Channel 4, The Secret Millionaire, Undercover Boss, and Gogglebox programmes. Discussion
followed. A vote was taken on the question should we go ahead to accept the invitation of the TV company to consider
such a programme. Of the people at the meeting who lived in the village, 9 were for, and 2 were against. MTh said that
we should wait for feedback from the villagers. AC was to ask if the Nursery might be interested, and MT and ST were
to ask the church, and MTh was to approach the Marina.
The secretary was to write to Jim Haynes thanking him for all the work he has done. Greg suggested a present. MTh was
to talk to people on Saturday.
The meeting closed at 8.10pm and a buffet, thank you Greg. A raffle was organised by Brian.
Date of Next Meeting
Tuesday 10th December 2013 at 7 pm at the Crooke Hall Inn.
This concludes the minutes for November 2013.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for the AGM, October 2013
Crooke Village Residents Association
Annual General Meeting
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. 8th October 2013
Jim Haynes, Graham Foster, Greg Liptrot, Steve Tebbit, Morag Tebbit, Jan Green, Paul Green, Mike Thomas, Derek Keen,
Christine Keen, Brian Musgrove, Sandra Musgrove, Mike Crosby (councillor), Paul Liptrot, E H Snowden, Norman Hart,
John Whitely, Marlaine Whitham, Chris Horridge, Mike Smith, Sheila Milnes, Kath Bradley, Howard Cain, John Manktelav,
Joan Rae, Paul Campbell, Alison Thomas.
Apologies from
Rev John Hilton, Ira Whitely, Paul Collins, Damian Edwardson, Doreen Haynes, Carole Miles, Jim and V Malony.
Welcome from the Chairman.
JH welcomed everyone to this 4th AGM.
Chairperson’s Report.
I would like to welcome all of you to this the 4th AGM of the Crooke Village Residents Association. It just doesn’t
seem like 4 years ago the we started. Here is a resume of what has happened in the last year. My apologies if I’ve
missed something out.
At a presentation in Southport, Crooke Village was awarded “Outstanding” in North West in Bloom, with a score of 89
points out of a possible 100.
Towards the end of 2012 we produced a new set of Christmas cards of scenes of Crooke Village in winter. Thanks to
the efforts of Paul Green all of these sold, as did the ones left over from 2011.
The licence with Wigan Metro to “clear and maintain, including replanting to areas of open space at Crooke Village
including Lawns Wood” was renewed.
Adactus awarded a grant to build a “Composting Area & Wildlife Stack”; this is sited in the trees on the path to
the Park.
The 25th July saw the judges for North West in Bloom visit the village and we have heard that we have won an
award which will be presented to us in October.
The Shevington & District Fete was held in August and as in previous years we took the heritage display which
has proved to be of great interest.
We are represented on the Policies Committee of the Shevington Parish Council. We also attend the Shevington
and District Community Association.
Being represented on these bodies gives us a voice into what happens in our area.
We also attend various meetings organised by Wigan Metro.
Thanks to Adactus for providing the funding and Greg & Jenny Liptrot at Crooke Hall Inn, we now have a store
for the tools & equipment.
Matt Taylor of the Canal & Rivers Trust organised the T.A. to lay some 30 tonnes of stone on the canal towpath,
with the possibility of more being laid in the future. Volunteers also did a litter pick and painting.
I would now like to thank people who have helped us over the last year.
A big thank you to Councillors Damian Edwardson, Mike Crosby and Paul Collins for their involvement with the
village. These Councillors attend our meetings when possible and we owe them a big thank you.
Adactus Housing Association for awarding grants.
Shevington Parish Council for their support.
Shevington Community Association again for their support.
ACT for the use of equipment and assistance.
Wigan Scaffolding for the use of equipment.
Greg & Jenny Liptrot of Crooke hall Inn for the use of the Cellar Bar for meetings and for providing a buffet.
Matt Taylor of the Canal & Rivers Trust for the work done on the towpath.
I would now thank all members of the Committee for their sterling work over the last year.
Morag Tebbit, our secretary, for trying to keep up with taking minutes at meeting and organising us.
Graham Foster, our treasurer, who has spent a lot of his valuable time in handling our finances, dealing with
grant applications and being involved in every project.
Mike Thomas, our Vice Chair person, who is our representative on the Policy Committee of the Shevington Parish
Council. Mike is heavily involved in everything that we do and his expertise is invaluable.
Paul Green for the work in running and developing our web site “”. Plus his efforts in
selling the Christmas cards.
Derek Keene our Projects Officer who have been involved in everything that we have done this year.
Sandra & Brian Musgrove for their fund raising efforts and to everyone else who have worked to getting us
to the position that we are in now.
Now the future
The work around the park and in Lawns Wood is ongoing tasks for 2014.
Whilst we do need more people in the village to become involved I appreciate that after working all day
it is hard to drag oneself out to a meeting.
I would however ask that you support the Crooke Village Residents Association as best you can. It is
your village and all that we want to do is to improve the community spirit and the quality of life in
the Village. Please don’t leave it to someone else because there may not be anyone willing to do it and
then what will happen?
Thank you all for listening and I truly hope that the new Committee carry out what has been started and
look forward to seeing the rewards in future years.
Treasurer's Report 2012-13
Compared to last year, this year we only applied for one grant and this was from Adactus for the composting
area, the value of the grant was £433.
In terms of other income, again thanks pretty much to the efforts of Paul Green, the sales of Christmas
cards once again proved popular and brought in around £500 of profit; a huge thank you goes to Paul for
walking the streets and selling them door to door.
I would also like to thank Brian and Sandra Musgrove for organising the monthly raffle, the raffle at
the village meetings have raised £126.
Now to the accounts.
The income for 2012-13, including the balance of £1,764.30 from last year, was a total of £3,737.44
The outgoings for 2012-13 were £1,582.38 with the main contributors being:
Christmas Cards |
- |
£428.40 |
Storage area |
- |
£400.00 |
Tools |
- |
£155.91 |
Compost area |
- |
£361.71 |
Smartwater signs |
- |
£100.00 |
Moving on to Provisions, we are currently holding £854.70 and this is made up of:
Christmas Cards for 1013 |
- |
£500.00 |
PL Insurance and tools |
- |
£100.00 |
Tool maintenance etc |
- |
£100.00 |
Balance of grants |
- |
£154.70 |
Therefore at the end of this financial year the funds we have on deposit are £1,887.38, plus Petty Cash of
£267.88, leaving us with a cash position before provisions £2,155.06 and after provisions of £1,300.36.
Thank you.
Vice Chair’s Response
Mike reiterated what Jim had said, and thanks especially must go to JH. At SPC Mike talks positively about
Crooke and things are done for the benefit of the village. He loves the banter when working with people in
the village. He says we must maintain what we have done and improve, and get Crookers more involved.
Secretary’s Report.
Morag thanked Jim, Derek Keen, Mike Thomas, Brian Musgrove, Graham Foster and Paul Green for the massive
amount of work done in the village in the past year. Talk has been said about why no-one else is consistantly
helping but she thinks that the village realises that the group is doing a good job and feel they want to let
them do it. They don’t feel excluded, but are reassured that the work is being done. Steve and Morag have been
away quite a lot due to the illnesses of both mothers. Morag would like to thank Jan Green for stepping in to
take the minutes and doing it exceedingly well. She thanked our councillors for their unstinting support and
commitment to the village, ie Damian Edwardson, Paul Collins and Mike Crosby. She thanked PG for his outstanding
website. She also went on to say how proud she was to being a part of the village residents’ association. She
was sorry that more people don’t come to the meetings but presumes that the villagers feel that CVRA is doing
a wonderful job in making Crooke a better place to live for all.
Standing Down of Present Officers and Election of New Officers
Graham Foster thanked the members who were standing down.
JH was nominated to be chair but he refused to stand again as he had forewarned us at the last AGM that he would
not continue. GF proposed that MTh be nominated as chair, DK seconded this and all agreed. Mike Smith asked if
JH could be there for advice, maybe as coordinating officer, but JH declined. He would be there to impart knowledge
etc. if needed. MTh said that he did not want the fact that he did not live in the village have a detrimental effect
on his being chair. The meeting agreed that it would not.
The meeting was then asked for the nominations for vice chair. DK was mentioned, as was Howard Cain who had previous
experience at being chair and vice chair in his line of work. Howard was subsequently proposed by KB, seconded by DK
and agreed by all. DK was asked to continue to do his project officer job, as he did it so well, and he agreed. MT
was proposed as secretary by MTh and seconded by GF, and all agreed.
AT proposed GF as treasurer, seconded by PG and all agreed. MTh asked if PG was going to continue doing the website
and PG said yes.
MTh asked if there needed to be changes to the constitution. Discussion followed about the change of the name of
the Crooke Village Residents’ Association to Crooke Village Community Association but that would mean changing all
the letter heads, chequebooks, the awards, the plaque, etc. This issue would be addressed at another meeting.
PG asked the meeting to choose 4 favourites for the 2013 Christmas cards so he could go ahead and organise their
printing. MTh said he had a few photos which could be chosen from and the meeting agreed that that could happen.
After the meeting PG said could MT minute that he wanted to thank Paul Elsie for his funding of the Crooke Village
website.This is duly done.
ST proposed a vote of thanks to JH for all his hard work fund raising, getting work done and his own hard toil. The
village owes a great deal to Jim Haynes. All agreed unreservedly. Thank you Jim from us all.
The meeting closed at 7.50 and was followed by a buffet provided by Greg and Jen Liptrot, thanks to them. Also a
slide show of Crooke, slides and a video of the unveiling of the Jubilee Stone, Brass Band etc, and slides and
video of the Beer Festival. Thank you PG.
Date of Next Meeting
Tuesday 12th November 2013 at 7 pm at the Crooke Hall Inn.
This concludes the minutes for the AGM, October 2013.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for September 2013
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. 10th September 2013
Jim Haynes, Derek Keen, Christine Keen, Brian Musgrove, Sandra Musgrove, Steve Tebbit, Mike Thomas,
Alison Thomas, Morag Tebbit, Mike Crosby, Damian Edwardson, Graham Foster, Greg Liptrot, Alex Cornish.
Apologies from
Mike Smith, Norman Hart, Doreen Haynes, Jan and Paul Green.
Minutes of June meeting.
The secretary pointed out that she was not on holiday when she missed the last meeting and so the amended
minutes were then proposed by Derek Keen, seconded by Steve Tebbit and accepted by all.
Matters arising
Treasurer Report
Cash in bank - £1887.38.
Petty cash - £257.68
Total - £2145.06
Provisions - £803.75
Net cash - £1341.31
Vice Chair’s Report
Apologies for not attending the last 2 Parish Council meetings.
Secretary’s Report.
Project’s Officer
The main part of the erection of the storage for equipment had been done. The roof had still to be put on.
Wednesday 11th September at 9am was agreed for this to be done. The Canal and Rivers Trust had been and done
a litter pick and railings had been painted. A village litter pick was needed to be arranged before winter.
Lawn’s Wood was still not good to walk through but JH said that the worse Lawn’s Wood is the more Wigan
Metro would have to do it.
PG not here. But there were 250 hits on the excellent website.
Ward Councillors
Mike Crosby said that the Brighter Borough funding link was on the internet. If you required funding it
would be easier to register first. He also said that the library which had been closed on Saturdays in
the last few months was now open between 10am and 12 noon, due to the finding of volunteers. The councillor’s
surgeries are in the library every Saturday between 11 am and 12 noon. MC also said that he had received a
report from Krystina Pilkington re words on signs on Vicarage Lane. MTh said that the farmer John Horton,
had dealt with the problem.
Shevington Parish Council
Nothing from MTh.
S and D Community Association
MC has told us about the library. Applications for small grants had been made -Standish Lower Ground
had applied for a grant of £200. The Youth Club had applied for a grant for £120 and Shevington Sharks
had asked for funding for £250. S and D C A were fund raising by having a Lancashire Day on the 29th
November. There would be an evening presentation on that night where community achievements would be
awarded. There would be a quiz night on the 29th January 2014. Tickets for this would go on sale soon,
venue Gathurst Golf Club. Discussion followed about the number of hits the Shevington Facebook page
had had. Were the hits one time visitors or visitors who returned. Clare Griffiths and Vicky Callaghan
were doing the Facebook page. Shevington had wanted a huge climbing frame but Wigan said it could not
be maintained.
Christmas Cards
These were discussed but Mth proposed he talk with Paul and Graham, re new format, or notelets.
JH said that Tony Robinson had been commissioned to do a walk along the L and L towpath featuring
Crooke in his Channel 4 programme. JH said that musket balls had been found and that there was a
lot of history. Meetings were to be had discussing this. A flyer was to be produced and circulated
after the AGM next month.
MTh asked about a post which had been placed on the main road. DE and MC to investigate.
A bench was to be moved.
Alex Cornish mentioned dog fouling. There are powers in place to appoint dog wardens through the
Parish Council. DE said that said he would raise the subject with Wigan Metro. JH said that Joanne
Brewder or Joanne Makin were the people to contact.
Alex Cornish also mentioned Elm Trees, the cutting down of diseased trees and replaced by oaks. DE
to investigate this. JH to talk to Simon Calderbank, with the councillors to see what could be done
about this contentious issue.
The meeting closed at 8.10pm and a buffet, thank you Greg. A raffle was organised by Brian.
Date of Next Meeting
Tuesday 8th October 2013 at 7 pm at the Crooke Hall Inn. (The AGM)
This concludes the minutes for September 2013.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for August 2013
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. 13th August 2013
Jim Haynes, Derek Keen, Christine Keen, Janette Green, Paul Green, Brian Musgrove, Sandra Musgrove,
Steve Tebbit, Doreen Haynes, Sheila Milnes, Mike Thomas, Greg Liptrot, Alex Cornish.
Apologies from
Graham Foster, Morag Tebbit, Ira Whiteley, John Whiteley, Damian Edwardson, Mike Smith, Norman Hart,
Alison Thomas, Carole Miles, Marlaine Whitham, John Hilton, Paul Liptrot, Paul Collins, Mike Crosby.
Minutes of June meeting.
The minutes were then proposed by Christine Keen, seconded by Paul Green.
Matters arising
Treasurer Report
Treasurer on holiday.
Vice Chair’s Report
Shevington Parish Council on a summer break, nothing to report.
Secretary’s Report.
Secretary on holiday.
Project’s Officer
All went well on the judging day for North West in Bloom. The judges were impressed by what had
been done in the village and also what we were planning to do in the future.
It has been agreed that a garage be erected for CVRA storage use, this will be built at the side
of the existing garages.
The bridge needs repainting so we are going to ask for some paint from the Canal and River Trust.
A litter pick is needs to be organized and the path to Lawns Wood needs tidying up.
Provision of a compost area has been requested at the other end of the village near to the school.
It was said that it would be a good idea but it would need enclosing to stop animals entering. It
was suggested that we call a meeting regarding this matter or add it to the next meeting’s agenda.
Paul Green says that we have had nearly 300 visitors to the website in the last month. The History page
has been updated. The fete will get a mention on there even though it was held in Shevington. It was
asked if a comments page would be worth adding.
Ward Councillors
There were no ward councillors in attendance.
Shevington Parish Council
Derek and Jim attended the last Parish Council meeting as Mike was on holiday. There were a number of
heated discussions. One attendee wanted notices wherever rat poison was put down. Angie Bland walked
out of the meeting.
There was discussion about the use of the land that was purchased by the council. A leaflet is to be
distributed to all residents asking for proposals as to how the land should be used. Jim felt that
Shevington Parish Council served Crooke Village well as we receive services in excess value to the
precept. The Parish Council allows us to have more of a voice in local matters.
Shevington Parish Council
Shevington Parish Council is on their summer break
Shevington and District Fete
There will be a meeting on Tuesday 20/8/13 at 7pm at the Shevington Methodist Hall to discuss the
plusses and minuses of the event.
S and D Community Association
The Association want the completed forms for nominations for the Annual Achievement Awards to be
returned by the 20th October 2013. Jim has copies of the forms for anyone who needs them.
North West in Bloom
We have received a letter from the judges stating that the presentations are taking place in Southport
on the 23rd October 2013. It was proposed by Mike Thomas and seconded by Steve Tebbit that Brian Musgrove
and Paul Green attend on our behalf. It was suggested that a Crooke Residents Association badge could
possibly be worn. The approximate cost of the badges are 88 pence each.
Damian Jenkinson is going to be approached to see if he is still offering hanging baskets. These would
have to be planted and maintained by ourselves. Adactus have no objections to them as long as they
don’t damage the houses.
We are still awaiting developments regarding work on Lawns Wood.
A bench needs repainting at the bottom side of the green but it is situated in the shade so it was
suggested that it be moved. When Jim does a flyer he will ask people where the best place to put the
bench is. Wigan Metro will then be asked to move it.
Four new dog fouling officers are being appointed and we are going to ask them to visit Crooke. It
might be possible to appoint our own Dog Warden through the Shevington Parish Council, Mike is
going to mention this at the next meeting.
It was suggested that CCTV be erected to catch the owners responsible for allowing their dogs to
foul the area but there are too many laws governing this to make it possible to do so.
A flyer was read out regarding recruitment of volunteers for work at Gathurst station.
Christine Keen congratulated Paul and Janette Green for winning prizes in the Photographic
competition at Shevington Fete.
The meeting closed at 8.05pm with a film, thank you Paul.
And a buffet, thank you Greg. A raffle was organised by Brian.
Date of Next Meeting
Tuesday 10th September 2013 at 7 pm at the Crooke Hall Inn.
This concludes the minutes for August 2013.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for July 2013
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. 9th July 2013
The May meeting did not happen due to unseen circumstances.
Jim Haynes, Derek Keen, Christine Keen, Jan Green, Paul Green, John Whiteley, Brian Musgrove, Sandra
Musgrove, Steve Tebbit, Paul Collins, Mike Crosby, Paul Campbell (canal boat), A.N. Other
Apologies from
Doreen Haynes, Graham Foster, Morag Tebbit, Ira Whiteley,, Damian Edwardson, Mike Thomas, Mike Smith.
Minutes of June meeting.
The minutes were then proposed by Christine Keen, seconded by Paul Green.
Matters arising
Treasurer Report
Little change in the finance since June meeting.
Vice Chair’s Report
Vice chair on holiday.
Secretary’s Report.
Secretary on holiday.
Project’s Officer
Derek Keen said that we are approaching the judging day for NW in Bloom and we need more volunteers.
Work is still taking place in the village every Saturday morning until judging takes place. Jim Haynes
said that NW in Bloom is all about the community pulling together.
Derek also mentioned that he went to the Summer Fair but found that several people were against
having their picture taken.
Paul Green will be adjusting the history page soon and adding some pictures of the plants that were
donated by Moss Bank Nurseries, the Summer Fair and Walking Day.
Ward Councillors
Paul Collins discussed Shevington Library. He said that they are trying to recruit volunteers to work
there on Saturday mornings so that it can be kept open for the usual library business and Councillors
surgeries etc. He said that he would work with the Shevington Community Association to get more people
Mike Crosby said that the Beat It team would be coming the first week in August if we need them to do
some work. Paul Collins said that he will get in touch with Arthur to oversee the work done. We need
an area tidying up near the “Red Bridge.”
Congratulations were said to Mike Crosby on the birth of his new daughter Rachael.
Shevington Parish Council
Derek and Jim attended the last Parish Council meeting as Mike was on holiday. There were a number of
heated discussions. One attendee wanted notices wherever rat poison was put down. Angie Bland walked
out of the meeting.
There was discussion about the use of the land that was purchased by the council. A leaflet is to be
distributed to all residents asking for proposals as to how the land should be used. Jim felt that
Shevington Parish Council served Crooke Village well as we receive services in excess value to the
precept. The Parish Council allows us to have more of a voice in local matters.
Shevington and District Fete
The Fete will take place on the 3rd August 2013 11am – 4pm.
A film/films of village events will be screened.. A selection of historical photographs will be also
be displayed. There will be a meeting on the 27th July to select the photographs.
S and D Community Association
They are looking to distribute money for small grants, £5000 per year will be given away for the next
three years. Applications must be in writing and Crooke can request some of this money.
A branch of the Credit Union will start up on the 10th August 2013 but not sure where it will be based
Paul Green asked if he should put a copy of the Police newsletter on the website.
Judging for North West in Bloom will take place on 25th July 2013. Jim asked for volunteers to do some
work towards it on the 11th July and 12th July 2013.
Derek said that the kerbstones need to be put into place and we needed some more so Paul Collins said
he would see what he could do for us. John Maiden has offered to dig the channel.
The compost area is now enclosed and will be advertised for use in the Parish newsletter.
Wigan Metro are looking at the possibility of changing the footpath between Crooke Village and
Shevington to a bridle path. This will have to be agreed by the land owner. Jim and Derek think
it could encourage more motorbikes to use it. Alex Cornish said that as this path was the only
link to Shevington other than the S bends then it was essential that it be made save. It was
suggested that all motor bikes using the path be reported to the Police using the 101 number.
The more reports recieved will lead to the problem being identified by the Police.
Greg and Jenny, the owners of the pub were praised for improving the clientele and the village
green is much improved.
The Crooke Village constitution was discussed about people outside the village making decisions
about the village.
The meeting closed at 8.30pm with a film, thank you Paul.
And a buffet, thank you Greg. A raffle was organised by Brian.
Date of Next Meeting
Tuesday 13th August 2013 at 7 pm at the Crooke Hall Inn.
This concludes the minutes for July 2013.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for June 2013
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. 11th June 2013
The May meeting did not happen due to unseen circumstances.
Jim Haynes, Graham Foster, Morag Tebbit, Mike Thomas, Derek Keen, Christine Keen, Stephen Tebbit,
Greg Liptrot, Damian Edwardson, Paul Liptrot, Paul Green, Jan Green, Brian Musgrove, Sandra Musgrove.
Apologies from
Mike Crosby, Paul Collins, Margaret Carlton, D Haynes, Alison Thomas, Mike Smith, Jon and Ira Whitely.
Minutes of April meeting.
The minutes were then proposed by Paul Green, seconded by Stephen Tebbit, and agreed by all.
Matters arising
Treasurer Report
Cash on deposit |
£2313.29 |
Petty Cash |
£301.70 |
Cash Total |
£2674.99 |
Provisions |
£1573.90 |
Net Cash |
£1101.09 |
Vice Chair’s Report
MTh talked about what happened at the Parish Council. See under Shevington Parish Council.
Secretary’s Report.
MT said she had talked to several locals who wondered about window boxes last year but none had been
offered to the village via CVRA. She also talked about painting the village in pastel colours like
Beaumaris. JH said that Adactus had painted their houses with a long lasting paint so would probably
not agree to it. MT may quietly ask in the village for reactions to this idea.
Paul Green is still rebuilding history page. There is not much local news. PG was to put photos of a
charity ride which went through the village and MTh had photos of snow in Lawn’s Wood which he said
he would get to PG.
Ward Councillors
See Shevington and District Community Association comments. MC was working and PC was attending another
meeting. DE said that Brighter Borough was going online and if funding was needed go on the system.
Payments would be made much quicker. The Beat –it team were to back in the area 5th-9th of August.
MC was dealing with the last visit but if anything was needed let him know. Wigan Youth Zone was now
open. Local groups need to be able to use it .In Appley Bridge a child had had an accident on a bank
near the new housing estate near the canal. Metal rods were protruding where they had been buried years
ago. Environmental Services dealt with this promptly. If you see anything report it. DE also said that
a footpath had been put over the bridge at Gathurst.
Lawn's Wood.
Graham Workman, Bio-Diversity Manager of WLTC advised on resurfacing the footpaths. Joint funding may
be necessary. Bird boxes, walkways and focal points are to be addressed. Reed Warblers have been seen
in local gardens and are probably in Lawn’s Wood alongside many other species.
Projects Officer.
Derek Keen said that herbs had been planted around the notice board. They had started spraying
the sides of pathways round the park. But more help was needed. Because of the weather the drum
was still in the stream. MTh and DK to sort soonest. See more comments under NW in Bloom. JH said
that planters need to be replanted but the old plants could be reused. DK said that the pub needs
window boxes. GL to provide.
Shevington Parish Council
A set of deer’s legs had been found near Shevington. A 4 by 4 Discovery had been seen in the area.
MTh said again for people from Crooke to attend the Parish Council meetings as there is a lot of
talk about the fields and woods and the uses that might be taken up, sports wise, money making
ventures. These might affect Crooke.
S and D Fete
CVRA will be attending, display boards will be put up and a DVD will be available.
S and D Community Association
DE said there had been talk about a £200 printer but no resolution had been found. There was to
be a quiz on Friday the 4th July at St Anne’s Parish Hall, £5 a ticket. MC, PC and DE were entering
as a team.
North West in Bloom
GF said that planning permission for container was to cost £175. There were 6 Saturdays between
now and judging day, 25th July, pm. Work parties were to regularly take place, tidying, weeding
planting etc. GF suggested every Saturday between 8 and 10 am. ST to put notice up in notice board.
Signs had been put up in the village, 1 next to marina, 1 on GF’s fence at the Douglas River Bridge,
1 on left hand side of gate at Shevington Lane on MTh land and 1 at top end of park. JH said he had
1 set left out of 20 bought, but he could purchase more in multiples of 10.
DK said that an accident had occurred on the loose gravel at number 47, on the recently resurfaced
road, where a girl had fallen.
GL said that some unsavoury items had been found on the green next to the pub. JH said that we should
log everything and report to our local police. DE said to ring 101.
The meeting closed at 8.30 with a film, thank you Paul.
And a buffet – thank you Greg. A raffle was organised, thank you BM
Date of Next Meeting
Tuesday 9th July 2013 at 7 pm at the Crooke Hall Inn.
This concludes the minutes for June 2013.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for April 2013
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. 9th April 2013
Jim Haynes, Graham Foster, Morag Tebbit, Mike Thomas, Derek Keen, Christine Keen, Stephen Tebbit,
Greg Liptrot, Damian Edwardson, Paul Green, Jan Green, Brian Musgrove.
Apologies from
Mike Crosby, Carole Miles, Sheila Milnes, Sandra Musgrove, Norman Hart, Michelle Foster, Alison Thomas,
Mike Smith.
Minutes of February meeting.
The amended minutes were then proposed by Brian Musgrove, seconded by Christine Keen, and agreed by all.
Matters arising
Treasurer Report
The Adactus grant of £433.25 (thanks JH) is in bank. The balance is £2963.29.
Petty cash is £215.41, provisions are £1502.36, and net cash is £1691.35.
Vice Chair’s Report
Secretary’s Report.
Paul Green is still rebuilding history page. There is not much local news.
Ward Councillors
DE said he was busy buying lots of things. He mentioned the Travellers who had taken up residence on
Gathurst Golf Course. The filling of the potholes was ongoing. The residents of Appley Bridge were
against the proposed development at Heron’s Wharf. There was an open meeting to be held at the
Water’s Edge at 7pm on Monday the 15th April.
Projects Officer.
Derek Keen said that the brook had not been done due to the inclement weather. The overgrown bushes
were to be pruned. The mud had been cleared from the pathway running diagonally across the grass
next to the pub. The compost area was to be finished using the Adactus grant. MTh was to investigate
costs of materials and do the job ASAP. A metal drum in the brook was to be investigated. There
would be planting round the notice board.
Shevington Parish Council
MTh attended, as did DE. There was not much of interest to Crooke. There was an open meeting scheduled
for Thursday April 11th at 7.30pm in the library to which anyone could attend.
S and D Fete
This was going ahead on the 3rd August. CVRA were to have a stall. GL’s offer of a marquee had been
declined as they are able to source it from elsewhere.
S and D Community Association
At their AGM on 26th March a sub committee was formed to discuss finance, specifically the £26000
of historic monies at present in bank account. They recommended to the meeting that it should be
put in to a Unity Credit Union. £4000 was to be set aside for running costs with £6000 as a reserve.
The balance of £16000 was to be used to finance projects and criteria was to be set for the
application of funding. JH suggested it should be used for part funding various projects with a
cap set on each one. This way the money would be spread further and assist more projects. DE agreed.
North West in Bloom
The weather has been holding this project up. Herbs were going to be planted and plaques re-sighted.
ST asked if there was a colour theme and was told not really. He said he could put herbs in the
gravel bed beside the church.
People have received their materials to use in their houses. JH said a little goes a long way. Would
people give back their forms and £20 to JH asap. 5 signs were to be put up at all the entrances to
the village. GF has a sign passed by Smartwater. Wigan Metro would not allow the signs to be put
on lamp posts. One sign was to be put up on Yvonne Vernon’s property as you come in to the village
by road. GF said he would put one up on his land near the Douglas River. One would be put on the
2ton sign on the canal bridge. One would be put on the footpath as you come over the footbridge
from the main road into the park. MTh would put one up on his fence as you come into Crooke on the
footpath from Shevington. The cost of these signs would be less than £20 from a source known to
GF. JH and DK have already put up laminated signs on their properties. Krystina Pilkington said
that Shevington is interested.
MTh asked if a dog poo bin could be placed near the end of the village on the footpath to
Shevington. He would take responsibility for its maintenance. There was one available. ST said
the gap between the nursery and the church could be a site for a bin, but JH said that costs a lot
of money to have it emptied. GL said Jen had taken a call for the arrival of the 40 tons of stones
for the towpath to be put in the pub car park. The stones would arrive in the week and the work
force would then put it on the tow path. The dates were Tuesday 16th and Wednesday 17th April.
The meeting closed at 8.30 with a film, thank you Paul.
And a buffet – thank you Greg. A raffle was organised, thank you BM
Date of Next Meeting
Tuesday 14th May 2013 at 7 pm at the Crooke Hall Inn.
This concludes the minutes for April 2013.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for March 2013
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. 12th March 2013
Jim Haynes, Morag Tebbit, Mike Thomas, Paul Collins, Derek Keen, Christine Keen, Stephen Tebbit,
Doreen Haynes, Mike Smith, Greg Liptrot, Alex Cornish, Brian Musgrove.
Apologies from
Mike Crosby, Carole Miles, Sheila Milnes, Jan and Paul Green, Sandra Musgrove, Norman Hart, Graham Foster.
Minutes of February meeting.
The amended minutes were then proposed by Brian Musgrove, seconded by Doreen Haynes, and agreed by all.
Matters arising
Treasurer Report
Vice Chair’s Report
Secretary’s Report.
Paul Green was unwell but the website was in the process of being upgraded.
Ward Councillors
PC said that: 1) The topic of the potholes at the entrance to Crooke village was ongoing.
As was the potholes in Elnup Road and Princess Road. 2) An application had been placed to
plant 450 trees at Stokley Park in Appley Bridge and they were still waiting for notification.
MTh mentioned maybe there may be a clash of interests re funding if more people asked for
funding but PC said that anyone applying for funding was worth pursuing.
Projects Officer.
Derek Keen said that the pathway had been cleaned up (going from road beside pub diagonally up to
un-adopted road) but the drainage needs to be looked at again. Discussion followed about getting
in touch with the owners of the land and the different possibilities which were available. He also
said another litter pick needed to be done, along the canal and in the village. MTh warned us that
drug users had been in the area by the Royal Oak and to be aware of the possibility of needles.
DK said that duck tape had been used on the outside of the notice board and had to be cleaned up.
Krystyna Pilkington had noticed it.
Shevington Parish Council
MTh was on holiday and therefore did not attend.
S and D Fete
CVRA agreed to attend and paid £15 for our stall. Their next meeting was 26th March at the Methodist
Church in Shevington.
S and D Community Association
Their meeting was to be at 7pm on 26th February in cellar bar at Crooke Hall Inn.
North West in Bloom
JH attended a meeting in Hindley a couple of weeks ago. Shevington is entered as a town, whereas
Crooke is entered as a neighbourhood. Discussion followed about the fact that council were tidying
various bits of the area and therefore the locals were not contributing to the tidying of their area.
PC said that the school might be doing something and Damian Jenkinson and Margaret Carter were taking
the initiative. Discussion followed about the tidying of the alley behind Barnet Fayre and Bewleys.
An open meeting had taken place. They put forward a cost of £20 as a one-off fee. GF has done work
on the signs to go up in the village, to be submitted to Smartwater. JH was to speak to the highways
department re the erection of said signs.
ST asked about the composting area. JH had applied to Adactus for a green grant which had been granted,
hazel hurdles, post and concrete and to build a wildlife stack. £433 had been awarded. Thanks to Adactus.
Discussion followed about Lawn’s Wood. A meeting between DK, PG and JH with Graham Workman was arranged
for 21st March at 2pm. Simon Calderbank was going to be approached and Fran Godfrey was to give a price.
£20000 was needed and JH did not think this was a problem. JH circulated pictures of stacks which could
be used.
JH said Adactus produced a magazine quarterly, and there would an article about Crooke in it. There
was also a magazine called Local Life and an article would be in that. And also Shevington Parish Council
was to produce a magazine. Thank you JH for articles.
The meeting closed at 8.30 with a film –Pits and Railways. Thank you Paul And a buffet – thank you Greg.
JH was to ring council and ask for more salt. MTh was to get rid of plastic bags on his ground so as not
to invite more rubbish being left there. JH said we have been given a licence from Wigan Metro to tidy up,
plant flowers, herbs etc on Metro land and this licence was in the process of being renewed.
The meeting closed at 8.30 with a film – The history of Rugby League in Wigan. Thank you Alex.
And a buffet – thank you Greg.
Date of Next Meeting
Tuesday 9th April 2013 at 7 pm at the Crooke Hall Inn.
This concludes the minutes for March 2013.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for February 2013
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. 12th February 2013
Jim Haynes, Graham Foster, Morag Tebbit, Mike Thomas, Margaret Carter, John Whitely,
Jim Maloney, Paul Collins, Alison Thomas, Derek Keen, Christine Keen, Stephen Tebbit,
Paul Green, Janette Green, Mike Crosby, Paul Liptrot, Marlaine Whitham, Sheila Milnes.
Apologies from
Mike Smith, Ira Whitely, Carole Miles, Damian Edwardson, Doreen Haynes, Brian and Sandra
Musgrove, Jen Liptrot, Rev J Hilton, Norman Hart.
Minutes of January meeting.
The amended minutes were then proposed by Christine Keen, seconded by Paul Green, and agreed by all.
Matters arising
Paul Collins talked about the entrance to the village but the subject will be talked about later in the meeting.
Treasurer Report
Vice Chair’s Report
Secretary’s Report.
Paul Green said that he was in conversation with John Rigby re chronology of photographs and Peter Goodwin was
to be approached to do a commentary. Last month there were 273 visitors to the site and this month 243.
Ward Councillors
MC said a resident had phoned him re high Adactus rent increases.
PC said that 1) the entrance to Crooke village was on the list for repairs and resurfacing (JH asked PC
to check the wording of what was going to be done)
2) An application had been placed to plant 450 trees at Stokley Park in Appley Bridge.
3) Goal posts have been put in behind St Anne’s and the council was working with Shevington Sharks to
bring the field up to standard.
4) The work on the Rec at Shevington was on going.
5) The footpath from Crooke to Shevington was still being talked about.
6) Funding was approved to do “earth quaking” to make drainage better. This will be done in various parts
of the ward.
ST asked about whose responsibility was the road down by the pub. PC was to investigate.
Projects Officer.
Derek Keen talked of the following projects.
1) clear brook flowing into marina,
2) cut back overgrown bushes around park,
3) clear mud from pathway near canal bridge and try to drain it,
4) litter pick to be arranged,
5) planting around Interpretation Board and behind the bench. This year it will be herbs which
everyone can use.
Jim Haynes said this was appropriate as this year North West in Bloom was to be “Edible Britain.” JH
said that an impromptu meeting had been held with Matt Taylor of Canal and River Trust who had said
that there may be twenty soldiers with twenty tons of stone to go on to the tow path, as yet no date
set for this to happen. ST said there was a tree over the tow path near the Royal Oak Bridge. GL said
that the car park was to be used for access for the stone for the tow path.
Shevington Parish Council
MTh said that “Friends of Memorial Park “were looking into funding for play equipment and asked whether
all parks in the borough could apply for funding. PC reminded the meeting of Match Funding which was
available to all voluntary groups. He also said that funding for the development of Lawn’s Wood would
be available from April. He also said that there could be a Disability Grant. As a member of “Friends
of Lawn’s Wood” committee, JH would work with the councillors. There were dykes throughout the area not
doing what they were supposed t due to lack of maintenance, this would add to the likelihood of flooding.
Krystina Pilkington had raised this issue, at the SPC meeting. PC was to investigate. MTh mentioned Orica
and the sale of various pieces of land around Shevington, but there was still no decision available to
the public.
S and D Fete
DK and JH had attended the preliminary meeting for this event. JH asked if Crooke wanted to be involved
again. Everyone agreed that this would be a good idea. No date has been arranged. CVRA would pay £15 for
a stall. Greg Liptrot offered his Marquee for Shevington to use free of charge. Thank you Greg. MTh will
put it up. The next meeting re the fete was 19th February.
S and D Community Association
The AGM was held last week and Marlaine Whitham was the new chair and Jon Whitely was vice chair.
Congratulations to both. Their next meeting was to be at 7pm on 26th February in cellar bar at Crooke
Hall Inn. MW gave out a warm invite to anyone who was interested to come to the meeting in the Cellar
Bar or at Shevington Methodist Hall for the next meeting.
North West in Bloom
QRs are in process. They will be put in 10 locations around Crooke.
Lawn’s Wood will be tackled, with funding being finalised etc, with regards to disabled access. Bird
boxes and Bat boxes were to be erected. GF will liaise with local schools. Graham Workman was to be
approached in Wigan Metro re the Bat boxes. JH was going to ask Adactus re funding for screening the
compost bins using hazel hurdles and posts set in concrete. A wild life stack ( home for hedgehogs,
insects etc) was to be erected and local schools would be asked to be involved. In our last Northwest
in Bloom report we had scored 89/100 with the above areas being highlighted. (QRs, wheelchair access,
and wildlife stacks)
There will be an open meeting to which the whole village would be invited on the 19th February, to a
presentation by Smartwater for crime prevention. JH said this would be an excellent opportunity for
the village to show it could be united in standing up against criminals. The results in the news of
catching criminals using Smartwater facilities had been good. Some insurance companies gave discount
to people who had Smartwater facilities in use.
JH showed the meeting a copy of Local Life in which there was an article about Crooke. This magazine
would come out 4 times a year and there would be an article about Crooke in each issue. This was a free
DK asked if the format of our Christmas cards could be discussed at the next meeting.
The meeting closed at 8.30 with a film –Pits and Railways. Thank you Paul And a buffet – thank you Greg.
Date of Next Meeting
Tuesday 12th March 2013 at 7 pm at the Crooke Hall Inn.
This concludes the minutes for February 2013.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for January 2013
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. 8th January 2013
Jim Haynes, Doreen Haynes, Graham Foster, Morag Tebbit, Margaret Carter, John Whitely,
Veronica Maloney, Jim Maloney, Paul Collins, Brian Musgrove, Derek Keen, Christine Keen,
Barry King, Cliff Jarvis, Stephen Tebbit, Paul Green, Janette Green, Mike Crosby, Peter
Apologies from
Mike Smith, Sandra Musgrove, Sheila Milnes, Damian Edwardson, Paul Liptrot, Greg and
Jen Liptrot, Rev J Hilton, Norman Hart.
Minutes of November meeting.
The amended minutes –the changing of £192.50 to £930 revenue from selling Christmas cards
by Paul Green, and the changing of the word September to November in the Minutes to be
agreed, were then proposed by Derek Keen, seconded by Brian Musgrove, and agreed by all.
Matters arising
Barry King had information regarding monies from Orica. See attached report.

PC said that the 3 councillors were working hard to use monies from various sources, including Orica,
106 agreements, fairly. People must ask for monies and bid for the money. Organisations must bid for monies.
Priority would be given to matched funding. JH said that the footpath through Lawn’s Wood, footpath from the
Royal Oak bridge and along tow path, and the footpath from Crooke to Shevington were priorities. JH, DK and
GF and the councillors were to meet and discuss. Discussion followed about Smart Water – a system used to
protect property. PC proposed a pilot project, costing it, and then see what funding was available.
Treasurer Report
The Christmas card sales produced a profit of £428 and we also raised £108 from the Christmas Fayre.
We have set the following provisions for the coming year-
£519.20 for a shed/container (Adactus grant).
£83.16 (balance of Brighter Borough grant).
£500 for 2013 Christmas cards.
£150 for tool maintenance and fuel/weed killer etc.
£75 for Public Liability insurance.
£175 for planning fees to site a container behind the pub.
Considering the above, we have a bank balance of £2,506.04, plus petty cash of £199.41 which, after provisions,
leave a net cash position of £1,257.09.
This concluded the Treasurers Report.
Vice Chair’s Report
MTh was not at the meeting.
Secretary’s Report.
Paul Green said that December had been a quiet month. JH said that any information from the Chapel
must be verified by eg Rev Hilton before they are put on the website. The last minutes were to be put on.
Ward Councillors
MC said not a lot has changed over the Christmas period. He said working together had been good
and hoped next year would be as good. Congratulations were given to him on another Crosby arriving in July.
PC was dealing with routine problems like bins in Appley Bridge. He also talked about how to spend Orica money.
As governor at Shevington Vale P School and Mill Brook, he had already started discussions with the children
as to what they would like as regards play equipment. This approach could be widened to other schools. He
talked about thefts in the area and the need for any thefts to be reported. He himself had thieves in his
garage, and despite the police arriving within 10 minutes PC had a lot of stuff stolen. He is putting an
email together about tackling the possibilities of thieves, including Smart Water, taking an inventory.
DK suggested taking photographs. CK suggested wind chimes, lights coming on. Cliff said there had been an
incident at Joe Shovelton’s property at which he had surprised the people involved.
Project Officer.
As it was winter there had not been a lot going on. But another litter pick was needed. 19th January at
10am was agreed and ST was to put a notice up on the notice board advertising this event.
At the Shevington and District Association meeting PC put to the meeting information about Unify. JH
circulated that information to the Crooke meeting. It was regarding loans at good rates.
DK mentioned the entrance to the village being full of pot holes. A temporary repair had been made by
Roy from the Marina. PG said that he had told the council about pot holes on the main road and someone
from the council had come out to investigate.
Brian Musgrove raffled two bottles of wine for association funds, thank you Brian.
The meeting closed at 8.10 with a buffet and an excellent dvd. Thanks to Peter Goodwin who was present
at the meeting who provided the dvd. He was from Tradition Films who had made the dvd, Our Story,
Shevington with Lower Ground. John O’Neil had provided the script and Wigan Archives the stills.
Peter was selling copies for £5.
Thanks to Crooke Hall Inn for the hot-pot.
Date of Next Meeting
Tuesday 12th Febuary 2013 at 7 pm at the Crooke Hall Inn..
This concludes the minutes for January 2013.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for December 2012
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. 11th December 2012
Jim Haynes, Mike Thomas, Morag Tebbit, Mike and Sam Pope, Carole Miles, Ira Whitely,
John Whitely, D Edwardson, Veronica Maloney, Jim Maloney, Brian Musgrove, Sandra
Musgrove, Derek Keen, Stephen Tebbit, Paul Green, Janette Green, Mike Crosby,
Apologies from
Graham Foster, Mike Smith, Doreen Haynes, Christine Keen, Margaret Carter, Sheila
Milnes, Paul Collins, Alex Cornish, Rev J Hilton, Alison Thomas, Norman Hart.
Minutes of November meeting.
The minutes were then proposed by Paul Green, seconded by Stephen Tebbit, and
agreed by all.
Matters arising
Treasurer Report
None. GF sent his apologies.
Vice Chair’s Report
There was no feedback from the Shevington Parish Council re Crooke.
Secretary’s Report.
Paul Green is waiting to update information onto the website. He mentioned he wanted to
put on monies to the website but MTh said that sums mentioned at meetings should only
be given by the treasurer.
Ward Councillors
Damian Edwardson said he and the other councillors had been getting lots of calls about parking.
They also were trying to claim fair share of monies meant for open spaces and parks, to be used
for equipment for Shevington Park and Recreational parks incl Crooke. Ira Whitely said that our
councillors have done an excellent job for us but Wigan must show good will too. Wigan does not
provide any parking or money for repairing and should be taking some of the burden off the Parish
Council. JH and IW both said that our councillors work very hard for us and thanked them for
their attendance of our meetings.
DE said that they enjoyed coming to our meetings but that it was frustrating working within
constraints. He was continuing to learn how to approach things. He thanked the meeting for
making him so welcome. JH said that Adactus has been very good in the past giving the association
money. They also have given the Association 150 words in their magazine. But have not been
attending meetings. MTh said that Orica had mentioned £20000 was available for play equipment
for Shevington. Ira and DE were to liaise in bringing this to the Parish Council.
Christmas Cards.
Paul Green has done a wonderful personal job in selling 182 packs. - £930. (incl a donation
of £5.50) Thanks Paul. There were a few packs left including a few from previous years.
ST mentioned the compost bin up the lane needed a front. DK said this was in hand. ST
mentioned the electric box at the tree was visible but was told that that was the way
it had to be.
IW, CM and MTh would take the change of fencing round it to Parish Council for next year.
MTh has said he has put similar fencing round his land (on the path to Shevington) for
the protection of people.
The litter pick on the 24th November was successful – along the canal and round the village.
Brian asked if we had seen adverts put up by Orica promoting scenic walks along the tow path.
This was a little bit silly as the tow path was so messy.
There were going to be fewer drain clearings in the coming year.
DE told the meeting that John O’Neil was premiering the film Shevington and District – In
One Year at Shevington Methodist Church at 7pm on Thursday 13th December.
Ira thanked the CVRA for their Christmas email.
Brian Musgrove raffled three bottles of wine for association funds, thank you Brian.
The meeting closed at 9.00 with a buffet and film. Thanks to PG for the film, Pits and
Railways, a history of our local area. Thanks to Greg and Jen for the buffet.
Date of Next Meeting
Tuesday 8th January 2013 at 7 pm at the Crooke Hall Inn..
This concludes the minutes for December 2012.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for November 2012
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. 13th November 2012
The meeting started with a talk given by Alex Miller, Archivist of WLCT. This was very
interesting. A big thank you to Alex.
Then we had a minute silence remembering Margaret Hammond who sadly died on Monday.
Doreen Haynes, Morag Tebbit, Mike Thomas, Christine Keen, Alex Cornish, Brian Musgrove,
Stephen Tebbit, Paul Green, Janette Green, Paul Collins, Mike Crosby, Greg Liptrot,
Alex Miller, Rev John Hilton.
Apologies from
Graham Foster, Damian Edwardson, Jim Haynes, Derek Keen, Sandra Musgrove, Mike Smith.
Minutes of September meeting.
The minutes were then proposed by Brian Musgrove, seconded by Stephen Tebbit, and
agreed by all.
Treasurer Report
None. GF sent his apologies.
Vice Chair’s Report
There was no feedback from the Shevington Parish Council re Crooke.
Secretary’s Report.
Paul Green is to put the minutes on to the website. He was asked by Alex Cornish about the
number of hits. PG said that there was an automatic update on the website.
Ward Councillors
PC said that 20,000 bulbs had been planted, 10000 in Standish Lower Ground and 10000 in
Shevington. 5 a-side posts had been erected in Appley Bridge. Posts were going to be put
up behind St Anne’s School in Standish Lower Ground. There was still a problem with drainage
on the recreation ground. Parking was going to be a problem near the field behind St Anne’s
School. PC wants Shevington Sharks to play there. Shevington FC were to mark out a pitch.
£50000 was to be found for developing the site. The Core Strategy – councillors voted
unanimously to put it through and are now awaiting the Inspector’s Response. Wigan Council
has said that there was no need to build on Green Belt land in Wigan.
Northwest in Bloom
Derek Keen and Jim Haynes were attending the presentation of awards tonight. Crooke got
Outstanding in their category. We missed out on involving local businesses, e.g. the nursery,
but that will be addressed for next year. NWIB were impressed with the marina and the field.
Greg said that the pub would be improved for next year. PC said that we should be very proud
of ourselves as we only have been entering NWIB in the last 18 months and other areas had
been competing for many years. Shevington got a Silver Gilt.
Christmas Cards.
Paul Green has done a wonderful personal job in selling 97 packs of the 189 in total. MTh
took 10 for the Hairdressing Shop. Discussion followed about the production of calendars,
notelets and postcards. Each was to be investigated price wise.
Greg Liptrot (landlord of the Crooke Hall Inn) asked CVRA if they would like a stall at
their Christmas Market event on the first 2 weekends of December.
MT asked about the posters of Trick or Treat distributed around the village with the CVRA
name on them and said that it had not come up in any meetings. This was a point of order.
MTh said that a group within CVRA could take decisions on something not passed on at meetings.
PG asked on DK’s behalf that a litter pick should take place. Date decided was Saturday 24th
November at 10 am. ST to put up a notice on the notice board.
Greg said that the firework night was successful, no idiots had come. The only thing he forgot
to do was do a letter drop in the village about the event.
Brian Musgrove raffled two bottles of wine for association funds, thank you Brian.
The meeting closed at 9.00 with a buffet and film. Thanks to Greg and Jen for the buffet.
Date of Next Meeting
Tuesday 11th December 2012 at 7 pm at the Crooke Hall Inn.
This concludes the minutes for November 2012.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for the AGM, October 2012
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. 9th October 2012
Jim Haynes, Doreen Haynes, Graham Foster, Greg Liptrot, Steve Tebbit, Morag Tebbit,
Jan Green, Paul Green, Mike Thomas, Derek Keen, Christine Keen, Brian Musgrove, Sandra
Musgrove, Paul Collins (councillor), Mike Crosby (councillor), Margaret Carter, Trisha
Apologies from
Paul Liptrot, Mike Smith, Rev John Hilton, Damian Edwardson, Alex Cornish, Norman Hart,
Alison Thomas.
Welcome from the Chairman.
Chairman’s Report.
Welcome to the third AGM of the Crooke Village Residents Association and a look at what
are the achievements of the last 12 months.
In October 2011, Crooke Village was awarded Thriving in the North West in Bloom
competition; this being next to the highest award in the category. Later in October at
a ceremony in Wigan Town Hall, two more awards were received for the Best developing
Community Project. Not bad considering that the Crooke Village Residents Association
is just three years old and only entered the competition that year.
The sale of Christmas cards was exceptional.
Bulbs were planted, in the area of the Interpretation Board and new flowerbeds created,
using flowers donated by Moss Bank Nurseries.
Adactus funded petrol strimmers, brush woodcutters, edgers, hedgers, a chain saw, a
cultivator and a blower. All of which proved to be invaluable in widening the footpath
around the park, keeping the footpath clear in Lawns Wood and clearing The entrance
and around the village.
The canal towpath was litter picked, as was the path at the both ends of Lawns Wood.
A projector and screen were purchased so that a film can be shown after the monthly meeting.
A compost bin has been built so that grass cuttings etc. can be re-cycled. The canal
bridge was repainted.
The biggest project of the year has to be the erection of the stone to commemorate
the diamond jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II.
Mr. Jim Maloney, deputy Lieutenant, on behalf of the Lord Lieutenant of Greater
Manchester, dedicated the stone and unveiled the Interpretation Board whilst the
Pemberton Old Wigan DW Brass Band played followed by a concert at the Crooke Hall
Inn. Superb weather and a low-level fly over by a Lancaster bomber were the making of
the day.
Thank you to the following.
Adactus for funding the gardening equipment and allowing the earlier allotment
funding be used for other purposes.
Councillors Paul Collins, Mike Crosby and former councillor Paul Liptrot for their
part in funding the commemorative stone.
Shevington Parish Council providing the balance to buy the stone.
Councillors Paul Collins, Mike Crosby & Damian Edmondson for funding the hire of
the brass band.
The three councillors for attending meetings and being on hand, to assist and advise
when required.
Members of the Shevington Parish Council and the Shevington and district Community
Association for attending meetings.
B&Q for supplying paint for the bridge.
John Maiden for the use of his time and machinery.
Greg & Jenny Liptrot, for providing the venue and buffet at our monthly meetings.
The Methodist Church for the use of the chairs for the band cat the unveiling ceremony.
Thank you to members of the Crook Village Residents Association.
Mike Thomas, vice chairman, for the use of his vehicles and equipment including the loan
of a sit on lawn mower, and being on hand, to advise and assist at the projects. Mike
attends the Shevington Parish Council on our behalf.
Graham Foster, Treasurer, for looking after our finances and grant applications plus
helping on projects.
Morag Tebbit, Secretary, for taking and circulating the minutes of meetings.
Derek Keen, Projects Officer. Derek has put a great deal of effort into getting things
done throughout the village and a lot of what has happened this year, especially in
the North West in Bloom entry and the Commemorative Stone is down to him.
Paul Green for his continued work on the website, and a new DVD/slide show of the stone
dedication plus the outstanding sale of Christmas cards was due to Pauls’ efforts. Paul
received an award from the Shevington & district Community Association for Service to
the Local Community. He is also involved with the projects throughout the year and even
though he & Jan no longer live in the village they still devote a great deal of time to
the Residents Association.
Steve Tebbit, for his involvement preparing the base for the stone and cobbling around
the notice board and other projects.
Mike Smith, for working on the base for the stone the notice board and other projects.
Brian Musgrove for work on the stone and the notice board as well as litter picking and
running the raffle at meetings.
Ann Rodgers for providing paint & roller’s at the bridge painting and helping with
Doreen, Chris, Jan & Alison for their support throughout the year.
The Future.
A lot has been achieved over the last 3 years so thought has to be giver to
maintaining that which has been created. It has been suggested that more
publicity be given to tasks that ore being undertaken and a suggestion is
to devote one or two Saturdays each month 1’o carry out maintenance and projects.
The dates could be planned for the year and the work decided at the monthly meeting,
these dates and projects to be posted on the notice board.
Another suggestion is the holding of meetings later in the evening as this may be
more suitable for working people. A trial period of 6 months of an eight o’clock
start may be worth considering.
The constitution of the Association states that the aims are:
• To enable residents to become more involved in village life. Monthly meetings
enable people to become involved, should they wish.
• To raise funds for projects that will benefit the village.
Funds are raised for projects, tools, projector & screen, display boards, Village Stone etc.
• To improve the quality of life of residents of the village.
The quality of life of residents has been improved with the work done around the village,
erection of the commemorative stone, widening the path around the park, clearing village
entrance, keeping the culvert clear, keeping the path in Lawns wood clear, regular grass
cuffing around the border of the park and around the Interpretation Board, weed spraying etc.
• To encourage a greater sense of community spirit.
Thought needs to be given as to how we communicate with our residents. Social events and a
better and more regular newsletter are only two suggestions, other ideas need to be looked at.
Thanks to the kind offer of Greg, Jenny & Allgates it is planned to site a container behind
Crooke Hall Inn to store equipment; this is subject to obtaining planning permission.
We hope that the long awaited funding to resurface the path in Lawns Wood will be forthcoming in 2013.
The footpath to Shevington is in need of draining and resurfacing, it must be remembered that this is
the only safe way to get to Shevington on foot and is well used by walkers, cyclists and horse riders.
The towpath to Gathurst is also in need of repair and discussions have already taken place with the
Canal & Rivers Trust but to date have not got very far.
Thank you all for listening I am sure that the CVRA will go from strength to strength in 2013.
Treasurer Report 2011-12
We have had a good year in terms of securing grants and support from other bodies.
Adactus provided a grant of £790 for the purchase of landscaping equipment and also
agreed to the release of the £1000 provision for the allotment. From the £1000, we
used £396 toward the Jubilee Stone event and the rest is to be put towards other
projects around the village.
We have also had fantastic support from our Local Councillors and Shevington Parish
Council - together they have helped to finance the Jubilee Stone and also contributed
towards the Jubilee Stone event.
The Christmas cards once again proved popular and the sales from last Christmas
brought in just over £500 of profit and a huge thank you to Paul Green for walking
the streets and selling them door to door.
A mention should also go to Steve Tebbit and Brian Musgrove. Steve has organised two
village quizzes and these have raise £76 and Brian has organised the monthly raffle
and these have raised £167, thank you to both Steve and Brian.
Now to the accounts.
The income for 2011-12 was £3,928.00 plus the balance from the previous year of
£2,312.01 gave a total for the year of £6,240.01
The outgoings for 2011-12 were £4,377.13 with the main contributors being:
Christmas Cards - £477
Tools/Projector etc. - £1,311
Jubilee Stone - £1,000
Jubilee Stone event - £696
With regard to Provisions, we are currently holding £1,402.36 and this is for:
2012 Christmas Cards - £500
Container for storage - £519.20 (balance of previous Adactus grant)
Tool maintenance etc - £300
Balance of grant - £83.16 (Brighter Borough Grant)
Therefore at the end of this financial year the funds we have on deposit are £1,817.72,
plus Petty Cash of £45.16, less the provisions leaves us with a Net Cash position of £460.52.
Thank you.
Vice Chair’s Response
Mike apologised for his not being around in the last few weeks, then thanked Jim for his
tireless work for the village. He thanked people for their support, especially in tidying
the village.
Secretary’s Report.
Morag thanked Jim for his work he is doing for the village and Derek Keen, Graham
Foster and Paul Green, and of course their wives. She thanked our councillors for
their unstinting support, ie Damian Edwardson, Paul Collins and Mike Crosby.
Projects Officers Report
1) Since becoming the projects officer we have cleared back the overhanging
trees to the village entrance and also strimmed the weeds and sprayed.
2) We have cut back all pathways around the village with the new tools. They
have been a great help and made the job much better than using half-moon cutters
which would have taken a week or more to do. The grass around the footpath edgings
was cut the width of the sit on mower all around the park and elsewhere.
3) The entrance and all through Lawns Wood has been cut back and sprayed but
there is still a lot more work to be done in there.
4) North West in Bloom, I hope, was a success. There was quite a bit of work
done around the village like repainting the planters and making up of hanging and
wall baskets for the Pub also a communal composting area was made part way up where
the wagon lines use to run. It is on the right hand side walking towards the park.
The plants around the Interpretation Board were also replaced and the mound were
the Tippler use to be was strimmed back.
5) One of the main projects was the Jubilee Stone, which was a success with
all the help of everyone involved. It would have been a lot more difficult to
do the job without the help of John Maiden who levelled the land and dug out the
footings for the stone. I would like to thank Joe Shovelton for making tea and
coffee for us all.
6) The bridge over the canal was repainted; the white paint was donated by
B&Q the black paint was donated by Anne Rodgers. Thanks to all concerned.
7) The project, where the laying of cobbles around the notice board took
place, was accomplished with the help of Mike Thomas who part cut the cobbles.
Thanks again to all concerned.
8) Again with the help Mike Thomas who provided a shredder, the tree cuttings
down the side of the old rail track were shredded and disposed of. They were put
on the entrance to Lawns Wood.
Standing Down of Present Officers and Election of New Officers.
Graham Foster thanked the members who were standing down. Paul Green proposed the
election of Jim Haynes as chair, seconded by MTh, all agreed. JH accepted but said
that this was his 4th year and new blood was needed. Christine Keen proposed Michael
Thomas as vice chair, JH seconded it, all agreed. MT was proposed as secretary by
Christine Keen and seconded by Brian Musgrove. Graham Foster was proposed as
treasurer by JH and seconded by BM, all agreed.
Paul Collins and Mike Crosby had had a meeting about the cutting of the field and the number
of cuts per year would be increased. The weather has been particularly bad this year making
the cutting of the grass with present machinery difficult. If weather does not improve, new
equipment might have to be bought when the lease expires for the present equipment.
Paul Green praised the committee. He also said that the CVRA would not be so successful without
JH and his very hard work and knowledge. The website was up to date. Thanks to PG for an
excellent website. He passed round a pack of photographs of Crooke in Winter, for people to
indicate their preferences for our new Christmas card pack to be put together. Trisha suggested
sepia be used and DK suggested black and white. This was to be considered. PG had copies of
the 4 seasons of Crooke DVD which he distributed to all who wanted a copy. Thank you Paul.
PG is putting together a history of Crooke in words and pictures, as yet to be chronicled.
MTh said that Margaret Hammond was wheelchair bound, and that he was going to move Joe’s
plaque to another bench on the field (post meeting note, this has been done).
Discussion followed about the ownership of the footpath from Crooke to Shevington. PC to
investigate further.
CK said that the path alongside her house was very muddy. This would be dealt with.
ST asked about the weed killing effect on the grass. A different use of equipment was going
to be used to stop the problem.
GF said that Alex Cornish had taken the accounts to an independent accountant and they had
been ratified.
The change of starting time for meetings was discussed but as Alex Miller was to be speaking
at our next meeting it was agreed that we leave the start in November at 7pm and Alex Miller
would come at 8 to talk about the archives etc.
PC mentioned an email he had circulated, regarding cold callers – similar to PPI and we were
to ignore them.
The meeting closed at 8.30 and was followed by a buffet provided by Greg and Jen Liptrot,
thanks to them. Also we watched the original slide show of Crooke, slides and a video of
the unveiling of the Jubilee Stone, Brass Band etc, and slides and video of the Beer Festival.
Thank you PG.
Date of Next Meeting
Tuesday 13th November 2012 at 7 pm at the Crooke Hall Inn.
This concludes the minutes of the AGM for October 2012.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for September 2012
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. 11th September 2012
Jim Haynes, Doreen Haynes, Morag Tebbit, Derek Keen, Christine Keen, Alex Cornish, Brian
Musgrove, Sandra Musgrove, Paul Liptrot, Stephen Tebbit, Mike Smith, Mike Pope, Margaret
Carter, NK, Paul Green, Janette Green, Barry King (SPC and SDCA), Mark Tate, Dawn Bootle.
Apologies from
Norman Hart, Graham Foster, Mike Crosby, Paul Collins, Damian Edwardson.
Minutes of last Meeting.
Mike Smith there was no mention of the changing of the times of the meeting in the minutes
of the August meeting. The issue had been aired then. These will be discussed later at the
AGM in October.
The minutes were then proposed by Christine Keen, seconded by Brian Musgrove, and agreed
by all.
Matter Arising
None. GF sent his apologies.
Shevington Parish Council
Barry King said there had been 3 matters talked about at SPC. 1) Re green belt options
in Standish. The date for objections to said proposals was 11.09.2012. 2) Shevington
United Charities. This was a charity set up in the early 1900s. There had been no
activity for many years and there appeared to be little knowledge about this charity
nor any details of land it may have owned. Investigations were being made. 3) SP
Diamond Jubilee Walk details of which would be added to Crooke website.
Shevington and District Community Association.
Mike Warden and David Kiersley had talked about the Core Plan, talking about 15000 projected
houses being built – a short fall of 2500. PC said that in November a revised plan was being
discussed. Discussion at our meeting continued about the Core Strategy. PL knew of a
private planning consultant who could be approached regarding objections. The local
Authority Plan is being challenged but the inspectorate has the final say.
BK told the meeting that the village fete had raised twice as much as last year. The
response had been encouraging despite the heavy downfall of rain. The doors to the
Youth Club were in the wrong place when rain came down as people could not come in
to where a few stalls were, including the SPC stall and the Crooke Village stall.
The grant for the marquee was not available for next year which would highlight
funding issues in the future.
Projects Officer/Jubilee Stone
DK said that the dedication of the Jubilee Stone, by Mr Jim Maloney, Deputy Lieutenant
of the Lord Lieutenant of Lancashire, which took place on Saturday 8th September at
2pm with Pemberton Old Wigan DW Band performing, was an outstanding success. The
weather was excellent, the number of people attending was excellent, the buffet was
excellent, and the flypast by a WW2 bomber aircraft was stunning. JH thanked DK.
The council had cut the grass in the field, and a road sweeper had had tidied the
village. Everyone had helped. But thanks especially to the Keenes and the Haynes for
making it such a memorable day.
Paul Green is busy updating this excellent website. Thank you Paul. The attendance
medal which a gent at the Shevington Fete gave to the people at the stall, was going
to be investigated by the archivist, Alex Miller and then displayed, where was yet
to be decided. Also the mining medal found by ST. DK asked if anyone had photos to
give them to Paul. There might be a spread in Lancashire Life.
Ward Councillors.
PC said the invasion of the Himalayan Balsam was to be tackled soon. There was a
written submission by all 3 councillors re Core Strategy, which has been circulated
and this meeting has a copy. Discussion followed about the erection of houses on
Giants Hall Road. PC said this was highly unlikely.
Lawn’s Wood update.
Kath Godfrey from the Trust for Conservation was chasing up Simon Calderbank. Sarah Sadler has
taken voluntary redundancy.
Northwest in Bloom
The presentation will be on 24th October for Crooke (DK and JH are going) and 25th October
for Shevington.
In hand.
No further development.
The AGM will be on Tuesday 9th October when all current officers will stand down
and new officers will be elected. There are nomination forms for prospective
Greg Liptrot (landlord of the Crooke Hall Inn) mentioned having a beer festival in
September. At the event there will be no parking in the village, the music will
finish at 10pm and he hoped that nobody would be upset. He had issued a temporary
event notice.
MT at the meeting, mentioned the fact that the working party usually consisted of
the same small group, to which we are all extremely grateful but quite often we did
not know about this work being done. Afterwards M Tate commented about the
marvellous work done by this group but it should not be exclusive. Perhaps dates
should be set and everyone made to feel welcome, at any time, to do work around the
village. Mike Smith said we should encourage children and families and make it fun.
AC said that the Nursery could be involved. Communication was discussed again but no
conclusion reached.
Margaret mentioned that hanging baskets were to be erected on 6th October. Margaret
to email JH, who will pass on the email.
Brian Musgrove raffled two bottles of wine for association funds, thank you Brian.
The meeting closed at 8.30 with a buffet and film. Thanks to Greg and Jen for the
buffet and PG for the film.
Date of Next Meeting
Tuesday 9th September 2012 at 7 pm at the Crooke Hall Inn.
This concludes the minutes of the meeting for September 2012.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for August 2012
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. 7th August 2012
Jim Haynes, Doreen Haynes, Morag Tebbit, Derek Keen, Christine Keen, Damian Edwardson
councillor, Paul Collins councillor, Mike Crosby councillor, Alex Cornish, Brian Musgrove,
Stephen Tebbit, Mike Booth, Nick Pope, Margaret Carter, Greg Liptrot, Mike Smith., Mike
Apologies from
Norman Hart, Graham Foster.
Minutes of last Meeting.
The minutes were proposed by Derek Keen, seconded by Doreen Haynes, and agreed by all.
Matter Arising
None as GF on holiday.
Lawn’s Wood update.
JH has cut down a quantity of Himalayan Balsam alongside the footpath through Lawns Wood, to make it
passable; however, there is still a lot of balsam, which cannot be reached.
Shevington Parish Council
No report as council on summer recess.
Shevington and District Community Association.
No report as association is on summer recess.
Projects Officer
DK said that the dedication of the Jubilee Stone, by Mr Jim Maloney, Deputy Lieutenant of the Lord
Lieutenant of Lancashire, will take place on Saturday 8th September at 2pm. Pemberton Old Wigan DW Band
will be performing. They will march through village to the Information Board, which Mr Maloney DL will
also dedicate. The band will hold a concert for about one hour and a buffet will be provided in the
Cellar Bar of the Crooke Hall Inn. As there is an Olympian swimmer from the Sydney Olympics playing
in the brass band, and Grace Jeffers who is Wigan’s young musician of the year 2011/2012, it was thought
that the media, TV and newspapers would take an interest when invited to cover the story.
DK said he had spoken to Granada and that the fact that the swimmer and the musician would be playing was
of interest to Granada. Funding was talked about and councillors MC. PC & DE. offered £300 from their
Brighter Borough fund. The oldest/longest serving member of Crooke village is to be invited to take part
in the dedications. JH was to investigate the possibility of Country File following up there 1970 programme
when they reported the formation of the Crooke Village Co-operative. JH also advised that Peter Goodwin
of Tradition Films will attend to film the event.
DK also said that the plaques remembering Joe Hammond and Joyce Hart have been erected. The green had been
mowed, but the field was now very long and still had not been cut.
Paul Green was not at the meeting.
Ward Councillors.
JH thanked all three councillors for their attendance and assistance. MC talked of the “hole” which had
appeared. Graham Dickman, of Wigan Metro, was querying responsibility. JH said that the hole had been
inspected and had been cordoned off.
Olympic Games/Fete
JH said that our stand had been a great success and a lot of interest was shown. MTh said a gent from
Shevington had given the village a medal –Shevington/Crooke School, dated 1897. This will be put on
display in the awards cabinet.
Queen's Jubilee Stone.
See under Project Officer.
Northwest in Bloom
The visit happened. We await the results.
Greg and Jen said we could site a container in the car park of Crooke Hall Inn. On 13th August, Rebecca
Bartollini (Wigan Metro planning officer) met up with PC, JH and DK. A very good case will have to be
put to the planners as the village fall within the Green Belt. It will take a minimum of eight weeks as
long as no resident objects. The application will cost £170.00.
Has been talked about before.
Report from Rivers and Canals Trust meeting.
Matt Taylor, volunteer organiser, will supply black and white paint for the bridge and
stone to repair the towpath, especially towards Gathurst.
The A.G.M will be on Tuesday 9th. October when current officers all will stand down and
new officers elected.
DK said that the area in front of the notice board needs cobbling and
Saturday 18th August at 10.00am is set for this to take place. Mike Smith
suggested that dates should be made, as quite often he has seen work being done in
the village but he did not know anything about it. Margaret Carter advised that
small funding could be obtained from the Cooperative Community Fund. Tony Blair, an
Asda employee is approaching his manager with the view of obtaining funding. PC
broached the subject of the Wigan Original Strategy. Discussion followed about
meetings for consultations re housing in particular the recent developments around
Standish Lower Ground.
Brian Musgrove raffled two bottles of wine for association funds, thank you Brian.
The meeting closed at 8.30 with a buffet and film. Thanks to Greg and Jen for the
buffet and PG for the film.
Date of Next Meeting
Tuesday 11th September 2012 at 7 pm at the Crooke Hall Inn.
This concludes the minutes of the meeting for August 2012.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for July 2012
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. 10th July 2012
Jim Haynes, Doreen Haynes, Morag Tebbit, Derek Keene, Damian Edwardson councillor, Paul Collins councillor,
Paul Green, Jan Green, Alex Cornish, Brian Musgrove, Stephen Tebbit, Mike Booth, Sheila Milnes, Nick Pope,
Margaret Carter, Greg and Jenny, Derek Bent.
Apologies from
Winnie and Mike Smith, Mike Thomas, Alison Thomas, Norman Hart, Mike Crosby, Carol Miles.
Minutes of last Meeting.
The minutes were proposed by Derek Keane and seconded by Steve Tebbit and agreed by all.
Matter Arising
Adactus has given us green light to use the £1000 Green Grant previously allocated for the allotment project
to be used on other projects in the village. A balance of c£900 has been set aside for Public Liability
insurance and insurance for equipment, purchase of Christmas card packs, fuel/maintenance etc for power
tools. This leaves a net balance of £1054 of which just under £100 is petty cash.
Lawn’s Wood update.
Kath Godfrey said that Biffa has to be approached now for funding. JH is to investigate.
Shevington Parish Council
No report as M.Thomas is on holiday.
Shevington and District Community Association.
Sheila Miles said there had been two talks. One talk was by Jeremy Bell on the replacement of Township,
now it comprised Standish, Aspull, Shevington, Ince and Wigan North. The other was by Penny McGinty on
106 monies which generated from the sale of land for engineering projects. PC asked for ideas to put to
PC for how to use this money as it was stopping within the next 18 months. Talk followed about the
unadopted roads in Crooke. JH is to liaise with PC.
Projects Officer
DK said a small party had cut round the park, cut grass, sprayed etc. Thank you JH, DK, MTh and PG. The
jubilee stone had been replaced. It looked good. The area round the stone was to be cobbled and grass
seed sown. A working party (inc. the people already mentioned plus Brian Musgrove and ST) to do this work
on Sat 14th July at 10.00am. ST asked about planters and salt bin. PC said the issue of the salt bin was
still in progress at council level.
Nothing has been done this month but information is to be put on. Thank you Paul.
Ward Councillors.
DE said that the kerbstones were to be replaced, a date was to be arranged. PC informed the meeting that
the Beat It team were to be in the area. They actually had been in the village on Monday 9th July and had
done a poor job. Sheila Milnes said as the team was going to Shevington on Wednesday 11th July, they would
be closely monitored. PC gave us an update of the work planned for the Rec in Shevington and a wildflower
area with Faith Compton in charge of that. There were issues with the actual wagons which collect our bins,
and also issues with the dates of collection. These had been sorted. The issue of the grass cutting of the
field was discussed as it is very long. PC was going to investigate. Thank you, MC, PC, and DE.
Olympic Games/Fete
The date for this is 4th August. JH, DK, MT and ST to attend representing CVRA.
Queen's Jubilee Stone.
See under Project Officer.
Northwest in Bloom
On the day of the visit, 26th July, possibly at 11.00 am, the group would meet at the Marina, then go to
the Chapel, then to the nursery, round the park to Lawn’s Wood, to the interpretation board then to the
pub. Presentation written by JH will be shown. Before the visit a working party will be organised to do
a general tidy up.
!We have monies to buy a container in which to store the equipment we have, £1000 worth. This container
needs to be secure. It also needs planning permission as Crooke is in a green belt area. The idea was that
this container would be placed in the pub’s car park with Greg and Jen’s approval, and the brewery’s. Greg
and Jen were going to fence off whatever containers which were already there. JH, PC and DE were to have a
meeting to put together the argument to put to planning department.
This was done annually up until now. DE has a template for a better format. Adactus has not responded re
funding for the newsletter but there is other money available from the £1000.
Expenses for activities done by members of the CVRA was discussed and GF and JH were to discuss policy.
Also an independent auditor was needed. AC was going to ask a credited auditor.
Margaret Hammond had sent a lovely letter thanking us for the plaque to be put on his
favourite bench in the park, in memory of her husband Joe who died earlier in the year.
There was also a plaque to be placed near the interpretation board in memory of Joyce
Hart who also died earlier this year. She was a founder member of the cooperative which
saved the village from demolition. Discussion followed about the unveiling of the
Jubilee Stone. This would be a grand affair. JH to arrange.
PG proposed a vote of thanks to JH, DK and MTh for all their hard work. This was
agreed by all the meeting. ST proposed that the wives be applauded too.
JH thanked Greg and Jen, the new landlords of the Crooke Hall Inn for their
cooperation and accommodation and wished them all the best for the future.
The meeting closed at 8.30pm with a buffet and film.
Thanks to Greg and Jen for the buffet and PG for the film.
Date of Next Meeting
Next meeting Tuesday 14th August 2012 at 7 pm in the Crooke Hall Inn.
This concludes the minutes of the meeting for July 2012.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for June 2012
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. 12th June 2012
Jim Haynes, Doreen Haynes, Morag Tebbit, Derek Keene, Christine Keen, Damian Edwardson councillor, Paul
Collins councillor, Mike Crosby councillor, Paul Green, Jan Green, Alex Cornish, Sandra Musgrove, Brian
Musgrove , Stephen Tebbit, Ira Whitely, Codey Wade, Mike Booth, Sheila Milnes, Carol Miles, Marlaine
Whitham, Sarah Sadler Wigan Councillor, Kath Godfrey BTCV.
Apologies from
Winnie and Mike Smith, Joan Byrne, Margaret Carter, Alison Thomas, Margaret Carter, Norman Hart, Graham
Minutes of last Meeting.
The minutes were proposed by Steve Tebbit and seconded by Paul Green and agreed by all.
Matter Arising
As GF was not present, no report was given.
Lawn’s Wood update.
Jim Haynes introduced Sarah Sadler from Wigan Metro, and Kath Godfrey from BTCV to give an up date about
what was happening. KG said that 300 – 400 metres of the footpath was to be upgraded and a loop for
wheelchair access was to be addressed at a cost of £8,600. The footsteps at the other end of the path at
the main road end would also be improved and a gate put in to stop people going on to the main road. There
were different sources of funding available, including from DEFRA, BIFA. Etc. If part of the funding came
from BIFA the village would have to fund 10% of that money. PC told the meeting about Match Funding. Kath
is to investigate all the funding. The work should be completed by March 2013. JH proposed, and MTh 2nded
the proposal that funding was to be found. Everyone agreed. Thank you Kath for all the work she has done in
the village. JH thanked KG and SS for their time and for coming to our meeting.
Shevington Parish Council
Nothing to report regarding Crooke. Carol Miles said that the winning shop in the Shop Front Competition in
Shevington was won by Nail and Beauty, the Hospice Shop was 2nd and Barnet Fayre was 3rd. However
discussion followed about the changes to the Benefit System which would ultimately affect Crooke. PC
informed the meeting there would be a number of changes to Housing Benefit, and other benefits. The changes
would have to be accessed by computer, which was seen to be present loads of problems. SM said that 53% had
already coped by themselves, and 47% had had help ( by whom it had not been established). A Bedroom Tax was
also mentioned. Wigan is 1 of only 3 pilot schemes, Warrington and Thameside being the other 2. The Core
Strategy was also discussed..
Shevington and District Community Association.
Everyone was able to attend these meetings, which were held on the last Tuesday of every month at the
Methodist Church in Shevington at 7pm.
This has been down for a few days along with other sites on the same server. But the problem had been
rectified and a new server found. The minutes of the last meeting were due to be archived, and new photos
put on the site. Thank you Paul.
Ward Councillors.
MC said that the grass cutting service was to be reduced to 10 cuts a year. Discussion followed. IW asked
if it was better cut a few years ago, at which everyone agreed. IW and CM would take back complaints to
Parish Council. MC, PC and DE were to approach WLCT. PC talked of the salt bins – he had requested that
Highways do something about them. Permission had been granted that there would be more of them. On the
issue of fly tipping near Heinz, brought up by ST at the last meeting, PC had investigated and another
bollard was to be put in a particular place to stop cars from entering the area. PC went on to talk about
the massive project at the Rec in Shevington, to which all our councillors are committed. He said that
flooding was issue, which really could not be addressed as it was massive, and no single source could be
found. ST said that soakaways would not work as it was clay on rock. DK mentioned the fact that there were
no women’s teams accommodated in Wigan, DE said that issue was being addressed. PC also said he had
accepted a position as Director of Wigan and Leigh Housing Association. Congratulations Paul. He also
mentioned a Nationwide man going around the area fraudulently so be aware. DE said he had investigated the
fact that lorries were going across kerbstones to get to the nursery. He was told that white paint had been
painted as a warning, but this did not seem to be having any effect. He would investigate further. DK
mentioned the branches overhanging the main road at the other side of the park causing a hazard to
pedestrians. JH at this point thanked all our councillors for their efforts for our area, and the fact
that they all come to our meeting. Thank you, MC, PC, and DE.
Olympic Games/Fete
Ira Whitely had information and posters about this event and excitedly told the meeting about this event.
She gave a pack to CVRA and a pack to MT to give to the church.
Queen's Jubilee Stone.
DK said this was finished and would arrive shortly. Volunteers were needed to prepare the base. PG, ST, BM,
JH and MTh volunteered and were to meet at 10 am Wednesday. DK also showed the meeting photos of memorial
plaques to Joyce Hart, and Joe Hammond which would be placed on their favourite seats in the village.
Saturday 16th June at 10am was set for volunteers to cut the grass round the park and shred the sawn trees.
PG, JH, DL and MTh volunteered.DK had sourced a weed killer at £72 for 20 l. MTh had donated a sit down
mower. Thank you both.
Northwest in Bloom/Lawn’s Wood
3 issues have to be addressed.
!) The Nursery - AC is to meet with them. 2) The pub – the new landlords were to be approached when they
take over on the 16th June.3) The Chapel – MT and ST were to talk to the chapel about hanging baskets.4)
The Marina – JH to approach Yvonne.
These new aids for information were to be put on hold for the time being.
DE had produced a new format, which was 4 A5 sides folded on 1 A4. JH to approach Adactus for funding so as
to be able to produce the newsletter 4 times a year using Douglas Valley Printers. Thank you AC for
producing this up till now..
ST mentioned the Church Fair on Saturday 7th July at 1.30
MC said that the Beat it Team were to be in the village on the 6th July. PC asked the meeting to write a
list of things to do and he would pass it on to the team. Discussion followed about planters. Suffice to
say the Damian Jenkinson will be providing plants soon for the planters.
The meeting closed at 9pm with a buffet and film.
SM asked if she could show a CD before the film.
The meeting closed at 9pm with the pictures from SM, followed by a buffet and film.
Date of Next Meeting
Next meeting Tuesday 10th July 2012 at 7 pm in the Crooke Hall Inn.
This concludes the minutes of the meeting for June 2012.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for May 2012
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. 8th May 2012
Jim Haynes, Doreen Haynes, Morag Tebbit, Derek Keene, Christine Keen, Damian Edwardson councillor, Paul
Collins councillor, Mike Crosby councillor, Paul Green, Jan Green, Alex Cornish, Norman Hart, Graham Foster,
Brian Musgrove , Stephen Tebbit.
Apologies from
Winnie and Mike Smith, Joan Byrne, Margaret Carter, Alison Thomas and Sandra Musgrove.
Minutes of last Meeting.
The minutes were proposed by Paul Green and seconded by Steve Tebbit and agreed by all.
Matter Arising
There was just over £3000 in the kitty, carrying liabilities of £1700 (for shed etc from the allotment fund.
As we were unable to rent an allotment it was agreed that GF write to Adactus asking if this liability could
be changed. Discussion followed about to what use we could use this money. The balance of £1300 was earmarked
for the cost of the newsletter, purchasing Christmas cards, fuel for the strimmer, plaque for Joe and Joan,
weed killer and sprayer back pack. MTh said he would donate a ride on mower.
Shevington Parish Council
Nothing. No news about the sealed bids for sites up for sale.
Shevington and District Community Association.
Shevington Fete will be on the 4th August, at which Crooke will have a stall/dvd running of Crooke, thanks
PG. There would be some sort of Olympic flavour.
JG and PG had gone to see the Wigan Archivist, Alex Miller, whose archives in Leigh had photos of Crooke
which subsequently PG H has put on the Crooke website. PG also said that AM will be invited to the November
meeting. He is prepared to lead a party of up to 10 in a guided tour of the archives. PG said that he had a
translation of a copy of the 1317/1322 Deeds of Crooke. He also had photos of the Southport riders on the
website. Thank you Paul.
Ward Councillors.
MC said that the potholes at the entrance of the village were being addressed . ST mentioned there had been
fly tipping on the path up to Heinz. Paul Collins said he would report it as it was not in this ward.
DK asked for more bodies to help in tidying the village. A date was asked for, but not set, and would be
about 10 weeks before the judging of North West in Bloom on the 26th/27th July. The footpaths need trimming
and the village generally tidied. Despite a whole village leaflet drop 4 people came to the village meeting
about the positioning of the Jubilee Stone. Alex Cornish suggested a face to face ask for help on the
doorstep. as it worked for PG selling Christmas cards.
Olympic Games/Fete
See note about this under S and D C A.
Queen's Jubilee Stone.
See under projects.
Northwest in Bloom/Lawn’s Wood
On Saturday 12th May Groundwork were coming to tidy up field and the Community Payback Team. Damian Jenkinson
was providing plants. The 5 planters need replanting.
JH said that NWIB judges were happy to see work in progress and the 3 points were being addressed. 1 –
working with local businesses, 2 – have little areas of features, 3 - recycling initiatives and 4 –
standards of maintenance.
JH showed what a QR (Quick Response) could do if you had an Ipad/phone. Discussion followed about the
potential good use these things could do around the village at £26 each. They would be 1and half inches high
and placed at various site around the village. AC to ask ST for appropriate wording.
This has been produced annually by AC . Thank you Alex. GF will approach Douglas Valley Printers for a quote
for producing a quarterly one. A QR would be placed on the letter AOB.
A letter would be sent to Paul Liptrot thanking him for all the work he has done for the village and the
support for the village he has shown over the last 3 years. Paul L is invited to our meetings whenever he
wants. AC suggested something concrete to give him in appreciation. JH was going to see to that.
JH had produced a new agenda format, the heading and bottom of which would be used on any correspondence
and newsletter. Thank you Jim.
GF said that the money raised of £150 in July 2011, had been split 3 ways and we had received a letter of
thanks from Derian House one of the recipients. We also had received a letter from Adactus re garden. Both
letters will be put on the notice board.
A questionnaire about the timing and venue of our meetings, which is an issue with one of the village
residents, might be put together.
The meeting closed at 9pm with a buffet and film.
Date of Next Meeting
Next meeting Tuesday 12th June 2012 at 7 pm in the Crooke Hall Inn.
This concludes the minutes of the meeting for May 2012.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for April 2012
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. 10th April 2012
Jim Haynes, Doreen Haynes, Morag Tebbit, Derek Keene, Christine Keen, Paul Liptrot councillor, Paul Green,
Jan Green, Carole Miles CA and PC, Mike Crosby, councillor, Sheila Milnes CA, Margaret Carter, Michael
Thomas, Alison Thomas, Alex Cornish.
Apologies from
Winnie and Mike Smith, Norman Hart, Steve Tebbit, Graham Foster, Sandra and Brian Musgrove, Tricia and
Duncan Poole, Paul Collins.
Minutes of last Meeting.
The amended minutes were read out by JH, proposed by Paul Green and seconded by Christine Keen and agreed
by the meeting. JH would email these minutes to all, after the meeting.
Matter Arising
GF on holiday.
Shevington Parish Council
Carol Miles said that SPC went for land and wood with sealed bids. There was to be an extraordinary meeting
of the SPC to discuss this on Tuesday 17th April. MTh said that the footballers and rugby players of
Shevington had wanted to put bids in to purchase the land, but were too late.
The commemorative stone was financed by our three councillors and SPC to the value of £960.
Dog bins are emptied by the people employed by the SPC. Dog owners can use ordinary bins to dispose of poo bags.
John Ball, Roy Bridge and Carole Miles are our SPC councillors.
Shevington and District Community Association.
PL submitted his election papers (for 3rd May).
They looked at CA facebook page.
There was a Farmer’s Market in Appley Bridge on 21st April.
The Wigan in Bloom Appley Bridge group was set up.
Barry King said in his report that there were flaws in Wigan’s 10/15 Core Strategy. This could mean use of
brown belt and green field land, and maybe brown field behind Almond Brook.
This was up to date. JG and PG were going to see an archivist in Leigh about the Duncan Arms. PG was going
to research Rev Wickham who has taken many photos of Wigan. The interpretation board and booklet was
compiled by Alex Miller. PG has produced a DVD of Crooke. Alex Cornish asked about how many hits the
website had. 200 plus said the counter. Discussion about the relevance of Face book and Crooke website
followed. It was concluded that we should leave Crooke website as it was.
Fund Raising/Grants
£35 was raised by quiz number 3. Thank you ST.
AC has done a picture of what the stone should look like. There will be an open meeting at the chapel
regarding the positioning of the stone at 2.30 on Saturday 21st April. A flyer would be distributed
regarding this meeting.
Olympic Games/Fete
There is to be a meeting on Tuesday 17th April to finalise Olympic events.
At the Fete on 4th August CVRA will have a stall, costing £15, on which we will have a display, a video
running, and DVDs to sell. PG has done a marvellous job on the DVDs and the photographs.
Northwest in Bloom/Lawn's Wood
DK said this will be an ongoing tidy up. There is the possibility of boardwalk upgrading and improving
footpaths. Also the possibility of providing wheelchair access was to be pursued. JH said wild flowers
could be planted at the entrance to Lawn’s Wood. MTh said we must cut back footpath. Grass cutting maybe
10 times a year (MC). A Th said that the gate from the field to the main road was left open. A working
party would be needed before the judges visit to get all the work done. Discussion followed on how we
advertise this working party. No conclusion was reached. Hanging baskets were again discussed but water
shortage and planning issues were big reasons against having them. AC talked about the Nursery’s increasing
interest in the project and the need to get the children involved.AC to the manager at the Nursery.
On Saturday 14th April Wigan is launching its bid for Britain in Bloom at the Market Place between 12 and
3. CVRA will have a stall at this event with display boards showing photographs of Crooke throughout the
seasons, thanks to PG. The awards won in 2011 will be on display.
AC, now the weather is improving, a trip to see the River Douglas flood defences could be arranged, also a
trip on the Manchester Ship Canal. AC would investigate further.
We all thanked Paul Liptrot on his support for this meeting and the amount of work he does for us as
councillor. We wish him well in the coming election on 3rd May. We also thanked Mike Crosby and Paul
Collins (in his absence) for their support and help.
The meeting closed at 9pm with a buffet and film.
Date of Next Meeting
Next meeting Tuesday 8th May 2012 at 7 pm in the Crooke Hall Inn.
This concludes the minutes of the meeting for April 2012.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for March 2012
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. 13th March 2012
Jim Haynes, Doreen Haynes, Morag Tebbit, Stephen Tebbit, Derek Keene, Christine Keen, Paul Liptrot
councillor, Paul Green, Jan Green, Barry King, treasurer of Sh and D Fete Committee, Graham Foster, Joan
Apologies from
Revd John Hilton, Sheila Milnes, Margaret Carter, Winnie and Mike Smith, Mike and Alison Thomas, Mike
Crosby, Norman Hart.
Minutes of last Meeting.
It was proposed to be a true and accurate record, by GF and seconded by PG.
Matter Arising
There is just over £1000 in bank and £145.60 petty cash. GF spoke to Wigan and we qualify for a Brighter
Borough grant.
Shevington Parish Council
Orica was the big topic, the selling of some land. The Parish Council has bid for some land for use as
allotments. Area 4 was Ancient Woodland. Bids were open last week. Orica did not let PC know of the selling
of this land and Area 4 could have been gifted as it has no value. Area 2 is wrong and has to be reissued.
The Annual Parish Meeting is to be held in Crooke Methodist Church at 7pm on Thursday 15th March. The
agenda is on the Notice Board.
Shevington and District Community Association.
The AGM was on the 28th February where there was an election of officers. Andrew Mokes Chairman, Jim
Maloney Treasurer, Sheila Milnes, Secretary, Jim Haynes Vice Chairman. There will be a meeting to discuss
the 3 year plan for Shevington and District. PL said there was money available from Wigan, and there are
monies still available from the Township Forum. There will be a newsletter link between PC, Community
Association and Crooke Village.
This is ongoing. Barry King suggested a link to Wigan Website.
Fund Raising/Grants
The commemorative stone to mark the Queens Silver Jubilee will cost £960.00. Paul Liptrot, Mike Crosby &
Paul Collins each are giving £200 from their Brighter Borough Funds and a grant of £360 from SPC has been
applied for to make up the difference. The foundation for the stone we would do by ourselves.
JH will organise a meeting for the villagers to discuss the positioning of the stone. Saturday 21st April,
2.30 in the church.
Discussion followed about the Olympic Games. Nothing was decided. There is a meeting in Shevington on 20th
March to discuss the Fete and the Games. At the Fete CVRA would have a stall, with a DVD running and
possibly for sale.
Northwest in Bloom
On Saturday 14th April Wigan is launching its bid for Britain in Bloom at the Market Place between 12 and
3. CVRA will have a stall at this event with display boards showing photographs of Lawn’s Wood and the
village. Thanks to PG for organising.
Litter Pick – 20 bin bags collected about a month ago, but another one needed. Footpaths and the entrance
to Lawn’s Wood need to be tidied up .PG suggested Groundwork be approached to do this work. Paul Gaskell
has said that the Pay Back Team would do it. Kath Godfrey has been approached. PL to ring Simon Calderbank
to get in touch with JH. DK mentioned a problem with a 4 by 4 coming through the gate at the top of the
village, but MTh has put on a sleeve to the gate.DK said that Barry our PCSO would have liked to have been
at the meeting but could not as he was moving house. Nicola Williams is another PCSO. Please notify DK and
the PCSO if anything untoward is noticed. JH said DK was doing a great job in liaising with the PCSO and
tidying up. Discussion followed about a Beer Festival Lianne/Crooke Hall Inn hoped to be putting on.
Parking was a major discussion point. Date and arrangements are yet to be decided.
Welcome Pack
PG has copies.but they are not quite finished.
The meeting concluded at 9.10 with a light buffet and a movie.
Date of Next Meeting
Tuesday 10th April 2012 at 7pm in the Crooke Hall Inn.
This concludes the minutes of the meeting for March 2012.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for February 2012
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. 14th February 2012
Jim Haynes, Morag Tebbit, Stephen Tebbit, Derek Keene, Christine Keen, Michael Thomas, Paul Liptrot
councillor, Paul Green, Jan Green, Brian Musgrove, Sandra Musgrove, Dawn Bootle, Mike and Winnie Smith,
Alex Cornish, Trisha Poole, Duncan Poole, Alison Thomas.
Apologies from
Revd John Hilton, Sheila Milnes, Doreen Haynes, Mike Crosby, Norman Hart.
Minutes of last Meeting.
It was proposed to be a true and accurate record, by Brian Musgrove and seconded by Mike Smith.
Matter Arising
New Member
Jim Haynes proposed that Derek Keene become a member of the committee as Project Officer and GF seconded and
the proposal was agreed by all.
All grants received and spent. There are no debts. The Chapel has been paid for road surfacing. A big thanks
to PG for the sale of Christmas cards. £542.44 received from their sale. £41 received from sale of quiz.
Thanks to Steve Tebbit. There is £1349 net in bank and £1322 assets (for projects). Screen and speakers to
be bought
Shevington Parish Council
A very amicable meeting was held after an acrimonious one last time. Mike Thomas represented us well.
Shevington and District Community Association.
The fete to be held on 4th August will have links with the Olympic games. CVRA will have a stall with a
table for information and a dvd running. Alex Cornish said David Grindlay could be approached for his input.
He is a 400m Olympian. JH said PG was working on a new slide show.
PG is putting more slides on it. At future indoor events PG will ask permission from people attending for
their photograph to be used on website. A hit button would be added to find out how many people had viewed
the website.
Fund Raising/Grants
ST launched his 3rd quiz.
Grants and other fund raising issues have been covered in the treasurer’s report.
For the Queen’s Jubilee DK will oversee the procuring and placement of a commemoration stone for Crooke.
Richard Taylor had been approached re planning consent. GF will check with Annette or Jane at Wigan Metro
re grant. PL said he would donate £200 from Brighter Borough money before the end of April. The stone will
cost about £1000 and the base the same. JH will research further grant options. An event would be held for
the erection of the stone. A flyer would be circulated round the village about the stone.
Northwest in Bloom
By next meeting JH will know what is happening. On Saturday 14th April Wigan is launching its bid for
Britain in Bloom at the Market Place between 12 and 3. Damien Jenkinson is the person to be approached.
CVRA will have a stall at this event with display boards of photographs of Lawn’s Wood and the village.
Mike Thomas had been asked why he was digging at the top end of the village. He is digging his own allotment.
Christine Keene mentioned there was an alarming amount of dog muck around the field and village in general.
Posters were going to be procured and erected. PL was going to organise this. Derek Keene said that a
general litter pick should be arranged before Spring started and vegetation grew. Motorbikes were talked
about as they continue to come along the tow path and go through the village. If there was a notice put up
at the entrance to the village or on the tow path this would act as a warning. The next time motor bikes
came along the tow path their bike could be impounded. JH said we all must write or telephone complaints to
the police as they respond to the amount of complaints. DK said that the new PCSO will come to our next
meeting. PL has his email address. There was a street light out in the village. GF will inform the
appropriate person.
The meeting concluded at 8.15 with a light buffet and film – Wigan Dialect Film. This was very interesting.
Date of Next Meeting
Tuesday 13th March 2012 at 7pm in the Crooke Hall Inn.
This concludes the minutes of the meeting for February 2012.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for January 2012
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. 10th January 2012
Jim Haynes, Morag Tebbit, Stephen Tebbit, Derek Keene, Christine Keen, Michael Thomas, Paul Liptrot
councillor, Paul Green, Jan Green, Brian Musgrove, Sandra Musgrove, Mark Tate, Dawn Bootle, Margaret Carter
organiser of fete and North West in Bloom, Sheila Milnes secretary of S and DCA, Derek Bent, Anne Rogers,
Mike and Winnie Smith.
Apologies from
Revd John Hilton, Chris Robinson Adactus, Alison Thomas, Doreen Haynes, Carol Miles, Christine Rotherham,
Mike Crosby, Graham Foster, Alex Cornish.
Minutes of last Meeting.
It was proposed to be a true and accurate record, by Brian Musgrove and seconded by Sandra Musgrove.
Matter Arising
GF stuck on M6
Shevington Parish Council
There has been no meeting since our last meeting. There will be one on 12th January.
Shevington and District Community Association.
There has not been a meeting since our last one.
This is continually being updated. The dvd has still to be edited.
Fund Raising/Grants
This is tied up with later items.
Queen’s Jubilee. If we have a street party PL said Highways have to be informed. There was a meeting about
this in Shevington but Crooke was not represented.
After discussion about a commemoration stone, JH said that a flyer would be circulated to the village
asking the villagers’ opinion about said stone, and if anyone would like a street party. If anyone was
interested in having a street party please let MTebbit know. She was to ask the church if they wanted to do
anything regarding the Jubilee. The positioning of the stone would have to be investigated, as the owner of
the land needed to be contacted and planning permission gained. PL to ask Richard Taylor.
Olympics. Jim said this was a non starter as no-one was prepared to commit. Mike Thomas said he had a
document from Alex Cornish listing loads of ideas, including the Nursery maybe staging a mini Olympics and
maybe the village to join with. MTh was to liaise with AC, especially as the deadline was 30th January for
grants. At the Shevington meeting a Tug of War was suggested and various teams were suggested, mainly from
the public houses in the area. Welly Throwing was also mentioned. This event really needs to take place as
the reigning champion (MTh) needs to defend his title set in 1992. Shevington will be doing something for
the Olympics on fete day. The Olympic Torch will go through Wigan on the 31st May. Names were needed as to
who will line the route. JH will put this in the flyer.
General meetings about the events will take place as follows.
Tuesday 24th January at 7pm at the Shevington Methodist Church Hall – re the Fete.
Friday 27th January at 7pm at Shevington Methodist Church Hall - re the Jubilee.
Tuesday 31st January at 7pm Shevington and District Community Association will meet at the Shevington
Methodist Church Hall.
North West in Bloom was discussed. JH would like more volunteers to help tidy up the village. This appeal
would be put in the flyer. Last year we got awards at level 4, so this year we need to get a level 5. Mike
Smith volunteered his expertise.
Discussion followed about the path to Shevington from Crooke, who was responsible and if it was a bridle
path or a footpath. PL to investigate.
On the 2nd January someone cut the padlock to the gate to the path to Shevington and a 4x4 was observed
parked near the gate. It has been seen at other times. Police had been informed.
PL informed the meeting that the Beat It Team was in the area from 9th January to the 13th January and had
been allocated jobs to do. There were 2 members of the team. They could not tidy the z bends as this would
be too dangerous.
JH was to ask Paul Gaskill of the Pay Back Team to get his members to help tidy the towpath.
The meeting concluded at 8.15 with a light buffet and film – North West In Bloom.
Date of Next Meeting
Tuesday 14th February 2012 at 7pm in the Crooke Hall Inn.
This concludes the minutes of the meeting for January 2012.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for December 2011
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. 13th December 2011
Jim Haynes, Morag Tebbit, Stephen Tebbit, Doreen Haynes, Alison Thomas, Derek Keene, Michael Thomas,
Paul Liptrot councillor, Paul Green, Jan Green, Joe Shovelton, Derek Bent, Brian Musgrove, Dawn Bootle,
Duncan Poole, Trisha Poole, Andrew Moakes chair of S and DCA, Margaret Carter organiser of fete and North
West in Bloom, Sheila Milnes secretary of S and DCA, D Bent, E Heeton, Alex Cornish, Carole Miles
Shevington Parish Councillor, John Whitely, Chris Rotherham, Norman Hart, Ira Whitely and Joe Shovelton.
Apologies from
Revd John Hilton, Chris Robinson Adactus, Mike and Winnie Smith, Mike Crosby, Graham Foster, Sandra Musgrove.
Minutes of last Meeting.
It was proposed to be a true and accurate record, by Brian Musgrove and seconded by ST.
Matter Arising
This was read out by JH as Graham could not attend the meeting.
The small grant fund of £240 has been received - we did apply for £420 for the running of the Association
and the monthly meetings but we failed to secure the full amount due to carrying some reserves in the bank.
Tools have now been purchased with the Adactus grant - a huge thank you again to Adactus for their support.
The Brighter Borough grant we applied for has been approved - this was for the projection equipment - we
have not as yet received payment from Wigan Council.
The Christmas card sales have gone extremely well and there are only a handful of packs remaining; we are
currently showing a profit of just over £500 - a huge thank you to Paul Green for his efforts in selling
the cards door to door.
This concluded the 'Treasurer's Report'.
Shevington Parish Council
Mike Thomas related there was not much happening at the SPC.
Shevington and District Community Association.
JH said 2012 was going to be a busy year. He talked about proposals for events in the village. See later on
in minutes. Two meetings were mentioned - 27th January S and DCA meeting re Queen’s Jubilee, and 24th
January - meeting re fete.
S & D C A gave an award to Paul Green for the CVRA Website, on Lancashire Day, 25th November at the
Methodist Chapel in Shevington . Thanks to PG for his absolutely wonderful website. Two notices had been
put on the notice board –the quiz answers and winners, also the new library times from January. PG has put
10 new photos of Crooke on the website. PG added a link to SPC and S & DCA. The dvd has still to be edited.
Fund Raising/Grants
JH told us we have a grant from Wigan Metro which covers the payment of the room we meet in at the pub.
Brighter Borough money was still to come for the projector. ST said he has collected £41 for the quiz.
Thanks to him for all his effort.
Proposals for 2012.
JH talked about an exciting year ahead in 2012 in Crooke and in the country. We must do something for the
Queen’s Jubilee, The Olympic Games and North West in Bloom. Much discussion followed, but the meeting
concluded that the next meeting in January would specifically attend to these issues. JH and DK would look
into a £2000 grant from Wigan Metro for a stone for Crooke. PL would look into finding funding from outside
(Ventor was named). A letter was to be circulated to the villagers of Crooke re Queen’s Jubilee, The
Olympics and North West in Bloom. JH and GF to write this letter.
Discussion followed about who owned the land at the entrance to the village as it was a mess. PL will send
JH a plan from the Ordnance Survey Office, and look at Land Registry. PL suggested we get in touch with
John O’Neil re a Heritage grant. JH said we will have to do something about Lawn’s Wood. MTh JH and GF had
cleared some of the entrance to Lawn’s Wood and Wigan Metro had put mesh on the board walks and will
resurface foot paths. Paul Collins mentioned Transition – a green venture in Totnes. James Noakes is person
on Wigan Metro dealing with this issue. Crooke could be a part of this green initiative. Joe Shovelton
mentioned, someone had mentioned to him, about the electricity box next to the Christmas tree. This was
the responsibility of Shevington Parish but JH would speak to Krystina Pilkington about the removal of it.
The ugly fencing was discussed and the meeting concluded that better fencing would be erected next year.
Derek Bent from Ambush , the Heritage boat, would like somewhere to moor in Crooke. A meeting was arranged
to discuss the matter.
The meeting concluded at 8.15 with a light buffet and film -750 years history of Wigan.
Date of Next Meeting
Tuesday 10th January 2012 at 7 pm in the Crooke Hall Inn.
This concludes the minutes of the meeting for December 2011.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for November 2011
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. 8th November 2011
Jim Haynes, Morag Tebbit, Stephen Tebbit, Doreen Haynes, Alison Thomas, Derek Keene, Graham Foster,
Michael Thomas, Paul Collins councillor, Paul Liptrot councillor, Mike Crosby councillor, Paul Green, Jan
Green, Joe Shovelton, Sandra Musgrove, Brian Musgrove, Dawn and Mark Tate, Ben and Katie Foster.
Apologies from
Norman Hart, Revd John Hilton, Chris Robinson Adactus, Christine Keene.
Minutes of last Meeting.
It was proposed to be a true and accurate record, by Paul Green and seconded by Brian Musgrove.
Matter Arising
Grant from Adactus for tools of £790.
Brighter Borough Fund - grant pending.
Small Grants application - pending.
Net Cash £480.
JH thanked GF for all he has done in the financial side of CVRA.
Shevington Parish Council
Person from Orica discussed planning. Power driving was discussed – very noisy. More trees were to come
down, grenades had been found. PL told the CVRA meeting that the next planning meeting would be in the Town
Hall at 2pm on Tuesday 15th November.
Shevington and District Community Association.
Wigan in Bloom. This was the main topic of the meeting. Mike and Alison Thomas went to Southport to collect
our certificate. The village had received the certificate for level 4. We had to aspire to level 5 next year.
MT then asked the meeting for people to put forward ideas of work needed in the village. Wigan Metro invited
members of CVRA to the Town Hall to receive a certificate, but we also received a trophy for best developing
community project in Wigan and Leigh, and from a firm in Wigan, another trophy. Lianne was to display the
trophies in a display cabinet in Crooke Hall pub. Thanks to all who were involved in Wigan in Bloom
especially JH.
S & D C A is giving an award to Paul Green for the CVRA Website, on Lancashire Day, 25th November at the
Methodist Chapel in Shevington . Thanks to PG for his absolutely wonderful website. JH is to put a flyer of
CVRA achievement to all the villagers. Payment for adverts to the website is due.
Christmas Cards
Paul Green has sold 76 sets out of 168 sets. There are still between 30 and 40 of last year’s set. AT
will put some in her hairdressing salon.
Fund Raising
Christmas cards see above. ST has quiz number 2 ready to use. Grants – see under Treasurer’s report.
Northwest in Bloom Result and proposals for 2012.
See above for results – certificate and trophies. There is a meeting in Hindley on the 15th November. JH to
attend. Discussion followed about hanging baskets and flower beds. Letters will be sent to villagers and
Adactus about the hanging baskets. PL asked the meeting to check with local authority about public liability.
JH to talk to Damien Jenkinson from Wigan Metro. JS asked about damage to the render of the houses which may
be caused by hanging baskets.
JH said the next big thing for the village is Lawn’s Wood. Andy Smallshaw and Ross Smallshaw are liaising
with JH. PL to follow up too. The entrance to the village was untidy. This will be addressed asap. MTh to
talk to Daniel at The Owd Barn. Signs at the entrance to be tidied .Another litter picking session in the
field is due. Mike Smith suggested spring bulbs, and ST suggested wild primroses could be planted to
brighten the entrance to the village.
It was agreed by the meeting that the placement of the Christmas tree outside the church was the best
position. But better security for the tree should be investigated.
PG suggested we get someone to give a talk on gardening etc.
MS offered to give his gardening advice to JH.
Railway Line
This has been put aside until next year, after kerbstones and drainage problems have been addressed. JH is
getting a quote for the unadopted road past his house. There are 4 Adactus houses and 5 private houses on
the untarmaced road.
Ben Foster told the meeting about a missing Jack Russell. Signs were going to be put up in the village and
in the notice board.
PL asked Andy Smallshaw(Wigan Metro) to do something about the trees hanging over Wigan Lower Road . PL
to chase Simon?
PL mentioned the top of Vicarage Lane being flooded and stuff being dumped there. PL to investigate. Liz
Parry has got an officer to investigate the improvement of the path from Crooke to Shevington.
PG said that the DVD with Angela Burn was ongoing.
The meeting concluded with supper and a DVD of Bygone Times – Wigan and Leigh District.
Date of Next Meeting
Tuesday, 13th December 2011 at the Crooke Hall Inn at 7pm.
This concludes the minutes of the meeting for November 2011.
The minutes for the Annual General Meeting 2011, have as yet, not been approved but are hereby posted keeping the
village records up to date.
Crooke Village Residents Association Annual General Meeting Minutes for October 2011
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. 11th October 2011
Rev John Hilton, Jim Haynes, Doreen Haynes, Graham Foster, Steve Tebbit, Morag Tebbit, Jan Green, Paul
Green, Mike Thomas, Alison Thomas , Derek Keen, Christine Keen, Brian Musgrave, Sandra Musgrave, Joe
Shovelton, Winnie Smith, Mike Smith, Elsie Heaton, Irene Wilson, Hilda Snowdon, Sheila Milne (Shevington
and District Community Association), Paul Liptrot (councillor) Paul Collins (councillor), Carole Miles,
Maurice Hilton, Alex Cornish, Duncan Poole.
Apologies from
Mike Crosby
Welcome from the Chairman
The Chairman's Report.
I would like to welcome all of you to this the 2nd AGM of The Crooke Village Residents Association.
When I sat down to prepare this report I really didn’t think that there would be a great deal to report but
when I looked at it I realised that we have in fact done quite a bit.
Towards the end of 2010 we produced a set of Christmas cards of scenes of Crooke Village in winter. These
were so well received that we intend to produce a new set for this year.
The Christmas tree was moved to its new home on the green in front of the church and this along with the
new notice board, a new tree, the daffodils repositioned and a knee high fence have improved that area.
Over 2,000 daffodil bulbs were planted around the village and we hope that in the spring of 2012 we will
be able to enjoy the results.
The Newsletter was produced in February and it is hoped that this will continue at least on an annual basis
if not more regular if we can find enough news to fill it.
Because of the clean up work that we had been doing we decided to speak to Wigan Metro which resulted in
being awarded a licence to “clear & maintain including replanting to the areas of open space at Crooke
Village, including Lawns Wood”.
We then successfully applied to Adactus for a grant to buy hand tools to help carry out this work.
More recently we were awarded a further grant from Adactus to buy power tools to further help with this
We have already started by clearing back the footpath in Lawns Wood and hope to be prepared for more work
early in 2012.
In conjunction with the Wigan Leisure & Culture Trust an Interpretation Board was produced and this is
positioned near to the site of the Coal Tippler. It is encouraging to see how many people stop to read it
as they visit the village be it in cars, cycles, on foot or by water.
For many years the footpath at the far end of the park turned into a bog in wet weather so we applied to
the Township Forum for funding and were able to get the area drained, the footpath repaired and a gate
fitted to the footbridge to stop children running out onto the road.
We were asked by Wigan Leisure & Culture Trust if we would hold a “Heritage Day” in May. Funding came from
our three ward Councillors and the Duchy of Lancaster. This allowed us to buy display boards, a projector
and pay for photographs to be printed. The Day was well attended with about 100 visitors.
This equipment will be used in future to create other displays of interest.
In July we had stalls at the Crooke Hall Inn Beer Festival and were able to raise money for a number of
The 26th July saw the judges for North West in Bloom visit the village and we have heard that we have won
an award under the “It’s Your Neighbourhood” section which will be presented to us in October.
The Shevington & District Fete was held in August and we took the heritage display which proved to be of
great interest. The Fete is planned to be an annual event and I hope that we can be involved in it in the
The Reverend John Hilton achieved what seemed to be impossible by getting all the parties together to get
the roads around the Church and the Village Nursery resurfaced. The village owes John a big thank you for
getting this work done.
We are represented on the Policies Committee of the Shevington Parish Council, who have sanctioned more
litter bins, provided another planter, provided a new notice board and moved the Christmas tree.
We also attend the Shevington and District Community Association who provided money for the short fall in
work on around the Church green.
Being represented on these bodies gives us a voice into what happens in our area.
We also attend various meetings organised by Wigan Metro.
Paul Green is in the middle of producing a new DVD about the village and I look forward to its release.
I would now like to thank people who have helped us over the last year.
Our thanks go to John O’Neil who since his involvement with the Association has proved to be a font of
information, someone who can unlock what seem to be barred doors and is unstinting in his efforts to get
things done.
A big thank you to Councillors Paul Liptrot, Mike Crosby and Paul Collins for their involvement with the
village, especially their assistance in part funding the resurfacing of the roads around the Church and
their help in funding the equipment for the Heritage Day..
All of these Councillors have attended our meetings when possible and I feel that we owe them a big thank you.
I would thank all members of the Committee for their sterling work over the last year.
Morag Tebbit, our secretary, for trying to keep up with taking minutes at meeting and organising us.
Graham Foster, our treasurer, who has spent a lot of his valuable time in handling our finances, dealing
with grant applications and being involved in every project.
Paul Green, for the work in running and developing our web site, “”. A great deal of
effort has gone into creating it adding to it and keeping it updated. Paul is currently working on the new
Mike Thomas, our Vice Chair person, who has taken over as our representative on the Policy Committee of the
Shevington Parish Council. Mike is heavily involved in everything that we do and his expertise is
invaluable. Derek & Christine Keene, who have been involved in everything that we have done this year,
Sandra & Brian for their fund raising efforts and to everyone else who have worked to getting us to the
position that we are in now.
Now for the future.
The work around the park and in Lawns Wood are major tasks for 2012 as is the ongoing work of litter picking
the canal towpath and other areas around the village.
Derek Keene would like to identify the area where the Coal Tippler was by putting down railway lines.
Having a DVD show or a speaker at our monthly meetings perhaps with a bite to eat.
Whilst we do need more people in the village to become involved I appreciate that after working all day it
is hard to drag oneself out to a meeting.
I would however ask that you support the Crooke Village Residents Association as best you can. It is your
village and all that we want to do is to improve the community spirit and the quality of life in the Village.
Please don’t leave it to someone else because there may not be anyone willing to do it and then what will
Thank you all for listening and I truly hope that the new Committee carry out what has been started and
look forward to seeing the rewards in future years.
This concluded The Chairmans Report.
Treasurer's Report.
The income for 2011 was £2,542 and this was generated as follows:
Grants - £1,330
SPC/CA - £ 383
£ 829 from the sale of Christmas cards, the Heritage Day, Beer Festival and other donations.
The expenditure for 2011 was £1,630 and this was made up from the following:
Moving the Christmas tree
Room hire for meetings
The cost of running the Heritage day, includes refreshments, room hire, display boards and pictures.
The Beer Festival stalls and the prizes
The purchase of tools, this includes strimmers, spades, wheel barrow and other landscaping equipment.
We have also made charitable donations of £150.
£50 to Friends of Chernobyl Children
£50 to Wigan and Leigh Hospice
£50 to Derian House
Taking into account the provisions against the un-used funds from the Aductus grant we are left with a net
cash position of £742.81.
In addition to the cash fund, we are also holding assets with a net book value of £648.90 – FTR the assets
are being written down on a straight line basis over a four year period.
This concluded the Treasurers Roport.
Vice Chair's Responce.
Mike thanked Jim for his tireless work for the village. He thanked people for their support, especially in
tidying the village. He asked people to tell the committee if anything was needed and for people to get
Secretary’s Report.
Morag thanked Jim for his work he is doing for the village. She thanked our councillors for their
unstinting support, ie Paul Liptrot, Paul Collins and Mike Crosby. She thanked Sheila Milnes for her
support too.
Standing Down of Present Officers and Election of New Officers.
Derek Keen proposed that all members of the present committee stay on. This was seconded by Paul Green,
all present agreed.
Amendment to the constitution.
No amendments
Joe Shovelton said that someone had dumped trees/grass near playground. JH will contact Paul Calderbank at
Wigan Metro. AC said there were leaflets available to tell you what to to do with grass cuttings. JS
suggested we put up a sign saying, “No Fly Tipping”. DK asked who was responsibile for the trees over
footpath. PL suggested we get in touch with Gillian Harrison.
M Th said that if anything is needed to be done get in touch with CVRA. And for everyone to get involved.
ST reintroduced the idea of a village directory. He will pursue the possibility.
JH mentioned that new dates for the tidying up of the village were to be arranged.
Paul Green and Mike Smith to initate a greeting pack for newcomers to the village.
ST launched his village quiz number 2.
PL said that Barry Jones our PCSO has moved on, a lady has been appointed, name unknown.
Carole Miles , Sheila Milne and Maurice Hilton told the meeting about promoting people who deserved
accolades, ie OBE.
The members of the meeting looked at photographs of Crooke in Winter and voted for up to 4, with a view to
publish them as Christmas cards.
Then pies and mushy peas were consumed.
Date of Next Meeting.
Tuesday, 13th December 2011 at the Crooke Hall Inn at 7pm.
This concludes the minutes of The Anual General Meeting for October 2011.
The posting of the minutes for our September meeting have been delayed until now because of the Annual
General Meeting. The Minutes acceptance for September were not accepted and agreed until the November
meeting, hence, the delay.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for September 2011
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. 13th September 2011
Jim Haynes, Morag Tebbit, Stephen Tebbit, Christine Keen, Derek Keene, Graham Foster, Michael Thomas,
Paul Collins councillor, Paul Green, Jan Green, Sheila Milnes S and D CA, Sandra Musgrove, Brian Musgrove.
Apologies from
Norman Hart, Alison Thomas, Mike Crosby, Paul Liptrot, Mike and Winnie Smith, Doreen Haynes, Revd John Hilton.
Minutes of last Meeting.
It was proposed to be a true and accurate record, by Derek Keen and seconded by Jim Haynes.
Matter Arising
GF had obtained liability cover costing £75 for 5 million pounds cover. There is £1790 in the deposit
account and £277 in petty cash. (However £1000 is the unused allotment grant and £519 green grant will
purchase a shed). So the true cash position is £548.81.
Shevington Parish Council
New members have been appointed.
Shevington and District Community Association.
There is an open meeting to discuss ideas for improving our area in the Methodist Church in Shevington on
Wednesday 28th September at 7.30 to which anyone is invited. Discussion followed about Township Forums and
allocation of monies. JH said that now, organisations with a project for which they wanted funding, went
to the local council association who would put it to Wigan Council. We have had funding from the Township
Forum which was used for fencing etc.
Paul Green is meeting Angela Byrne this weekend. She has already videoed the Beer Festival and Crooke
Methodist Church Summer Fair. Paul Elsie has paid in advance 2 years subscription for the Website. This is
a gift. Thank you Paul Elsey.
Un-adopted Roads
There are drainage problems up past 99 but Wigan Metro know about the problem and are dealing with it.
Fund Raising
ST has quiz number 2 ready to use.
Discussion followed about a social event. Michael Thomas was going to investigate.
Postcards of the village to sell was discussed but it was concluded that there would not be a market.
Christmas cards were discussed too. PG will take photos to the Annual General Meeting for people to choose
the ones to publish.
North West In Bloom -Neighbourhood category.
We have received an award. Michael and Alison Thomas are going to Stockport on the 19th October to collect
Railway Line
Derek has already talked with Neil Hickson, and Steve Mooney. He has to approach Lyn Knowles at property in
Wigan Metro. Everyone present thought this was a good idea. JH was going to a meeting at the Coalfield
Regeneration Trust next week and would inquire about funding. Once we get some idea of the cost of putting
tracks and a small wagon near where the tippler was, we would leaflet the village for their ideas of the
proposed venture.
MT said she has sent Chris Robinson at Adactus minutes etc but has not heard from him.
PG and JH went to Wigan to see a video about Wigan. This was 1 and half hours long but was excellent. PG
has a copy and will arrange for people to see it. DK said that the bridge out of the park to the main road
was very dangerous and slippery. Paul Collins said he would let people in Wigan know as it was their
responsibility. Discussion followed about the proposed pharmacy to be placed at the surgery on Houghton
Lane. A meeting was to be held at the library in Shevington on Saturday but PC had no times. He said he
would email the time to SM and JH. SM said we could go to the Wigan website and look at the Planning
JH said that there were grants available from Wigan Metro for small projects like stationery etc.
There was some discussion about Designated Public Place Order to become law in the 1st September to
control drinking outside premises.
Date of Next Meeting - the AGM
Tuesday, 11th October 2011 at the Crooke Hall Inn at 7pm.
This concludes the minutes of the meeting for September 2011.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for August 2011
Crooke Village Residents Association
Methodist Church
7:00pm. 9th August 2011
Jim Haynes, Doreen Haynes, Morag Tebbit, Stephen Tebbit, Christine Keen, Derek Keene, Alona Shovelton, Paula
Richmond, Sandra Makin, Sam Clark, Mike Smith, Winnie Smith, Paul Collins, councillor, Revd John Hilton,
Alex Cornish, Paul Green, Jan Green.
Apologies from
Norman and Joyce Hart, Mike and Alison Thomas, Graham Foster, Mike Crosby, Paul Liptrot.
Minutes of last Meeting.
There were three amendments to the minutes of the 12th July 2011 meeting.
Paul Liptrot said, under the heading Northwest in Bloom, it should say that the Beat It team came to the ward
3/4 times a year and can be asked to do things in the village if he was advised early enough.
Sandra Makin said, under the heading Unadopted Roads, it should say the “group” needed to get in touch with
Land Registry and not “she”.
Sandra Makin said, under the heading Beer Festival, it should say that “people“ meet with Allgates and not
With the amendments, it was proposed to be a true and accurate record, by Christine Keen and seconded by
Doreen Haynes.
Matter Arising
As Graham was not present a report would be given at the next meeting.
Shevington Parish Council
People from the SPC visited Shevington Moor, Shevington Vale and Crooke under the Wigan in Bloom umbrella.
Shevington and District Community Association.
Information about the Fete will be covered later.
Paul Green is still waiting for video from Angela.
Un-adopted Roads
Nothing has happened about the other un-adopted roads in the village. The road outside the church and the nursery
were a great success. Revd John said he had got in touch with Dave Hibbert from Wigan Metro regarding Metro
adopting it but it was not done up to main road standard. Kath Godfrey who was to tidy up the grass area in
front of the church, has the funds to put railings up etc. Rev John, Paula Richmond and Steve Tebbit to
liaise re the location of railings etc.
Fund Raising
Paula has sent Jim Haynes information about grants. JH said that the money was available but specific projects
have to be in place to access these specific monies. ST said he had a new village quiz. It was suggested to
leave this until the Autumn. MT mentioned postcards and/or notelets. This will be discussed at the next
meeting. Mike Smith reminded the meeting that getting the right publisher and terms, regarding the printing
of postcards was very important.
Shevington Fete
Jim Haynes said that only Joe and Alona Shovelton and Chris Keen from the village were in attendance. The
fete itself was well attended and some good interest was shown at Crooke’s history stall. A lot of ex
Crookers who were living in Shevington were very interested. A header actually saying History of the Village
of Crooke would have been useful. People said in the vegetable/flower show they would exhibit again.
North West In Bloom -Neighbourhood category.
A small group of people tidied the village prior to this day, a great big thank you to them for their care
and hard work. The people who came to visit the village were indeed impressed. The planters at the far end
of the village were painted by Doreen Haynes and Christine Keen, thank you. JH said there was paint to paint
the remaining planters. Our thanks to JH for organising it. The village would get a certificate for entering.
Railway Line
Derek suggested a full size rail track could be laid to go towards the spot where the tippler would have been.
British Rail could donate this. Discussion followed and Paul Collins said he was interested in the project.
He suggested maybe a working model of the tippler. Discussion followed and it was suggested that interested
parties could go and investigate the project and come to the next meeting with their findings, where the
project would be discussed further.
Alex Cornish had approached John Rigby College before the holidays re the survey of people and bikes etc in
and out of the village before the holidays but would get in touch with the school when the new term begins in
Drugs were an issue in the village, Paul Collins said he was aware of it and so was Barry our PCSO.
Sheila Milne has produced a flier advertising “Share your ideas about improving your area” on behalf of
Shevington and District Community Association. This was to be held at the Methodist Church in Shevington, at
7.30pm on 28th September. This was shown to the meeting and hopefully people will attend.
Unlicensed motorbikes have become a nuisance in the village and Barry our PCSO has delivered a letter
describing the problem, what the villagers should do and the consequences which may happen. Hopefully the
motif at the bottom of the letter will be made into a sign which can be put up at all the entrances to the
village to act as a deterrent. People need to log events and phone the number at the bottom of the letter if
unlicensed motorbikes are seen in the village.
The canal towpath through the village was noted as being of an inferior standard to other sections of
towpath in the area. But the meeting concluded that BW probably were aware of the problem but there was
insufficient funds for improvements.
Date of Next Meeting.
Tuesday, 13th September 2011 at the Crooke Hall Inn at 7pm.
This concludes the minutes of the meeting for August 2011.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for July 2011
Crooke Village Residents Association
Methodist Church
7:00pm. 14th June 2011
Jim Haynes, Graham Foster, Doreen Haynes, Michael Thomas, Alison Thomas, Morag Tebbit, Stephen Tebbit, Christine
Keen, Derek Keene, Cllr. Mike Crosby, Cllr. Paul Liptrot, Sheila Milnes (Shevington & District Community
Association), Alona Shovelton, Brenda Tyrer, Paula Richmond, Sandra Makin, Peter Makin, J Clark, S Clark, Sandra
Musgrove, Brian Musgrove, Dawn Bootle.
Apologies from
Norman and Joyce Hart, Alex Cornish, Mike and Winnie Smith, Jan and Paul Green, Councillor Paul Collins.
Minutes of last Meeting.
Proposed as a true and accurate record by Graham Foster and seconded by Steve Tebbit.
Matter Arising
We raised £286.44 at the Beer Festival. Given an expenditure of £141.44 the profit was £145. It had been agreed that
we would give 20% to charities agreed with Lianne McPhelin from the pub but after some discussion the meeting agreed
that the 2 charities and another charity Derrien House would get all our profit divided equally between them.
GF said he had investigated Public Liability with 1 quote forthcoming of £189 per year. He was to ask Krystina
Pilkington at Shevington Parish Council with whom they were insured.
Shevington Parish Council
Nothing new.
Shevington and District Community Association.
Sheila Milne told us that printing was complete of notices and fliers re fete on 6th August. North West in Bloom.
Ongoing working groups were tidying around Shevington in preparation for the judging on 26th July. Dates mentioned
were Sunday 17th July – the Recreation Ground Tidy-up, and 21st July –the Big Tidy-up. All help appreciated.
Paul Green is continually updating this excellent website.
Unadopted Roads
JH reminded the meeting how Revd John Hilton pulled everything together to make the tarring of the un-adopted the
road outside the nursery and church happen. He got the church, our councillors, Adactus, The Village Nursery and
the local residents to work together and raise enough money in order to achieve something that had been talked about
for years. Thanks to Revd John, PL, MC and PC The Village Nursery and Adactus.
There was discussion about the road to the Marina. Sandra Makin told the meeting that this road was privately owned
by Mr & Mrs Vernon at the marina but access to it was open to all. PL mentioned about the legality of the
“un-adopted” road. Sandra Makin said she would check with Land Registry. The other un-adopted roads in the village,
up past 103, and up past 81, would have to be discussed by residents and Adactus. This would be done at a later date.
Fund Raising
JH said that everyone in the village had had what is now the 3rd newsletter delivered. In this leaflet was
information about what has happened in the village. Sandra Makin said any fund raising ventures must be negotiated
with the villagers. JH said anyone who can help with fundraising would be welcome. Peter Makin wanted to know why we
were donating all our profits from the Beer Festival to charities. GF said that the small sum involved would be more
appreciated by the charities. It could not go to the un-adopted road as that was paid for already.
The Village Quiz raised £27, with more to come from the pub. Dawn Bootle won first prize, Sandra Musgrove won second
prize, which she immediately gave back, and Dave Pickup won the 3rd prize. Well done to all of them. Paula Richmond
said they had great fun doing the quiz but had not finished it. ST said there was another quiz in the offing.
Interpretation Board
This had been put in place, thanks to JH, GF, PG and MTh. JH was still trying to approach Paul Lees chairman of
Adactus to unveil the board, as he had been instrumental in Adactus acquiring the village cooperative. This board,
which is similar to the one in Shevington, was funded by the Township Forum, Shevington and District Community
Association, and the information put together by John O’Neil. Thanks go to John O Neil for his hard work, and the
organisations which funded it. Thanks should specifically go to JH whose hard work in talking with these and other
organisations in order to ask for grants etc has been outstanding.
Beer Festival
This proved to be a huge talking point. Paula said that “everyone” in the village thought that CVRA ran the Beer
Festival in conjunction with the pub. This was not true.
The CVRA had asked the pub initially if it could have a couple of stalls at this event. It turned out that there was
no-one to run the stalls the pub provided. Two of CVRA ran 5 stalls. Car parking was a problem, but this is nothing
new. CVRA people were allocated to help with the parking. Discussion followed about issues involving parking. PL
said that if you know an event was about to take place, get in touch with the licensing authority to see if they
need an extra licence.PL suggested that a liaising committee should be arranged between all concerned parties,
including the pub, re parking. JH said he would do that. The charity event arranged for this Sunday, 17th July was
then discussed. Sandra Makin suggested she meet with Allgates, re events. The use of the field was discussed, and
only Wigan Metro have the key to the gate. Wigan Metro had said in the past that the village could possibly use the
field for parking but this would have to be discussed with them when an actual event was being planned.
Troublemakers and anti social behaviour in the village was discussed again. PL reminded us to phone the police, or
the local community support officers, every time an incident happens and not just one person but as many as possible.
Shevington Fete
See comment from Sheila under Shevington and District Community Association. The fete is at the Methodist Church on
Sat 6th August from 10am to 4pm.CVRA will have 1 stall there with the history boards and possibly the DVD playing.
North West In Bloom -Neighbourhood category.
There will be a working party, everyone welcome, to clear the path in Lawn’s Wood (Wigan Metro have responsibility
of this area.) of the very invasive Himalayan Balsam. There will be a working party to tidy the village also. Brenda
asked about hanging baskets. Peter asked about planters. PL said that the people who were employed by Wigan were
responsible for the planters etc.
Discussion followed about the state of the entrance to the village nettles etc. PL also said that the Beat It team
came at his request to clear up the village 3 or 4 times a year.
ST said he would spray the nettles. JH said he would strim the nettles.
Alex Cornish had 2 suggestions put forward by JH.
1), for CVRA to produce a welcome pack for new villagers, including the current DVD.
2) That we approach a local secondary school, Shevington High School or John Rigby, to do a survey of traffic in and
out of Crooke at all exit points, so we can have statistical information to approach either BW or Wigan Metro for
solutions for any problems.
GF asked our councillors about planters. MC PL and PC will discuss planters from Brighter Borough money. Thanks to
all our councillors who regularly attend our CVRA meetings and have provided a great deal of money for the road and
other projects.
Discussion followed about communication between everyone being important.
Date of Next Meeting.
Tuesday, the 9th of July at 7pm, Venue to be decided.
This concludes the minutes of the meeting for June 2011.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for June 2011
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. 14th June 2011
Jim Haynes, Graham Foster, Doreen Haynes, Michael Thomas, Paul Green, Jan Green, Morag Tebbit, Stephen Tebbit,
Christine Keen, Derek Keene, Cllr. Mike Crosby, Cllr. Paul Liptrot, Cllr Paul Collins, Sheila Milnes Community
Association, Winnie Smith and Mike Smith, Alex Cornish, Lianne.
Apologies from
Norman and Joyce Hart, Brian and Sandra Musgrove, Mark and Dawn Tate, Alison Thomas.
Minutes of last Meeting.
Proposed as a true and accurate record by Christine Keen and seconded by Graham Foster.
Matter Arising
We raised £90 on Heritage Day, from donations. There is £340 in disposable cash.
Shevington Parish Council
There was an open meeting hosted by Orica. See attached report from Graham Foster. Mike Crosby has requested another
site visit with PL Paul Collins had requested an inspection by inspection officers. That took place on the 14th
June. There will be a replanting of saplings to replace the trees removed. Sheila Milnes said that there would be
no further building after the stipulated number of houses which fills the “footprint” now. CVRA were asked to
provide a representative to sit on the General Purposes Committee. Jane Young had been elected but has resigned.
Jim Haynes attended for a while. Mike Thomas was proposed by JH to be our representative on that committee, Derek
Keen seconded it and the motion was carried unanimously.
Shevington and District Community Association.
It was noted with regret that Mary Burgess had died. JH asked this committee for monies for the un- adopted roads.
See attached letter. If the budget achieved by Revd John Hilton was not quite sufficient, then CVRA had a small
amount to give to him.
Paul Green is continually updating this excellent website. The Interpretation Board was to be put on.
Unadopted Roads
JH proposed that the other un-adopted roads in the village needed to be seen to – the one to the marina, the road at
the side of the Hammonds house and the road up to 113. A gulley down the side the road would greatly alleviate the
problem of rain water flowing down the road. GF, MTh, ST and JH to acquire quotes. Timescale for this project?
Adactus’ next financial year. At this point Samantha Hornby from Adactus was mentioned. She is Adactus’
representative. I have not sent her the minutes up to this meeting but I will send her these minutes and ask if she
could come to the next meeting.
Interpretation Board
JH said that it was completed and he was in possession of it. It had a brief resume of the history of Crooke on it.
The location of the board ,would be where the tippler board was going to be put. Wigan Metro had agreed to its
positioning. JH suggested he would approach Paul Lees chairman of Adactus to unveil the board, as he had been
instrumental in Adactus acquiring the village
Heritage Day
This day was very successful. JH said that it was held in conjunction with Wigan Borough Environment and Heritage
Network. John O’Neil who is chairman of that organisation sent CVRA a congratulatory letter. (see attached letter)
Thanks to our councillors for proposing to give us funds to cover hiring a projector, boards, another interpretation
board and producing a dvd of Paul Green’s excellent slide show. Mike Crosby said we should hear by the end of the
month. The dvd was pctures only with appropriate music. It was suggested that a commentary would be useful. Alex
Cornish said he could approach a film maker in the village to suggest an actor to do a commentary. Paul Liptrot
said he would approach the Wigan Little Theatre. The dvd could be offered to schools. Mike Smith suggested that
Lawn’s Wood and other walks be added to the dvd. He said that everyone who has come into the village has said what
a lovely village we have. We all agreed that we had immense pride in our village.
Shevington Fete
This would take place on 6th August.
The Community Association is holding an event on Friday 17th June at 7pm at which we are having our display boards,
4 tables and the DVD running.
North West In Bloom
26th July, 9.15 am. JH had spoken to Damian Jenkinson re Crooke entering under the Neighbourhood banner. This would
have nature as a prominent feature, meaning it would be a tidying of the village brief rather than a planting one.
Pictures would be shown to the inspection people – JH and PG to liaise. Mike Smith said it would be a good idea to
make a wild life meadow across the road from the church. JH said that the idea was to extend the area from Lawn’s
Wood and Meadows to the “park” We are friends and Volunteers of Wigan Metro and have a letter saying we have a
licence to allow us to tidy places in the village including Lawn’s Wood. GF has forms to request from Adactus monies
to buy strimmers, hedge cutters and a petrol blower.
Beer Festival 1st, 2nd and 3rd of July
It was noted that the beer festival coincided on one day with the Church Summer Fair. It was concluded that this
could be a good thing for both events, but that parking would be a problem but would have to be addressed.
Discussion followed about what stalls were to be run, by the pub and the association, the prizes to be given etc.
Mike Smith gave £20 as a donation for a prize. Derek Keen offered 2500 glass warmer/coolers as prizes. The minutiae
was to be discussed after the meeting
Paul Liptrot mentioned that planters would be placed at The Royal Oak and the fence post in the park had been fixed.
Date of Next Meeting.
Tuesday, the 12th July at 7pm, at Crooke Methodist Church.
This concludes the minutes of the meeting for June 2011.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for May 2011
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. 10th May 2011
Jim Haynes, Graham Foster, Doreen Haynes, Michael Thomas, Paul Green, Jan Green, Morag Tebbit, Stephen Tebbit,
Brian Musgrove, Sandra Musgrove, Revd John Hilton, Christine Keen, Derek Keene, Dawn Tate, Mark Tate, Cllr. Mike
Crosby, Cllr. Paul Liptrot.
Apologies from
Mike Smith, Winnie Smith, Norman Hart. Joyce Hart.
Minutes of last Meeting.
Proposed as a true and accurate record by Paul Green and seconded by Paul Liptrot.
Matter Arising
Do we request another bin? Discussion followed and JH was to get in touch with Paulette Dean about location and
£450 will be spent on Heritage Day, on 2 display boards, £30 for use of church hall. The balance would be £200.
Shevington Parish Council
The Notice Board has been erected and looks very good.
The electricity box –Krystina Pilkington is working with Chris Pennington deciding on its position, leaving a plate
on the floor, and reconnecting every year.
The Parish Council Elections –in the South Ward, John Ball, Carole Miles and Roy Bridge were elected (commiserations
to Mike Thomas). For results in other wards see full list on Parish Council Website. Our district Councillor is Paul
Shevington and District Community Association.
There is an event in the Memorial Park in Shevington this Saturday.
Paul Green is continually updating this excellent website. There is a link to Ginn Pit Village and Shevington Parish
Council. GF was going to investigate if CVRA domain, or Crooke were available as an address to reply
Unadopted Roads
Rev. John Hilton has told us that the estimated start date for work on the roads around the Church & Village Nursery
is 16th May. White lines were to be painted on the new road and parking bays. Letters have been delivered to the
whole village informing them of this work. It should be completed in 4 days, 2 days to prepare, and 2 days to
complete. At the edge of the field between the church and the nursery there would be a kerb, this to be financed by
the church. There would be a stronger compound used at the junction of the new road and Crooke road because of the
cars turning in. Kath Godfrey will arrange the finishing of the tidying of that area after the road is finished.
Discussion about the Spec followed, and it was concluded that the authority might adopt the road in the future.
Revd John would get in touch with Dave Hibbert, highway engineer to be present at part of the road building and
inspect the Spec. JH said that after the resurfacing of the roads in question, we should look at the other
un-adopted roads. Thanks to the 2 councillors who donated monies to the project, and Adactus and the Nursery.
Thanks to Revd John for getting this project to near completion, after many years. He is contacting the newspaper
to publicise this event. Discussion followed as to the need to publicise village events. JH proposed Derek Keen to
be press officer and Mike Thomas seconded the proposition. The motion was carried unanimously.
Fund Raising
PL suggested a raffle at every meeting of CVRA but that would be just us contributing.
Mark Tate suggested a tombola at the Beer Festival, 1st weekend in July. The charities which were being given to are,
Wigan Hospice, and Chernobyl children. The village would be given a share too. Discussion followed about
permission to be granted for raising money for charity. Lianne from Crooke Hall Inn and Graham Foster were going to
investigate whose responsibility it was. PL gave GF the name Peter Hibbert to ask about a licence for fund raising.
Heritage Day
JH asked if there was any possibility of more Brighter Borough monies being available for the purchase of display
boards. Paul Collins to be approached by MC , MC and PL had said yes to £150 each. MC suggested money from Brighter
Borough Fund to be available for the lamination of photographs. PG, GF and JH to liaise about content of display.
(Monday 16th evening). Steve Tebbit is going to produce a Village Quiz to be sold at the Heritage Day. Three prizes
were offered –1,Derek and Christine Keen to donate a porcelain doll, 2, - Barnet Fayre to donate a cut and blow/shampoo
and 3 -the CVRA association (PG) to donate a dvd of the village.
Leaflet and flyer to be written and distributed to advertise this date. JH and GF to organise.
There was to be a notice about the Heritage Day at the entrance to the village, and advertised in the newspaper.
Our new press officer, DK to organise. PG to put it on the website. Notices to be out up in Shevington Library and
Barnet Fayre and other places.
Shevington Fete
Revd John said that it was fine for CVRA to have a stall at this and use the display from the Heritage Day.
North West In Bloom
Mike Thomas to circulate comments.
Mark Tate to ask permission from Alex Cornish, the Hammonds and the Keens to put a stall on the triangle opposite
their houses on the first weekend in July for the Beer Festival.
On the 11th June the Interpretation Board will be erected. John O’Neil will produce leaflets about the board which
will be available on the Heritage Day and will be distributed throughout the village.
Discussion followed about the prompt responses from the police concerning issues like JH’s break-in, the motorbikes
and one weekend when there was a girl screaming. Thanks to Barry and Helen our community support officers.
Discussion followed about the speed cars came into and out of the village, primarily to the nursery. The new road
being made the week beginning the 16th May, would have speed bumps, so would stop speeding in the close environs of
the nursery and church. The problem at the exit/entrance on to the main road could not be resolved.
Date of Next Meeting.
Tuesday 14th May at 7pm at Crooke Hall Inn.
This concludes the minutes of the meeting for May 2011.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for April 2011
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. 12th April 2011
Jim Haynes, Doreen Haynes, Michael Thomas, Paul Green, Jan Green, Norman Hart, Brian Musgrove, Alex Cornish,
Derek Keene, Cllr. Mike Crosby, Cllr. Paul Liptrot.
Apologies from
Graham Foster, Morag Tebbit, Steve Tebbit, Rev. John Hilton, Alison Thomas, Christine Keene, Sandra Musgrove.
Minutes of last Meeting.
Proposed as a true and accurate record by Brian Musgrove and seconded by Paul Green.
Matter Arising
Ref. towpath being used to exercise horses, British Waterways have been approached but to date have not replied,
Paul Liptrot suggested that we contact Liz Parry, Footpath Officer at Wigan Metro, as she may know.
Shevington Parish Council
The Notice Board should be erected on Wednesday 20th. April. We are still awaiting details of when & how the
electric box will be moved.
Shevington and District Community Association.
The S & D C A has agreed to financially assist the CVRA in North West in Bloom. Paul Liptrot said that he did not
think that the CA paid enough attention to the outlying areas.
Township Forum.
The Township Forum has now ceased and we are awaiting future developments.
Entrance to Lawns Wood & Green in front of the Church
The Township Forum funded work to the entrance to Lawns Wood. Draining alongside & under the footpath, clearing saplings
& undergrowth at the entrance to the wood & fitting a pedestrian gate at the exit to the main road. This work has
been carried out by the British Trust for Conservation Volunteers.
The Township Forum funded work to reposition the daffodils & fit a knee high fence on the green in front of the
church. The daffodils have been moved but the fence is not being fitted until the roads have been resurfaced.
More praises have been received for the site, one person said that is the best village website that they have seen.
Unadopted Roads
Rev. John Hilton has told us that the estimated start date for work on the roads around the Church & Village
Nursery is 16th. May.
Fund Raising
Because of the number of absentees this item was not discussed.
Heritage Day
In conjunction with John O’Neil this is planned for the 21st. May to coincide with the unveiling of the Interpretation
Board. It was decided that the presentation would take the form of ‘photos and narrative displayed on boards and
the village DVD would run all the time. Paul Green, Mike Thomas, Graham Foster & Jim Haynes to select the ‘photos
and narrative from Paul Green library of information. Jim Haynes has applied to the Duchy of Lancaster fund for
monies for the production of the display.
Shevington Fete
This will be held on the 9th August in and around the Methodist Church in Shevington. It is planned for CVRA to
have a stall and it was suggested that we use the display from the Heritage Day.
North West In Bloom
Damian Jenkinson of Wigan Metro suggested that we canvas the village re hanging baskets, again through lack of
numbers it was decided to hold this over until the next meeting.
Paul Liptrot suggested we get press coverage for Heritage Day.
Alex Cornish suggested we invite all businesses in the village to also be involved.
Alex also suggested approaching all villagers for any artefacts which could be displayed on the day.
Lianne requested more litter bins, Paul Liptrot to see if anything can be done.
There was a discussion in respect of the recent increase in people on the green making noise and leaving litter.
Michael Thomas proposed that the next meeting be held in Crooke Hall Inn, this was seconded by Brian Musgrove and
was carried unanimously.
The meeting was closed at 8.30pm
Date of Next Meeting.
7pm at the Crooke Hall Inn on Tuesday the 10th May 2011.
This concludes the minutes of the meeting for April 2011.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for March 2011
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Hall Inn
7:00pm. 8th March 2011
Jim Haynes, Michael Thomas, Steve Tebbit, Morag Tebbit, Jan Green, Paul Green, Derek Keen, Chris Keen, Brian Musgrove,
Sandra Musgrove, John McDonald, Elsie Heaton, Irene Wilson, Paul Catterall, Irene Catterall (54), Alison Thomas,
Trevor Holehouse, Mike Smith,Winnie Smith.
Apologies from
Norman and Joyce Hart, Doreen Haynes, Graham Foster, Paul Liptrot, Mike Crosby, John Hilton
Minutes of last Meeting.
Proposed by BM and seconded by ST. ( The minute regarding Graham Foster stating that the canal towpath is regarded
as a bridlepath by British Waterways is to be checked with Graham, This matter was raised by John MacDonald )
Matter Arising
Since the last meeting few motorbikes have gone through the village.
Shevington Parish Council
Notice Board – still waiting. Electric box –the removal of this to a more appropriate place ( near nursery) will
be done any day now.
There will be meeting of this committee on 10th March, 6.45 in the Library in Shevington. JH asked people to attend
this meeting as there is going to be the election of members in May . All members will have to stand down at this
meeting and be re-elected at the May meeting.
Shevington and District Community Association.
The report from the AGM was given.
Township Forum.
See below.
Lawn’s Wood and Meadows.
The BTCV is to submit a price for work on the entrance to Lawns Wood including drainage to and the repair of the
path just outside the wood , this will also include a gate on the bridge over Mill Brook .This will be put to the
Township Forum on the 16th March for posssible funding.
Notice Board.
Still waiting.
Green in front of church.
The Christmas tree electric box will be relocated soonest. The daffodil bulbs are going to be relocated so as not
to form an arrow but be planted on the extremities of the green to allow mowing. BTCV to submit a price for this
and also to include a knee high fence in front of the church, to match the existing fence, with access to the green
opposite the church entrance. Bulb planting at the entrance to the village plus a stone with “Crooke Village” on it
will also be included. The prices of these will be submitted to the Township Forum for possible funding. John O’Neil
has promissed a new tree for the Church Green.Once funding is in place there will be a meeting for all residents
to have an input.
Village Interpretaion Board.
John O’Neil suggested a History day in the village when the Interpretation Board would be unveiled on the green
adjacent to 99a..A date in May was to be arranged with the church. MT to find out free dates in May. JH to produce
a flyer.
Paul Green keeps it up to date. Thank you .PG to put pictures of the clean up, bulb planting and litter pick.
Unadopted Roads
Revd John Hilton was progressing with this and has earmarked funding.
Fund Raising
Steve Tebbit reminded the meeting of a quiz he had written, this could possibly tie in with the history day. BBQ
and gazebos were discussed.
The Rotary Club Dragon’s Den have £500 for projects (from a £4000 pot) .JH MTh and GF to put forward a wish list,
to be in before 31st March. The final is on 19th May where there will be 3 minute presentations.
JH has a meeting with Damian Jenkinson of Wigan in Bloom on Tuesday 15th March at 2pm to discuss what we want to do
and how they can help.
No trial bikes have been seen in the village since the last meeting. PG was meeting with JO to discuss other boards.
There will be a board at the entrance to Lawn’s Wood. The procurement of beehives was on the back boiler as Wigan
Metro will not allow livestock of any kind on their land, including allotments.
3500 bulbs were planted last week after the litter pick.
The minutes are to be,
a) distributed to every villager,
b) put up on the village notice board,
c) put up on the notice board outside the pub (thanks to Liane from the pub for doing this)
d) put up in the Methodist Church.
Date of Next Meeting.
7pm at the Church on Tuesday the 12th April 2011.
This concludes the minutes of the meeting for March 2011.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for Febuary 2011
Crooke Village Residents Association
7:00pm. 8th Febuary 2011
Michael Thomas (in chair), Jim Haynes, Graham Foster, Steve Tebbit, Morag Tebbit, Jan Green, Paul Green, Derek Keen,
Rev John Hilton, Brian Musgrove, Sandra Musgrove, Paul Liptrot (councillor), Mike Crosby(councillor), John McDonald,
Yvonne Vernon.
Apologies from
Norman and Joyce Hart, Doreen Haynes, Alison Thomas, Debbie Fairhurst, Mark Tate, Chris Keen.
Minutes of last Meeting.
Proposed by GF and seconded by JH
Matter Arrising
Shevington Parish Council
JH awaiting date from Krystina Pilkington for taking down of Christmas Tree box, which will be taken down and
erected annually.Chris Pennington to arrange.
Precept was discussed. £70000 was the budget, down from last year.JH has a copy of a £74000 precept which has a
similar breakdown. The precept is on the SPC website.
Shevington and District Community Association.
Nothing to report, although it does have money which could be accessed.
Township Forum.
The meeting is on the 9th February at the Methodist Church in Standish. PL said they are being rationalised,
probably the last meeting. PL has projects needing funding, including resurfacing of unmade roads, planters in
Shevington Village, Shevington Moor and The Royal Oak, and gates in Shevington Moor.
Notice Board.
JH to speak to KP.
Christmas Tree.
The box will be relocated, Chris Pennington, Wigan Metro to organise and KP to agree. PL to follow up.
Village Information Board.
John O’Neil has it in hand. JO has 3 projects on the go, Shevington Moor, Shevington Vale and Lawn’s .The location
of the Crooke board has to be decided by the village as soon as possible. A possible site is on the green where the
temporary shed from Adactus stood.
Paul Green keeps it up to date. Thank you .Dates from Methodist Chapel for this year will be sent to PG by MT asap.
Canal Towpath Clean Up.
14 people came, 157 bags were collected.PG and MT took the bags away. Thank you ladies for the superb refreshments.
Matt Taylor from BW attended, all the way from Burnley, thank you very much. He has also said that BW will supply
Unadopted Roads.
Revd John Hilton had received a quote from Darlingtons which was very good.£11000 plus vat. This could be extended
to the other unadopted roads, not just the road outside the church. The nursery were now eager to be part of this
project. The church would probably put the major share. Adactus was going to be approached by the Rev J Hilton. The
residents who live opposite the nursery were to be approached personally by the Rev. PL said there needs to be
written permission from any interested parties.PL and JH to liaise regarding planning permission. PL has money
earmarked for the project even if the resurfacing did not start until after March. There was a shortfall of £2000.
MC said he would make a donation. PL believes there needs to be a clerk of works. Steve Tebbit was asked to do that
job.Andy Richmond who lives next door to the church, said he was happy about the resurfacing and mentioned having
sleeping policemen to slow vehicles down.
Fund Raising.
Sandra and Brian raised £45.10 from raffle of Teacher’s whisky at the folk club. Thank you very much.
Green Grant Application
£980 has been accessed for tools and a shed and needs to be spent in 6 months. £480 for tools and £500 for a shed,
site still under negotiation (JH leading that.PL reminded the meeting of the need for planning permission.
Trial bikes were beginning to be a problem, Everyone should complain to Non Urgent Police at 01618725050 individually.
The larger the number who complain the more the department will take notice.
Horses on the towpath was mentioned by JM. Since the horse driven boat was taken to Liverpool a few years ago the
gates were all opened. GF said they were never shut as it transpired that the tow paths may be bridle paths. The
Douglas River Bridge maybe widened because of that fact.
The newsletter was being printed by Adactus and would be distributed by our members, to the village as soon as they
were received. Thank you Charlotte and Adactus for the work they do.
The next clear up would be 26th February, meet at 9.30 at Crooke Hall Inn.
Brian Seed thanked CVRA for their rent for the use of the church hall. Yvonne thanked CVRA for their cheque for
the rent of the facilities at the Marina, this would be given to the Wigan Hospice.
The minutes are to be,
a) distributed to every villager,
b) put up on the village notice board,
c) put up on the notice board outside the pub (thanks to Liane from the pub for doing this)
d) put up in the Methodist Church.
Date of Next Meeting.
7pm at the Crkke Hall Inn on Tuesday 8th March 2011.
This concludes the minutes of the meeting for Febuary 2011.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for January 2011
Crooke Village Residents Association
Methodist Church
7:00pm. 11th January 2011
Jim Haynes, Doreen Haynes, Graham Foster, Steve Tebbit, Morag Tebbit, Brian Musgrove, Alison Thomas, Michael Thomas, John McDonald,
Derek Keen, Christine Keen, Paul Green, Jan Green, and Councillor Paul Liptrot.
Apologies from
Councillor Mike Crosby, Councillor Debbie Fairhurst, Mike and Win Smith and Norman and Joyce Hart.
Minutes of last Meeting.
Proposed by GF and seconded by ST
Matter Arrising
Shevington Parish Council
MTh, DK, JH and PL attended this meeting. Nothing concerning Crooke, partcicularly, to report.
Shevington and District Community Association.
Nothing to report, although it does have money which could be accessed.
Township Forum.
There might be no further meetings of this forum, after the next meeting on the 25th January at the Methodist Hall in Shevington
this year, as there is to be a re-jigging of neighbourhoods.
Lawn’s Wood and Meadows.
Wigan Metro are currently dealing with this topic.
Notice Board.
JH to speak to KP on Thursday 13th January.
Christmas Tree.
The box will be relocated, Chris Pennington, Wigan Metro to organise and KP to agree. PL to follow up.
Village Information Board.
John O’Neil has it in hand. JH will speak to him at the next S & DCA meeting.
Paul Green keeps it up to date. Thank you .Dates from Methodist Chapel for this year will be sent to PG by MT asap.
Burns Night.
Due to refurbishment at the pub, this event will have to wait til next year. St George’s Day was discussed but no decision made.
Canal Towpath Clean Up.
This will now be a village wide clean up .PG acquiring pick up tools, he has 2. PL is going to ask council for more.BW to be approached
by JH regarding a barge to help. It was agreed that a flyer would be delivered to the village and the clean up would be a village affair.
Date agreed Saturday 5th February, starting 9.30 am.
Unadopted Roads.
MT ans ST mentioned that the Revd John Hilton had received a quote from Darlingtons which was very good. This could be extended to the
other unadopted roads, not just the road outside the church. JH to liaise with JH(Revd John Hilton). PL reminded the meeting to involve
everyone who had an interest in this issue. PL said he would consider giving a donation from his Brighter Borough money.
Christmas Cards.
GF said that 170 sets and envelopes had been sold and 10 sets without envelopes. 32 sets remain unsold. 1 set was wastage.
A net profit of £289.03 was made.
Treasurer's Report |
Donations from MTh |
£26.34. |
Sale of Christmas Cards |
£289.03 |
PG and JG bike ride |
£25.00 |
Green Fund Grant |
£1000.00 |
£1,749.37 |
A provision of £1,000 is being held aganst the Adactus Green Grant.
Thanks to GF treasurer for the report.
The meeting agreed to pay the Methodist Church £10 a meeting, 3 times £10 to be paid for use already.
£10 per meeting at the Marina to be offered to Yvonne.
It was agreed to pay Alex Cornish £70 for the removal of a hazardous wall.
PL told us of the Electrification of Liverpool/Manchester Link Railway is going ahead.
He gave us a leaflet about a private firm - Home Instead (senior care)
He asked about the village newsletter. JH will produce one for distribution.
The minutes are to be,
a) distributed to every villager,
b) put up on the village notice board,
c) put up on the notice board outside the pub (thanks to Liane from the pub for doing this)
d) put up in the Methodist Church.
Date of Next Meeting.
7pm at the Marina on Tuesday 8th February 2011.
This concludes the minutes of the meeting for January 2011.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for December 2010
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Marina
7 pm. 14th December 2010
Jim Haynes, Graham Foster, Steve Tebbit, Morag Tebbit, Jan Green, Paul Green, , Derek Keen, Christine Keen,
Brian Musgrove, Sandra Musgrove, Paul Liptrot (councillor) Alison Thomas, Michael Thomas, John McDonald,
Mike Crosby (councillor)
Apologies from
Councillor Mike Crosby, Councillor Debbie Fairhurst, Charlotte Sweeny (Adactus) and Norman Hart.
Shevington Parish Council
JH did not attend due to ill health. At the meeting however both Jim and Veronica resigned as Chair and councillor
due to their commitment as carers to their parents who are both ill. PL said that John Ball,vice chair, took the
meeting. There was talk at the meeting about Orica. Footpaths in the area had been cleaned. MC said that someone
needed to be on the council. DK and MT to attend (Mike Thomas).GF and JH to write a letter to Jim and Veronica.
MT, JH, and DK to attend meeting on 16th December.
Shevington and District Community Assocaition
JH did not attend due to ill health. PL said a number of topics were discussed, none concerning Crooke. John O’Neil
had a number of topics he wants to take to the next meeting of the Township Forum.
Township Forum
Next meeting is on Wednesday 15th December JH and MT to attend.
Notice Board
Shevington should have money from Adactus. JH to mention this at SPC on the 16th December.
Christmas Tree
It was agreed that the Christmas tree looked great. The fence around it, had to be there for health and safety
reasons. The box would be moved to the perimeter of the grass after the Christmas tree is taken away in January.
Village Information Board
John O’Neil has it in hand.
Paul Green keeps it up to date. Thank you.
Probation Service
A meeting will be held on Monday 20th December to discuss cleaning the canal tow path. The Probation Srvice will
be organising insurance and people etc. JH and GF to attend and anyone else with Geoff Oliver from said service.
Unadopted Roads
Postponed until it thaws. A discussion followed about cobbles .... Nothing decided.
Christmas Cards
The sale of Christmas cards had proved very successful. 180 sets had been produced and £200 profit had been made.
Discussion followed about calendars, but this would not be profitable. Notelets were to be investigated.
Burns night at the pub was to be investigated by ST.
Grants. JH told us about £1000 avalable for tools and a shed. GF and JH to complete application form by Thursday 16th
December. Discussion followed about placement of shed, including at Crooke Cruising Club. JM to follow this up.
PG told us about a building that Paul Elsie has. PL said there were planning issues to be investigated, as well as
health and safety issues and neighbours views to be taken.
Salt. People who are not from the village, have been seen taking salt from the Crooke boxes. Authority have topped
up bins. Car number plates of people seen taking the salt should be given to the Shevington Council.
Discussion followed about circulation of minutes of this meeting. At present, the agendas are put up on the
noticeboard on the green outside the church and put on the website. Subsequent minutes are likewise displayed.
The secretary emails the minutes to all who have given her an email address. She also makes hard copies to give to
attendees of the meeting. Adactus have offered to fund the production of the minutes so that everyone in the
village gets a copy delivered. The agenda and minutes will be put up in the Chapel (if the members agree) and the
pub notice Board if landlady of Crooke Hall Inn agrees.
JH was to produce the next newsletter.
It was agreed as a group, we would set 12 months of meeting dates and venues in advance.
Door to Door Santa was back. Money raised would go to “living with stroke” a Lord Mayor project.
Tel 886452 on weekdays and 894262 at weekends. £5 per child and a minimum of 4.
PL said that Beat it Team would not clean the canal. March would be the next time a general tidy of footpaths,
undergrowth etc would take place. BM suggested that October would be a good time for a clean up too , before
everything was dumped in the canal before Winter.
PL said that the future of the library service was being looked into, and circulated forms for people to fill in
and return to the library.
Discussion about a nativity around tree(JM) Lighting and funding were issues against this good idea.
Discussion about 40 ton trucks using “The Bends” road followed and Reality Logistics starting up a base nearby.
Minutes specifically to be sent to Charlotte Sweeney, to be made into 60 copies for distribution around village.
Date of next meeting
7pm at the Methodist Chapel on Tuesday 11th January.
This concludes the minutes of the meeting for December 2010.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for November 2010
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Marina
7 pm. 9th November 2010
Jim Haynes, Doreen Haynes, Graham Foster, Steve Tebbit, Morag Tebbit, Sandra Musgrove, Brian Musgrove,
Derek Keen, Christine Keen, Paul Green, Jan Green, and Councillor Paul Liptrot.
Apologies from
Councillor Mike Crosby, Councillor Debbie Fairhurst, Charlotte Sweeny (Adactus) and Norman Hart.
The following topics are on the attached sheets.
(That information will be posted after this minutes entry.)
Shevington Parish Council Meeting, Shevington and District Community Association Meeting, Standish, Aspull and Shevington Township
Forum Meeting, Contact names, Unadopted Roads, Canal Bank, Bulb Planting and Lawn’s Woods and Meadows.
Details from the attached sheet are as follows.
Chairs report to the Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting of 9th November 2010.
Shevington Parish Council meeting of 21st October.
Agreed that the CVRA would dig the pit for the Christmas Tree because of difficulty getting quotes. (Pit is now dug & concreted,
surplus concrete used to fill some holes in road to Nursery/Chapel.) We will be paid for material on presentation of receipts.
P. C. plan to have electricity to pit by w/e 13th Nov.
No date for the notice board
Orica development was discussed with concern shown over the decontamination of the site.
Shevington & District Community Association meeting of 26th October.
The meeting was told that one of our biggest priorities is the unadopted roads.
Standish Aspull & Shevington Township Forum meeting of 27th October.
Inspector Glen Jones discussed the role of neighbourhood policing.
Various topics were discussed and it will be beneficial to the CVRA to be involved.
Contact names.
A meeting with Jeremy Bell of Wigan Metro was useful & produced contact names. (Wildlife Trust, Probation Service & various Funders)
Unadopted Roads
Graeme Condron of the Highways Dept visited to advise on the resurfacing of the roads. He told us little more than we already knew.
Canal Bank
Cath Simm of the Youth Offending Team & British Waterways have agreed to a litter pick on the canal bank. Perhaps best in the early
New Year when there is no vegetation.
Bulb Planting
John O'Neil has arranged a bulb planting with Cath Simm of the Youth Offending Team. Graham Foster has also obtained bulbs.
Lawns Wood & Meadows.
We have had a message from Ros Smallwood, the ecologist at Wigan Metro & they will be putting a programme together.
This is the end of the attached sheet information.
Village Information Board
John O’Neil has it in hand.
Paul Green keeps it up to date, liaising with the chapel for events. The additions page is great. Thank you Paul.
Tippler Board
PG to create this and other boards when John O’Neil has produced the village board. PG to liaise with JO. Funding is in place
for the Village Board. Getting written evidence of planning permission for the erection of boards is in hand(thanks to PL for
raising subject).
Unadopted Roads
Some work has been done on the road near the chapel. JH to follow up quotation from Brighter Borough. PL to investigate further.
A sub committee was to be set up to put proposals together. PL said to be cautious as Groundwork got into difficulties because of
having no specialist. We have ST who is a specialist.
ST,GF,DK,PG,JH and BM (PL maybe) to meet on Tuesday 16th Novenber at 2pm at chapel.
Fund Raising
Burn’s Night. New landlady at pub to be approached.
Christmas Cards
GF produced them . £4.99 for 12. Excellent value. Beautiful cards. Thank you to GF, MF and PG.
BM offered a bottle of whisky for raffle on Burn’s night.
DK was concerned about a motorcyclist who regularly rode through the village.(no tax etc) 01618725050 was the number to ring to
inform the Police.
0161 856 7124 is the number for Neighbourhood Watch.
Mike Thomas was to be thanked for putting in 2 litter bins. JH to ask MT to remove the old bins.
Date of next meeting
14th December, at 7pm in the Crooke Hall Inn.
This concludes the minutes of the meeting for November 2010.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for The Anual General Meeting for 2010
Crooke Village Residents Association
Annual General Meeting
Crooke Methodist Chapel
7 pm. 12th October 2010
Norman Hart, Jim Haynes, Doreen Haynes, Graham Foster, Steve Tebbit, Morag Tebbit, Jan Green, Paul Green, Mike Thomas, Alison
Thomas , Derek Keen, Christine Keen, Brian Musgrave, Sandra Musgrave, John MacDonald, Joe Shovelton, Winnie Smith, Mike Smith,
Kath Bradley , Elsie Heaton, Irene Wilson, C Jarvis, Sheila Milne(Shevington and District Community Association), Paul Liptrot
(councillor) and Mike Crosby (councellor)
Apologies from
Joyce Hart, Jim and Veronica Maloney (chair of Shevingon Parish Council, Lord Lieutenant of Lancashire and his wife).
Welcome from the Chairman
The Chairman welcomed everyone for attending the meeting and then proceeded to deliver his report.
Chairman’s Report.
It’s hard to believe that 12 months have gone by since the Crooke Village Residents Association was formed, this only seems a
short while ago yet it was on the 24th August 2009 that we became involved in the Calor Village of the year competition and that
seems to have been ages ago.
The Residents Association was formed out of the committee members of the Calor competition and have worked relentlessly over the
last year to try to improve the community spirit and quality of life in the village.
The first job that we did was to continue clearing the path around the park and litter picking.
The October, November & December meetings were devoted to setting up the Association, producing our Constitution and establishing
a bank account.
At the same time we were looking at things that could be done for the Village and the suggestion of a Community Garden / Allotment
was discussed. There was an overgrown allotment in the Village which had not been used for some 3 years which we applied for. We
also applied to Adactus for a grant to create the Community Garden / Allotment and were successful receiving £1,000. Wigan Metro
then told us that we were number 16 on the waiting list for the land and at this stage we started to look at other possible areas
to build the Garden. One was the field behind the Village Nursery, but the plan put together by Kath Godfrey of the British Trust
for Conservation Volunteers proved to be too ambitious. It created a degree of objection within the Village and the land owner seemed
`to be reluctant to offer the long term lease that would be needed to get the grant aid.
Whilst another area of land behind the Chapel was suggested by Wigan Metro the Committee felt that the location was not suitable as
it was exposed to vandalism.
A project which is near to the heart of Graham Foster, our Treasurer, has always been the repair to the footpath in Lawns Wood along
with the possibility of extending it to create a circular path in the wood and linking up with other paths in the area.
In the early stages we met with little response from Wigan Metro and it was only when John O’Neil became involved that things started
to happen.
It is now being looked at to make Lawns Wood into a Local Nature Reserve and with this in mind the Residents Association created a
sub group, “The Friends of Lawns Wood & Meadows”. This was done on the advice of John O’Neil and Graham Workman of the Wigan Leisure
and Culture Trust as this should give us access to funding.
An annual event is planned and it is hoped that in 2011 it can be linked with the possible developments in Lawns Wood.
We also got a new planter from Shevington Parish Council.
In August a working party, in conjunction with British Waterways, started to paint the canal bridge. We are now recognised by British
Waterways as a volunteer group who are authorised and insured by them to carry out works on the canal. This will allow us to look at
cleaning up the towpath in the area and paint the bridge at the Wigan end of the Village.
We are represented on the Policies Committee of the Shevington Parish Council, the Shevington and District Community Association and
soon we will also be represented on the Standish Aspull & Shevington Township Forum. These bodies give us a voice into what happens
in our area.
To date we have arranged for the moving of the Christmas tree to a more suitable site on the green in front of the Chapel.
The notice board is to be replaced with monies from the earlier rounds of the Calor Village of the Year competition plus an equivalent
amount from Adactus and a contribution from Shevington Parish Council.
Probably the biggest problem that the Village has is the four unadopted roads. The cost of bringing these up to the standard of
normal roads is about £37,000. At this stage this is an amount of money beyond our means. The Committee is trying to get this work
done and is investigating all avenues, the one thing that is certain is that Wigan Metro, along with all other local authorities,
are not spending money on unadopted roads. We are looking at other solutions that may be affordable and are in discussions with the
businesses, property owners and other parties.
We are looking at Beekeeping as a project and it is hoped that this will be developed over the winter months.
About 2,000 bulbs will be planted in the village this autumn, some of these have been organised by John O’Neil through the Brighter
Borough Fund, the rest by the Residents Association.
I would now like to thank people who have helped us over the last year
A very special thank you must go to Yvonne Vernon who allowed us to use the facilities at the Crooke Village Marina during the lead
up to the Calor Village of the year competition. We have held a number of functions there and Yvonne has been ever generous providing
food & drink at these events.
Our thanks go to John O’Neil who since his involvement with the Association has proved to be a font of information, someone who can
unlock what seem to be barred doors and is unstinting in his efforts to get things done.
Thanks to Councillor Paul Liptrot and past Councillor Angela Bland for their prompt action to stop the footpath leading from Crooke
Village to Shevington from being completely ruined when the farmer was moving manure in very bad weather. Since that time the path has
been resurfaced and apart from a piece near to Crooke Village is in a much better state.
Councillor Liptrot has attended many of our meetings and has been helpful in getting works done in the Village.
Councillor Mike Crosby was elected earlier this year also has helped the Village. Mike was instrumental in getting us permission to
paint the canal bridge. He has offered financial assistance from his Brighter Borough Fund to aid in the re surfacing of the unadopted
roads in the Village.
Thanks must go to the Methodist Chapel for letting us use their meeting room also Steve Derricott of Crooke Hall Inn for the use of the
Cellar Bar.
A very special thank you to Paul Heaton of Adactus, who was the catalyst in the Calor competition presentation and the forming of the
Crooke Village Residents Association. Unfortunately Paul has moved on but we do owe him a very big vote of thanks.
Ruth Mycock was our Neighbourhood Officer and was also involved with us in the early days.
Charlotte Sweeney has replaced Ruth and is proving to be willing to get involved and very helpful.
I would thank all members of the Committee for their sterling work over the last year.
Morag Tebbit, our secretary, for trying to keep up with taking minutes at meeting and organising us.
Graham Foster, our treasurer, who has spent a lot of his valuable time in dealing with grant applications and being involved in every
project. Apart from looking after our money Graham has also boosted our coffers by raising money on bike rides.
Paul Green for the work in running and developing our web site “”. A great deal of effort has gone into creating it
adding to it and keeping it updated.
Mike Thomas, our Vice Chairperson, only joined in the middle of the year but already has shown his eagerness to develop the Association.
Mike has obtained a number of litter bins which will be sited to try to encourage people to keep the village tidier, especially dog owners.
Steve Tebbit, John Mac Donald, Brian & Sandra Musgrove, Jan Green, Doreen Haynes, Norman Hart, Alison Thomas and newcomers Derek &
Christine Keen have all proved to be more than willing in getting involved in the activities.
Now for the future.
I would welcome Mike & Winnie Smith who moved into the village in July and joined us at the September meeting.
Whilst we do need more people in the Village to become involved I appreciate that after working all day it is hard to drag yourself
out to a meeting, especially when it’s dark and raining. If it coincides with Emmerdale & Coronation Street then it’s a no hoper.
I would however ask that you support the Crooke Village Residents Association as best you can. It is your village and all that we
want to do is to improve the community spirit and the quality of life in the Village. Please don’t leave it to someone else because
there may not be anyone willing to do it and then what will happen?
Thank you all for listening and I truly hope that the new Committee carry out what has been started and I look forward to seeing
the rewards in future years.
This concludes the Chairman's Report.
Treasure’s Report.
The trearure's report was made up of a spread sheet highlighting monies in the account totalling £1,409.00. the amount was made up
by a donation from Adactus toward a Green Grant of £1,000.00, £20.00 from two advertisments posted on the link page of the web site,
£220.00 donated from sponcered events and £144.00 from the Adactus Residents Grant. A further £25.00 was donated by a resident
resulting in the grand total. There is however, a provision that if the £1,000.00 donated by Adactus towards the Green Grant was
not used by its allotted run out date, that money will have to be returned. If that were to happen, the Residents Association will
be left with £409.00 in the bank account.
This concludes the Treasur's Report.
Secretary’s Report
We have come a long way from being named Calor County village of the year. It has been quite a year. I would like to thank all the
people involved in making Crooke a better place to live.
First of all thanks to Jim Haynes our chair. He has worked tirelessly, and contacted loads of people in various councils,
Wigan Metro, Shevington Parish Council, Shevington and District Community Association, specialists, Adactus, British Waterways
and chased funding. He has made such a difference to the village. Graeme Foster has worked tirelessly too, regarding funding and
meetings. Paul Green has developed the Crooke Village website. It is well worth a visit. He has researched the input for the Tippler
Interpretation Board and is working on other boards for around the village.
Areas we have covered have been wide and various, some have been successful and others regrettably not.
We are still waiting for a notice board to be put up in the village, but that will happen.
Investigation into having an allotment for the village to use, was unsuccessful, as was the setting up of a Village Directory.
Lawn’s Wood Project has been a great success. It has gone from being a “tidy up project” helped by Wigan Metro, to perhaps being made
into a Nature Reserve.
Our relationship with British Waterways has developed and we put together working parties to paint the bridge and tidy the tow path.
Working together with Adactus has been a positive, not just for tenants but for members of the whole village.
Discussions have been made about holding an annual event, probably a social in the pub. When Lawn’s Wood is up and running as a nature
reserve there will be a celebration of that.
A fund raising venture for Christmas will be the putting together of a pack of Christmas cards of photos of Crooke in winter.
Thanks to Graham, Michelle,(Graham’s wife) and Paul.
Being a part of this association has meant a great deal to me. Even though Steve and I have not been around the village in the last
couple of months, we have helped in the village tidy up and the field tidy up. We did not helping painting of the canal bridge and
fencing, but it looks really good, thanks to CVRA and BW.
As I said being a part of this association is important to me (and Steve), as I am proud of living in Crooke.
This concludes the Secretary's Report.
Standing Down of Present Officers and Election of New Officers
Derek Keen proposed that all members of the present committee stay on. This was seconded by Christine Keen, all present agreed.
Amendment to the constitution
One was put forward to the meeting by the treasurer and was agreed by the meeting.
Mike Thomas suggested that if anything needed done , a verbal request or written request shoud be submitted to the committee.
The members of the meeting looked at photographs of Crooke in Winter and voted for up to 8, with a view to publish them as Christmas cards.
Date of next meeting
9th November, venue to be arranged.
This concludes the minutes of the meeting for The Anual General Meeting for 2010.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for September 2010
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Methodist Church
7 pm. 15th September 2010
Jim Haynes, Doreen Haynes, Graham Foster, Steve Tebbit, Morag Tebbit, Sandra Musgrove, Brian Musgrove, Mike Thomas, Alison Thomas,
Derek Keen, Christine Keen, Paul Green, Jan Green, Norman Hart, Joyce Hart, Alderman John O'Neil, Councillor Paul Liptrit,
John MacDonald, Joe Shovelton, Winnie Smith, Mike Smith
Apologies from
Mike Crosby (Councillor), Debbie Fairhurst (Councillor), Charlotte Sweeny (Adactus)
Minutes of last meeting
An apology for the absence from Councillor Liptrot was added.
The minutes were proposed by GF and seconded by DK as a true & accurate record, agreed by all and signed by the chair and secretary.
Matters Arising
We welcomed Mike and Winnie Smith as members, proposed by GF and seconded by ST. Mike and Winnie have just moved into the village.
Report from Shevington Parish Council Meeting.
Information about Christman Tree and Notice Board, items which are on the agenda.
Report from Shevington and District Community Association
JH did not attend as he was in hospital and GF was unavailable.
Councillor Liptrot advised of the leaflet on Crooke Village which is being produced by the Community Association.
Township Forum Representation
We are still waiting for confirmation of our group’s acceptance as members, this will be after their October meeting.
Lawn's Wood
GF,JH, Alderman J O'Neil had a meeting with Wigan Metro to discuss possible classification of Lawn's Wood as a Local Nature
There will be a site to visit on 11th October. After that meeting an intensive survey will be done as to what is actually
in Lawn's Wood.
Councillor Paul Liptrot said that Wigan Metro had said they would tidy Lawn's Wood some time ago. (JH said that only 1 step
had been replaced following that)
Notice Board.
This is in hand by Shevington Parish Council.
Christmas Tree
This is in hand by Shevington Parish Council.
PG has added some history and also mentioned the meeting we were attending.
Village Interpretation Board
Alderman John O’Neil circulated photocopies of his proposed Interpretation Board based upon the Board that was produced for
Shevington. He said that he is producing a leaflet about Crooke Village, containing about a thousand words. This would be
condensed into 525 words for the actual board. The board would have a mixture of words, pictures and maps. He will be helped
by Lisa Keys and an archivist from Leigh. Shelley Signs could produce the board, having produced the Shevington Board, at
the cost of £1000 - £1100. The concrete base could possibly be erected by Laurel Ltd costing £50. Planning permission may not
be needed but Wigan Metro needs to be approached, Councillor Paul Liptrot is to investigate this.
Individual boards about the tippler, the church, etc would be produced later.
Discussion of the positioning of the Intepretation Board followed but no decision was reached. Aldeman O’Neil said schools
in the area would receive copies of the leaflet. Mike Smith said that schools should be involved in the surveys etc.
Annual Event.
Lawn’s Wood opening in 2011 should be targeted.
Fund Raising
GF had raised money on his bike ride.
GF suggested again a social evening. ST ,GF and MTh to organise.
MS suggested putting together pictures of the village under snow, and producing Christmas cards. GF volunteered his wife to
research publishers of said cards. GF, MF and PG to liaise.
3 litter bins had been obtained by MTh.
1 to replace the dog bin near playground, (positioned at a higher level because of flooding in the area).
2nd to be near bridge going out of the village at top corner of the Park.
Joe Shovelton suggested the involvement of the dog warden. Councillor Liptrot to investigate. Councilor Liptrot also
said that he would try to get dog bins installed by Wigan Metro.
The plans for a Communal Garden/Allotment is to be scrapped because the original allotment is not available and the
alternative proposed site is unsuitable.
JH said the painting of the bridge would be finished, when the weather is more clement. British Waterways have put up
the rail and have been supportive in the CVRA painting the woodwork.
GF said there was still £5000 available as a grant from the Coalfield Regeneration Trust. He has applied for this grant
to be used for the development of beekeeping in the Village. He had investigated the purchasing of beehives.
The meeting agreed this was a good idea. The positioning of the hives was discussed and the conclusion was that they
needed to be in a secure area. AT knew a lady who keeps bees who could come and talk to the meeting. JH & DK had met
with a member of the Ormskirk & Croston Beekeeping Association who would be willing to give a talk on beekeeping.
The surfacing of the unadopted roads was discussed. Councillor Liptrot said that Wigan Metro took the view that planings
were “diseased “as they had been used before and it could also be classed as fly tipping, this conflicted with the
information supplied by Councillor Crosby who has offered up to £200 from his Brighter Borough Fund towards using Rroad
planings for road repair.
The Village Nursery have been approached and they said that they would contribute to road improvement. Once a final figure
for the repair of the roads in and around the Village Nursery and Chapel has been obtained then all parties will be approached.
The view of the meeting was to tarmac the roads but that could prove to be too costly. A short term solution may be more feasible.
PL ,MTh and ST to investigate wet-mix Macadam as an alternative.
Date of next meeting
12th October, at 7pm at Crooke Methodist Chapel.
This would be the AGM, with reports from the chair, the treasurer and the secretary.
There would be an election of all members.
This concludes the minutes of the meeting for September 2010.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for August 2010
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Methodist Church
7 pm. 3rd August 2010
Jim Haynes, Doreen Haynes, Graham Foster, Steve Tebbit, Morag Tebbit, Sandra Musgrove, Brian Musgrove, Mike Thomas, Alison Thomas,
Derek Keen, Christine Keen, Paul Green, Jan Green, Joan Byrne.
Apologies from
Mike Crosby and Paul Liptrot
Review of last minutes
Proposed by PG and seconded by DH as a true & accurate record , agreed by all and signed by chair and secretary.
Matters Arising
We welcomed Christine Keen who had just arrived in the village and ST proposed her to be elected to the CVRA committee, seconded
by DLI, agreed by all.
Report from Shevington Parish Council Meeting.
No meeting in July
Report from Shevington and District Community Association
No meeting in July
PG said he has updated it quite considerably and now needs to create links with other websites. GF said that the site is looking good
and the meeting agreed. Thanks to PG.
Township Forum Representation
We are still waiting for confirmation of our group’s acceptance as members.
Lawn's Wood
JH and GE met John O’Neil and Graham Workman from Leisure and Culture Trust, to talk about footpaths, circular walks to
Shevington and bat boxes. GW can tap into available funding. We would have to form a local nature reserve. Leisure and Culture
Trust will take liability. ‘Friends of Lawn’s Wood and Meadows’ was suggested as name of this group. All present except DH and
Joan Byrne wanted to be on it. JH to arrange a meeting with GW.
Mike Crosby would like to be a part of this new initiative.
Krystyna Pilkington, Paul Liptrot and John O’Neil are to be approached to be involved.
Notice Board.
No Adactus representative was present at the meeting.
KP had said it would cost £1300. There was £575 in kitty, Adactus had said it would match that figure, and Shevington
would make up the difference.
Christmas Tree
This will be placed on the green in front of the Chapel in line with the front door. Neon Lights will be put on the tree,
electricity to be accessed from the lamp post.
PG’s update is quite considerable. Still a lot to do. GF echoed views of the members by saying brilliant work. PG will
now create links with other websites.
Tippler Interpretation Board
John O’Neil was working on a general information board for Crooke, funded by Wigan Metro. He had already done the Shevington
board. PG would concentrate on the Tippler board. Other smaller boards would be considered for other parts of the village.
Annual Event.
DK said that Bewleys would provide a Fairground free of charge, but charging customers. Steve at the pub did not yet know
if there would be a beer festival in August as last year’s was such a wash out. However if there was a festival any stall
from CVRA would be welcome. MTh suggested something to do with Lawn’s Wood. MTe suggested a social event. JH suggested it
be held in the Cellar Bar.
Fund Raising
AT said that she had investigated the cinema venture but the cine equipment would cost £1500. and the PRS licence would be too
JH, GE and MTh met up with Mike Crosby and Matthew Taylor from BW to discuss painting the canal bridge. The date arranged was
Saturday 21st August, a notice to be put up on the notice board, and a flyer to be circulated in the village inviting anyone
in the village to come and help.
PG had found another bench and would approach his employer for the procurement of it. JH is meeting Paula Dean from Wigan Metro
on the 4th August to discuss dead trees, the path around park, gates, dog bins etc.
There was a discussion about road planings, - the cost and quantity needed, to put on the unadopted roads.
Date of next meeting
14th September, at the Marina.
This concludes the minutes of the meeting for August 2010.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for July 2010
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Methodist Church
7 pm. 13th July 2010
Jim Haynes, Graham Foster, Steve Tebbit, Morag Tebbit, Sandra Musgrove,Brian Musgrove, Mike Thomas, Alison Thomas , Derek Keen.
Apologies from
John MacDonald, Jan and Paul Green, Doreen Haynes, Yvonne Vernon
Review of last minutes
Proposed by GF and seconded by BM as a true & accurate record , agreed by all and signed by chair and secretary.
Matters Arising
We welcomed Derek Keen who had just arrived in the village and JH proposed him to be elected to the CVRA committee, seconded
by GF, agreed by all.
Election of Vice Chair
JH proposed MT as Vice Chair, seconded by GF, unanimously voted on. MT accepted the position.
Report from Shevington Parish Council Meeting.
From JH. SPC were in discussion with Wigan Metro in repect of the allotments, Jim Maloney advised that they should fall under
the duristriction of the Parish Council. Orica has been sent back planning from Wigan Metro, for Orica to produce more details
about the proposed removal of contamination on site.
Report from Shevington and District Community Association
Paul Liptrot is still chasing 4 planters ( at a school in Lowton). If available it was suggested that 1 will go opposite Norman
Hart’s home, 2 will go near the canal bridge, and the other 1 will go on the triangle beside the Marina.
GF said that the site is looking good and the meeting agreed. Thanks to PG.
Township Forum Representation
There are 10 in Wigan and their objective is to work with Wigan Metro and councils to improve the quality of life within the Borough.
Crooke is in Standish, Aspull and Shevington Township Forum. CVRA has been invited to apply for representation on this Forum.
MT proposed that JH represented Crooke Village on the Township Forum GF seconded, all agreed. GF agreed to replace JH on the
Shevington & District Community Association from October.
Among many other things the Township Forum propose that all villages have Notice Boards, a Flag Pole and seating.
Tippler Interpretation Board
PL had said that there may be funding from the Township Forum Fund.
John O’Neil seems to be the best option for getting the Board.
Annual Event.
Wigan Metro advised that there should be no objection to useing the field for an annual event in the summer months. Planning
permission would not be required for this.
Permission would probable not be given for useing the field for parking in November for bonfire function because of the
damage that might be caused from the quantity of vehicles.
Fund Raising
Steve at Crooke Hall Inn would be approached in respect of a stall at the Beer Festival in August.
Participation of Lancashire Day in November? Have a trip boat from Crooke to Dean Lock? Archery, Welly Throwing and golf
were mentioned.
DK suggested that a cinema similar to the ones operating in Parbold & Standish be considered. AT to get information from
her contacts in Standish. It was suggested that the Church Hall would be the best venue. ST to find out if this would be
agreable with the Church Committee.
DK suggested that Mr Bewley of Shevington may be interested in allowing his fairground equipment to be used at events.
The History of the Leeds and Liverpool Canal. A talk by Mike Clarke, will be given in the Methodist Chapel at 8pm on the
6th August.. John Mac Donald to be asked about cost.. JH to give information to PG, and to be put on Notice Board.
On Monday 19th at 11am JH and GF to meet with Mike Crosby, labour councillor, re 1) dead trees, 2) path around field,
3) gates across outlets, 4) dog poo bins.
On Tuesday 20th JH and GF to meet with John O’Neil and Graham Workman from Wigan Metro to look at Lawn’s Wood. Perhaps
continue the walk to the left of the main road up to the houses at the beginning of a path taking you to Shevington. It is
intended to discuss the Interpretation Board with John at that meeting.
Charlotte Sweeney, from Adactus, was welcomed to the meeting. She replaces Ruth Mycock. Green Grant from Adactus has been
delayed. We have £1000 in our bank account for the allotment, but as we have made no progress on that, the group asked if
we could have an extension .CS said she would find out. There was no money for a computer for the organisation, there was
a possibility we could apply to the Neighbourhood Fund. Charlie Barlow will be our Resident Involvement Officer, not
William Roberts as stated in a letter to CVRA.
Krystina Pilkington, Clerk to the Shevington Parish Council arrived with a picture of the proposed Notice Board. The cost
is £1350, There is £575 from our prize money, but there was doubt about Adactus’ matching contribution. CS to find out. JH
to approach Mike Crosby & Paul Liptrot to see if they will contribute from the Brighter Borough Fund.
Date of next meeting
Tuesdat 3rd August 2010 at the Crooke Methodist Church.
This concludes the minutes of the meeting for July 2010.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for June 2010
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Methodist Church
7 pm. 8th June 2010
Paul Liptrot Dist Collr, Jim Haynes, Graham Foster, Steve Tebbit, Morag Tebbit, John MacDonald, Paul Green, Jan Green, Doreen Haynes,
Sandra Musgrove,Brian Musgrove,
Apologies from
Mike and Alison Thomas, Ruth Mycock, Debbie Fairhurst Dist Cllr.
Review of last minutes
Proposed by BM and seconded by GF. Agreed by all and signed by chair and secretary.
Matters Arising
Election of Vice Chair
Because of Mike Thomas not being at the meeting, this was postponed til next meeting.
Report from Shevington Parish Council Meeting.
Noticeboard -this was in front of Wigsn Metro Planning Committee for approval.
Resiting of Christmas Tree – Electrics have to be shifted , SPC have £1600 in fund for that.
2 planters given, 1 to be opposite Norman Hart’s house, and 1 on green belonging to Sandra and Brian. JH to ask permission from SPC
to paint planters and maintain the painting. SPC will plant them. These have not arrived yet.
The Parish Council AGM is on the 10th June.
Report from Shevington and District Community Association
1) The SDCA has produced a draft leaflet giving information and contact details about Shevington Moor, Shevington Vale, Crooke Village
and Standish Lower Ground. Paul Liptrot will liaise with John O’Neil. Meetings of this association will be moved round the area, 1 to be
held in Crooke.
2) There is a leaflet also about Elnup Wood . Groundwork is based here.
Next meeting will be on Tuesday 29th June.
PG thanked MT for church dates and photographs of village for the website.JH said the site looked good. PG to take photographs of
cyclists on Sunday 13th on their charity ride on the Leeds and Liverpool Canal towpath.
Tippler Interpretation Board
PG still waiting for information.. Discussion followed regarding the expansion of the contents of this board to include businesses,
chapel, nursery, church history, etc.
GF will go with PG to see Rachel. PL asked about cost, JH said £2500. PL told the meeting about monies which are available from the
Township Forum, Brighter Borough and S&DCA which he will approach.
Annual Event.
If we use the field we have to get planning permission from the owner Wigan Metro.
People to approach regarding this are,
1) Lynn Knowles, Estates Officer,Property Division, Wigan Inestment Centre, Waterside Drive, WN3 5BA. Tel 01942 705573.
2) Simon Calderbank, Environment, Civic Buildings, New Market Street, Wigan.
3) Mike Jones, Civic Buildings, New Market Street, Wigan. Tel 01942 404278.
Planning permission would normally take 8 weeks.
Emergency planning permission would need to be asked for re November parking, for bonfire function.
Fund Raising
JH said we need to generate funds. GF mentioned sponsored bike ride. PL suggested a raffle. ST mentioned a quiz. And Crooke Independence Day.
There would be a stall at the Beer Festival in August.
Participation of Lancashire Day in November? Have a trip boat from Crooke to Dean Lock? Archery, Welly Throwing and golf were mentioned.
PL suggested we should have a sub committee for fund raising. After a little discussion, GF, JG and PG offered their services. They were
proposed by MT and seconded by BM. All agreed.
JH read out a letter from Jim Maloney, SPC Chairman, which he had sent to Sarah Wilcox at Wigan Metro, asking for people to work together
to develop the Community Garden we want to build using the 2 allotments.The 2 allotments are still untouched. Discussion followed about
the latest dumping of manure at the top of the footpath to Shevington. The farmer has relaid the path, and it is a great job. PL to write
to thank him. Angie Bland and PL have approached the Legal and Highway authorities to see if the farmer can be stopped from dumping this waste.
Legal should repond by 10th June. Environmental Health said it was not pure faeces, but treated biologically.
Lawn’s Wood- This needs to be tidied up.1 sleeper has been put down.YOT (Youth Offending Team) might be approached to do community service
in the woods.Perhaps also to paint canal bridge.GF was to approach the local scout group to see if they might help. Kath Godfrey from BT
for Conservation Volunteers said it was a site of Biological interest, (formerly known as a site of special scientific interest).
Date of next meeting
Tuesday 13th July 2010. at the Marina.
This concludes the minutes of the meeting for June 2010.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for May 2010
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Methodist Church
7 pm. 11th May 2010
Jim Haynes, Graham Foster, Steve Tebbit, Morag Tebbit, John MacDonald, Paul Green,
Jan Green, Doreen Haynes, Michael Thomas, Alison C Thomas, Sandra Musgrove,
Brian Musgrove, Yvonne Vernon.
Apologies from
Ruth Mycock(Adactus)
Review of last minutes
Proposed by GF and seconded by ST. Agreed by all and signed by chair and secretary.
Matters Arising
Report from Shevington Parish Council Meeting
Resiting of Christmas Tree in hand
2 planters given. 1 to be opposite Norman Hart's house and 1 on the green belonging to Sandra and Brian. JH to ask permission from
SPC to paint planters and maintain the planters. SPC will plant them.
Brown Bins will be arriving in Crooke by the end of May PG told the meeting.
Report from Shevington and District Community Association
No report. JH was ill.
PG in touch with the council, who are deciding if they have right to pictures, then permission would be given to publish them.
There will be a Beer Festival in August to be held by the pub. PG to gain more information about it and put it on the website.
Chapel events will be given to PG by Morag to be put on the website.
Tippler Interpretation Board
PG had sent a letter to Rachel Orme and sent a completed questionnaire to her on the 20th April. By 30th there was no response from
her. But she eventually. she gave an indication that it would be 2 weeks before Paul heard anything. Mr. Miller archivist was
approached by PG re pictures for it.
Community Garden
No news from Dubai, so plans in obeyance.
JH to pursue reinstating the pond.
If we can't get on with the Community Garden we will have to refund £1000 to Adactus.
Alternatives to the Community Garden were discussed. No conclusion reached.
Annual Event.
If the Beer Festival at the pub goes ahead it was discussed that CVRA could have a few stalls.
Election of Vice Chair
Steve Tebbit said he was interested in the post. Michael Thomas said he would think about it. Graham Foster was going to think about
it too, so that would mean a treasurer would have to be found. Decision would be made at the next meeting.
PG still no contact from Paul Hesketh.
PG and JH's picture taken at the recycling unit is to be put in Wigan Life.
The notices on the field were reinstated by Wigan Metro.
Notice board from SPC still not up.
GF told the meeting about a sponsored bike ride from Burnley to Crooke.(40 miles) in aid of British Heart Foundation. He invited to
join in. He was starting from Leeds and going to Burnley, then Crooke.
Date of next meeting
Tuesday 8th June 2010. at the Chapel.
This concludes the minutes of the meeting for May 2010.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for April 2010
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Methodist Church
7 pm. 13th April 2010
Jim Haynes, Graham Foster, Steve Tebbit, Morag Tebbit, John MacDonald, Paul Green,
Jan Green, Doreen Haynes, Michael Thomas, Alison C Thomas, Sandra Musgrove,
Brian Musgrove, Sandra Makin, Alona Shovelton.
Apologies from
Irene Wilson
Sam Hornsby Adactus (instead of Andrew Edwards)
Review of last minutes
Proposed by PG and seconded by GF. Agreed by all and signed by chair and secretary.
One correction, Jane Young had been co-opted on the policy committee of Shevington Parish Council and so Jim Haynes has been co-opted
on to that committee following Jane's resignation.
Matters Arising
Report from Shevington Parish Council Meeting
Report from Shevington and District Community Association
SDC had written to the parish council to express concern about the building of houses by Orica. But there will be 15 built on
the Gathurst Road end and 87 built at Vicarage Road end.
There are more pictures on the site. There was the first Advert. Paul Green had not been able to get in touch with Paul Hesketh.
Paul Green to put up the minutesof the CVRA meetings and archive them on the website. Ruth said she would put a link from Adactus
to Crooke. PG said this link would be reciprocal.
GF and JH said Paul was doing a great job on the website. The meeting agreed. Thank you Paul.
Tippler Plaque Update
Interpretation Board. The approach to John O'Neil, archivist, was still being followed. Then the grant to be applied for by Graham
Foster. This would be done by the end of April.
There was discussion about the plans for this allotment. Sandra Makin and Alona Shovelton were opposed to this venture as it would
bring undesirables into Crooke. Micheal Thomas said if there are objections to the allotment in conjunction with the nursery, then
we should shelve the idea.
The 2 allotments behind the houses would be reinvestigated by JH. Ruth said that Groundwork would put in raised beds for nothing
on these two allotments.
Paint for Projects
Jim said that he had resourced free white paint from Wigan Metro for projects in the village including painting the canal bridge.
Village Directory
It was felt by the meeting this innitiative should be put on hold, as the interest in it was very poor.
Adactus Green Grant and other Grant Applications
They were still there to be assessed but as yet there were no projects, except the interpretation board, with which GF was progressing.
Annual Event.
Steve Tebbit mentioned a village quiz.
GF mentioned a Barn Dance. Sandra Makin said we had 2 events in the village already, The Summer Fair and the Christmas Fair.
The pub is having a big event on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd of May.
Nothing was decided for 2010 but definately an event to be arranged for 2011.
Sandr said she was thinking of standing down as representitive. She said she was repeatedly asked for help from the Police to tackle
disruptive behaviour but was dissatisfied by the lack of response. Angie Bland and Paul Liptrot were to be approached by JH to get in
touch with Police to have a greater presence in the village.
Election of Vice Chair
Steve Tebbit said he was interested in the post. Michael Thomas said he would think about it. Graham Foster was going to think about
it too, so that would mean a treasurer would have to be found. Decision would be made at the next meeting.
Michael to give email address to Paul Green re advertising on the website.
Date of next meeting
7pm Tuesday 11th May 2010. at the Marina.
This concludes the minutes of the meeting for April 2010.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for March 2010
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Methodist Church
7 pm. 9th March 2010
Jim Haynes, Graham Foster, Steve Tebbit, Morag Tebbit, John MacDonald, Paul Green Jan Green, Yvonne Vernon, Michael Thomas, Alison C Thomas,
Sandra Musgrove, Brian Musgrove,Barrie Jones ( Community Support Officer).
Apologies from
Andrew Edwards, Doreen Haynes, Ruth Mycock, Jane Young.
Review of last minutes
Agreed by all and signed by chair and secretary.
Matters Arising
Report from Shevington Parish Council Meeting
Jane not there . No report. Jim Haynes to attend meetings.
Report from Shevington and District Community Association
Jim Haynes, Paul Green and Doreen Haynes went to the meeting. Jim was elected to that council. Nothing of relevance to Crooke was discussed.
Paul Green pursuing presentation of website. Newsletter, minutes, general, archive material , business links to be included. Paul Hesketh to talk
to Paul Green about his connection to Cotton Traders and how it could impact on the Crooke Village site.
Advertising was discussed and prices . Jim Haynes to investigate.( eg Owd Barn Alison's hairdressing business, etc.
The Registration of the Crooke Village site is a priority
Tippler Plaque Update
Interpretation Board. The money is available for this -£2000. John O'Neil, archivist in Leigh to be approached to design it, get facts and figures
correct, cost it, than the grant to be applied for by Graham Foster. Ivestigation must be done by end of April.
£1000 avaliable
Adactus has provided £500 for a computer to be used by the secretary. Thank you Adactus.
British Trust Conservation Volunteers
£5000 available.
There are 2 available in the village, but we are 16th on the list.
Other alternatives were discussed but the most promising one is the possibility of using Nursery land. The Nursery are supportive of this idea but
have to make enquiries over legal issues.
Other options for sites of allotment were discussed but the nursery option was found to be the best option. Jim Haynes and Graham Foster to
continue to pursue this line.
Village Directory
Steve Tebbit to put up a reminder on the noticeboard.
Annual Event.
Talked about Viking Day at Gin Pit Village.
Victorian Day discussed, duck race, lanterns, but nothing decided.
Plans are with Wigan Council to build 15 houses at Gathurst Lane end, and 85 houses at Vicarage Road end . Discussion followed and action will be
done as and when necessary.
Meeting Venues
It was agreed that meetings should be held at the Methodist Chapel and the Marina alternatively.
Neighbourhood Watch - Homewatch
Policeman Barry Jones, Community Support Officer, has just taken this role on, so the Neighbourhood Watch is in the process of being organised.
Any issues to go to Barry via Jim Haynes.
At the moment they-can issue ultra violet pens to mark equipment,
- have a website to register equipment.
Lawn's Wood
This is overgrown. It is owned by Wigan Metro. Paul Liptrot has arranged for repairs of steps and footpaths.
Footpath to Shevington
The farmer had left this footpath in a terrible state by deposting waste products on it and the fields next to it.
Paul Liptrot immediately got the farmer to clean up this mess, being in possession of pictures and facts provided by Jim Haynes and Paul Green.
Litter Pick
Paul Liptrot organised this for last weekend.
Christmas Tree
The repositioning of this tree to outside the Methodist Chapel will be paid for by Shevington Council.
Jane Young has resigned from her position on Crooke Village Residents Association and on Shevington Council.
This has been sadly accepted.
Michael and Alison, who live outside the village, were warmly welcomed and accepted , proposed by Jim Haynes and seconded by Graham Foster, as
members of the association.
Date of next meeting
13th April 2010 at 7pm in the Methodist Chapel.
This concludes the minutes of the meeting for March 2010.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for February 2010
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Methodist Church
7 pm. 9th February 2010
Jim Haynes, Steve Tebbit, Morag Tebbit, Ruth Mycock (Adactus), John MacDonald, Paul Green, Jan Green, Doreen Haynes, Norman Hart.
Apologies from
Andrew Edwards, Yvonne Vernon.
Review of last minutes
Agreed by all and signed by chair and secretary.
Matters Arising
Tippler Plaque still being investigated.
Jane Young re Shevington Parish Council Meeting
Jim Haynes and Graham Foster attended.
Attendance at PC meetings from a member of this group essential.
Report from Shevington and District Community Association
Jim Haynes, Paul Green and Doreen Haynes went to the meeting. Jim was elected to that council. Nothing of relevance to Crooke was discussed.
Paul Green recreating the presentation as it is too long(at present it is 20 minutes, should be 10 minutes)
Adactus Green Grant
The decision as to who the recipients will be be made by the 25th/26th February. Ruth to keep JH updated.
Different pots of money were discussed, from,
1 British Trust for Conservation Volunteers,
2 Adactus Starting Grant of £150.
3 Standish, Aspull and Shevington Trust. There is £350 shelved. Could Crooke access it?
Ruth to investigate.
Coalfield Regeneration Trust
£1000 has been allocated but there is £5000 sitting there. JH to pursue possibility of receiving this grant.
Wigan Metro had been approached who said that there were 16 applicants for an allotment and we were at the bottom of the pile. The Metro were to
be approached again, as the allotment has been derelict for 3 years.
Bank Account
This up up and running. Morag to sign her forms and get them back to GF.
Village Directory
There have been 8 replies. Steve to put another notice up on the notice board reminding people of this facility and to sign up.
Visit to Gin Pit Village
GF and JH and DH attended and were impressed with the organisation.We are to keep in touch.
Shevington and District Community Association and Township Forum
It was felt that attendance to both meetings by Crooke Residents Group was desirable, members to to chosen later.
Annual Event.
An Halloween event was discussed, to be decided later.
John MacDonald has asked the boating community if we could join up with them to present a joint function. He is awaiting their decision.
The ownership of a Catering Van by Gin Pit, was discussed. Was it a possibility for the Crooke Residents Group?
Working party to meet, to discuss the alley between 62 and 66, on the 10th Feb at 1.30.
Working party to tidy up the field again. To be arranged.
Approach the Nursery re using some of their land to use as an allotment.The children could be responsible for their own part. BTCV could be
approached to work on the pond.
Different competitions were discussed. Wigan in Bloom, North-West in Bloom. If you entered these competitions, you got recognition for the village,
but no money.
The cleaning of the towpath from Crooke to Gathurst, -Shevington council have got that in hand, getting money from the Lottery Fund.
Meeting Venues
Meeting at the church was discussed, the cost of hiring the church, in contrast with getting the facilities of the Marina for free. (Thank you
Yvonne.) Steve to bring up the matter at Church Council on the 15th February. It was felt that to have more than 1 venue might attract more people
to the meetings.
Date of next meeting
9th March 2010 at 7pm in the Marina.
This concludes the minutes of the meeting for February 2010.
Crooke Village Residents Association Meeting Minutes for January 2010
Crooke Village Residents Association
Crooke Methodist Church
7 pm. 12th January 2010
Graham Foster, Jim Haynes, Steve Tebbit, Morag Tebbit, Ruth Mycock (Adactus), Andrew Edwards (Adactus), John MacDonald, Anne Platt (Connaught).
Apologies from
Paul Heaton, Doreen Haynes, Yvonne Vernon, Paul Green, Jan Green, Jane Young.
Review of last minutes
Agreed by all and signed by chair and secretary.
Review of minutes held on 27th December 2009 at Keeper's Cottage
Agreed by GH.
Matters Arising
Christmas Tree - this is in the budget for relocation to other end of village.
Notice Board - no update.
Allotment - to be talked about at next council meeting to which Jane Young, Jim Haynes, Graham Foster are attending, on Thursday 14th January 2010.
Grit - there is a countrywide lack of it due to extreme weather conditions, but our bins have been filled up three times this week.
Rubbish - bin bags to be collected on Thursday, not wheelie bins. Notice to be put up on the notice board, and on the pub notice board.
Paul Green is fully trained. Graham Foster will help to update text on website. Graham and Morag, as secretary, to be trained too.
Village Directory
The group went through this document and decided the contents. Jim Haynes will produce it.
Bacon Butties for fishermen
Steve from Crooke Hall Inn supplies these.
A detailed plan of the proposed use of the allotment was shown. It included walkways, raised beds, disabled access, pergolas, benches and
planting. It was agreed that we send the completed application form to Ruth from Adactus to access the Green Grant, for £1000. Ruth said that
Adactus could match this figure. There was also a grant we could get from the council for £500 . GF to investigate this. Andrew said that Band Q
were happy about giving a grant to worthwhile causes. GF to investigate this.
Tippler Plaque
- no progress. GF to ask Wigan Council if there is a common format for such plaques around Wigan, and if so, who produces them.
Neighbourhood Watch in Crooke
This is run by Sandra Machin. Information about crime should be circulated to members. Ruth to talk to the Crime Prevention Team.
Bank Account
Date to open the Crooke Residents Bank Account to be arranged ASAP.
A flyer was to be distributed to all villagers and marina residents, informing everyone, that in future notices about what was happening with our
residents group, would be placed in the village notice board, and the marina notice board.
Ruth invited members of our group to meet up with Gin Pit Village folk before their next meeting on Thursday 21st January, at 6.30. JH and GF to
Anne Platt, liaison officer from Connaught, spoke of their involvement with Adactus in the upkeep of local houses, and as an organisation they
would love to help local innitiatives.
John MacDonald said that Crooke Boating Club had not met yet, but at their next meeting, he would suggest that we could join up with them to
hold a village event in the Summer.
Date of next meeting
9th February 2010 at 7pm in the Marina.
This concludes the minutes of the meeting for January 2010.